<<@frua97 says : Another state in the region does nothing for peace in the region. The Arabs in the region must accept Israel and learn to live at peace with them and other Arabs for there to be peace in the region.>> <<@frua97 says : The "goals and methods of Humus" cannot be separated from those of most Arabs in the region who approve of them.>> <<@frua97 says : How can another state sponsor of terror be conducive to "long-term peace and security"?>> <<@m.g.3679 says : Aussie wants it's politicians to have 🏀🏈. Not cave to T gov. Shame on all these cowards caving to the mob>> <<@m.g.3679 says : Ru is chair in security council and that is the basis for accepting it, @r@b countries are in human and women rights council. Now a T government is seen as valid after atrocities. Keep rewarding gov that create wars and violate HR. Great job UN and western politicians!!!>> <<@MarkSkeats says : Here we go more weak politicians talking shit>> <<@geob8172 says : Rubbish....it's all about saving the UN because it is a Useless Corrupt Criminal Organisation.>> <<@Peace.Please144 says : 9 Countries in the World supported Israel totalling 5% of the Planet's Population. Netanyahu and his Right-Wing Cronies are destroying Israel. FACT.>> <<@bitpri05 says : We need new people in government>> <<@hsa330 says : I think she doesn't understand how the Middle East thinks. And if she does, that's worse. She is Wessplaining.>> <<@drmatarkin2100 says : Not my Australia!!! Leftist Australia maybe?! But I wouldn’t even say that! I’d also just like to say how shocking it is that this is the only Aussie news videos that we have free speech on. The other news groups have their comments closed. For good reason too! They are trash and never speak for real Aussies!>> <<@guyfawkes9789 says : I just can't believe these countries are that blind and stupid. They don't want it, turned down the chance many times. Who's going to lead it?. Hamas?. Off ya rockers I tells ya!,>> <<@christosvougiouklis2834 says : Make no mistake this was an Australian vote for terror from the Albanese government . We must vote these terrorist supporters out.>> <<@VK6AB- says : The Australian Government has in absolute, unequivocal effect sided with the Iranian "final solution". Well done, vapidly stupid, strategically inept. I disown you.>> <<@alpetterson9452 says : Great news. Now Palestinians have the opportunity to talk talk talk at a higher level of the UN whilst their people die. ANYONE who sees the UN as a hope for saving lives really ought to consider they've done NOTHING in 70 years to prevent this conflict. They, in effect, are aiding the killing of civilians.>> <<@rosshitchen-ij6en says : Has Israel surrended Northern Gaza.>> <<@juegomaestro11 says : Are you serious? They rape and murder women and children. They call for the genocide of Jews every single day and we are supposed to "meet them half way?">> <<@MariaGomez-yr1zw says : This woman does not understand the mentality and values of Islamic terrorists groups. Nothing of what she says makes any sense because what the majority of the Palestinians want is to wipe Israel off the map. Listen to what they say and believe what they say. Stop trying to help to bring peace by negotiating with people who do not want peace. Best thing she can do is to keep quiet and let Israel get rid of Hamas.>> <<@wop130 says : I guess collective global antisemitism is the norm… AGAIN.>> <<@deniseorourke7235 says : Australians don’t want this and it’s disgraceful that you think you can speak for all of us Wong is biased in the favour of Hamas who are terrorists The fact that our aukus partners voted no should be a bloody warning>> <<@waynereloaded87 says : Free Palestine>> <<@hotchihuahua1546 says : The goal for everyone (EVERYONE) should be to broker peace in that region ! If Palestine is given an opportunity to be somebody ! They need to stop allowing proxy terrorist groups backed by outside sources to wreak havoc next to a peaceful Israel ! That is and should be the bottom line in the UN quest ! That UN vote must be unanimous ! If not, it will be TSOSDF forever routine !