<<@ChristopherSaputa-mm6jh says : The UN never dumps overloads if Refugees. They ASK for recipient Nations "How Many" will/can you accept to not overburden security or Assimilation and provide adequate human dignity support on a temporary basis, to return home after crisis or disseminate to otger nations after an agreed period. Where are the questions put to America? With so many Soanish derivative speaking Refugees, why are they not divided to offer refuge to the 21 Spanish speaking Nations and their territories?(ie- US to Puerto Rico). It's all a dualistic scam. Firstly, opportunistic false Refugee claims purely seeking American generosity and stsndard of living instead of pioneering new towns, cities in their Nation's vastly unused land areas with plenty of resources. They want instant gratification without effort and struggle every evolving society goes through. In the least they can agree to go into dying/dead cities and rdhabikitate/revitalize tge blighted decaying ones instead of outcompeting US citizens for housiing, Healthcare, overburdened schools without English or adequate age level education. Assimilation is impossible with such loads, why Legal Immigration has limits of 1-1/2 Milkion and Freen Cards set limit. These rates were long determined efficient for Assimilation into available communities with funding and life/career/school absorptive capacities. When Illegal Immigration adds 2-300% more than legal, no system can adapt to rates of convergence, nor afford such displacements of rightful competing citizens and legal sponsored immigrants, nor can the "refugees" be verified by courts, let alone tracked to follow their immediate determined status, or their end of crisis return mandate. This is mathematically, logistically and fiduciarily irresponsible and impossible without sudden deterioration of orderly society. 2- The obvious overloading and impossible determination, resolution and conclusion of the Millions of fraudulent "Refugees" fits exactly in the Socialist Cloward-Piven model to degrade and collapse a capitalist society and factions in power who think they will be the end "Elite" echelon in rule have bribed and coerced their way through the Democrst Party and some RINOs with constituents taking advantage of cheap illegal immigrant labor and potential Census, Voting and Sociak benefits draw corruption feeding hands in the middle through greed. - Another term at this rate and we will become the USSAR if not overthrown by worse Tyranny by spies, agitsnts and terrorists being sent here by adversaries as "Refugees". WE ARE NIMRODDIING IT SO FSR.>> <<@TTruthwins says : Graham is one of the last people in america that actually has a brain!!! he is absolutely 100% right about israel!!!!>> <<@hashem26962 says : The world has changed Senator. Wake up!>> <<@donners304 says : Lady G being a horrible person as usual...>> <<@tmoma7 says : I am surprised Lindsey Graham stopped kissing the a** of their orange God long enough to do this interview.Shameful wuss. YOU are not off the hook for Jan.6>> <<@Enoch33 says : How come lindsy Grahm is not being charged for his interference with the grorgia election? Also why is he not being investigated for hos role on january 6th?>> <<@BradAlfredo says : All Americans tired pay taxes homeless and Jewsh all senate????⁉️⁉️⁉️>> <<@BradAlfredo says : He are Jewsh 🤔 Americans all Jewsh senate my question ❓⁉️❓⁉️❓>> <<@frankwalters2239 says : The Biden administration has the responsible to please problic opinion due to the public outcry while they give Israel all the support they need.>> <<@NUWORLDKULTUREDIGITALDESIGNS says : Senator Ghraham is "a human animal"..and a pathological LIAR. HE EQUATES ALL PALESTINIANS AS THE ENEMY AND THAT THEY AEE RAISED TO HATE JEWS! TOTAL LIES..>> <<@Kagekivx says : October 7 is nothing close to Pearl Harbor. Unbelievable exaggeration.