<<@eliwosalie9965 says : One doesn’t have to be Einstein to figure it out, to hide a lie will always make it harder to repeat those lies, because the truth will always bring a lying government down. It sort of implodes right before your eyes as the lies continue and right now there is an increase of major media news right here on this YT platform attempting to slow down or make it impossible for the people to comment but at the same time continuing to justify and hide their lies because politicians do not know how to tell the truth, they’re born back stabbers, all political leaders especially PM’s here in Australia have all been dealt the Julius Caesar knife in the back from within, this current PM is just as vicious, Malcolm Turnbull found that out. Scroll through and see how the Sky News have slowly been swamped and the comments platforms are slowly being silenced, attempting to shut down and hide the truth. The Federal Election after party will not change bipartisanship because all it will be is a shift change, FIFO.>> <<@turquoisebubbles2042 says : Can we just count a living wage for employment… not the people working a couple of hours a week . I mean come on let’s be real here>> <<@eliwosalie9965 says : Treasury analysis numbers can always be manipulated to suit political agendas especially when elections are on the horizon. All of a sudden the Government is taking a softer approach towards the people of Australia, mind you we’ve all been treated like criminals within our own country, have shown no respect or might I say downright arseholes, because all we’ve had was power tripping politicians, media outlets, journalists, military and Police enforcement who seemed to be all in unison to enforce the Clayton Medical Martial Law also known as the Official Public Health Orders. At this point in time, they don’t give a f•*k about the pandemic as they’re now on the campaign trail, trying to suck up to the people who now have the power to seal their political fate and there’s a look of concern on their faces. Their political performance, treatment of the Australian people will manifest and will be felt at the Polling Booths in May 2022.>> <<@williamchristenson5487 says : Lies all they do>> <<@williamchristenson5487 says : Governments got there head in the sand>> <<@warwickjefferson1610 says : I feel its best to take advantage of these situations. Big ups to everyone working effortlessly trying to earn a living. I’m 50 and my wife 44 we are both retired with over $3 million in net worth and no debts. Currently living smart and frugal with our money. Saving and investing lifestyle in the financial market made it possible for us this early even till now we earn monthly. Thanks to the volatile market movement.>> <<@eliwosalie9965 says : So why did Bill Gates and his ex wife move to New Zealand to live before the outbreak of the Pandemic? Antartica and Rothschild Island, Coronation(Corona) Island, Omicron Island and Delta Island with its subzero temperatures is an ideal place to create and store vaccines. Remember Gates contributed $250m of his own money to create a vaccine for Covid-19. You can draw your own conclusions tii ok this but I know it is fact.>> <<@eliwosalie9965 says : First we had the Corona Virus, then Delta Variant and now we have the Omicron Variant. So where did the names of this virus and variants come from? In Antartica they have Rothschild Island, and it’s outer islands, the outer island names are Coronation(Corona Island), then Omnicron Island and the third Delta Island, subzero temperatures sort of like an ideal place to store vaccines. The islands are there it’s just nobody ever bothered to look. Just a bit of info for you to peruse.>> <<@garyquelch888 says : The idle oafs that sit in parliament and sponge off the Australian taxpayer are the only reason the economy will fail not one of them have ever built a business from the ground up or know the struggle of small to medium Australian companies competing against the slave labour of China and other third world countries which their elitist globalist masters openly support>> <<@thebobbit2740 says : politics... the only occupation which pays very well for f@$k'n things up>> <<@chrishayden9599 says : Really. .how about workers who have to isolate 6000 plus cases every day. Hospitality closing their doors because its not worth opening. Hazard saying every one in NSw will get omnicron . Whos going to be able to work. You never think of the consequences of your irresponsible actions.>> <<@lukekent9687 says : They mean it will be help push the great reset...>> <<@crenattahm6018 says : Omicron..Delmicron...soon go away as people not get easy to get bluff anymore like in previous early pandemic. Your health is your responsible. Stay away from pandemic people mafia business 😁👏🏼>> <<@phillipgibbs3233 says : Yeah...until China sneezes.