<<@ReformedClassic-s5s says : Dont be gay biden..netanyahu becomes gay if he listens to him>> <<@mdsahilkhan2571 says : I think USA should leave middle East.>> <<@teddysoobramoney2239 says : All things considered, it must be noted that neither Israel nor Palestinians are native to the land thats at the centre of this ongoing dispute. Ancient History proves that. A 2 state solution will be the ideal. However this would never be possible, as long as the Palestinians are hijacked by jihadists ideology of Iran and its proxies. Its sad that it has come to this, but Israels dogged determination to remove Hamas is in the interest of both Palestinians and Israel and a peacefull future existance of both nations. Hamas,clearly in hindsight as has been exposed in Gaza, has been an obstacle in the growth and development of the Palestinians for many years. Funding meant for that growth, was abused by Hamas to support thier hideous ideolgy at the expense of Palestinians growth. Iran is the father of that suppression and not an honourable supporter of Palestinians. The world leaders need to stand up and call Iran, lebanon, Syria and Iraq to order.>> <<@chobson8602 says : we need the 90s like never before>> <<@AbbyEllie69 says : Three wars and counting. Biden has completely abandoned the best interest of the United States. Whether it’s on our southern border, or starting a third war. Worst most destructive president in the history of our country.>> <<@hassanlotfipour68 says : March 11th third world war begins>> <<@Pari_Pixie says : The US has no damn business even being over there. It’s basically taunting. If we had other countries camped outside our country, we’d attack immediately. Immeeeeeediately! But yet we can send US military over there to taunt them and then when they strike we say it was justified?? Such BS. I’m so tired of the US not minding its business. The US civilians constantly suffer for this because ALL our money goes to funding wars we don’t need to be part of or to our military or to aid other countries. It’s bullshit. They should make it optional to pay taxes if they’re going to operate this way forever. Some of us don’t want to support this BS forever. I’d rather my tax dollars go to supporting the American PEOPLE. But nah. They don’t care about us.>> <<@adrianrenteriaramos340 says : USA is Afraid?? From PROXY WARS?? the Proxy War in Ucrania is playing BACK😂😂>> <<@winstonsmith935 says : About the only thing CNN has correct.>> <<@dr.suhailabbas4721 says : Biden is us president that is promoting genocide will he be war crime>> <<@bretthildebrand5838 says : THE IFF OR THE "IRAN FREEDOM FIGHTERS" FROM TEHRAN IRAN DID THE DOUBLE BOMBINGS IN IRAN AND ARE HIDING OUT IN IRAQ>> <<@samuelvalperga2421 says : No the United States war mongers are being put in there place . Because they are on the wrong side of the good of earth. And the survival of earth. They don't care but the majority does . The bottom line is earth is a democracy and a very very large majority want peace on earth and good will towards man.>> <<@bhlife65 says : So if you do not replace our president in the USA, and the senators, a majority of them. There will be more wars over seas. It might come here so vote for President Donald J. Trump this year.>> <<@crushx69 says : Simple leave like you were asked to, you are illegally operating on someone else’s sovereignty without permission>> <<@bestfriends7578 says : I think that'd be really good idea for them to do that why don't you ask Iraq exactly how it worked out for them when they tried to stand up to the United States or you can ask Syria or you can ask Lebanon or you can ask Libya or you want me to keep going cuz I can you can ask a lot of them I actually know you can't they're mostly dead now😢>> <<@AB-ayq12345 says : In Yemen, the American game is losing. The world knows the extent of America’s lies, and Europe knows the people of Yemen well, so it does not want to get involved in this war. If it breaks out, all parties will suffer very large losses.