<<@mr.whythesciencemagicguy says : And the truth is, most voters don't want to know the truth, and that's the truth of the matter.>> <<@danielblake347 says : Honestly I'm a sick as a Veteran , with all the lies that Trump says every second,.. And he has to be on TV daily....(promoting his anger) Yet Haley,ramasami , and Desantis call Trump with all the Allegations, a candidate to run as president,,,,Again.... When you know in your heart and gut that Trump doesn't belong anywhere except 6 ft under..... And that's the Truth....As Mom would say, Trump is the Devil 👿👿.....>> <<@melanieevans5597 says : Christi is like a liberal influenzer, this one said this , this one said that , this one didn't do this and this one didn't do that . He is challenging this one and that one , quoting this one and that one , correcting this one and that one , villyfying this one and that one, complaining about this one and that one, laughing at this one and that one, analyzing this one analyzing that one . We need to hear His vision for unifying the nation and how He plans to resuscitate the economy.>> <<@motionattached says : Chris stays truthful when he attacks Trump, while hypocritical when he was trying to attack Vivek to protect Nikki at the debate, now he attacks Nikki because he realizes he and Nikki are fighting for the second spot. He will get zero from Trump’s voters, and almost zero from democrats, how possible he could win the race?>> <<@williamborden2901 says : Shit up Christie. Go get your bbq chickens and relax. You have no chance in this race. Not now not ever.>> <<@georgerose8727 says : Christy is the only legitimate candidate of the bunch, he stands alone with his unflinching beliefs and doesn't kiss ass or bend to Trump or anyone else. He has guts and principals and as governor he has the right political experience to be a decent president. The rest are all Trump ass kissers that are afraid to really state their mind honestly, for fear they offend any of the Trump followers.>> <<@andrestamayo6509 says : I'm an independent, and I can easily state, that THIS, is how a President should sound. Firm, direct, knowledgeable and intelligent of what he is speaking about. Trump would NEVER dare debate Christie. Haley, would just give Trump, pats and wag her finger. No debate, would take place.>> <<@jbtpa895 says : Anderson was 5. or 6 when Watergate/Nixon happened!>> <<@christiansmakingmusic777 says : The same thing happened in 2016. By the time these contenders decide to drop out Trump will have a commanding delegate lead. If there were only one other person running they would stand a chance, but which one.>> <<@claviogracias4975 says : Chrs & Nikki do not give Trump as President to run just let them go to the jail!>> <<@garygriffin9877 says : I wouldn't vote for Chris crispy cream for donut police 😂>> <<@Wynn-fr6oz says : Out of Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamey and Chris Christie, I would vote for Chris Christie. He is willing to tell the truth. I just wish he would have had the balls to do it before the trump lies got waaay out of hand. But, I will be voting for President Biden again in 2024!! President Biden's accomplishments completely sold me Big Time.>> <<@rickrobinson2057 says : If elected president Nikki Haley will pardon Donald Trump from his crimes. She is one Trump surrogate.>> <<@wendiwonderly1419 says : Nikki Haley is distinguishing herself in the debates because she is the most polished politician on that stage. Unfortunately she has discredited herself by sitting on the fence with the trump issue until she risks a straddle injury. There’s a reason why your mother always told you don’t ride your brothers bicycle. Bigbadnurse>> <<@yesterdayproductions1019 says : Chris Christie should just declare that he is a Democrat & then go on a diet. LOL>> <<@theeoarsman921 says : Christie has one foot in the grave and the other foot on a slice of banana cream pie!!!😀>> <<@tatriceshipp9139 says : Delusional😂>> <<@kayalcorn9569 says : A 6 week ban on abortion is still pro choice. They don't see the contradiction.>> <<@jesseorona7737 says : Ckrispy Creme Nobody is Listening But the SWAMP that owns U..>> <<@allanpatterson7653 says : I would love to vote for a Conservative. Has anybody seen one? All I see are a pack of goddam screwballs.>> <<@lieuphuongmai9592 says : Xin chồng cnn 5000 đô cứu ,anderson cooper xin cứu...>> <<@annemarieromer6241 says : Chris quiet 🤫🤐 you supported Trump 😂 begged him to run come on. Americans absolutely care .. 👋👋 Chris isn’t gonna happen.>> <<@Yusuf-j3j2s says : Go to the gym sir Anderson is a sick man>> <<@Spyderredtoo says : Any candidate that either of the Koch’s support should be automatically disqualified.>> <<@DonnaHolt-ge6om says : The billionaires own the Republicans in office and now Nikki Haley.