<<@ADHD55 says : This country is over for young people>> <<@LondonSteveLee says : Next you'll be spouting nonsense such as increasing the population from 17m to 25m in less than two decades has put enormous strain on all services and increased house prices through excess demand...>> <<@windsong3wong828 says : I am bullish on Australia. Whoever sells Australia short is WRONG . Australias policy is good. Australia gets smart, young , migrants that contribute to the nation. Australia trades with EVERYONE and benefits greatly from it. Australia education policies are good and it attracts numerous foreign students who love it. Australia gets loads of tourists from everywhere. Australia have loads of oil and gas. Australia have minimum foreign debts. Australia economy is solid and have great resilience. In contrast. USA have millions of homeless. The rich poor divide is humongous. USA have $33 Trillion in public debt. …..it will come back to roost. USA have excessive military commitments and is making many enemies around the world. USA is not loved in many countries for trade and education . USA admits many unskilled migrants who are a drag on the economy. China is shunning many exports from USA….like corn,soy etc….and the trade war is hurting both the USA and China. Brazil agriculture is competitive and will affect the USA. San Francisco or New York is way past its prime. The race issue is dividing USA. I think USA is looking at a severe downturn.>> <<@pennylane9155 says : Own nothing and be happy! That's the plan!>> <<@docdynamix says : It's the foreigners that are paying these prices and driving the prices up 😢>> <<@chrisg8321 says : Only helps retirees and people with investments... not the standard one-home homeowner>> <<@well-blazeredman6187 says : I pity our young. Immigration has to be severely curtailed.>> <<@JohnWilliams-iw6oq says : God help the young people trying to get into their own home.>> <<@DC-lw7dj says : Albo must be feeling very wealthy as his property portfolio is probably very highly valued! This is creating inequality.......>> <<@coreytrevor1311 says : Are you sure the property values are going up? Or is your fiat currency purchasing power declining?>> <<@Webaus says : One generation fk up the next generation 😂😂>> <<@brettmitchell6431 says : Mass deportations are required>> <<@speedymccreedy8785 says : Albo's mass immigration, the napalm on a housing crisis. Why do young people vote for labor, their housing dreams are turning into just hoping for a one bedroom inner city apartment in a 15 minute city.>> <<@python27au says : Don’t see how the sellers can cash in if nobody can afford to buy. Even if rich foreigners buy them up what will they do, go into even more debt? A friend bought a house for $75k, a few months later the value jumped to $150k, she thought about selling and upsizing but everything doubled in price except her income so she couldn’t afford anything better than what she had.>> <<@SPANNER123 says : When the bubble burts, and it will, so many will be effected with huge loses and will be crying in their beer. Give it time, sit back and wait.>> <<@jjohnson5014 says : Sky’s the limit, folks>> <<@ragingbar says : Immigration set to increase.>> <<@KJSvitko says : Climate change and rising sea levels will make properties in coastal areas impossible to insure. Banks will be reluctant to give a mortgage for 15 or 30 years because the property may be under water. Selling properties to average buyers will become impossible in the future as banks and mortgage companies stop making loans for these properties. Florida is a high risk state for insurance and extreme weather like hurricanes. People will have to self insure and take the risk of loss. Condo associations are losing their insurance and if they find a new higher cost policy they will be passing on the higher costs to association members. Flooded cars from Florida hurricanes were filling the salvage lots. Insurance companies will raise rates and pass on the costs and risks to policy holders next year.>> <<@Chrissyandme says : God help everyone The property value now is way over priced. How can a couple ever have a chance to buy a property...it's down right money grabbing and it's disgusting>> <<@rhyno1740 says : You will afford nothing and be homeless. The corrupt tyrant government don't care about it's citizens.>> <<@hollysmith1347 says : Dont think its really good for the masses.>> <<@davepowelldrumz says : kids have no hope.>> <<@SRFarming420 says : I thought she was going to have a suddenly collapsed deal in the beginning of this>> <<@donotcomply665 says : This is news?>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : ALPs Fault>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : Don't you love the **FREE MARKET IDEOLOGY** conservatives... We could always REGULATE the MARKET with Big Gov ehhh!!>> <<@gaylesherburn6726 says : Stop foreign buyers !!can't buy a property in other countries !!>> <<@GettinReal says : If there's an individual on a phone bidding, often chainah looking and 80s style clothing, don't bother bidding.>> <<@avin8749 says : When I listen to these manipulated news reports saying hurry up, run snatch one if you can FOMO news .. I can feel the tension in real estate sectors the mayhem already started take time to get worse. First retail sector then real Estate, Australian economy is not as great as our Canberra bubble people think. Waiting for distress listings after next interest rate raise>> <<@JosephNine says : Some Call this REPORT BS, let's hope the tax Assessor don't take it on FACE Value ?>> <<@tomjones5338 says : How convenient you peasents will give us more>> <<@GrandpaVince says : This basically means prices will be more expensiver>> <<@FishnChips136 says : Pretty simple concept. Limit the availability of food thru restricted planting or harvesting and make it virtually impossible for working class people to buy and maintain property. The only thing left is to control the water supply.>> <<@alexandrugeorgescu6366 says : ?how is the price of a roof over your head increase is supposed to be a good thing? *?can anyone explain this nonsense?* ohhh, wait, I can... M0N€¥$>> <<@harrybalzac7932 says : How is that good news 😂>> <<@IcanBePsycho says : When the crash happens, it’s gonna be a doozy.>> <<@joeybrown3583 says : And still no push....bak.>> <<@joeybrown3583 says : And still no push back.>> <<@joeybrown3583 says : Foreign money laundering to continue to push up house prices. Fixed it.>> <<@LuciferBlack-er9jd says : Impressive multi million dollar home at Sydney's northern beaches that sky's Tim Gilbert owned.. Amplifying false and untruthful information can be extremely profitable for the greedy...🤑>> <<@stenkarasin2091 says : It's only good news if your planning to sell.>> <<@goldencalf5144 says : Australian politicians should be banned from owning investment properties>> <<@acinfla9615 says : More people competing for the same resources! More immigrants will make it better for people starting out and trying to buy a home. Own nothing! Blackrock has a trillion dollars ready to buy more properties. 😊>> <<@standupandbecounted972 says : That's all we need. Poor young families.>> <<@oldbloke204 says : How is it good news for homeowners? Home insurance costs will increase and so may council rates. If you sell and buy the place you will be buying will also likely have increased and your costs via RE charges and stamp duty will also have increased.>> <<@clifffowler2581 says : To live in Australia is priceless...🇦🇺❤️>> <<@WitchDoctor-m9s says : Who in their Right Mind would buy a Million Dollar Property with Albonzo and his Clown Posse Incharge. You Could be out of a Job Tomorrow and Australia is going down the Gurgler.>> <<@Lachlan124-b1n says : The bubble can only inflate so much until it bursts and when it does it's going to be ugly!!>> <<@kermitthehermit9588 says : Ponzi scheme economy. Thanks a lot boomers 🖕>> <<@MarkJohnson-dr4ws says : There's a report in there somewhere if only the reporter could get the words out .>>