>> <<@joshuaciresoli2927 says : I honestly wouldn't be surprised if thesev"Houthi strikes" were an inside job, especially since my buddy from the 75th Rangers described his job in the US Army s "going into other countries illegally to start a war and make it look like somebody else". Maybe we need to let Israel handle the problem they created for the last 75 years and stop illegally occupying foreign nations>> <<@augustsoomre4795 says : Neljas Moosese raamat 6:Õnnistussõnad 22 Ja Issand rääkis Moosesega, öeldes: 23 „Räägi Aaroni ja ta poegadega ning ütle: Õnnistades Iisraeli lapsi, öelge neile nõnda: 24 Issand õnnistagu sind ja hoidku sind! 25 Issand lasku oma pale paista sinu peale ja olgu sulle armuline! 26 Issand tõstku oma pale sinu üle ja andku sulle rahu! 27 Nõnda pandagu minu nimi Iisraeli laste peale ja mina õnnistan neid!” Teine Ajaraamat 7:14 ja kui siis minu rahvas, kellele on pandud minu nimi, alandab ennast ja nad palvetavad ja otsivad minu palet ning pöörduvad oma kurjadelt teedelt, siis ma kuulen taevast ja annan andeks nende patu ning säästan nende maa. 15 Nüüd on mu silmad lahti ja mu kõrvad panevad tähele palvetamist selles paigas. 16 Nüüd olen ma valinud ja pühitsenud selle koja, et minu nimi oleks seal igavesti. Mu silmad ja mu süda on seal iga päev. Psalmid (Laulud)122:Palve Jeruusalemma hea käekäigu eest 1 Palveteekonna laul Taavetilt. Ma rõõmustasin, kui mulle öeldi: „Lähme Issanda kotta!” 2 Meie jalad seisid su väravais, Jeruusalemm. 3 Jeruusalemm, kes oled ehitatud nagu hästi kokkuliidetud linn, 4 kuhu läksid üles suguharud, Issanda suguharud tunnistuseks Iisraelile tänama Issanda nime. 5 Sest sinna on seatud aujärjed kohtumõistmiseks, aujärjed Taaveti kojale. 6 Paluge rahu Jeruusalemmale! Käigu hästi nende käsi, kes sind armastavad! 7 Rahu olgu su müüride vahel, hea käekäik su kuninglikes kodades! 8 Oma vendade ja oma sõprade pärast tahan ma nüüd öelda: Rahu sinule! 9 Issanda, meie Jumala koja pärast tahan ma otsida sulle head. Jesaja 30:Issand tõotab oma rahvale armu anda 18 Ja ometi ootab Issand, et teile armu anda, ja jääb kõrgeks, et teie peale halastada, sest Issand on õiguse Jumal, õndsad on kõik, kes teda ootavad. Jeesus 36:10 Kogu kõik Jaakobi suguharud ja olgu nad pärijad nagu muistegi! 11 Halasta, Issand, rahva peale, kellele on antud sinu nimi, ja Iisraeli peale, keda pead esmasündinuks! 12 Halasta oma pühamu linna, Jeruusalemma, oma hingamispaiga peale! 13 Täida Siion sinu ülistusega ja oma rahvas sinu auhiilgusega! 14 Anna tunnistus oma esmalooduile ja tee tõeks, mis sinu nimel on ennustatud! 15 Tasu neile, kes sinu peale loodavad, ja sinu prohvetid jäägu usaldusväärseks! 16 Kuule, Issand, nende palvet, kes sind anuvad, sinu rahvale kuuluva Aaroni õnnistuse pärast, 17 et kõik, kes maailmas elavad, tunneksid, et sina oled Issand, igavene Jumal! Baaruk 5: Sest Jumal juhib Iisraeli rõõmuga oma auhiilguse valgusesse, halastuse ja õigusega, mis temalt tuleb.” Saalomoni Tarkuseraamat 11: Halastamise põhjus 23 Sina halastad aga kõigi peale, sest et sa suudad kõike, ja vaatad mööda inimeste pattudest, et nad meelt parandaksid. 24 Sest sina armastad kõike, mis olemas on, ega põlga midagi, mida sa oled teinud, sest sina ei olegi loonud midagi, mida sa ise vihkaksid. 25 Sest kuidas saaks midagi püsida, kui sina ei tahaks, või kuidas säiliks see, keda sina ei ole kutsunud? 26 Sina aga säästad kõiki, sellepärast et nad on sinu omad, Issand, hingede armastaja. Estri raamatu lisad 3:2 „Issand, Issand, kõigeväeline Kuningas! Sinul on meelevald kõige üle ja ei ole kedagi, kes võiks sulle vastu astuda, kui sina tahad Iisraeli päästa! 6 Ja nüüd, Issand, Jumal ja Kuningas, Aabrahami Jumal, hoia oma rahvast, sest meid jälgitakse, et meid hävitada, ja neil on himu teha lõpp sellele, mis on algusest peale olnud sinu pärisosa! 7 Ära põlga oma pärisosa, kelle sa enesele lunastasid Egiptusest! 