>> <<@asopopilosopo4158 says : Paid to run on nothing 🐖🐖🐖 christie>> <<@rmiami225 says : All of them kissed trump’s ass including Christie, until he didn’t! I will reward no one who enabled trump with my vote!>> <<@11aaf says : *When Trump was the POTUS, we had low infIation, gas prices under $2 a gallon, a secured southern border, the U.S. Petroleum Reserves were filled, the U.S. was the #1 oil producer in the world, the U.S. wasn't at war, ISIS reign of terror came to an end, the U.S. military was strengthened, every working American received an income tax cut, 100s of job killing regulations were ended, everyone was able to find a job who wanted one, crime was down except for large cities controlled by Dems, moved the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, removed the U.S. from the costly Paris Climate Accords, Trump gave his $400k annual paycheck while POTUS to charity (i.e. $1.6 million), replaced the unfair NAFTA trade agreement with the USMCA trade agreement, chose three great constitutionalist Supreme Court justices whom helped end Roe v Wade, and when Trump was the POTUS, school children knew what a female was!*>> <<@smb723 says : I don't understand why Republicans (and many Democrats) can't admit that Palestine has a right to be sovereign.>> <<@user-kf5bz9xg3x says : Nicki, bragging about being bought by the most immoral poluters for profit. Just an evil entity, way to sell yourself to the highest bidder. Nicki this is a reason not to vote for you, you will serve who owns you the koch brothers!!>> <<@thenov1944 says : Trump : Drama Clown ! ! 🤡 🤡 🤡>> <<@Sarah-j3r1h says : 我喜歡大自然的風景,喜歡蔚藍的天空和大海,喜歡那如夢似幻高山流水絕景意境畫面,更喜歡海南椰島那一排排高聳入雲,挺拔秀麗四季常青的樹木,在這一片綠色田園,大自然的獨特風景中。我喜歡靜靜聆聽,那溪水清冷,鳥語嬸鳴。還有附近村莊的雞鳴狗叫。喧鬧一片!#2023年台湾税收协定法案>> <<@davidr.carnie6850 says : I wonder how many bots are in this comment section>> <<@leanderrowe2800 says : As a Liberal from Canada, of course I support President Biden. But out of all the Republican candidates, Chris Christy is the only one with a spine.>> <<@horacio-ho3bf says : Intelligent, honest, well spoken.....no chance in hell for GOP 24 Magats want lies, hatred, and stupidity in the name of Jesus>> <<@lydiaapponey says : Cant you get anybody better on your show bwside Christie LMAO!!!!!>> <<@jaywagner7894 says : Christie has not qualified for last debate>> <<@skyhawk36 says : I would really like to know how Anderson Cooper feels about George Santos and his being kicked out of congress?>> <<@THEWARISWITHIN says : Lmao reading these posts from petty leftists saying Christie is the best candidate for the Republican party smh NJ dont respect this man, we despise him and NJ is a blue state lol>> <<@marcmartinovic5366 says : This Christie guy is real idiot He has all negative to say about everybody but he is the right guy SAINT.>> <<@RR-on1gj says : CNN and Chris Christie a couple of losers. Pathetic.>> <<@rizzo3170 says : the problem overriding all of the GOP people is that they have all at one time or the other supported or were involved with Trump. Agree that Haley may be good but problem is she or any of them are probably going to be beholding to Trump in the end.>> <<@7hilladelphia says : Chris Christie is the only one talking sense.>> <<@patmatt1987 says : I’m truly in on Christie doing well in this thing called politics. I would pay to see him onstage with Trump!!!!!>> <<@ellenweiss5850 says : The only person who tells it 100% like it really is Chris Christie i never new if i was expecting a baby after only 6 weeks with all my children.>> <<@galaxyglitterlatte4664 says : Trump actually said that he "likes chaos." That's not a trait you want in a president. There's that and a million other reasons NOT to vote for Chump. I'm a 56 yr old female Democrat from NJ and I'd vote for Christie.>> <<@getabratosin5993 says : Christie president>> <<@terjoe6643 says : Christie criticises a majority Republican Supreme Court for enacting Roe and praises a Fascist Supreme Court for overturning its precedent. He complains about his American Fascist Party's incompetence in not selecting a speaker and dumber than a rock Republican Tuberville putting America's security at risk - ALL Republican moral corruption and incompetence - while proclaiming Republican "values" as bought by the Koch brothers. He talks nonsense like every other Orange Hitler supporter because never forget that he backed Orange Hitler's Fascism ALL THE WAY.>> <<@jorgejohnson451 says : Christie’s problem is that he can’t defeat Trump without defeating the base of the Republican Party that helped elect Nixon, Reagan and the Bushes. He’s trying to bite off the hand that has fed the Party. Didn’t work for McCain, didn’t work for Romney. It’s not going to work for Christie.>> <<@njs_gc says : I like Christie but his Israel bootlicking is disgusting.>>