<<@ReBuild_conscience_palestine says : One thing U don't realize- it only starts with Islamophobia, then anti-Semitism but never stops there. This fire of *hate* will catch us all and will destroy our society. Wake up, mate! Do u really think Justice would not be served - ever?>> <<@norama3998 says : كيف يُسمح لمُختل عقليّا أن يحمل سلاحا ؟ كيف لمختلّ يُميّز بسهولة أن الكوفية رمز للغالية فلسطين 🇵🇸 ؟ تبرير مرفوض لأيّ مُنصف فيه عدل وَ إنسانية .>> <<@Sarah-j3r1h says : 在這遼闊寧靜的自然境界,盡情地舒展你那迷人的歡笑,敞開心扉容納這寬廣的原野;用那動聽的樂音讚賞它們的美麗,用靈巧的小手繪畫出它們的完美組合,在這裡,讓你的思想無束縛地飛揚,讓你的心在高空放飛,讓你的心靈在這無塵染的環境中淨化,讓你自己完完全全融入這美景中…#2023年台湾税收协定法案>> <<@josemiranda6394 says : This video should get 1 million views>> <<@610MARYAM says : 🫶⚡⚡❣️🪽>> <<@tjmaxx4739 says : Power of mother prayer, may god bring health to these 3 young men ! Since when speaking Arabic, and wearing scarf a crime in USA ?>> <<@aviholland1 says : ISRAEL WANT PEACE HAMAS STARTED THE WAR>> <<@SharonPoet says : I think this is due to the prejudices against Arabs, which Israel and our President has fueled with their massacre in Gaza...etc. To see the full truth we must look at the bigger picture, instead of only at isolated events claimed by Israel. BOTH sides have done wrong, but which side is the invader? Israel. And which side has inflicted the most terror? Israel, by far. Israel has actually been FAR more "terroristic" than Hamas, and has fabricated or exaggerated a lot of things, just to use Hamas as an excuse to kill off masses of Palestinian Arabs and try to terrorize the rest into leaving. Israels rounds of this terror against the Palestinians has been going on for over 70 years, and started long before Hamas even existed.>> <<@GeorgePrice-vp6td says : What happened there's more to the story that we don't know about ?? Of course no one deserves to be shot. I wonder did someone say that may have one of the people. Are one another we don't know. We don't know if anyone set this off by making a comment that could have led to this cuz people are many people I should say are on a very short fuse in many have hit the breaking point because not necessarily of somebody's religion are race. There are lots of things swirling around and our country has never seen a lot of the behavior that has been taking place. And again many people are not comfortable with what we're seeing and what is happening and they have reached a breaking point there are many people like this on both sides of the line of what people. Believe in ideology or whatever. Our country is changing in many people have to change with the country and many people will not make this change. I always believed in dialogue and people talking about I'm trying to find the positive and good about the subject one may be talking to the other about . But many people are flying off the handle for the shortest and the the list of things. So I think we have to try to respect and be careful what we say to others. Indefinitely take note of the environment we are in when you do everything successful in life is about timing . I can tell you one thing I want to see for a living in the merchant Marine and there were too many places around the world where are the people have many different customs and I can tell you one thing if I was ever to go to Palestine and I started badmouthing the government of Palestine and the people are make any rude or sarcastic comments about Palestine or any of the customs are values of Palestinian people I would no doubt be stabbed or shot or stoned to death.!!! What really bothers me about this story and even scares me if these three young 20 year old kids were walking down the street and this man came out of nowhere and shot them for no reason but that they were wearing these scarves and I'm not sure what they represent or whatever that really scares me that someone would shoot these people just because they're different from another country that they don't like . We just don't know the whole story I believe what was said to who what why . Wheel unfortunately I think we're going to see more violence of this ugly nature I think this country is going through some kind of revolution of that it's too ideologies that will not accept the other one who lives side by side I think it's time we open up to each other as one people and that are Americans . And the reason for that is because we are in America not Palestine are any where else!!!!! .>> <<@kalijasin says : If it was the other way around, Jewish Americans rather than Palestinian Americans, it would be a Hate crime. #DoubleStandards>> <<@sheikhmshoeboo7 says : CNN is Israel propogenda news channel>> <<@ssb1056 says : The man who shot these college students is a terrorist. Call him out!It is a HATE crime…an anti Semitic hate crime because Palestinians are SEMITES>> <<@johnward43 says : Didn’t those Palestinians attack a country killing thousand of civilians and kidnapping hundreds?>> <<@solitonacademy says : Seem peaceful palestines or perhaps students>> <<@Matt-og7si says : All we have heard by evey media is how antisemitism is spreading all around United States and Europe, but palestinas abroad are being targeted and killed, first the little boy who died and his mom who will never recover from the trauma of losing her child and now three students as well. Just awful>> <<@denisejones-oq2xw says : ISREALITE HATE!>> <<@paulacoyle5685 says : What happened to these boys is inexcusable and criminal, however, using it to further Hamas propaganda and lies is also pretty bad.>> <<@catherinethemba says : Still alive though unlike the innocents slaughtered on the 7th.>> <<@rachelkristine4669 says : That poor kid! Am so sorry! 🥺>> <<@maxrockanski2045 says : 😂 F U>> <<@auqibbashir5826 says : What can you expect from Zionists and their supporters but still they never call them terrorists Palestinians are not safe on their own land if they go to western countries they also kill them becoz most of the western citizens support Zionists for Gaza genocide america have existed for 247 years and only 16 of those years have been without wa>> <<@foofighter7683 says : But OFC this attack (along with the 6 y/o palestinan boy stabbed to death 26 times) will never be qualified as "terrorist" .