>> <<@tulyatungaumar7213 says : Graham is a war criminal and have blood on his hands,so going in hospital and executing babies is also part of Graham and his zionist entity are defending them selves>> <<@tulyatungaumar7213 says : Graham him self is naive and war criminal,how do u say am defending my self through killing babies,children and women,,idf have no different boko haram of nigeria😢>> <<@汪為家-q9l says : 來看玩>> <<@TeacherLisaHello says : Hamas has nowhere to else to go EXCEPT in tunnels under Palestine. It is not INTENTIONAL that Hamas is CLOSE to civilians and civilian infrastructure - THERE is NOT ENOUGH ROOM in Palestinian land for its civilians at all!!! because Israel has forced so many Palestinians into a smaller and smaller area. So no wonder Hamas is found everywhere near civilians. Media spin Media SIN.>> <<@trickorraz5740 says : I do not trust Mr. Graham. He will change whatever he said tomorrow.>> <<@philam1973 says : Graham says he lost confidence in Austin. Since when did he EVER have confidence in a Dem? He had more confidence in George Santos.>> <<@ThomasdaleHopewelljr says : While working at cnn did thomas dale hopewell jr with a georgia id card make 1 and a half billion dollars tou both are gelping helping steal right now and will you take a polygraph he is not youre boss now at cnn or preaident and married to ac 360 anderson cooper. Court use only by me thomas dale hopewell jr in a new york state court with the ag of new york as one of my attorneys. 2:58>> <<@splashkord1695 says : Senator Lindsey Graham you need to help Ukraine and Israel, because evil from USSR-2 is coming into European Union.>> <<@pampledger6099 says : Yet another right facist justifying genocide. Conservative republicans profit off of war and death and guns. Money money money, Evil death cult.>> <<@woodrowbarstad4549 says : Graham...is aware monger>> <<@Poor_righteous_teacher7 says : Austin said if Americans don’t support war he will kill our kids and send them to war why didn’t cnn report that?>> <<@scottyblog says : RINO>> <<@mkay3310 says : Hamas already escaped during the ceasefire. There are only civilians left.>> <<@Melody-hf1zn says : This guy is an idiot who thinks the past should be repeated in his image...insanity leads the snake to circle itself back to eating its own tail. Good Lord old man...time to retire.>> <<@NADIA19644 says : All the Americans have blood in their hands because you’re paying Israel to kill babies, and women -your taxes go to Israel>> <<@bl3788 says : War hawks>> <<@jackmac9518 says : Amerecan goberment and bretes goberment make terorest the muslem people in the world>> <<@jackmac9518 says : U are the one radicalised the people of Palestinian for 75 yrs.not hamas.>> <<@Puppets4sale says : Hey Lindsey go fight for your Zionist masters. America doesn't need Israel or their lackeys like you.>> <<@joechavez6613 says : L,g is a sad excuse of person .IN MY OPINION>> <<@darkstar-net says : So the people that died on Oct 7th and the hostages that Hamas got didn't need to be taken. The New York Times released information that Israel knew 1 year before that the attack would happen. Now the US and Israel go hand in hand. Isn't that what Biden said. Hand In hand. Did Israel really not tell the US an attack was coming. I find that hard to believe. So does that mean both knew and allowed it to happen. Is that why Senator Lindsey Graham has changed his mind and wants a ceasefire. Because the world would also find out what they did. If you could stop a massacre and don't then aren't you also complicit. Allowing your people to die. Bad, Very bad. Maybe if we attack Iran people will forget what we did.>> <<@susancoolidge7810 says : Time for Lindsey Graham to go>> <<@shadxcruz says : He makes me sick>> <<@davidwu3681 says : Why is CNN wasting time on a slime case like Graham? Who cares what he thinks>> <<@stevechang9710 says : Lindsay will you lead an army to fight Iran? Lindsay, Lindsay ? U there?