<<@peterkirgan2921 says : The only Budget Albo knows about is Budget Car Rentals !!!!😂😂😂😅>> <<@BarbaraHambleton says : But they don’t have any principles>> <<@PaulMorrow-m2h says : Cant trust a word he says. Liar In The Lodge (LITL).>> <<@clintclintonforshortbonser736 says : Like climate science, economics and astrology, this is all projected wiffle waffle. He's talking absolute bs. 90 percent of everything he just spewed out will never come to fruition. On thing for sure is, they will waste billions of taxpayers money to get re elected and drive their toxic, neo Marxist ideology and agenda. He's a cabbage headed fool and he's running the country into the ground. They have to go. The thought of him running a minority government for another 3 years is terrifying.>> <<@not-pc6937 says : And who’s going to build all these houses ?? Here in Launceston we have an already overloaded sewerage system that was built over a hundred years ago - it regularly pumps RAW sewerage into the beautiful Tamar river . How long can we continue to hook more houses up to it ? The Launceston TAFE building that used to be full of teachers and students learning their trade now sits empty and is to become an 11 story hotel for tourists . There are not enough builders in Tasmania to complete Albos dream - a young friend of ours was a 3rd year building apprentice - he had to leave because he literally couldn’t live on his $20 an hour wage . This bloke is an absolute disgrace - Ask yourself one question - am I better of now under Albo or before this joke of a priminister came to office .>> <<@rosstatam16 says : Why do we continue to allow these 'intelligent ' fools to spend our money?!>> <<@nicktolk7842 says : Speech impetement>> <<@warwickpoignand1251 says : Government spending has to be drastically reduced to curb inflation. This would allow wages to rise to compensate fot cost of living increases. This budget will not reduce inflation and will peg wages where they are for years while cost of living continues to rise. Buckle up for more suffering people.>> <<@joelpopplewell3247 says : I've never hated a primer minister more than I hate this guy>> <<@rinoporcu6241 says : How about giving me 5 Billion you lie and throw our cash everywhere else,>> <<@rinoporcu6241 says : Job seekers should not get a dole rise, they should be out there getting an honest job pay taxes or join the Army. Albo should force these kunts into TAFE and get a TRADE.>> <<@ivansultanoff6719 says : Stop the lies-,or is an attempt to get votes??No one will get sucked-billion here, billion there-where is the money from??>> <<@justinwolff1416 says : When original thought and good management are completely foreign concepts to you... and 'blame game' is the only other card in your deck of jokers, l guess you just have to keep playing 'blame game'... and hope nobody smells your 🐂💩.>> <<@brothermaynard3200 says : Coming from a man devoid of any principles.>> <<@drgavinnicholson9334 says : when is the next federal election: how much more of this fool and his drop kicks must Australia put up with>> <<@TSCarmenMelbourne says : Nobody takes your seriously you dishonest little twerp>> <<@KurtBoulter says : Federal budget will ‘have at its heart’ three principles: Spend more, tax more & waste more, as the Labor Party ALWAYS does!>> <<@PsyllyViews says : lol commies dont have heart since they dont need it. thats why they go rabid to people who oppose them lol hammers and sickles but labor will never have heart to the general population. Its a ruse...>> <<@LovelyLass-nb8op says : No matter what handouts I will never vote Labor>> <<@credenza1 says : Progressive Governments have only three fundamental aims: the destruction of private property rights, the centralization of power and the silencing of dissent. If you look closely enough these will be at the foundation of Albanese's plan.>> <<@Denise-wv6eo says : Any trust in Albo and all those on his bench his team his side is completely gone. There has been NO accountability No credibility he does nothing but mislead and lie as his record has showed. Albo can walk the walk talk the talk and jet set here and jet set there and spend, sprnd, spend . Now he wants to do things now he all of a sudden cares, please spare me the bull 💩 There is an election coming up right and what do they do with every pending election. Well, they say this and they say that and they do a little bit here and a little bit there all to win one over that’s all, then when they have what they wanted they stop giving and cut services off again like they have always done in the past.