<<@FirstName-ii2lp says : Oh we are really sorry. It's just that over 6000 children of 🍉 are killed so we are busy crying over them and collecting their limbs .>> <<@jui095 says : Reality ; IDF is real terrorist organisation They killed 15000 plus innocent people 😓 and they are stealing Palestinian people’s lands .Their excuse is they wanted destroy hamas>> <<@РАШИДАланазаров-н2з says : АМЕРИКА ОТВЕТИТ ПЕРЕД АЛЛАХОМ ЗА ОРГАНИЗАЦИЮ УБИЙСТВ ДЕТЕЙ ПАЛЕСТИНЕ!ВСЕ ПОДДЕРЖАВШИЕ ЭТОТ ГЕНОЦИД БУДУТ ГОРЕТ В АДА ВЕЧНО ИНШАЛЛАХ!>> <<@Fariselail says : Have you ever thought about palestinian prisoners? /hostages? There are more than 10000. they are held without charge for years. C. N. N is a piece of s***>> <<@Mr_badjoke says : Dual-citizens people. ..while we are all extremely poor & giving up on life❤>> <<@thesabiqoon4178 says : Please interview Palestinian families who have their 8year old children kidnapped in the middle of the night by IDF soldiers. Israel breaking international laws arresting palestinian children, interrogating, and detaining without any lawyer or parent. These children are tortured and beaten and raped in Israeli jails. Please interview those palestinian families.>> <<@PreciousHearts-f3r says : I am happy that Jake is giving time to the families of the Israeli hostages and their tough experience. I have not seen him spend time with the women and the children who were released from long time imprisonment in the Israeli prisons. Shouldn’t the media be presenting the whole picture?>> <<@XxHannaxXFan says : I know how a parent feel but My question is can Red Cross visit Israeli jails When one of them say Red Cross must visit them>> <<@Sarah-j3r1h says : 一片金黃色的植物,但好像不是油菜花,遠處看,散發出金黃色的光芒,一陣風吹來,像層層疊起的波浪,此起彼伏,真是一幅美好的景象。#2023年台湾税收协定法案>> <<@samienaamien7038 says : Only one parent spoke about his son's kindness. The others just bragged about achievements. Telling. Except for the person who spoke about her uncle.>> <<@mistieblue9 says : #Hamas is a terrorist organization!>> <<@sharonkhalifa-gueta2670 says : Eight hostages were murdered. The body of wan was found thrown in the side of the road - the UN and red cross are just betrayin their roal!!!e>> <<@SaifulIslam-eo8mi says : Will Biden hear the messages from the 7200 Palestinian families whose 'loved ones ' are in Israeli jails, including 300 women and children? Spare a thought for them if you can>> <<@md.abbasuddin7230 says : After being released, the words of the captives, the expression of the face tells the real truth! Those who have psychological ideas can never be misled by false information.>> <<@ShadyShakra says : Meanwhile Israeli authority arrests even more Palestinian outside of Gaza to make up for the hostages they lost. Making it all worse for everyone. And yet ppl still defend this government thinking they want the best for the remaining hostages... insane>> <<@mazenalfeel8547 says : Why doesn't Israel release the Palestinian hostages in its prisons who have been detained for years?? Many of them are without even charges, or charges are fabricated to arrest them??? Will this not contribute to the release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas?>> <<@mazenalfeel8547 says : Wait a minute: Why are the hostages released by Hamas (in an exchange with Palestinian hostages in Israeli occupation prisons) not allowed to conduct interviews?? Why doesn't CNN conduct interviews with the Israeli hostages released by Hamas??>> <<@ntgoh says : https://youtu.be/CaVUXyl0Www?si=3YA07WjpuIyyJCqI>> <<@Grimba says : 🇮🇱🇮🇱💙💙🇮🇱🇮🇱💙💙🇺🇲🇺🇲💙💙🇺🇲🇺🇲>> <<@marymoriarity2555 says : If they were killed, then the people who took the baby and the mother hostage were the ones that killed them. Anyone who believes what these murderers say is stupid>> <<@redrick8900 says : How about the Palestinian hostages being held by Israel?>> <<@grn-mq2qh says : "He's just an American kid, he doesn't belong there." Yeah, so WTF was he doing there, fighting on behalf of land-thieves and ethnic cleansers? I ain't got NO sympathy for the IDF captives, they deserve to get what they've given. And Jake oh so gently offers these people a chance to show some heart, but no not a tear for the 6000+ slaughtered Palestinian children...human animals, vermin. They looked at him like he was speaking Vietnamese.>> <<@AhmedAyad-ui9nd says : I wish all hostages are safe and healthy. couldn’t sleep well last night seeing a 9 young boy killed by IDF yesterday 😢>> <<@vonshayne5316 says : Bring some Palestinians for a dialogue. This is bias, racist and one way of doing things. That's not democratic enough.>> <<@Baslium says : what the fuck is that 2:32 . This is absolutely a leading question. Let make these poor family talk shit about US president who try to exchange their love ones from Hamas.