<<@terencecollins4092 says : I installed an 11kw rooftop solar in August 2023, living in Adelaide 3 bedroom home retired couple it has generated a positive monthly return (all beit it a few dollars) every month since Sept. The money I dont pay to the Electricity provider pays for the system over the next 5 years it has a 15 year warranty. To me Roof top solar in a sun rich state is a no brainer and one has to wonder why mandatory requirements to install subsidised rooftop solar as part of domestic or commercial builds is not introduced. The impact on the grid and the power companies they would not be buying my excess power for $00.5 per KWH and selling it to my neighbour for $0.50 per KWH. The general public need wake up to this advantage and turn against all of the big power companies generating huge profits and still not reducing energy cost>> <<@bobbritten5673 says : So who give the OK to clear 150 thousand hectares in QLD north fo wind and sola farms ?????? IS this the start of thinge to come ???????>> <<@sigmister says : WTF is wrong with green nuclear energy ?????>> <<@politicz1973 says : https://youtu.be/Nz0I_IwuOXc?si=UYigmNqOS0Az-nQZ Blah blah Blah. This program fell 2ft 6 short like 2ft 6 Bowen. Their sister city of New York have cancelled their plans for Windmill graveyards and so they have too with inflation being a major factor. The Liberals supported this but not nuclear.>> <<@hl5910 says : Their eggs !!! It's wasting our taxpayers money on this human induced climate change hoax.>> <<@gurnleygropple4734 says : The planet doesn't need saving, but Labor's sanity sure does.>> <<@mricci571 says : This green agenda will cause millions of people to suffer and die. Net zero is anti-human.>> <<@briancarr34 says : Nice saying, but it should read 'all the taxpayers money' rather than 'eggs'.>> <<@patricksharp1063 says : When you base your ideology on a false proposition, that Carbon dioxide (Plant food) or CO2 is a polutant which has to be NET ZERO you show you understand nothing about Nature. CO2 is the third compound molecule created inside our Sun after first being proceded by CH4 and H2O, after first the creation of CH4 inside the Sun when 3 atoms of Helium fuse together into creation of the element Carbon. H20 and CO2 are created when 4 atoms of Helium fuse together to create the element Oxygen. The Oxygen then reacts to the presence inside the Sun of Hydrogen atoms to make H2O, and the Carbon atoms to create CO2. With the Creation by fusion of the element Nitrogen, it reacts with the Hydrogen to create the molecular compounf NH3 or amonia, and with the Suns oxygen to create the molecular compound NO2. Later Fusion inside the Sun creates the element Sulphur. Sulphur reacts with the Suns Hydrogen to create Hydrogen Sulphide, or H2S, and Sulphur reacts with the Suns Oxygen to create Sulphur dioxide, or SO2. Planets also create the compound molecules of CH4, H20, CO2, NH3, NO2, H2S, and SO2. in their volcanic erruptions. Living Carbon organisms also create CH4, H2O, CO2, NO2, H2S, SO2 with our farts, piss and exhalations of breathe, while Fish excreate amonia NH3, while land animals excreate urine an amonium compound, while birds shit Amonium Nitrate. Similarly individual Cells in living organisms also produce as excreatery or waste products the compound molecules CH4, H2O, CO2, NH3, NO2, H2S, and SO2. The WEF, Elite Globalists, UN, EU, Media and activists portray these molecular compound molecules as dangerous, to be taxed and regulated, yet all forget that these compounds are also food sources for the diverse carbon life on Earth. CO2 + H20 for the photosynthetic plant world, while CH4, NH3, NO2, H2S, SO2 and H2O are essential food sources for the Chemotropic Bacterial, the Archena, often found near hot spot volcanic thermal lakes, or around undersea Mid Oceanic Olivine Basalt volcanic vents. Every element and molecular compound fround in Nature has a vital function and role to play in the complex chemistry of life. Even the Farmer understands his trade and the essential role these molecular chemicals play in growing food. That is except the above mentioned organizations, political parties and the fearful and ignorant. Nothing in Nature is wasted and every molecular compound has some essential role to play. You are simply being Scammed. View co2coalition/facts.org>> <<@thebigw3377 says : Build new tech coal fired plants and be done with it !!! Bloody ridiculous!!