<<@WorldThought2024 says : Sky's whole comment section are people living on another planet>> <<@scottsee7594 says : Actually there was no mention of the Sun’s CME’s, rather it was a warning issued because of the ‘unusual cold snap’ and people using more power to keep warm. This was a blatant lie. And they wonder why we don’t trust main stream media…the truth is we have no control over the Sun.>> <<@benjaminfalzon4622 says : How many born-again Christians thought it was the Rapture?😂>> <<@newbleppmore7855 says : lol transpower>> <<@secondchance6603 says : I live in woke asf NZ, this 'emergency' is complete bollocks, best ignored but what shouldn't be ignored (but is) was them saying they may shut down peoples hot water cylinders to save power. I never knew that was a thing so I'm glad I installed a Califont that payed for itself in 18 months and saves me quite a lot on my electricity bill... till they decide to ban them to 'save' the planet.>> <<@jimhardy-p3i says : i guess this is part of global warming? isnt everything?>> <<@carolwindrow8665 says : Holy 😮 Sh*t>> <<@allanedwards1036 says : Yeeeehaaaa,it's the End Of the World as we know it all the ATMs will go down!!>> <<@katesmiles4208 says : The other stations are showing the most beautiful auroras. Skynews has this rather pedestrian report 🤣🤣>> <<@peekaboo6622 says : Grand. Solar. Minimum.>> <<@spedup_lyrixxs says : Our earth protects us from danger but we are just damaging it more.😢>> <<@ericm6633 says : God is mad and fed up with the ongoing iniquities>> <<@chrismo2922 says : Nah, Climate Change.>> <<@petevan says : That’s why…CASH still needs to exist and CASH-LESS is a recipe for disaster!>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : Absolutely a load of 💩 just spoke to a mate in Wirecoathanger and says what the fock bro ?>> <<@speedymccreedy8785 says : As every ultra leftist will tell you - climate change.>> <<@markhill9275 says : Its the bloody cows farting again!>> <<@murrayclist265 says : Cant charge my car🤔 Sorry boss wont be in today. 😀🤙SWEET.>> <<@murrayclist265 says : On Thursday the News tried to spin this as wind an solar was the problem WTF another MSM fake news story.>> <<@new_kingdom8679 says : B.S.🐂💩... More Propaganda! The EMP weapon We have been hearing about for 15 years now that will shut off every one's power. It's thier plan.>> <<@WeveGotBush says : They testing their frequency.>> <<@lukeh321 says : I'm waiting for the antisun protests.>> <<@peterkuppers3012 says : So, I reckon a Solar Tax is in order...>> <<@Diponty says : Sun spot AR3664 is gaping at us!>> <<@lispyDribbler says : Australia won't have that problem. We won't have enough ewectwithithe for it to damage anything.>> <<@TheeeeLastToFall says : I saw it here in Washington state in USA, the sky looked freaky...didn't know if i was hallucinating 😂 and then i noticed everyone is talking about it on the internet. Edit: i can still kind of see the lights here in the night sky.>> <<@stevewiles7132 says : To much for the panels to handle?>> <<@stewatparkpark2933 says : All bloke warning - wear aluminium underwear for the next 7 days .>> <<@michaelandrews583 says : Must be climate change!🤓>> <<@ShadowMan66 says : No mention of the harm that the jabs are doing then?>> <<@David-fu4vi says : It's caused from global warming. lol>> <<@ragereset1829 says : The peanut brain Donald Trump looked directly at the sun without protective eye wear during the solar eclipse in 2017. 🤣>> <<@travisbootses2774 says : How do they even get paid reporting bs ? Who even believes this bs ?>> <<@travisbootses2774 says : Who even believes this bs? You have to be a nut job!>> <<@Eric-jo8uh says : No doubt Bill Gates will announce with authority that vaccinations are needed urgently. Line up, line up, roll up your sleeve, sorry but we haven’t had time to test this vaccine but “trust me” it’s safe….line up, roll up your sleeve it’s perfectly safe……….ring a bell? Glad I didn’t believe the BS.>> <<@rhyno1740 says : Unprecedented. 😂😂😂>> <<@ch33psk8 says : "As we fell into the sun And the first one said to the second one there "I hope you're having fun" ~ Wings>> <<@SingleMaltBuckeye says : Some super cool views in Ohio. I bet you can Google all the photos taken.>> <<@LuciferBlack-zp8lr says : Stormy Daniels generated enough heat in Trump's NY Hush money trial to powered every Ev in America.....⚡ Apparently even the Murdoch's were supercharged.......🤬 😆😆😆....>> <<@daman7129 says : I seen them at 5am down here in tasmania, one of the best ive seen since the 2003 solar storm.>> <<@vivrowe2763 says : Yes know all about this, was watching it a while back on a real sight and it's going to go on for a few days, not just the weekend. Was not ever called extreme at this stage, it's still being monitored.>> <<@GLEN-ys7qt says : Will we need vaccinations as a precaution?>> <<@gibsonlespaul3695 says : Just like the solar eclipse did last month ....oh wait nothing happened!>> <<@daveo3122 says : Oh, c'mon. It's only 6 CME's last I heard. And they aren't big ones either. It's just a taste of what's to come.>> <<@eurasia6258 says : There's no God but Amen-Rah, available to uS All👨🏻‍🚀👍©️get ur aluminum hat asap, feeling ou ou feelings u not😘❤️☮️>> <<@Design_no says : Lol, ok Karens>> <<@2dvs4you says : Tell the idiots that shouldn't be anywhere near 'power" political or otherwise to prove this fear mongering is actually a threat. Shouldn't we all have our own personal rights to the tech that measures the threat? Hmmm, wonder why they don't like that idea??? Have a great life in your pods while the rest of the world let's you expire for stupid beliefs.>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Stop pissing God off wouldn't have these problems if you had morals, hence why we tell you stop talking about rich people we don't care>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Here sheep sheep 🐑🐑🐑 Look over here 👉👉👉👉👉>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Just don't mention .....>>