<<@lvcaster9082 says : Mr Vanderbilt & Cooper It was great to meet you and as you said it’s all tru , I realized. The successful parent and it’s past present future: s surprisingly I realized where I went or decided greedy! Agreed I didn’t have to all was about brilliant future journey as you said and wish it for you and your loved ones Anderson. Thank you kindly for proving that no matter who the person is , faithful or unfaithful all can become greedy equally the same: beginning to end: it was opposite what was insulated it’s the opposite a success story I dreamt sensed about and thankful that I had someone like you to share it with. Grateful for you. As always and forever and ever and day, Thankfulll Thank you kindly Cooper.🏆 Excellent job! Stay hydrated and have a wonderful day! First and foremost and I added … first foremost, and most importantly wishing you success. All best . HRihan>> <<@HM-rz8nv says : No peace without justice for Palestinians once and for all, and that justice must be a single state built on human rights, human dignities and equal political rights for all ethnicities and religion. FREE PALESTINE FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA!>> <<@Nadia-ne9iz says : Anderson should be careful because he could end up canceled because of the Zionists>> <<@yinyang4886 says : Beware! This is an israeli propaganda!>> <<@oldsharkbythesea3962 says : CIA undercover Propaganda Agent>> <<@SandiKnowler says : Frankly this grief report has been going on for two years. Every time I check the news it’s staring at me right in the face. Has He ever thought yapping about grease for so long could dredge up past feelings of grief for people that have acknowledged and dealt with their grief. I think He needs to get private therapy and learn to deal with His grief. Goodbye CNN>> <<@shamimamueenideen3164 says : What war did u coverAnderson Cooper?>> <<@soaplovers says : Isreal in fact is occupied Palestine>> <<@GotoHere says : When’s Anderson going to ask the pro Hamas terrorist, anti semite democrats from the squad some real questions?>> <<@an.american says : Zionism is the movement for the self-determination and statehood for the Jewish people in their ancestral homeland, the land of Israel. While there has been a continuous Jewish presence in the land of Israel over the millennia, the yearning to return to Zion, the biblical term for both the land of Israel and Jerusalem, has been a cornerstone of Jewish communal life since the Romans violently colonized the land, sending Jews into exile two thousand years ago. They were earlier exiled by the Babylonians as well.>> <<@Sarah-j3r1h says : 風從水上走過,留下粼粼波紋;陽光從雲中穿過,留下絲絲溫暖;歲月從樹林走過,留下圈圈年輪。#台湾国际团结法案>> <<@Angels-3xist says : What this man and the people he shares on the podcast are doing is one of the most vitally healing things that all of us need or will need in the future. It’s astoundingly powerful and true. It hits hard. How we need to be to face the hardest things. Whether you are grieving or know people who are or know that grief will come, please give it a try. Personally dealing with a great deal like many and it has given me some strength I was finding hard to come by. Can’t recommend it enough. Peace, prayers and love to any suffering or living with grief on any level. You are so far from alone.>> <<@jeniferjohnson374 says : Where's the picture?>> <<@thex-files2468 says : HAMAS DID NOT START THIS. It's been happening for decades.>> <<@thex-files2468 says : Israel is the REAL TERRORIST here. Just look at the fact about what's happening at Gaza and West Bank. Countless bodies.>> <<@brianbrino4310 says : Quite sad but these are the most difficult moments we have to face throughout our lifetime!>> <<@elhassanezeriouh2636 says : Shame on you Cooper . War in Israel? You are lying to American people. That's despicable journalism.>> <<@tijanimoncef5314 says : hypocrits millonnaires>> <<@Yara-Li says : To all the Palestinian yapping here - there was NEVER a Palestinian state! It was a territory and the Muslims immigrated there from Saudi Arabia and other parts of the Ottoman Empire. BTW they were always considered Arabs. There could have been had they accepted many many different offers. Some accountability is required. Also until 1967 Gaza was under Egyptian rule and the West Bank under Jordan. also - guess who has a population of over 70% Palestinians? hint - look for the similarity between flags. Palestinian Identity is a Communist idea created at KGB headquarters where Arafat (not his real name) and Abas (also a nickname) were branded with their terrorist ideology. Palestinians need a new leadership that is not based on hating Israel and the Jews but prefers to benefit Palestine's future. Terror will not do that!>> <<@larryCatford says : the world now wants united states to pay up those 33 Trillion Dollars debt - no amount of fake news on China could distract their concern !!!>> <<@larryCatford says : united states has lost the trade war against China - the American People are now suffering big time>> <<@linda-qf6yh says : 175,000 illegals were let in JUST THIS WEEK 🤬. Quote “ many single men coming in alone, occasional men with families”. What’s going on??? Why is Biden and his corrupt administration still allowing this? Millions are now here!!! Not one comment addressing this issue>> <<@HumanBeingsRThinkingBeings says : Mind Begs the Question: - Nazi Media defended Hitlers Policies,Starvation,Death Camps,Gas Chambers,Pogroms,Ethnic Cleansing,etc - If a Media defends Starvation,Death Camps,Gas Chambers/White Phosphorus,Pogroms,Ethnic Cleansing,etc - Same as Nazi Media,no?