>> <<@yggdrasil9039 says : Eggs in one Basket is a misrepresentation. Just because there is one word 'renewables' doesn't mean that renewable energy is just one thing. By distributing the grid and decentralising it they've done the reverse. When you have multiple points of failure but also multiple points of redundancy, that creates a fairly robust network, because if any one part fails, others can fill the void. However, it is true that the grid will be reliant upon the Sun and the Wind, but generally, if properly managed with backup and storage, including battery, hydro and other, that can be managed. Having standalone energy sources is not necessary in this scenario, but having said that it would be good to keep on standby as a backup, especially if there is an unforeseen weather event that takes out wind farms and solar farms.>> <<@paulchilds9137 says : Is everyone aware of the importance of shadow.ministers in government. They are not impotant at all, they are not part of the government, they are useless. If you think any differently you know very little about government. SKY has no one but shadow ministers being interviewed on its shows mostly because Labor thinks it is a waste of time to deal with nightime SKY.>> <<@Leafbinder says : Wow good to see Stupid isnt confined to just the USA. Keep buying that Fossil Fuel dumbasses>> <<@trevthetroll says : Yeah yeah mate...just teach your little miracles to breathe carbon dioxide>> <<@piersculley6419 says : Standard ALP practice, they have a Plan, only ONE plan. We've seen this right across the board with them.>> <<@rattusfinkus says : Coal and gas are out, too polluting and too expensive (most coal generators have gone broke in the USA because they are uncompetitive) Nuclear will take 20 years to build in Australia and it is even more expensive than coal. If you want power tomorrow, it renewables or nothing, suck it up Karens.>> <<@graemekeeley4497 says : Well that's a welcome bolt from the Blue from Tanya Plibersek blocking the Victorian Victorian Government's plan to build a huge offshore windfarm at Port of Hastings The decision has left the Victorian Government reeling in shock as this project was the first part of a key pillar in Victoria's renewables future to have 9GW of offshore wind energy generation capacity by 2040 Tanya Plibersek stressed strongly that the propssed wind farm would cause “irreversible damage to the habitat of waterbirds and migratory birds and marine invertebrates and fish” that were critical to the health of this wetland. The huge project would have seen the dredging of up to 92 hectares (227 acres) of prime wetlands to produce up one GW per year with each of the turbines producing up to 18 megawatts The Victoria Government wheels out the falsehood Propaganda that these Winfarm projects create thousands of jobes Facts,,,, these turbines are produced in China thanks to ( Chairman Dan) i it is Goldwind which uses huge volumes of thermal and coking coal to produce the wind towers and solar panels they sell to Australia.' At the energy office of Goldwins a Chinese state-owned company run by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).somewhere in Beijing, they must be laughing their heads off. During construction construction jobs are short-term (6 months or less) and the overwhelming share of them are filled by specialized workers who are brought in temporarily. Wind farms” have very high capital costs and relatively low operating costs compared to generating units using traditional energy sources. They also create far fewer jobs, particularly long-term jobs, and far fewer local economic benefits. “Wind farms” are simply a poor choice if the goals are to create jobs, add local economic benefits, or hold down electric bills. You have surprised us all Tanya Plibersek, but it is a very welcome decision, may we see more such decisions>> <<@whatever9770 says : Just use our own gas and coal, instead of hypocritically selling it to China and other nations. We don’t need nuclear.>> <<@gregrobins5615 says : So Australians have to put up with these ugly eyesore wind turbines that are a blight on our pristine landscapes ? I can't believe the left and the Greens are behind this bs.>> <<@guymoschella4066 says : All the eggs a rotten and there still trying to hatch them>> <<@Coops777 says : Labor have swallowed climate panic disease hook, line and sinker. Refusing to listen to other nations who have gone before them with renewables who found they were unable to adequately power grids without a stable base of coal or nuclear. Refusing to spend time with feasibility studies (doing their homework). The Albanese government will go down as the worst we've ever had.