>> <<@henrysmith1103 says : The cunts word is his bond>> <<@Gungho1a says : Yep, protect jew haters and aboriginals, screw over the rest. Labors three principles.>> <<@richardtravers8772 says : Yeah Yeah Yeah and who would ever believe anything this poor excuse for a Man says.>> <<@richardwilcox5988 says : This arrogant grub 🤬🤬🤬🤬>> <<@kevinmoor6408 says : The increase in domestic violence and housing problems has been the result of this dickhead's migration and economic policies. Just print a billion here, borrow a billion from from his personal friend, Xi and hey presto, Australia is in surlus again.>> <<@Waywind420 says : 700k migrants in his first year as prime minister is absolutely insane. I'd even label it as a ''cleansing'' of the safe, prosperous anglo-australia we grew up with. Wanna make houses more affordable? stop flooding the country with so many people who all need homes, because you're creating scarcity and driving prices up by doing it.>> <<@darrylweidenhofer says : Ah it's the chief woke liar. Can you see the manure starting to fall from his mouth ?>> <<@darrylweidenhofer says : Ah it's the chief woke liar. Can you see the manure starting to fall from his mouth ?>> <<@bop-ya-good says : All talk no effect...30 billion per year to indigenous and see how much that helps>> <<@bop-ya-good says : What a joke...i have 50 acres and cant even put a tiny house on it!!>> <<@johncorlett3699 says : albosleasy has no priciples whatsoever. be honest sky, these $ figures are TAXPAYERS DOLLARS, OUR FECKIN MONEY. oh yes, theres an election on the horizon>> <<@dontbeasheeple5883 says : There will be nothing made in Australia unless we have affordable, reliable baseload power>> <<@iconsaustraliaproductions4991 says : Here he is, the media representative for the "Communist Republic Of Australia", no time to do anything useful, instead another media "special appearance" to promote himself, don't wait for it, the "Budget of BS" starring FAKE & FUDGE...Principles, sick joke.>> <<@allanhall3749 says : Wow, with all that money surely they could afford a qualified economist. More expenditure = more inflation = more tough times ahead. Time to go Albo!>> <<@pikeymicky says : Look at the comments on here Albo ---- nobody believes a word!>> <<@pikeymicky says : Pants on fire! "What this is about" is more bull's excrement!>> <<@peterrech2307 says : Can we believe anything that Albanese says....HELL NO! Albanese will find a way to not go ahead with it.>> <<@keepyalegs2gether says : Albo has no principles.>> <<@peterrech2307 says : Albanese follows the Dan Andrews method of lying: tell as many lies as you like then throw in a few possible truths which then confuse the bogan nose-ring led Labor Liars voters to re-elect the ALP again. Then after re-election forget about all of the promises made.>> <<@timwilson4684 says : Budget will have 3 things at heart 1/ No relief to cost of living 2/ petrol , gas & electricity will rise in price 3/ Elmer Fudd will still be the liar in the Lodge. - guaranteed.>> <<@MrBoranup says : if you listen careful he isn't actually saying anything just throwing money around at fancy titles.>> <<@sharondates6059 says : HE’LL BE BLOODY DESPERATE>> <<@alexfagyas9342 says : Albanese spending mania ... It will be more tax on everything. Left socialism government are hopeless . Can't save money, so inflation will go up and everything else will go up. And it is always Albanese government fault, not the war or other circumstances fault. SHAME ON ALBANESE AND HIS GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!!!>> <<@ShirleyYAJOKIN-cx3ro says : Diversity. Equity. Inclusion.>> <<@Genesis-007 says : VOTE ONE NATION 🇦🇺 PROBLEM SOLVED 👍>> <<@Super_Mario128 says : Anthony “Recession” Albanese>> <<@davegoldspink5354 says : Im calling BULLSHIT on the whole lie. There won’t be any change in this budget outside of Albo’s massive continued tax grab and the continuing underlying rot and destruction of this country’s economy and standard of living.>> <<@info88w11 says : ALBONZO'S BUDGET WILL INCREASE INFLATION AND ADD 3 MORE INTEREST RATE INCREASES IN 2024 .....BYE BYE ALP YOU ABSOLUTE DRONGOS IN 2025 ELECTION !!!>> <<@info88w11 says : LILO LIAR IN THE LODGE ALBONZO -- ALBONZO COST OF LIVING CRISIS HAS BEEN A MAIN CAUSE OF ALL DV INCIDENTS>>