>> <<@victoriacampos7715 says : Thank you Andersen!>> <<@gashousegorillas1 says : biden caused all of this mess in the world 4 wars ...ILLEGALS>> <<@josephsonora3787 says : Cooper, I'm Mommies Millions makes all feel better?>> <<@Greggster1 says : How many countries tax the sh*t out of their citizens, so they can send money to the United States? None, it's all part of the Biden crime family covering themselves up for past illegal and fraudulent activities!>> <<@an.american says : *Palistinians must denounce Hamas.* The last elections for the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) were held on 25 January 2006. There have not been any elections either for president or for the legislature since.>> <<@SaturnR120-st3fb says : One thing in Tiare Villesse 🧟.>> <<@heathenhammer2344 says : Fake news muppet>> <<@hudashafiq8311 says : 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸❤️❤️❤️>> <<@ChrisAlbertH47 says : I don't have anything against Cooper, but calling what he's done "covering the war in Israel" is inaccurate. What he's doing is "covering for Israel" given how pathetically in lockstep with their talking points he and his other CNN crew has been on this issue.>> <<@Reading720 says : Many years ago when I was younger, I had never experienced the lost of a loved one before so I was unprepared. It came like a tsunami, first it was my fiance at the time, I lost him to a car accident, then less then a year went by my grandmother passed away, she had a stroke. She had stayed in the kitchen nook, we had a bench and a table there, she would sit with me late at night to talk to me while I cried. When she was in the hospital I stayed with her day and night and slept in the waiting area because she was in the emergency room area where you can't stay overnight there at the time, the one day I went home to shower so that I can return to my grandmother's side, I received a phone call telling me my grandmother passed away, she was 83. The lost of the 2 people I loved most in the world destroyed me. One day I picked up a pamphlet in the hospital waiting area when my grandmother was in the emergency room, I did not read it until my grandmother passed away, in the pamphlet it showed me how to grieve, so I am taking this time out to share what I have learned if it can help other people to understand how to come to terms with the lost of a loved one, with the help of the pamphlet I came up with a process to heal myself. I had also lost my father in Sept a few months ago of this year, this time I had prepared myself mentally and emotionally for the lost, it broke my heart but I knew how to come to terms with it because I mentally thought through the process of what I would do and how will I feel about it, he had many illnesses and outlived the life expectancy of what the doctors predicted. I allowed myself to cry but knew that it was his time. The grieving process: #1 It is important to keep aside the emotional part of losing a loved one and to think of it as a scientific matter instead of an emotional matter, in a way compartamentalizing it in terms of an occurance outside of our control. When it is someone's time to leave this earth it is their time and there is nothing we can do about it, each person has their own destiny to fulfill outside of our control in terms of losing a loved one, the process will help to relieve the guilt that we put on ourselves that we may have had any sense of control to sway destiny. #2 With the first step in mind we must find comfort in the process/steps of the closure. Set out some time to write a letter to the lost loved one. Write out your deepest feelings as to how you felt when the person died. Allow yourself to go through the motion like a checklist, I know it sounds cold but this is what will protect you from falling apart. Write out what you love about the person and what you will miss about the person, write out the feelings of guilt or resentment, don't spare yourself the feelings of guilt or resentment, it is ok to go to the depths of your thoughts and feelings, once you go to the depths of your thoughts and feelings, forgive yourself and the lost loved one if it is required, find comfort in knowing that you are not in control of their destiny, the last step is to write out that you know that the person will always be around, not physically but spiritually, keep the letter that you will write to yourself and always remember the love that you have for the person and the love they had for you or even if there was a lack of love, at least you will get your feelings out in the open in order to release yourself of your feelings. If you have kids or a busy schedule, try to make arrangements so that you can have the time and space away from everything to focus on the healing process to write the letter to your lost loved one when you are ready to do so, go to a cabin or rent a hotel room to be alone to write the letter and be kind to yourself during the process. I know people will think it is weird to prepare yourself ahead of time if you haven't had the experience of losing a loved one but I find it helpful to mentally and emotionally prepare in order to strengthen your inner self to be aware of the process for when it does occur you will be prepared, knowledge can provide strength, and if you have already lost a loved one the process will help you find comfort and closure. Death of a loved one is one of the hardest thing in life people will have to face at one point or another, it is important to understand how to come to terms with losing a loved one.