>> <<@zzzzoogal9634 says : Hamas owns Palestine, they don't want peace until they impose Sharia law on the whole world. You do not speak for all Ausies Miss'der Wrong. Vote this lot out. Never let them back into power again, greens included. V1PH4PM🇭🇲>> <<@resurrectedone7463 says : God bless Palestine and its eternal capital Al Quds !!!>> <<@chrisyoung9194 says : Is the UN that powerful that they can get 143 countries to desert Israel and are the Jews so hated by the elite? I wouldn't have thought that the case, but what do I know obviously.>> <<@jlove6019 says : How can they be a member of the UN if they aren't a country??>> <<@JD-bn2ch says : Wong is full of BS!>> <<@thomassandhaus4392 says : What a shame!!!!Greco roman palestine has never been a state in all of history and was just a clonialist province!!!This so-called paelstinian have never existed!!The letter "P" does not exist in Arabic alphabet!!!This resolution is jsut a pure joke and has no value>> <<@daveb5016 says : The UN just proved that they are completely and totally without any relevancy or morality, and needs to be abolished. This an absolute abomination.>> <<@balochengineer9372 says : After allowing murder of babies in Gaza, some countries are tearing crocodile tears. Shame on them.>> <<@LovelyLass-nb8op says : What a corrupt government>> <<@2Bros-OVO says : So if assaulting and or denial of trans people is a human rights violation why are they being considered for the UN and supported by the LGBTQ 😂😂😂 its like sticking a fork in a power socket>> <<@Wedgetail96 says : The sheer hatred this Government has for Australia 🇦🇺 continues. This time deliberately going against our longstanding allies to secure votes in marginal seats. Absolutely disgraceful.>> <<@davidgiddens2793 says : Good evil and evil good the book is correct>> <<@gregdownton4096 says : Disgraceful! Sorry Israel!! 😢😢>> <<@AJGeologyRocks says : She is a Useful Idiot and Pro Islamofacist terrorist supporter as well as being a garbage human.>> <<@hesky68 says : Typical for this scum socialist rabble to vote against the majority in this country. The majority here are against these terrorist slime>> <<@bettymarshall2702 says : PALESTINIANS/HAMAS SAME PEOPLE.>> <<@rosshitchen-ij6en says : All Indigenous peoples have a right to Self Determination.>> <<@madddevil1 says : Penny Wong ... another Labor embarrassment and a failure>> <<@satiricgames2129 says : Fir who terrorist>> <<@rsmith7589 says : The Messiah is returning to RAPTURE His Church (1 Thessalonians 4: 13 - 18). Watch: “Rain Of Blessings, Rain Of Judgement - PROPHET ELIJAH | Prophet Dr. David Owuor | September 2023” on Repent and Come Out of The Great Tribulation. Babylon the Great represents a corrupt global empire run by the Antichrist in the final days before Jesus returns (Revelation 18). TIME IS OVER.>> <<@AngelOfDeath420 says : Whats next, allowing isis and the Taliban in the United Nations?>> <<@stevencorlett7972 says : Dunno what world you live in WONG but "PALESTINE " is NOT A COUNTRY IDIOT, don't pretend to speak for Australians you corrupt f#$k>> <<@XxTheAwokenOnexX says : The UN will be accused of Auntysemitism 🤣>> <<@leanneno says : In Australia it is illegal to support a Terrorist group, Albo and the Labor party should all go to jail. Disgusting.>> <<@anthonyporens4983 says : What can you expect from a woman who is married to another woman and wouldn't know about leadership if it was a mountain in front of nose>> <<@dennismenace4188 says : The UN is meaningless to me. It is not a representative body that I have any input on. The Australian government is becoming more like that. Whether Palestine is recognised or not is of no consequence to me. If Australian politicians are going to bring a view to the UN, hold a referendum first about the options. I did not vote for the Labour party. They do not represent my views. I ask them to stay out of these contentious international affairs and to instead focus on domestic issues.>> <<@emadmohammed3742 says : The palestinens has exposed the hypocrisy of the WEST. America and Europe are extremely biased and extremely racist hypocrites nations. They have no moral authority to lecture other people about rule of law or “democracy”.>> <<@kayare4522 says : Trust Penny Wrong to do no Right.>>