>> <<@jasonberry7687 says : The fraud will continue regardless>> <<@joshwilson7573 says : It's not Omicron that will derail our economy's recovery, it's the unelected overpaid tyrannical killjoy Health officials like Chant and Hazzard on behalf of the Globalist/Big Pharma cabal and the politicians rubberstamping their policies and directives called "Health Advice". These joyless ice-hearted control freaks want to ruin New Year's for all of us peasants, make it as miserable as possible out if sheer spite just to show their utter contempt for us. No doubt THEY will be partying and having a ball at their secret hush hush 'Civillised' cocktail parties and get togethers while pissing themselves laughing at us, the Great Unwashed having to miss out.>> <<@howardolney116 says : That’s the Corporation of Australia they’re talking about getting paid off by the World Economic Forum to go along with the COVID psyop so the way they look at it the current situation is good for Australia. You might want to fat cheque that. And of course there’s plenty of pecuniary advantage to be found under the table. Ask Scomo what the exchange rate for Swiss francs is at the moment. And ask him about his Vanawatu video.>> <<@DC-xr5lb says : Best wishes on your economy, Sincerely, Fu#ked in Canada>> <<@rylejoachim1970 says : This is just absurd. Why are all politicians still on 'full salary' while small businesses and employees Australia wide have to suffer?>> <<@GODSSOULJA4EVER says : Vote Australia A1 PARTY Ricardo BOSI....>> <<@howardolney116 says : Tell that to all the small businesses that have been wiped out already. And what about all the people who have had to resign or been sacked for noncompliance? What next, importing foreign workers to fill job vacancies?>> <<@nickfury2421 says : What about your stand on Western Australia????🙄🙄🙄>> <<@dontbelieveeverythingyouth8173 says : Sure thing Fraudenberg.>> <<@marcus3457 says : Nope. The dumba$$ politicians will.>> <<@josephchudleigh8367 says : Notice all the posts below are critical of the Morrison Govt .why is that? This leftist You Tube is deleting all the conservative posts. I have notified the Prime Ministers office and the Communication Minister of this blatant attempt by the Tech giants to interfere in our upcoming election.>> <<@katb945 says : 🤡>> <<@crowsfan691 says : Two weeks to flatten the curve; two years to flatten small businesses and livelihoods.>> <<@richards8718 says : This Liberal NP Treasurer Josh.F would have to go down in the History of the Federation of Australia as the most wasteful and worse treasurer ever seen in this country. The true numbers of this waste is yet to be revealed, and it will be eye watering!>> <<@mrlautomotive712 says : No, it won’t, the crazy politicians will. In WA, from the new year the unvaxed farmers cannot deliver (sell) their crop of wheat.>> <<@ellisfourthirty says : We ruined the economy so severely with lockdowns, mandates and travel restrictions that the virus itself wont even be a blip on the radar.>> <<@fullempty5271 says : And everything will change in 2022... Oh, didn't see that coming.>> <<@diannekeable7680 says : It was derailed when this bs started>> <<@SD._ says : People will derail plan of Global Ellite. Boosters harm>> <<@bobdown6235 says : If LNP stay in government they will privatise Medicare and our free healthcare system will be gone for ever>> <<@bobdown6235 says : Fraudenberg lying again.>> <<@bobdown6235 says : There’s bad news for Scott Morrison, with polling predicting a heavy defeat for the prime minister at the upcoming federal election>> <<@AlanTimms says : Our occupational government is doing a wonderful economic destruction job.>> <<@farzinfrank2553 says : Opinion of them about themselves>> <<@fungi708 says : He has to hide behind skynews for his lies>> <<@StealthyyyHD says : Lets go brandon 🤣>> <<@dariomeniconi says : Bullshit bring back job keeper now?>> <<@vanwilder1101 says : Already is.. because the Media is peddling it! As usual. Nothing but sick and twisted scandlemongers>> <<@DB-wd5xi says : Click bait bullshit!! Compassion???? Hahahaha what a joke!!>> <<@julieannemilner8176 says : YEAH cause CHINA has done that F#@k China, wen r we going to give CHINA wat they deserve>> <<@asmith1151 says : ONLY THE LYING POLITICIANS CAN STOP EMPLOYMENT RESTORATION .YOU LYING POLITICIANS HAVE CAUSED ALL THE UNEMPLOYMENT ITS ONLY RIGHT YOU RESTORE IT .ALL THESE LYING POLITICAL CRIMINALS WILL PAY FOR THE DAMAGE THEY HAVE INFLICTED ON THE AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE IN THE GUISE OF KEEPING US SAFE FROM A MILD FLU OR COLD .>> <<@paulettekaloudis3649 says : THE DECEPTION IS NEVER ENDING>> <<@middleground1858 says : Lets face it .. its LABOR that ran the stimulus that made Australia the only country avoid a recession in the GFC & the Libs attacked it!!... Sco MO & Josh WASTED 19 billion in their messed up stimulus.......>> <<@Maw5165 says : Omicron Moronic>> <<@brodydaube5312 says : I wanna see Morrison vs head China in boxing match>> <<@Heisthelightoftheworld says : Joshy will do that all with the help of his bankster and corporate mates. Can some one give him a bucket to catch all his verbal dihorea.>>