<<@gerhardtmuller7439 says : they've already pushed them forward with 1 arm tied behind their backs. i have no doubt the american military would love be in ukraine today. it shows you how low the political class is. scum. 1 upside is that europe will pull away and hopefully leave them to iran, n.korea and china by themselves. global nothing and they've broken the bond. philpines and taiwan, beware.>> <<@StacyInLove1 says : 🥀🥀🥀>> <<@joem0088 says : Ukraine 2023 budget is on the web. It's deficit was 40B$. In 2024, without at least another 40B$ aid it cannot pay civil servant salaries, pensions, miliotary wages etc. And the 40B does not even include weapons and ammo supply.>> <<@StayConnectedNow918 says : That's fine with US...>> <<@johnfink69 says : So what! Corruption is corruption let them eat cake! Hell I can’t even afford cake. America last sheeples! Let’s celebrate🤣>> <<@LindaTobin-wi4le says : Im so upset with the Republicans that I am no more an American swing voter. "I WILL NEVER VOTE ANYTHING REPUBLICAN" IT makes no sense to give Ukraine BILLIONS in aid only to stop it at the most crucial time. What is that? WASTE! Its just foolish to not stay the courae. I could see Putin with a smile from ear to ear, while saying "I told you so">> <<@carlfrye1566 says : Trump: 4 Years of peace in Ukraine. Putin did nothing and got nothing.>> <<@nilslarson7532 says : hopefully the US will stop this pipeline of deadly supplies.>> <<@silassoule5077 says : The national security issue is the open border. Biden, put your money where your mouth>> <<@ja200055 says : Too effing bad Joe>> <<@grayslick2004 says : Ukrainian needs to surrender.>> <<@boaz784 says : Americas border to the point military needed. Terrorist. Attack any day ? Ukraine is what it is. America and citizens must come first .. why Biden soft on Iran’s terrorist paid fighters against Israel. Disgusting>> <<@BJ-xh8tg says : bL🇺🇲h bL🤑H BL🥱H 🗽MeRiKk🔯>> <<@vgk4239 says : It is a painstaking experience to see how helpless and feeble the “leaders of the nation” are in their attempts to analyze the danger the nation is facing and take adequate measures. Waiting for a Big Daddy to come and teach them? He is far closer than most of us can imagine. For all those who care – please urge your representative in Washington to be wise and responsible!>> <<@bjabbbjabb1286 says : No more nazi and Zionist funding>> <<@artiartibald9431 says : NATO countries have no chance of defeating Russia, the West has made a huge mistake and now it is isolated, not Russia.>> <<@renatsafiulin392 says : It's a bad decision to give money to losers. It is impossible to help Ukraine. Money goes like water into sand.>> <<@truthbud says : The sheer amount of approving and cheering comments by ordinary Russians in response to videos depicting the atrocities against civilians and prisoners of war in Ukraine were just as shocking to Ukrainians as the war itself. We had somehow grown accustomed to the war, but the realization of who we have been living alongside all this time without even knowing it is still horrifying. Those savages referred to themselves as our brotherly people. One can only imagine what they might do to those they consider their enemies given the opportunity. Negotiating with Russia is akin to negotiating with Ebola. Allowing Russia to remain undefeated is like undertreating a deadly infection – it will only return stronger. This is why any peace agreement that doesn't ensure a clear victory for Ukraine is merely a temporary ceasefire.>> <<@maspec2590 says : in fact, Baiden doen't want to fund Israel and Ukraine. Rationale is unclear as the US will encounter Russia-China-Ukraine-Iran alliance directly shortly.>> <<@MrRyder3737 says : Clownsky is now almost abandoned by his Western owners. uncle joye and shan the sunak are ignoring f Ukraine's new request for weapons and feeling annoyed.>> <<@micskovbon5738 says : All Americans, I hope you are proud of your congress members, specially the speaker, if Ukraine wont get millitry support as the US has promised in the Budapest Referandum, it will in the long run cost a european country its independence and bring the security situation down on a level we have not seen before WW2, it seems a deal with a used car dealer is more trustworty than a deal with the US, by the way, it was the republican goverment under Bush that signed the Budapest referandum, and now all the republicans runs from it. In Denmark where I live we got a pretty good transparentsy politik, according to numbers from The Danish Defence Academy it is costing a citizens in a nato country about 100 EUR = 108 dollar pro year to fund Ukraine, sometimes transparent is a good thing, we always hear about very big numbers, but in reality its no more than a tank of gas in the car in hole year. Seen from Denmark, I wonder if there has been a brain virus in the US i´ve not heard about.>> <<@awufiyusuf9286 says : 🤣🤣🇺🇦🇺🇦🤣🤣🇺🇦🤣🇺🇸🇺🇸🤣🤣🇺🇦🇺🇦🤣🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇦🇺🇦🤣🤣>> <<@ramjet4025 says : Donald Trump is now a War Criminal & Traitor of an unimaginable scale. First it was the Kurds, betrayed and slaughtered that left American miltiary and the world ashamed. Now its Ukraine ,next it will be the Baltics, Poland and Europe. When is the world going to call out American Traitors called Republicans who support Putin because he supports them and helps them with Russian Propaganda. Trump leads Republicans in Russian propaganda It makes you want vomit in shame.>> <<@erikdolnack2737 says : The corporate mainstream media will spin Russia's victory to make it seem like a failure because Putin was stopped from taking over all of Ukraine, when Putin never once claimed that was his intended goal. ShitLibs have been insisting that Putin wants to take over the world all along and refuse to listen to anything even remotely resembling reality.