<<@pgroove163 says : ick>> <<@vandrosiglio says : He is full of S>> <<@samehmikhail5039 says : CNN is bias, and controlled , before and after October 7th IDF kills Palestinians every day in Gaza, and the West Bank . Our administration is controlled by the Israeli lobby>> <<@samehmikhail5039 says : Now Israel killed over 20 ,000 civilians, over 90 journalists , over 20 UN workers, bomb hospitals , schools, churches. Blinkin is lying>> <<@miguelangelaguilar5861 says : Accumulate the amount that Israel has gotten in the Past 20 years and see why there is honeless American Citizens on the streets😮>> <<@makemagamad3370 says : This is what turning me off from the Democratic Party. I really don’t care if someone else’s wins the white house. This lady have no soul. Babies being pull out of bomb buildings. Our journalists are afraid to ask what’s on their minds. I wish trump wasn’t running and the freaking Democrats lost all power.>> <<@aintnoslice3422 says : Debbie Wasserman Schultz shows what country her loyalties truly lie. Schumer too, and all the "liberal" Zionists. Always the same manipulation.>> <<@berosmith9041 says : There is no justification for giving money to fund a genocide! It makes you an accomplice! It would be far better to use your taxpayers' money to look after Americans? You could do with a good Health system!>> <<@daviel1005 says : No aid, no influence. If aid ends, CNN might as well end their coverage because they will have exactly zero leverage.>> <<@beadweaver4409 says : Don’t want anymore US tax dollars sent to isreal just so they can kill Palestinians. I hate this woman and have sent her emails letting her know exactly what I think of her. For too long the US has sent billions to Israel without any conditions. At this point in time I just think we should completely cut isreal off completely. I’m sick and tired of all isreali citizens getting free healthcare with our tax dollars. We have too Many Americans who go without while isrealis live in the lap of luxury. Claims that all the land belongs to them because the Bible says so is bullshit! I don’t even think these people are religious because if the were they would not behave the way they do. You know bibi and this Debbie monster are in it for themselves and don’t care about others. In fact they don’t like any American non Jews and don’t care if we live or die. They just want the money to continue flowing in, begins and ends there. They are deceiving the American people and Joe Biden is being made a fool of. Bibi doesn’t give a dam about president Biden and would be much happier with trump the hump in power.>> <<@artoffderidikulous3009 says : Israel would not exist in its present form.......a fascistic apartheid state.......without the full and unquestioning financial support of the U.S. The similarities between the treatment of the Palestinians and that of the Native American tribes in order to steal land, is uncanny.>> <<@PaulJaglal says : Everything that sad imitation of the crypt keeper uttered was propaganda lies>> <<@ShabumkinSpleen says : Wasserman's an eeejut! Either that or she's a bit of a monster... Stood happily next to a death count of 15,000+ and rising, she points at the slaughtered and screams "Terrorists!" It's not a good look on anyone.>> <<@JuaqiemMckelvy3214 says : Netanyahu playing Blinken like a cheap fiddle 🥵>> <<@Johnston212 says : Held to a higher standard? The same country that has numerous human rights violations? What exactly is the war time standard? A quota limit? Until we get independent verification, we can't simply trust whatever we are told. If nothing else, make it conditional on the ability to provide basic necessities and independent verification. Now, CNN, I look forward to you attempting balanced reporting by getting a Democrat who is in favor of conditions on the show to inform your viewers, in theory, of both sides of the situation.>> <<@Independent-Thought says : Victor “Israel can only be good…..you should know that. Please only ask questions about Hamas !” Get in line brother she will have you cancelled in a hot second……>> <<@hamzehsidawi9224 says : Such a layer>> <<@compass101 says : What Israel is doing has nothing to do with hostages. Israel sees this as an opportunity for ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. US sees it as a war against Iran. That explains why they quickly brought in the warships to stand by as back up.. Even if all the hostages are free today, Israel will continue with the war. Senseless politicians- now i understand why there is so much resource and lives wasting on wars when people like this are making decisions while those paying taxes are struggling to pay their student loans.