…sorry Lindsay just ran away>> <<@Adnan-bc1vk says : EMPTY MINDED U.S SENATOR WHO HAS CHEAP ARGUMENT . HOW CAN HE COMPARE THE COUNTRIES WHICH U.S FOUGHT AGAINST THEM IN THE WW2 LIKE JAPAN AND GERMANY WHICH WERE THE AGGRESORS IN THE FIRST PLACE AND WANTED TO INVADE OTHER COUNTRIES WITH THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE WHO ARE ACCUPIED PEOPLE AND DO NOT WANT MORE THAN THEIR BASIC RIGHTS ? AMERICA DESERVES TO HAVE BETTER SENATORS THAN LIKE THIS SENATOR SINCE IT IS THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD WHO EVEN IF THEY ARE SUPPORTING THE WRONG SIDE OF THIS WAR HAVE RATIONAL ARGUMENT ALSO HE DOES NOT KNOW THAT THE ACCUPATION IS ILLIGAL AND THE ACCUPIER HAS NOT THE RIGHT TO DEFEND ITS SELF UNDER THE INTERNATIONAL LAW PERIOD .>> <<@scottkrater2131 says : Has Lyndsay ever been to the border? Laredo and El Paso looked pretty good to me. Laredo was far better than the first time I went there 30 years ago.>> <<@MinnieAbdulRahman says : mmm. listen to Defense Secretary with security clearance vs Senator with no security clearance. Senators may have access to certain sensitive issues, but....I think maybe the Defense Secretary may have a lot more info....or maybe they have be radicalized for years because of the way they have been treated for years.>> <<@bakerotair4988 says : Warmonger Lindsay why Iran ???? Hamas offer to release all hostages for all Palestinians prisoners I found it stupid to accuse Hamada of wanting to Kim’s their own people every one in the collective west jumped calling for no fly zone on Ukraine on Libya on Iraq why don’t you apply the same for the Palestinians>> <<@anthonyperez4492 says : Listen to how the demon talks. It's obvious that they have no soul.>> <<@ravid5995 says : Grahm is a nazi>> <<@jegi7971 says : People ask why can’t Palestinians rise up and overthrow HAMAS? Israel has a cabinet minister who has been convicted eight times of terrorism charges; The Israeli prime minister and his wife are corrupt; Structurally Israel is not really a proper democracy since it doesn’t have a senate and if the Netanyahu reforms pass then the judiciary would be captive to the legislature and that’s really weak to sustain an already weak democratic structure; Israel issues no meaningful jail sentences to settlers who kill innocent Palestinian civilians; Israel detains innocent Palestinian civilians without trial; Palestinians detained in Israeli jails are abused and tortured; In Israel, Palestinian children are tried in military courts; Israel has killed more journalists over the years covering the conflict, so Israel has made journalism very dangerous in that region; No charges for Israeli soldiers who have killed innocent Palestinian civilians; Israel soldiers are accused of raping Palestinian children and women; Israel has continued to build illegal settlements against international law; As we speak Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza; Israel was committing gross human rights violations pre October 7 attacks and has ramped up gross human rights violations ever since; It is only fair to ask Israelis the same question that they ask Palestinians about getting rid of HAMAS. So with all the gross crimes above committed by Israel, why can’t the jews get rid of the Netanyahu government?>> <<@j.c.4192 says : The Eunuch needs to go.>> <<@AliNuweya says : God confuses them.>> <<@Pandorasboxnooooo says : Graham is spot on generals with shoddy records should stay in his lane>> <<@BOBMAN1980 says : Graham has a weird distinction of being one of those who switches sides when it's convenient--thinking that this time he'll be on the victor's side--only to end up losing, again and again. It's amazing that Yuckles like this can have any say on what's going on in the rest of the world.>> <<@nightwaves3203 says : None of them will admit they are still on the lunacy of the goal is to boast of a big body count. These days playing like it's Vietnam and Iraq or Afghanistan it's a payback invitation from the rest of the world with all of them tired of having their economies subjected to sabotage. Even Americans realize their economic future isn't for them, it's for the back room deals for the 1%.>> <<@wp1925 says : Dana Bash asks soft questions, Lindsey is morally bankrupt.>> <<@joelle687 says : Why are u talk about such an insignificant clown as lindsey.All he does is lie and tap dance.Shame on you.>>