>> <<@bashiiromar6389 says : But. what's who killed their loved ones? 6000 were killed in gaza. i am sorry what's happening. Netanyahu is a terrible maker if you don't aware all environment will be blowing up>> <<@GVashi says : CNN you should balance with Israeli and Palestine people. Talk about both sides love ones are suffering. How many tanager ,Women’s in Israel jail. Hamas learn from Israeli government who don’t care for Arab>> <<@aaljumaili says : I am sorry for Palestinian families of more than 5000 children who were killed by Israel in Gaza>> <<@Hook-404 says : But you won't see 6,000 dead child Its like you are a humans and they are not I don't feel sorry for any Israeli>> <<@ARCSTREAMS says : i do feel sorry for any real innocent hostage kids children being at risk in gaza mostly due to idf strikes but sorry i do not feel that much pity for these ppl here or there hostages with some being idf and as for the rest you sow what you reap and are yourselves responsible for squating on stolen land and supporting a lunatic genocidal apartheid entity, and what are your suddenly "american" kids doing on this stolen land instead of being back in america?? you bare responsibility for all of that to have come thousands of miles to steal more lands and support this evil entity look where it got you , no i fell sorry for the injustices done to the palestinian ppl many whom are dead or trapped under the rubble whos homes and livelihoods have been destroyed and who been living this nightmare on daily basis for 75 years with multiple oct 7, so get your hostages back and get the hell out of palestine and end the occupation or your learned nothing from this and the problem will keep presisiting, no justice no peace>> <<@W1ZY says : *Netanyahu vs. Wall Street over Christmas Holiday Season:* 70% of Americans, and 85% of Democrats, are calling for a ceasefire. These Americans are not going to put up with images of children being slaughtered on live television during the Christmas Holiday Season. That's why Joe Biden was forced to remove these images from American television sets and replace them with "homecoming" stories *_LIKE THIS ONE_* during the American Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend. Naturally, these "homecoming" stories continue after Biden's 4-day Thanksgiving Ceasefire expired _over Netanyahu's objections_ because _American retailers have rolled out their multi-billion dollar advertising campaigns to ramp up sales over the Holiday Season. Americans are not going to put up images of children being slaughtered on TV _between Christmas retail commercials._ Biden's DNC corporate donors are well aware these Bad Optics might affect Christmas retail sales comprising a disproportionate amount of the US GNP. Thus Netanyahu's pledge to reinitiate the slaughter of children is now opposed by Wall Street owners of American corporate television networks. So if you don't have time in your busy life to keep up with the "complexities" of this latest Middle East crisis, just reduce it to Biden removing images of starving children being slaughtered from American television over the Christmas Holiday Season because Wall Street realizes such Bad Optics might affect Christmas retail sales of companies owned by Wall Street firms which also own the television networks. And that these Wall Street firms are now instructing their television networks to cover aspects of the affair that refute the validity of the Israeli "Hasbara" narrative. And if you want to get ahead of the game and find out what American corporate media is about to report to you, simply watch a television network not owned by Wall Street, such as Al Jazeera, on YouTube.>> <<@Rodmic-hd9pn says : I think NETANYAHU has become Hitler. Too many innocent children in Gaza have been killed. You can’t kill an ideology.>> <<@diandenmark says : Einat Wilf - 23 November 2023 - wrote on Twitter/X "In a better world, on October 8, the UN Secretary General, the head of the International Red Cross and other luminaries would have stationed themselves on the Egyptian border with Gaza demanding the full, immediate and unconditional release of all the kidnapped hostages, insisting that Israel owes absolutely nothing to Hamas for the release of children, mothers, the elderly, and civilians because there is no world in which such acts are OK. Israel is forced to negotiate with the twisted leaders of Hamas for our children only because so many people in official and non official positions of power failed to do their job and normalized the idea that kidnapping children from their beds and keeping them as bargaining chips is somehow a legitimate act that leads to negotiations rather than to stringent condemnation and global ostracism. " My thoughts: Had the international community succeeded in getting the hostages out immediately, the IDF could have gone straight to work on the network of tunnels. Being able to work on the tunnels without having to be concerned about hostages would mean