8 Kuule minu palvet ja ole armuline oma pärisosale! Pööra meie lein pidurõõmuks, et elavaina lauldes ülistaksime sinu nime, Issand, ja ära sule nende suud, kes sind kiidavad!” 9 Kogu Iisrael hüüdis kõigest jõust, sest neil oli surm silma ees.>> <<@johngunning2123 says : The majority of Syrians and Turks identify with some form of Sunni Islam. I'm 100 % behind Israel! Good always conquers evil!>> <<@ArnoGraf-u9f says : The usual rubbish talk by american military analysts. It should never have come to this point where we will be going on a blind bombing spree like so many times before. Problem is all America knows is violence it starts in the US and then spreads across the globe wherever the US turns up. Mostly uninvited>> <<@Josethe-ny5gk says : FAKE NEWS>> <<@garlandgranger1900 says : I know my memory is not as good as it once was but I do not remember us being in so many conflicts and wars under Trump compared to weak Joe Biden. We need a strong leader who will not take any crap from our enemies the way Biden has done. We appear to our enemies to be weak and we are with Biden.>> <<@AK-mk5vz says : What a surprise! Cannot believe Iran has not declared war on Israel and US already! US needs to keep its nose out of other contries business!!>> <<@orlandodelaguardia1681 says : Well, STOP THE WAR Yakees Stay Home, Stop FUNDING Wars How about PEACE?????>> <<@lindencamelback2305 says : Bring it on!>> <<@hubreydavid7864 says : Stop the Genocide to stop the attacks on ships. Rather ships than humans. 😮>> <<@fendilppsa5523 says : WEI>> <<@dr.suhailabbas4721 says : USA Israel s Genocide is war crimes under international laws and USA and Israel has to compensateevery civilian children's and women with post war reconstruction as soon as possible.>> <<@frankvendetta9230 says : I find it so interesting howe thew MSM can indform hoew many of the enemy was killed etc but you never hear the kills on USA>> <<@citadelleresilience8923 says : Israel is stealing more of Palestinian land in the name of defending Israel.>> <<@keyvanfamili42 says : Iran alone is fighting, 40 years of sanctions, they are still fighting, so impressed>> <<@EveReal101 says : Why is the narative seem towards provoking Iran...when so far Iran has been quiet and minding their own business?>> <<@RonaldCoomer says : Joe, is there anything else you can possibly screw up?>> <<@stevec3892 says : Look it’s cnn>> <<@pensamientosdeuncubanoamer7921 says : The 🇺🇸 needs to get out of there. Period, the end.>> <<@CyborgHumanTechnology says : Kindly Classified To Whom It May Concern Or Assigned Defense Area Not A Game Warning The US General Staff and NATO Should Know This The Russian Federation Concentrates Tanks, Artillery of All Types of Vehicles at the Gates of the Borders of Western Europe from Finland to the entire South Western European Line. It will be that the Commander, the Head of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, Goes to War on a Large Scale and a European Uncertain Future In Imminent Occupation Invasion Remember, the Russians are millions. They were arming themselves more than twenty years ago with a single purpose, preparing for a conflict of large proportions as a viable roadmap for their geopolitical and geostrategic ambitions, seeking allies in the world, assistance and support in all available fields and by Having displaced the United States from a large part of the world stage by updating its armed forces and its totalitarian and sectarian policies of concentration of power Focused on an individual like this man who has a first and last name Vladimir Putin Directing a Colossal World Superpower At the Forefront of the Global Stage Producing War Machines with the Logistical Support of His Factories Producing War Devices at Full Force Time is Vital to Guarantee Your Results Whether Invasions, Campaigns or Large-Scale War, the Conflagration of Acting in Stealth, Contributing to Their Domination Plans to Their Russian Aerospace Forces with Great Master Skill, Came to the Conflagration of Spy and Strategy Satellites, Giving