>> <<@wilwad says : America is no one's friend.>> <<@leonalexander6977 says : Such kindness should be granted to her family>> <<@leonalexander6977 says : Stop liying you don,t have a. Clue>> <<@leboramoreboli7950 says : She is so insensitive. She's intelligent enough to know that Israel is cruelly butchering Palestinian women.and children.>> <<@artemmandrob says : Debbie W-S is losing me. The Dems are losing me. She is talking the party line of a right-wing foreign country that is NOT held to any standard. She acts like everything started on 10/7. It didn't. She sounds uninformed as a result. No one has justified this massive military gift as an EMERGENCY. We have been shoveling close to 4 billion dollars a year of US tax money over there for years. Israeli has one of the most powerful armies and air forces on earth. Justify the 'emergency' please. Dems need a better approach. This is a loser strategy.>> <<@KrysMc.. says : There is a special place in hell waiting for people like Debbie.>> <<@faithbrown9521 says : The people who vote for this evil woman need to wake up. She is a liar.>> <<@johnpublic168 says : No aid to Isreal who commits war crimes.>> <<@WayOfDiplomacy says : A part of Israeli society, messianic, racist and psychotic, seems to think that the divine word and the Holocaust authorize it to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians for 75 years, oppressing the Christians, Jews and Muslims who have lived in Palestine for millennia.>> <<@jjsc4396 says : Are you seriously asking the ultra-discredited, eye-wateringly corrupt, sacked former DNC liar-in-chief about US Israel policy? My gawd CNN, have you no shame?>> <<@patrickhamilton8881 says : Love how zionists get very upset when you bring up the Palestinian death toll lol>> <<@jayjackson9386 says : She is a big supporter of genocide in Gaza. Shame on us as Americans to allow our tax money used to kill others>> <<@BWAGroupage says : Sick how America finds it okay to slaughter Palestinians because of a small group of people>> <<@UprisingConsulting says : A fairly densely populated area-dws Clown in the history books.>> <<@mattengland653 says : This dudes tie is killing me… he’s a “black king” 😆😆🤡🤡>> <<@mattengland653 says : No we shouldn’t period>> <<@MrSimoMlt says : We'll look at it very closely. Israel just killed 700 in 24 hrs. And this representative is a genocide supporter.>> <<@RintaRewil says : Micro no more keichy said>> <<@FloriaG777 says : How many dollars in campaign funds is APEC briding this congress person to spread her lies and manipulation?>> <<@Aamri23 says : Every one ignores the root cause of a 75 YEAR OCCUPATION 😒>> <<@williamshaw5388 says : Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the reason I don’t vote Democrat any longer.>> <<@rursus8354 says : The current Israeli government is a racist, apartheidist and Fascist one. They will have no qualms about bombing Gaza, commit genocide and annex it. And then USA will stand there with the bad political optics of supporting genocidal racists. The pro-Israelite blame game perfectly aside.>> <<@swedishpride1864 says : She is against it because she is a jew herself>> <<@hlits6310 says : President Biden, doesn’t know what day of the week it is. President Obama tells him what to do. Iran can invade America and Biden would do nothing>> <<@myler45 says : Israel is a criminal state, to subsidize them is to participate in war crimes. The US is complicit in genocide under international law. The whole world is aware of this.>> <<@BenarSalah8001 says : 🇺🇸🇮🇱🐷🐷🐷>> <<@Sarah-j3r1h says : 這一生,總有那麼一些人,是你過河必須投下的石子;是你煮茗需要的薪火;是你夜歸照明的路燈。但這些人,終將成為過客,連同自己,有一天也要將生命交還給歲月。那時候,孤影萍踪,又將散落在哪裡?#2023年台湾税收协定法案>> <<@jareklewis5519 says : I feel ashamed to be a Floridian>> <<@HazelWorldwide says : Is she an Israeli politician or diplomat? I’m confused about her>> <<@DanH-u3f says : No military aid for Israel.>> <<@steely755 says : No more aid to isreal.>> <<@thankyouutp says : This lady is talking out of her ass.>>