not having to destroy so much above ground or displace or risk killing so many Gazans. I believe that the war would probably have ended after 3 or 4 weeks. ***>> <<@3ZN357 says : Bet u won’t see a CNN piece on all of the Palestinian political prisoners being held in perpetuity with no charges! But yeah sure keep bitching about Israeli hostages like they’re not more fearful of being bombed by the IDF than what dangers Hamas presented them . Hah. I hope everyone here is keeping an eye on the way media is filtering your information! A Jewish state must be abolished. Israel must accept their region to be ethnically diverse if they ever want peace. Israel caused this terrorism. They bred this terrorism and they will continue to breed terror with their mass genocide and displacement of their neighbors. It’s all about the Benjamin (Likud ayatollah).>> <<@amiraelsharkawy7430 says : اين عائلات الاف الاطفال الفلسطنيين القتلى والمعتقلين>> <<@kerryclark2464 says : Look at all white people on his show no brown people lol>> <<@jdv7378 says : DO PEOPLE UNDERSTAND THAT BIDEN IS YHE THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES NOT ISRAEL!!!! NO ONE IN THE US WANTS A WAR BUT THERE ARE SOME THAT MAKE BIDEN RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS, ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? IF IT WAS TRUMP NOT ONE HOSTAGE WOULD BE FREED.>> <<@usmank9733 says : thousands of Palestinian children and women are tortured in zionist prison.... CNN is sleeping?>> <<@denandvon9809 says : I wish all hostages are safe and healthy. I couldn’t sleep well last night seeing a 9 young boy killed by IDF yesterday 😢>> <<@djpomare says : Day 55: Gaza hospitals, schools and mosques bombed because patients, children and those in prayer are ALL human shields. 15,000+ killed in Gaza vs 1,400 in Israel. Elon Musk's X spread AI'd puppy rescue photos edited to include be-headed babies to blame on Hammas. American man then stabs 6-year-old Palestinian boy 26 times. USA dislike Muslims more than Jews and have bombed Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Palestine, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia and Yemen. Ceasefire 1 more day, 2 more days? 3... Meanwhile in other world news 41 Indian miners have successfully rescued after 17 days.>> <<@xyz20246 says : The humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza is a priority, the release of hostages is a priority, fair coverage of trauma experienced on both sides is a priority, the two state is a priority, covering the October 7th tragedy in the context of 75 years of oppression is a priority, treating Palestinians with dignity, respect and justice is a priority, portraying Palestinians as the bigger victim in this mess is a priority, and the list goes on.......>> <<@connortilson7141 says : ISRAEL, a Apartheid Theocracy, created by European Ashkenazi’s, is Ethnic Cleansing, the Indigenous peoples! ITS WRONG ! 🙈🤷‍♂️>> <<@eslamhassan9869 says : white people 😏😒 they didn't say single word about 20000 palestinian bombed and palestinian hostages kids in israel prisons>> <<@KashusKlay1 says : #freepalestine stop the Opposition and that been a human crisis 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸>> <<@Impozalla says : All these people hate hated, hated the Biden administration from the very beginning. Now that their loved one is held captive by Hamas, they are begging for Biden to do something. For Christ sakes, the man's not God. Be freaking realistic.>> <<@zandersmiranda9256 says : It's appalling to see that these families are caught under the propaganda from their President. First, of all to think the US isn't doing enough shouldn't be our problem, when times we've been told Americans are always getting involved in every war. They need to condemn what both parties the IDF and HAMAS created a war that involved many innocent civilians caught in dehumanizing life. So one Israel child left without a parent does not equal the same amount of Palestinian child left without a parent. These people are blinded by the actions of their leader and left many countries including the US to dismantle peace with the Arab Nations that can be catastrophic for the entire world. We need to live in peace with our neighboring people regardless of religious beliefs, ethnic and put aside the bible story. We must never include the story of the past and change the story>> <<@asmaalcharbaji5493 says : Israel had the option from day one to get all the hostages back they just refused and they chose to destroy and kill I don't understand do we have a losing memory virus going around in the world>> <<@jccj8201 says : 🕊️🇮🇱🇺🇸✌️>> <<@samanthaw4955 says : Thousands of Palestinians held hostage by the apartheid regime of Israel 🇮🇱.>> <<@عبدالقادرعبدالرحمنعبدالله says : Let us also hear from Palestinian families whose children are taken as hostages by IDF.>>