Support in Land And Air Sea In Real Time We Russians Don't Forget That They Are At The Vanguard In Military Technology Eh Innovative Thanks To Their Scientists Which Is Profitable With Their Vast Eh Inexhaustible Natural Resources To Carry Out Their Invasion Plans Or Claim Territories From The Past USSR They propose it Tell me their plans according to them They are viable and legitimate Together with their bloc What is China and other countries It will be that in this way the Third World War will begin It is buying time While the NATO or NATO Allies Are Distracted in Ukraine and the East If a surprise attack on NATO is launched, or is it too much to dream? Be that as it may, a Third Front in Europe is possible and a reality. It is a matter of giving the order in a timely manner when the occasion appropriately calls for it. Remember when it invaded Ukraine, concentrating its forces in its Borders Alleging Routine Military Exercises When We All Knew That It Was Not What Was Declared By Their Minister And Speaker Maria Zakarova Of Trying To Istericize NATO And The Entire Western Bloc And Then The Total Deployment Which Is What Awaits Europe Happened Now No It is only going through the Old Continent but to invade and it will be an invasion of permanent occupation for its European enemies that served so much of its finances from this Federative Corporation of War Machines. They have more than four hundred thousand reserve men and more than half a million recruits. Remember, it is Russia, with an inexhaustible supply of human capital and resources, I emphasize again, since it is key to its war machinery, when the factor will be the surprise factor for troops, no one knows but the Commander in Chief of the Russian Federation. With this statement I try to be impartial in both cases, providing vital and important information for Europe.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@Dayjob351 says : War is about destroying the opposition….. Hamas was elected and supported … now they suffer their decision. Don’t cry when your decision was wrong. Every mother in Gaza knew tunnels filled with rockets were below their feet. They put their children in harms way.>> <<@jasonhose587 says : This is what happens with a weak, war monger, corrupt, power hungry US President baby sitted by a propaganda media>> <<@absaly says : 75% propoganda rating on this channel should be classed under "fiction">> <<@BrentDudley-b7j says : Most of these American military bases are occupying other countries illegally so if they feel threatened mybe think about leaving but no they would rather start a war and blame everyone else>> <<@dr.suhailabbas4721 says : Red Sea USA fighting along with other countries AGAINST YEMEN WILL SHOW COUNTRIES ALLIED WITH USA WILL BE ON side of Genocide and Yemen will be on resistant to Genocide>> <<@rezarazavi9872 says : United States ILLEGALLY and UNINVITED has set up bases in Syria and Iraq and when the victim countries, iraq and Syria attack the INVADER AND OCCUPIER of their land, they are the ones who are labled as "Terrorists " The real "Terrorism" is ILLEGALLY AND WITHOUT INVITATION going into someone's land>> <<@Avantgarde90951 says : Team BRITISH U.S Israel ❤>> <<@mustafajan1292 says : Idf is a terrorist group>> <<@mustafajan1292 says : Us is war monger USA government is a Zoombie government>> <<@reggieprotacio208 says : Yes....😂😂😂😂😂 The Americans loved to annihilate muslim brothers...>> <<@TimCoolidge-e3h says : Jordanian tanks and troops are massing on the Israeli border,why haven't they reported about this?>> <<@jonathanmills825 says : Man we in they area that’s what usually happens>> <<@Sajin688 says : Of course they are preparing people to keep hearing wider and "bigger" war.>> <<@thierrynolevaux9268 says : Not surprising given the US is not wanted in those countries. They should accept it as the new reality on the ground...hope they don't have to face another attack like the Beirut barracks in 1983.>>