>> <<@davidcarter4247 says : Really shows Plibersek and Bowen believe our energy future can be achieved with fairy dust. You sprinkle it on the sea and next morning there are hundreds of wind turbines.>> <<@dougtilley5977 says : Nuclear the way to go.>> <<@dougtilley5977 says : China is making Millions of Dollars over this BS>> <<@awc900 says : And that basket is full of holes.>> <<@kentaitchison says : coal is needed fast>> <<@gail9906 says : Yes in the stupid basket! 🤬❤️🇦🇺🦘>> <<@Wandering_Bear says : Ok, this fellow made his point that labor's windfarm plan was bad, ok.... but why did he keep dodging the presenter's invitation to share an alternative plan for energy needs? He just went in to "Don't look at me, look at THEM they are BAAAAAAADD." I suspect the opposition's plan is buy more heavily polluting coal, mix in more overseas oil, and sprinkle nuclear plants on top for flavour.>> <<@oldtimers6460 says : With climate the truth is forgotten, and the money is the new truth. Money buys a whole lot of climate so-called science.>> <<@darrenharvey6084 says : Do they want the public to be the power generator with roof top solar , so after about 10 years the public have to pay replace the worn out solar panels .>> <<@georgesutter2256 says : Australia plan to go backwards. First we get rid of car manufacturing then we get rid of oil refineries then we get rid of electricity. Bowens son who is planning a career in politics is going to ban the wheel.>> <<@anth5189 says : A basket with no bottom. The reality is that people ALLOWED them to do this.>> <<@iconsaustraliaproductions4991 says : Well said everyone in comments below; Labor/Greens-Teals collective set of dreaming out of control group of bungling misfits still falling all over themselves day by day proving the track record since elected federally & state, NO answers, NO plan [but socialism], NO credibility, NO substance, NO backbone, NO IDEA...just an ideology of what could be.>> <<@rubenverheij4770 says : :::::::::::::::::::::: They should 've build poles from windmills on islands! If not, it 'll cause noise pollution underwater!!! Whales wish to escape noise, and 'll swim to beach!>> <<@michaelclarke7413 says : 😅Bullshit windmills, they cause way more damage, renewables aren't green, renewable or recyclable.>> <<@viskovandermerwe3947 says : I escaped daily blackouts in South Africa when I immigrated to Australia 15 years ago. Living wiht black-outs is massively traumatic.>> <<@mitchmccarron8337 says : But when a truly existential crisis is imminent, protected species and biological systems can surely be sacrificed for the greater good? Or - maybe the planet's biosphere has already got this, & there is no such crisis? How about a fair and open discussion. Mitch, Australia.>> <<@FernFokes-tu6vs says : Seriously we have gas and coal. There is so many problems with the renewable energy snd it started when they made it private. Hello Labour you are supposed to be for the worker. Pollies sqwack sqwack>> <<@PeterMooney-mo1ut says : My question is if LNP get onto gov what will they do to reverse this bullshit? I personally think it's to late the damage has already been done>> <<@mikepickford1 says : No. Labor (and liberal) have put all OUR eggs in one basket. A very sketchy and ratty basket that has massive holes that will hold nothing. Soon we will be all out of eggs - and that’s the plan.>> <<@TheeeeLastToFall says : Lefties are dumb>> <<@ivansultanoff6719 says : Basic homework ? Exactly-not done-trial and error=sucks>> <<@senamy424 says : Battery technology , do you mean firecrackers ? no , thanks .>> <<@reneperin8742 says : This windfarm plan should never have even been thought of, ridiculous, how dare they destroy our waterways it's bad enough they rape the earth for their solar panels and turbines, now they want our oceans HANDS OFF, your crazy renewable schemes.>> <<@abbeystump says : Just like Humpty Dumpty…..>> <<@stevenhamilton9790 says : I’m going to Asia and enjoy cheap reliable energy Australian coal>> <<@johnhoran9840 says : If they truly believed the climate scam, they'd go for nuclear.>> <<@brettchristoffel6391 says : And that basket is made of wet toilet paper.>> <<@kathysmith1843 says : CRIME-MATE CHANGE 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑😈🤡💩>> <<@crowsfan691 says : Bowen is on China's payroll.>>