>> <<@4sstg says : Vermont . The last bastion of tolerance and the state refugee’s choose because it was the most peaceful state. Now we know, no place in America is safe. Guns are everywhere, and hate has spread to every corner.>> <<@SadaK-tr6dm says : 150 Palestinian women and children were held as hostage by Isriael for years and 5000 civilians are still held by Isriael without trial for years. Why should Isriael not be sanctioned?>> <<@SadaK-tr6dm says : Why should Isreail not be decliared as a terriorist for what it did and is still doing?>> <<@eldenringer6466 says : If you're foreign please speak English in maga areas...or risk closing your life to a white supremacist!!!❤🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@eldenringer6466 says : I wish these 3 men who know better , had not chosen to speak loudly in Arabic while wearing traditional palastinian attire. They clearly scared local ignorant red necks who thought they were terrorists. Speak English in English speaking companies when in public. If you're in red neck areas dont look like terrorists. Hamas are on TV and red necks see them and cant tell the difference. Same is true for blacks and LGBT. People might not like this truth....but this is about keeping safe during difficult times. These men are guests in America and should have understood tolerance is now a thing of the past in too many places under maga. 🇵🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸❤>> <<@eldenringer6466 says : None of this acceptable BUT foreign people post 9/11 post every Arab terror attack need to atleast appreciate that speaking loudly in Arabic in public areas( where only English is spoken ) will scare some people. Terrorists are scary and these men intentionally made themselves look like the same hamas we see on TV. And hats their right...and none of this is ok and its profound igorance and a lack of education by Americans which caused this. BUT all foreigners who refuse to speak English in English speaking countries...in public....run the risk of violence. The same is true for all lgbtq+. And for some black people. Being gay or black now comes with a death sentence due to maga and Republicans. Same has been true for muslims for a long time. And nazis hate Jews too. This is America.❤🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@BlackandBlessed100 says : 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽>> <<@JustinOldman-y4h says : Don't be a Terrorist>> <<@aislinnkeilah7361 says : Not at all good. We have no details. Was this a totally unprovoked attack? Devastating for these young men and their families.>> <<@alexpalette says : How did wearing that terror scarf work out for you?>> <<@farvasstache6532 says : No motive...ZERO. No suspect, NONE. But if you read the thread or listen fully to the report, the spin is REAL. You'd think there was concrete evidence. Blah blah blah, Israel would've prevented help? Lol, huh? This didn't even happen there... wtf are you even talking about?!?! Gee I wonder who CNN panders to. Talk about some lop-sided ridiculous journalism. Sometimes people just get shot. You panicky bunch of weirdos.>> <<@Ytbricardi says : It's not just about the tech; it's the vision behind Amazon's AMK33X that's captivating. It speaks volumes about where we're headed as a digital-first civilization.>> <<@Sherlockwi-gt4vt says : Amazon's AMK33X seems to be this cryptic puzzle that the tech community is collectively trying to solve, and with each piece, the picture gets more fascinating.>> <<@remixsarkilar733 says : I'm all for innovation, but is Amazon's AMK33X really the breakthrough they're making it out to be?>> <<@nab8292 says : Heard a rumor that Amazon's AMK33X is going to be integrated into everyday tech. Can anyone confirm?>> <<@YutubeYutubov says : Watching the tech space evolve with Amazon's AMK33X is like living in a sci-fi novel. Exciting times!>> <<@niluferatacan says : Every tech guru is raving about Amazon's AMK33X, but I'm here just trying to understand the basics.>> <<@adellasiegle4981 says : Just watched a documentary on sustainable tech and Amazon's AMK33X got a shoutout. Anyone else think this is the future?>> <<@UmutZamanoff says : The narrative around Amazon's AMK33X is not just about the technology itself but about the potential it unlocks for future generations to build upon.>> <<@gessosen7342 says : Watching the unfolding story of Amazon's AMK33X, it's as if we're chapters into a novel that's redefining the role of technology in our daily lives.>> <<@omerakif6662 says : Amazon's AMK33X is a tapestry of innovation, ambition, and foresight—a testament to what happens when barriers are broken and boundaries are pushed.>> <<@Eskibirkadin says : I'm genuinely curious about the infrastructure powering Amazon's AMK33X. It's as if they've constructed an unseen digital architecture that's about to become central to our existence.>> <<@garlandpacheo5273 says : There's an elegance to the way Amazon's AMK33X is being discussed as a potential cornerstone for the next wave of digital transformation across industries.>> <<@minmericle1055 says : Amazon's AMK33X isn't just another project; it's like watching a symphony of technology and innovation coming together in perfect harmony.>> <<@yoshienuss5758 says : The more I learn about Amazon's AMK33X, the more I'm convinced that we are on the precipice of a tech revolution, and Amazon is leading the charge.>> <<@shahbazshahbazov5852 says : Does anyone else think Amazon's AMK33X might be a bit overhyped, or is it just me?>> <<@alexisbrooke7800 says : Pretty much any video will now tell you about how incredible Amazons AMK33X is, but they are right lol>> <<@Rose-g1m7v says : The hype around Amazon's AMK33X is reaching fever pitch, and I'm here wondering if we're witnessing the buildup to a seismic shift in consumer technology.>>