<<@amritrao882 says : CNN is covering up genocide in Gaza. According to accounts from six CNN staffers in multiple newsrooms, and more than a dozen internal memos and emails CNN is a propaganda tool of Israel.>> <<@faisalabdullah468 says : Lot of liar news in the world>> <<@larshansen-f1j says : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tzrl81y_Td8>> <<@fwole6527 says : Blindness is a matter of choice..... You turn a blind eye to what doesn't matter to you and vice versa.>> <<@sami9105 says : Over 10,000 infants and children killed in Israel's Gaza genocide, hundreds of whom are trapped beneath debris. Geneva - Israel has killed more than 10,000 infants and children since the start of its attack on the Gaza Strip on 7 October, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor reported in a statement issued Saturday.>> <<@joseaugustofigueiredo2796 says : Just like Hitler, confirmation that he was Jewish! The descendants of the golden tooth fairies and human skin lampshade craftsmen from Nazi concentration camps today rule Israel. When they started committing suicide, the Nazis gave them positions as kapos (in charge), as it is written in the book Treblinka; the Revolt of an Extermination Camp in 1976. Great administration. Children in Gaza undergo amputations without anesthesia due to scarcity of resources Some children in the Gaza Strip undergo amputations without anesthesia due to lack of resources, warned a representative of the humanitarian organization Save the Children. The desperate situation was highlighted during a special session of the Executive Board of the World Health Organization (WHO), held at the request of 17 Member States to discuss the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip.>> <<@ataatacan1889 says : I hate the USA and Israel. The killing of children and civilians in Palestine is a joint plan of Israel, the USA and the Pentagon. The murder of 20,000 innocent people cannot be explained in any other way. The USA is the country that provides thousands of tons of bombs. The US media is making false news in favor of Israel because they are afraid of the US people. US citizens think their state is democratic. They sleep like sheep. Israel is currently killing innocents like a terrorist state that commits massacres.>> <<@phyllisspringer7287 says : WHERE IS YOUR NEWS ABOUT COLLEGE PROFESSOR NOT CONDEMING GENOCIDE SPEECH OF ISAREL YOU DONT EVEN REPORT NEWS TO RAMPANT ANTISEMITISM ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES. IS THAT BECAUSE CNN SUPPORTS ANTISEMITISM.>> <<@ilhamkhalisha8075 says : If Hamas is hiding in this news agency, can it also be blown up?>> <<@aliigawi603 says : I wish you go behind in the history since 1080 when the Jews were killed in France after that in all Europe cities and countries were killed and massacres against till 1943 in Germany at that times Jews were welcomed in Palestine till Zioists came in1948 and they started their massacres in Palestine where Palestinian civilians were obliged to run out because of the Massacres (against Muslims and Christians).It was Muslims who protected them From the masacres against them in Spain where the Pope(Bueos 4th) gave permission to the queen and king os Spain Jews were also then welcomed in North Africa where they still live in piece and dignity. Pleas you as Media personnel read history of Europe and their Masacres against Jews>> <<@andreyulius7135 says : Cnn media is hoax news>> <<@bendcheli7470 says : Go ahead report and cry about Gaza and the civilians in Gaza ignoring the rockets bombarding Israel and killing civilians - AS WE COMMENT. CNN are anti Israel and pro Hamas, pro terror, pro Palestinians, pro Muslims, Anti Jews, Pro Terrorists. Terrorists supporters like CNN will not prevail!