>> <<@Ceridwen-mu7wd says : Putin needs to take his army of orcs out of Ukraine and admit defeat. He’s not winning and it’s sad that tens of thousands of Russians and Ukrainians have died on account of his ego.>> <<@Deetroiter says : Can protect Ukraine’s borders but can’t protect America’s borders. Makes sense…>> <<@archillominadze3055 says : Those who say ‘’we need this money home” can do simple math. 61 billion is 180 USD per US citizen,whichi is peanuts. Bur for Ukraine it means everything, saving people from death, homes from destruction etc.>> <<@leek988 says : I hope Joe Biden makes an executive order to get the funding for Ukraine>> <<@noneshere says : Terrorist funders admitting guilt. Russia is taking on 30 nato countries at 1 time & still winning.>> <<@tonysmith2045 says : U-Crane is a money laundering operation in my opinion...>> <<@VeraRaica-x3n says : Money for war always, uS cannot be away fr o m wars. Affiction to war.😢>> <<@objectiveobserver-yi4by says : Biden should worry about American democracy, which is about to go down the tubes, rather than about democracy in Ukraine (whatever that means).>> <<@victorvictor8830 says : US General Mark Milley - “there should not be a single Russian who goes to bed without wondering if his throat will be cut in the middle of the night” Conclusion 1. he is a Nazi and a terrorist 2. the USA lost the war>> <<@colonial1770 says : When it comes to Ukraine peace talks, NATO and the West is always ready to negotiate with Russia. We are happy to accept Russia's unconditional surrender, at the time, date and location of its choosing. We are very flexible with the particulars of Russia's unconditional surrender to NATO.>> <<@victorvictor8830 says : Zelensky is the highest paid actor in the world😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@RHW-SLD says : Urine is dead>> <<@РостиславЛебедєв says : At the past USA was the strongest country in the world. Now, Putin does everything he wants and nothing.>> <<@umpihullupaska says : After ReTrumplicans betrayed Ukraine, there is not a single country, that actually trusts US as an ally. History repeats it self. 1939 it was Germany and now russian fascist federation. Never again, what a joke! 💪 🇫🇮🇺🇦🇮🇱💪>> <<@Chukichev.Scientificmyths says : Задержка США военной помощи Украине ведёт к нарастающей угрозе России Европе и тогда уже американские солдаты будут проливать свою кровь за европейскую демократию и НАТО. Если пожар агрессии тушить малым количеством оружия. то пламя войны уничтожит гораздо больше и тогда странам НАТО кроме БОЛЬШИХ ДЕНЕГ придётся жертвовать жизнями европейских и американских солдат. Экономики стран упадут и ВСЕМ ДЕМОКРАТИЧЕСКИМ СТРАНАМ СТАНЕТ ХУЖЕ.>> <<@peacefralljjj6883 says : I can’t wait until biden is OUT>> <<@Павел-ь2ш2с says : Until all the monuments to Lenin are restored by the Ukrainian authorities, there will be no peace talks. Let the US Congress allocate money.>> <<@theoBaba773 says : BOYCOTT CNN 👎🏼>> <<@inquizative44 says : Ukraine doesn't have the soldiers to fight the war. Ukraine has pregnant women on the front lines.>> <<@browntigerus says : There was never a chance. Russia has 7 times the population, massive weapons factories, functional economy, semi-functional governments vs totalitarian Zelensky government full of complete infighting debating if Ukrainian soldiers must speak Ukrainian or can speak Russian (we are by-lingual). Zelensky issuing military orders and strategy around his top commanders. Forced mobilization, anyone refusing stupendous attacks - are killed. Just now Zelensky noticed corruption and embezzlement, his army has no supplies, no winter gear, no decent food, wounded must pay for their evacuation. Moneys literally stolen: no way of paying Gov employees salaries (some of them a lot higher than in the USA), pensions, hospitals, no functional economy. I think USA gov picked up entire country bill (that is truly insane).>> <<@matthewhreczuck2939 says : The easiest and least costly approach is to have someone else defeat your enemy for you. For anyone considering cutting funding to Ukraine, consider what would happen if Russia were just allowed to take Ukraine. This would change the entire landscape of Europe and allow a dictator to gain land, minerals and industrial capacity. Food would be cut off from the developed world. Minerals to western countries would be curtailed. Russia would gain resources to help build up it military. Europe would be less secure. There is also those who believe that Putin would not stop there. Remember that little war called World War 2? The United States did not want to get involved and let the problem be with someone else until it wasn't. A hot war is far more costly. For us to help Ukraine is a no brainer and fairly cheap in comparison to an all out war with Russia.>> <<@bobbobbington3615 says : Why are we still funding a country that has used the Azov battalion to torture and murder their own citizens?!>> <<@binhminh9886 says : Putin is war criminal.>> <<@TheDrAstrov says : A year ago: Demoralized Russian soldiers, drunk and inexperienced, on old rusty tanks, without shells, with a destroyed economy.... 😂>> <<@nigeljohnson9820 says : Migrants crossing the southen border are not threatening the US with hypersonic missiles, Putin is. Is the us really prepared for the Russian dictatorship to take control of Ukraine. This wouls send the message to Russia, China, Iran and North Korea that the US is finished as a world power. The cabal of dictators will have won.>> <<@jakecrawford9787 says : Aww too bad. No one cares>>