<<@robertcunningham35 says : so we are going to make solar panels in Australia to compete against China China uses wegas slaves to make the solar panels so where is Australia going to get their slaves from to work for nothing to compete against China>> <<@wentworthlongfellow1347 says : Where’s the “innovation” Where’s the business plan that shows Australia can produce solar panels at a cost competitive price ?>> <<@chopinmack5418 says : Australia should sell the expensive minerals to China and purchase the cheap Solar Panels back in return . Buy from Tesla the whole Energy Storage System is another option , in case there are excessive surplus . Australia has a lot of deserts and is in a good position to make use of the free energy from the Sun .>> <<@shelleywayne4329 says : Don't believe Albo and Bo Bo Bowen pair of clowns. When they talk. It's all talk their cons>> <<@MrMelonsz says : World-Leading doesn’t really describe our innovations if we can’t even get them out into the damn world, now does it?!>> <<@ianharding4309 says : More BS from a DH more money ?issed up the wall no panels will ever be mabe here the labor party are delusional>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : Hailstorm blackout, wind turbine lightning strikes, gale force winds>> <<@connorduke4619 says : Why do Albo's eyes go thin and dark when he is announcing something especially stupid - is that how the Narcissistic demon that controls his soul, reveals itself?>> <<@connorduke4619 says : Folks, this is what full blown communism looks like.>> <<@andrewcarter7260 says : not a surprise the Australian government effectively pays for solar panels so Australians have a lot of solar panels. If the Government stopped inflicting costs on business then subsidies would no longer be necessary.>> <<@MrMcnamex says : yeah right still made in cccp lol>> <<@edwardbec9844 says : Meanwhile all COP 28 Participants including that delusional Teenage Greta is embracing Nuclear energy as the Only Means to reduce Emissions in a substantial way, Albanese Bowen and the Australia China Billionaire Cabal pushing the anally retentive Anti- Nuclear Bandwagon. So is this plant going to manufacture 22000 solar panels for installation per day that’s 64 Million Solar Panels for the targeted year 2030 that was the Proposal put forward by Labor when signing that UN pledge. What bunkum innovation you mean collaboration from every Australian University that has links to the Foreign Power namely China.. What is the reason Cheap Slave Labor Uighur Muslims laboring 24 /7 making those panels What do they get apart from the beatings, so what price these solar panels .. Made in a Union controlled sheltered workshop. Where productivity means nothing it’s a long unionized lunch. so he points to the heavens above us … does he realize that every Wind turbine Solar Panel. Installation each Solar Panel there’s no continuity of output from each panel also over time this output Degrades even further plus all panels release over 50 grams of CO2 per Kwh.. Plus both Systems are the Most Destructive to Australia’s Natural Environment.. old growth Forests Agricultural Land. There is land mass Destruction at every step in the process from mining manufacture Installation and infrastructure requirements is Carbon Intensive releases even More Carbon as well as other extremely toxic Gases and Chemicals into the Atmosphere and Waterways.. namely Cadmium Telluride so end of life cycle where will all these Panels be place in Land fill Australia doesn’t have recycling nor sites rectification laws in place for renewable’s on the Australian Landscape .. .. Australia’s so called Climate Emergency is total BS to facilitate these operations that have one thing in Common the China Controlled WEF UN Agenda, UNIPCC to Control Populations by having a 1984 Crisis to distract Citizens .. While China continues to Pump out GigaTons of Emissions without restrictions. Here we have again the delusional mindset Australia’s becoming a Renewables Superpower on the Closure of Liddell let’s see there was an Offer on the table to be purchased by the then Liberal State Government as well as a Private investor company was rejected by Origin or AGL forget which one .. oh man what a mental giant Albanese is to quote the .Free Energy Tagline .who's brain fart is this .. where are the Materials coming from .. Mining? Aren't Socialist Left Greens Against Mining so even More environmental Destruction caused by Renewable Solar Panels Manufacturing .. what is the manufacturing process and does this operation use Cadmium Terilluride in the Solar Panels , What is the Energy source to Power the Furnace he is in Queensland right Coal Country .. this is lame pathetic and a Total waste of Taxpayers Money. its the Economic Ecological and Environmental Genocide ECOCIDE of Australia .so who's backing this venture is it Belt and Road China ? looking forward to $ 60 - 70 Trillion Dollars in debt Australia sold down the River by who else Socialist Left Labor .. Vladimir Lenin Putin would be so Proud of their Proteges>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME A PM ANNOUNCED NEW TECHNOLOGY OF ANY SORT ? MORE CLIMATE H0A>< PROPAGANDA FROM THE GUNNA PARTY. WILL THE ALP EVER ADMIT THAT NO ONE HAS EVER PROVED THAT HUMAN CO2 EMISSIONS CAN, OR DO, CHANGE THE EARTH'S CLIMATE ? WILL THE CLIMATE OBSESSED ALP EVER EXPLAIN WHY THEY STILL EXPORT COAL TO THE WORLD'S BIGGEST CO2 EMITTER ?