>> <<@philam1973 says : I’m an expat where CNN is my only choice for tv news. Retired, I have lots of free time. Watching CNN throughout the day: watch for 30 minutes, you are good for 3-4 days. Too much repetition, multiple hosts repeating the same thing. For the last 2 months, nothing but Hamas/Israel, sports and Africa reports during the news segments and extensive commercials. Why? Sorry but I need better than they are offering.>> <<@goldengirls9230 says : CNN is corrupt>> <<@abbasuddin6541 says : The United States bans all acts of sabotage. On the other hand, they sent troops and killed the people of Palestine. Israel would not have been able to attack Palestine for 5 days if Asr had not been given.>> <<@TheTiberiaspaulk says : "Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas," Netanyahu told his colleagues in 2019. "This is part of our strategy—to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.">> <<@aliciaperralta8134 says : Why is it CNN and FOX NEWS ,CBS,BBC none is speaking about this only the rest of the world based on camera footage because Israel own people and hostages free started to speak out about it yet American media is hidding it. This is the great America one live in and should trust. Take a look at the link IDF Helicopter Hits Israeli Festivalgoers During Hamas Attack: Report | Dawn News English https://youtu.be/EqN3GG_BYE4?si=k9Tknxjt6O7zvpD7 IDF Shot At Israelis At Nova Music Fest? Shocking Report Blows Lid Off Israel's Claims | https://youtu.be/9iqc0IEgCSs?si=ZXuoNuojhzmRuQHM Survivor Speaks: Israeli forces shot their own civilians https://youtu.be/rTQcjyhPOIk?si=RZIMOYtBRvPLwReF>> <<@championt2319 says : This is the same Media that reported on weapons of Mass destruction in Iraq>> <<@Aminah6623 says : Israel puts QR codes on leaflets to warn a population with no phone or internet. America, what are we supporting other than the diminishing power and global influence of our country?>> <<@ptaing8 says : Hamas showed 401 IDF deaths!>> <<@abduroshid9773 says : You don't know terrorist in the world Israeli>> <<@zackr9070 says : Conflict? War? I only see one of the most lethal army in the World committing a blatant genocide & ethnic cleansing… After 2 months of lies lies lies CNN & other mainstream media need to start making true Journalism rather than trying somehow to protect the brutal illegal occupier … We see though your lies>> <<@7Trident3 says : Biden's hand wringing, and kissing Bibi's ass, pretty well gives Trump the next election.>> <<@KithinjiKyG says : Yes! God accepted to become flesh (human) as lamb for slaughter for atonement of our sins. Then resurrected, & back as God the son.>> <<@KithinjiKyG says : The only RELIGION on earth spoken of or prophesied long b4 itself is ..❤️ {eg Isaiah 7:14 "Virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel (God with us)."}>> <<@alisidou8125 says : America is losing everywhere in the world. It loses in Ukraine and in the Middle East  >> <<@MGEriks858 says : Stay away from new age israelis and there authorities or you will bury your family ,be homeless and told that god dont like yo>> <<@ImramImmo says : Hostages are safe in Hammas custody, but children and women are being killed by coward IDF with the help of USA.😢😢😢😢😢>> <<@RedOlympus says : CNN sucks>> <<@bocahsuntuk1695 says : Israel pasti akan kalah dalam perang ini.. Insya Alloh..>> <<@Amad_Ahmed_2023 says : Arab 😡Leaders 😡 are called men without genitals! Because they don't use their own pennies to pee, either Americans or Europeans or Jews! Because we understand that in the current situation. They can't do anything except condemning! Jews are biting poison sitting under the nose of the Arabs, but still the Arab world as well as any Muslim country is unable to do anything for the oppressed, oppressed, helpless, unfortunate, guardianless Palestinian brothers and sisters. The Arab world is a kind of hostage to terrorism!