>> <<@laltumondal8937 says : CNN is propaganda machine of Israelis. Anderson Cooper is a double standard agent of Israelis who sold out his journalistic ethics by siding to portray the agony of Israelis but he deliberately forgot the oppression of Israelis for last few decades and killing of innocent children and women from Palestinians sides. A hypocrite journalist sold out his soul for money. As a journalist he should bring out suffering of human being from both sides and hold those in power accountable. Shame if he can't hold humanity at his reporting>> <<@robertmcintosh8773 says : Estimates are between 700 and 3500 terrorist have entered the southern border in thr last 3 years and the evil within wants you to focus on Trump>> <<@sansajune8004 says : 75 years of grief and suffering and death amongst palestinians. 75 year of volatile security to the innocent people of the regime of Israel ruled, by a genocidal zionist movement and lead by a genocidial zionist government, who use the atrocities committed against holocaust survivors to justify another genocide of another ethnic/religious group. I have been a fan of Anderson Cooper ever since I saw him on the CNN back in 4th grade. The way this tragedy is being covered by you is heartbreaking.>> <<@diazvirdani1059 says : *for fast peace, UN🇺🇳 & UK🇬🇧 must end Israel occupation in West Bank & Golan. UK🇬🇧 responsible in Palestine conflict. Balfour declaration issued by UK, which announced for establishment 'national home for Jews' in Palestine. at that time, Palestine was teritory Ottoman empire & jews in Palestine were still minority. Palestine & Syria want the Israel to end occupation & be peace.. but, Israel always refuses 😪*>> <<@punchthem4582 says : Lose, grief, and so many years of fudge pa----king. My favorite part was when Anderson was in Egypt when the Muslim Brotherhood took over (CNN thought it was freedom) and he was running for his life because they figured out who and what the pale propagandist was. LOL>> <<@midnighfairy says : Cooper has no moral or compassion in his heart to do tuis kind of reporting>> <<@sleekblackroadster says : Westerners are the biggest terrorists we should change that i thought we did after the last stupid wars we participated in>> <<@timothyslaughter476 says : But if stormy ever tells him what trumps penis looks like his journalistic career will be complete! Lord knows he tried!>> <<@stevetakkinkwan8910 says : God's justice will eventually come timely according to His plan. Satan times are counted.>> <<@stevetakkinkwan8910 says : God's justice will eventually come timely according to His plan. Satan times are counted.>> <<@almaisic-spahovic5683 says : There will never be ☮️ and security for Israelis until there is justice for Palestinians❤>> <<@markcosenza3274 says : Is this available on CNN plus?😂😂>> <<@ernestoybarra7333 says : No body cares about Anderson Vanderbilt except Anderson Vanderbilt What America wants to know is what does Anderson Vanderbilt feel about Uranus as a whole 😮>> <<@NPCONSULTING247-jy3pz says : Yes where was the IDF at 7/10 ? Netanyahu and Galant will burn in hell. And a hole population gets blamed with antisemitism where thousands went on streets>> <<@jonerlandson1956 says : *you people have made great strides in our existence...* i frankly think you people are IMMORAL.... *_Top 10 U.S. Literacy Rate Statistics..._*_ 21% of adults in the US are illiterate in 2022... _*_54% of adults have a literacy below sixth-grade level..._*_ 21% of Americans 18 and older are illiterate in 2022. Low literacy rates end up costing Americans up to $2.2 trillion every year..._ *_The U.S. has the lowest life expectancy at birth, the highest death rates for avoidable or treatable conditions, the highest maternal and infant mortality, and among the highest suicide rates..._*_ The U.S. has the highest rate of people with multiple chronic conditions and an obesity rate nearly twice the OECD average.Jan 31, 2023_ _Dr. Thomas Seyfried: Cancer as a Mitochondrial Metabolic Disease -_ https://youtu.be/KusaU2taxow?si=0TOHo1R3UtW8a6N1 _Unlocking Nature's Secrets: The Mind-Blowing Rhizophagy Cycle Explained by Dr. James White -_ https://youtu.be/E1g175UxSUs?si=ftKG-aLWqJrHsYlQ>> <<@imadbitar11 says : Israel is an illegal terrorist assembly that has no right to react>> <<@jonerlandson1956 says : *_A full 90 per cent of the Earth's precious topsoil is likely to be at risk by 2050,_*_ according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO. In a bid to protect soil globally and help farmers, the FAO warned on Wednesday that the equivalent of one soccer pitch of earth erodes, every five seconds.Jul 27, 2022.._ *_Is the Earth really overpopulated?_*_ Yes, for two main reasons. First, people are rapidly displacing wildlife species across the globe, initiating a mass extinction event. Second, we are degrading ecosystems that provide essential, irreplaceable environmental services that future generations will need to live decent lives._ *_The following countries_*_ have the highest estimated World War II casualties: _*_the Soviet Union (20 to 27 million), China (15 to 20 million),_*_ Germany (6 to 7.4 million), Poland (5.9 to 6 million), Dutch East Indies/Indonesia (3 to 4 million), Japan (2.5 to 3.1 million), India (2.2 to 3 million), Yugoslavia (1 to 1.7 million), French Indochina (Laos, Cambodia, part of Vietnam) (1 to 2.2 million), and France (600,000)...._>>