>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : EYE WITNESSES RECENTLY RELEASED VIDEO OF HAIL STORM DAMAGE TO A VAST SOLAR ARRAY IN THE U.S. ALL DESTROYED IN MINUTES. NOW HEADED FOR LANDFILL. NON RENEWABLES>> <<@KurtBoulter says : Moron Albo, to innovate, you have to design & build things, something Australia no longer does, to lying, corrupt, criminal politicians such as yourself, bowing down to Chyna!>> <<@qwebly9336 says : it has taken us too long to realise the energy gold mine we are sitting on>> <<@KT-bb1tb says : Australia CANNOT Compete with Asia, Manufacturing Anything ! End of Story Albozzo is a Lying Fool !>> <<@roostercogburn1984 says : World leading? Backwards more like it. .No phone service in large parts of the Central Tablelands NSW. No public tips further out west. lol.>> <<@brettallison1988 says : Works great, ooow shit there’s a thunderstorm coming 😂>> <<@jimmymcthunda5906 says : Money laundering capital of the world.>> <<@DamonSiriyos says : Albo: "Noone wants to finance a nuclear reactor" Also Albo: "Here have a billion dollars">> <<@graemekeeley4497 says : It's not much use Australia being a “world-leading at innovation” in renewables if we get no benefit from it Australia will never have success at Manufacturing Solar Panels in Australia, China has that game well and truly sown up High power and manufacturing costs a poor productivity record coupled with draconian red tape laws make any talk of Solar Panel manufacture in Australia a dream believed only by Albanese>> <<@speedymccreedy8785 says : Solar Headshot, when Albo wastes hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars in a futile attempt to compete with China. There is a reason why the last Australian manufacturers of panels closed a long time ago. Hard to figure out if Albo will go down in history as Albo The Clueless or Albo The Dunderhead.>> <<@KT-bb1tb says : Just Love the way Albozzo Prances around, proving He Is a Complete Fool !>> <<@awc900 says : Elmer's FoS as usual and he mentions wind, well he's full of that too.>> <<@glennmccarthy8773 says : It's not free, stupid; we, the taxpayer, are paying the bill.>> <<@HDRK2009 says : Another waste of tax payers money, all this government is good at doing.>> <<@markheyman7333 says : Clean Coal 2.0>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : Thanks to John Howard the CC denier... we missed the opportunity for SUNTECH to produce Solar panels in Australia. Shi Zhengrong moved to CHINA where the industry has flourished. Unfortunately his company didn't due to Chinese corruption. THEY STOLE IT>> <<@tonynicholson3328 says : Little miss Solar Sunshine 👧 😅>> <<@archcollie5708 says : So, we are going to compete against the Chinese? No incentives, or handouts. I'd like to see that! And at what cost to the taxpayer?>> <<@LuciferBlack-zp8lr says : Successful ALP governing can be measured in Robodebt right wing conservative tears.......😭 Keep em scream'n albo...🇦🇺 😆😆😆>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : The TRANSITION to renewable Energy economies around the world to save the Planet from worst case scenarios due to climate change *was always going to be difficult for conservative ideology*>> <<@TSpackman says : Absolutely despise this lying Commie bastard.>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : Renewable transition Poverty>> <<@levan2436 says : china's puppy.....I don't believe him.>> <<@Genesis-007 says : Yes more bullshit to get you all hooked up to a government controlled power network which can monitor and even shut down appliances in your house, got a smart meter? Be smart about the network it's actually hard wired in to.>> <<@ShadowMan66 says : Worst PM in Australian History!>> <<@steverogers9507 says : HIS MOUTH ISMOVING??? He is lying and promoting bullshit again. Solar and wind is a fairytale Albo. Australia will be to expensive unless you subsidise (sorry, Taxpayers subsidise).Ha HA HA You just said a minister with vision in Bowen. Lying again cobber.>> <<@Sam-sj4pd says : Bet we have to buy back our own recouces from overseas>> <<@paulveenings6861 says : Up to 10 thousand hectares of solar panels destroyed by hail in Texas last week. Clean and green my arse.>> <<@darylhammerquist5961 says : Hope they don't use the same ones Texas did.>>