>> <<@marina12345678911000 says : For 60 days, you repeat: "they don't have power; they've run out of electricity". At the same time, for 60 days, in every footage coming from Gaza, we see numerous Arabs are filming with their phones. Do they possess some form of magical phones, or is this an oversight in assuming the audience lacks critical thinking?>> <<@leilamiller8201 says : They don't have electricity !?! What are you talking about !!! When its convenient for Gazans to have phones making videos of them in crisis they suddenly ALL have working cell phones, why do you keep manipulating the public? Everything that comes out of gaza is in favor of gaza being victims of Israel, how can you honestly report anything from gaza>> <<@ayadjalhoom5094 says : Israil is terrorist, killing only children.>> <<@ayadjalhoom5094 says : Israil is terrorist, killing only children.>> <<@ayadjalhoom5094 says : Israil is terrorist, killing only children.>> <<@ayadjalhoom5094 says : Israil is terrorist, killing only children.>> <<@ayadjalhoom5094 says : Israil is terrorist, killing only children.>> <<@ayadjalhoom5094 says : Israil is terrorist, killing only children.>> <<@ayadjalhoom5094 says : Israil is terrorist, killing only children.>> <<@ayadjalhoom5094 says : Israil is terrorist, killing only children.>> <<@ahmd2981 says : الايخجل الغرب وامريكا مجتمعين بحرب قذره ضد بقعه ارض صغيره ايها الجبناء السفله>> <<@maherfora6127 says : واعترف الاحتلال بمقتل 10 جنود، مما يؤشر على ان المقاومة تبلي بلاء حسنا، وتسبب المزيد من الصداع للتلميذ الفاشل نتنياهو وتاليا الأسماء وفق رصد موقع خبرني: 1- الرقيب بن زوسمان هو مرتزق يحمل الجنسية البريطانية في جيش الاحتلال 2- الرائد جيل دانيلز (34 عاما) من أشدود، وهو مقاتل في سرية الدورية في الكتيبة 6261 3- الرقيب "ياكير يديديا شينكوليفسكي" 4- الرقيب "توبول يعقوب" وهو مقاتل مدرع في الكتيبة 53 يبلغ من العمر (20 عاما) 5- النقيب إيتان فيش، من مستوطنة بادويل، وهو ضابط مدرعات قتالية في الكتيبة 53 6- الرقيب القناص ساما شالوا المقيم في بيت تكافا 7- الرقيب الصهيوني اور براندز ( ٢٥ عاما ) 8- النقيب احتياط "نيريا شاعر ميفنة"، مقاتل في الكتيبة 6655 من اللواء 55 (عصبة هود حناني) 9- الرائد احتياط موشيه رعنان ، وهو مقاتل مظلي في جيش الاحتلال الإسرائيلي 10- الرقيب ارئيل دانا قناص في جيش الاحتلال>> <<@-Allah.does.NOT.exist- says : Free Israel 🇮🇱 ❤>> <<@gavin9779 says : Time to disband the UN #disbandtheunitednations useless>> <<@kameljelani1428 says : hamas non alzeremo bandiera bianca qualunque cosa sia perché hamas il movimento é resistenza e non movimento terrorismo>> <<@dineshkesarpu37 says : We humans have all the money to destroy each other but not enough to protect our Home( Earth)..>> <<@Khfoodshow says : when the war end>> <<@dnkkhan says : We gave you shelter when Europe disowned you But instead of appreciation You were greedy You began slyly occupying our Land Then you shelled my home to the ground You destroyed my olive groves You burnt down my orchards You killed my mother and father You imprisoned my brother You shot down my wife, and young children You left me with nothing I retaliated only with stones And the Resistance with rockets So you and your accomplice Called 'us' the Terrorists Yet you can see, that I still smile Yes! I am strong You can break my bones and cut my flesh But you cannot destroy my faith Yes! I am Muslim And I will carry on protecting al Aqsa Our beautifull Holy Land And I am not alone For I have Allah And I believe in life after death You actually did me a 'favour' My kindred now rank as Martyrs You elevated my status Through your oppression But I will find you On the day of judgment I will find you. In'shaa-Allah Ya Allah have mercy on the Ummah Ya Allah free Palestine Ya Allah guide all Humanity The children of Adam Peace be upon him Father of mankind For the sake of thy beloved Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him>> <<@gmkabirhossain8742 says : Israel attacks medical equipment warehouse, says WHO claims Israel is lying. Who actually lied should be investigated by the United Nations. If true, the United Nations can take action against Israel as a terrorist state?>>