<<@angelnegron6798 says : That bridge is a representation of our current resident bidenofile.>> <<@troig43 says : Well, stop spending trillions of dollars on useless wars...found those 'weapons of mass destruction yet?>> <<@Tony-ne7hd says : FFS stop click bating. You’re supposed to be a reputable news organisation not tabloid press.>> <<@Mega-G-Star says : Where’s it’s crew?>> <<@mricci571 says : 35 Trillion dollars in the hole with nothing to show for it but a group of politicians with multiple mansions.>> <<@morsecode4036 says : Wrong. We didn't send enough money to The Ukraine.>> <<@yggdrasil9039 says : The oldness of the bridge has nothing to do with it>> <<@LondonSteveLee says : It's nothing to do with age as such other than colossal ships like this didn't exist when this bridge was designed and risk profiles were different back then hence an adequate buffer zone round the bridge supports were not constructed.>> <<@darrylweidenhofer says : Black Swan event.>> <<@jamessharpe6699 says : After recently visiting Russia as an American it shamed me to return back to America and American Transit train / Subway systems we are a third world country>> <<@ChrisM-fz6xx says : Decades old ? How old is the Brooklyn Bridge ? How old is the Golden Gate ? Sydney Harbour Bridge is 92 years old and is good as new . You're not meant to crash into the bloody thing .>> <<@jule3480 says : Joe Biden would sell out anyone for a vote. Disgusting man.>> <<@jameswhitby6688 says : JamesaWhitby JamesaWhitby JamesaWhitby JamesaWhitby JamesaWhitby JamesaWhitby JamesaWhitby JamesaWhitby JamesaWhitby>> <<@rjmidnite says : It’s not how old any ship hitting a bridge is going to knock it down !!!>> <<@Zuzka3158 says : Love to know what nationality is captain of that cargo ship And what safety measures are on ship if there’s no electricity for steering What’s the backup plan hm>> <<@yannisboochakis3718 says : how old are some of the big bridges world wide??? Sydney Harbour bridge ?? Sky News stop scare mongering...did not collapse cos its nearly 50 years old...was hit by 100000 tonne ship, And it was built and engineered for ships in the 1970's...ships were 1/3 the size.>> <<@eggshapedisraelioperative6317 says : That cargo ship weighs 100,000 tonnes when its EMPTY. Twice that when loaded. Name one piece of infrastructure that can withstand the kinetic energy of being struck by a 200,000,000 kilogram object>> <<@noneyabizz8337 says : Not suspicious at all.>> <<@RobertGilmour-ju7mv says : How can you blame the bridge it was a fixed, static structure that was receiving maintenance when the event happened fairdinkum the ship had a history of faults before this happned hell the ship should have been in drydock .>> <<@reesethompson6882 says : Dude come on seriously . 😅 that bridge was a set up clear as day guys>> <<@revawesson7050 says : Trumps promise last time he would rebuild our bridges, he got shot down by congress!>> <<@Wolfcamp555 says : Back in the 70s, we didnt need cargo ships. The US still made stuff.>> <<@graceg2716 says : Yet again the Simpson predicted this event! Pay attention Aus. Yesterday the ALP, Libs and Green passed the Identity ID bill without consultation!>> <<@danielmendes2162 says : PSA for the citizens of the USA. You want 21st Century First Class Infrastructure? Then you need to stand up to both the environmental activists and the labor unions! Only then will you have 21st Century First Class Infrastructure!>> <<@paulveenings6861 says : The biggest problem is, the big guy won’t get his 10% if the money is spent in America.>> <<@20yearsindacan says : You Steer The Ship The Best Way You Know. Sometimes It’s Smooth. Sometimes You Hit The Rocks, hopefully no bridges.>> <<@Brains_Into_Monuments says : Rumour has it, Hunter was steering the ship with his famous laptop, according to the Maga cult.>> <<@seandelap8587 says : The truth is whatever they aren't telling us>> <<@truepatriots3860 says : Blank check Biden strikes again.>> <<@lalalisa9307 says : Doesn’t matter the bridge was built very well you’re saying it’s old how about not smashing into it with a ship full of cargo don’t blame the bridge he was driving too fast under that bridge to begin with>> <<@jonwoodmass2849 says : What rubbish. Deliberately done>>