<<@adtiamzon3663 says : Interesting discussion, Liu Xin. Indeed.>> <<@richardgoh6697 says : US, UK and some European nations had had bullied, invaded and partially occupied Chinese territories from years 1840 till 1949. Their politicians hv had tons of unrealistic superiority complex over d Chinese which they had had despised. Besides, Chinese is of yellow skin and don’t believe in Christianity and do not go through impractical general elections every 4 or 5 years to choose a new government. Now that China is prosperous under d Communist rule which Westerners hv had an innate or congenital fear for, those gullible Western politicians are still foolishly trying to suppress China but their pointless efforts shall all be in vain.>> <<@seanrowshandel1680 says : The basis of the fascist argument was that Lenin wasn't poor AND HEBREW enough for Marxists not to be racist at face-value, and that they "see eye-to-eye better" with Hebrews (because they are interchangeable with Hebrews). So, if "Russians" have ties to Israel rather than Israel having ties with "fascists EXCLUSIVELY", it's kind of a "sticky situation" which can't be undone without everyone getting educated about the social standing of "Jews" during Marx's time, as well as learning about Marx, and then coming to the same conclusion as "mine" (a conclusion with no idiosyncratic attributes), which is that it's a sticky situation which obligatorily complicates the role of every justice system. Maybe all the tensions have arisen for this reason: a "proper system" was not installed EVERYWHERE by Russia after Marx. "Russia" has been claiming to be "keeping track of history" (one would need to be worse off than deaf, dumb, and blind not to be able to keep track of history) in all these post-Marx years. Is the concept of living life as a "Russian" really as much of a tightrope walk as others ARE PRESUMING it to be (The same Russians who can't even distinguish them from "Jews" any longer), for Russians? Because it's sort of a tightrope walk, but theoretically there should be no risks. This is why China is the best place to live, and why everyone obeys China's command. Escape from it all and invite me to become a CN citizen so we can "just live life"! The mystery remains: how can they have a history if they react the same way every generation (they seem strangely generationless/historyless) on the battlefield? It seems like "Russians" are taking the idea of defending themselves a little too far.>> <<@holyfreakinschift5740 says : Love it! Liu in full Beast Mode ferreting out the core issue, that China is offering goods at lower prices with which the regulated western economies cannot compete. What irony that the CCP can do free markets better than the west. In fairness, China is a little over-protective about foreign goods, but Liu is not fooled by obfuscating language like "overcapacity". Great job!>> <<@jopoon52 says : Ex Cathedra ... THANK YOU. Please KEEP UP the EXCELLENT EFFORT ... GRACEFUL BLESSINGS always be with YOU, FOLKS.>> <<@shambles9 says : Europe has no right to say "overcapacity" until the per capita GDP PPP is up to par with Europe's.>> <<@Andrew-t9z9e says : When EU cannot compete due to cost of production then say, "Over Capacity", When the West gang up against China it's "Friend Shoring", when USA economy collapsing, they provoke and create more Wars, when Israel does genocide and occupy other's land, they say they are the chosen one and above the law. The boogeyman is America, a nation that does not take accountability and the arrogance of exceptionalism is driving humanity to destruction.>> <<@unreliablenarrator6649 says : So an "over-capacity" of EU and US companies manufacturing and dominating markets in China was OK but when Chinese compete inter markets it is wrong?>> <<@cwpv2477 says : the core problem is that europe itself became democratic not long ago and now thinks everyone has to. Human rights and representative democracy are two different things though, that do not have to depend on each other.>> <<@jamescherriman1633 says : Liu Xin is very attractive 😍>> <<@daffyduck4195 says : Xi's trip, after a 5 years absence, is to show the world who in Europe is in the China camp and who is not. UK is not. Germany is not. Italy is not. But France, Hungary, and Serbia is in. France gets a $300 billion Airbus contract. Hungary gets a giant EV factory serving Europe, and Serbia gets a bridge they'd been waiting for 1000 years.>> <<@bijunhuang5040 says : Liu Xin's accent is beautiful>> <<@PrimarchRegalious says : 👏🏻👏🏻✌🏼🇺🇸 ✏️📱 “Pedophiles are allowed to and get away with misinterpreting and exaggerating their physical, chemical process enlightenment, why can't I? I met God, Everybody goes to heaven and I'm half a murderer. Hide your Bibles. Anger is Death OwO 👏🏻👏🏻⭐ The reality before me is that Facts can be controversial and History is useless. Why Should these stories exist? I mean, evidently it's just a saying that "I met The Archangel Michael." "I met Actual God." "There Is an Actual Dragon” etc. Right So, what good is any of this and how does The Bible not Only Damage Me? Theism is Evil. Theists are Evil. Just because there's no magic for you to know a fact doesn't mean there isn't a fact.” (I then click on this video.)>> <<@learkingofalbion8520 says : I must disagree with Professor Fedyashin. Ursula von der Leyen is not a babysitter. And Emmanuel Macron is not as much of a loose cannon as is the Crazyman. Should President Macron disagree, we can schedule a "Loose Cannon Contest".>> <<@Souchirouu says : China needs to focus more on the European people. It already does this a lot with trade of course but that is a thing the leaders of the EU actually like because it helps offset their absurd spending on non-productive activities such as war and corporate exploitation. I think if China where to encourage more travel by providing great deals to European citizens to come and visit China could really help. I also think that providing aid to non-profits especially in the educational sphere could really help people's perspective on China. It's painfully frustrating how many Europeans still think China today is little better than China in the 1970's. A more risky one would be news.. both US and EU have a big news issue where all its funding either comes directly from the government or from advertisers like Google and Facebook and it shows. There many major protests against Israel almost daily but the only times those get int he media when they can spin the narrative in an antisemitic way. We also get basically no news from most of the world, all we see is US politics followed by local politics and then nothing. India has a major election this year and there is just nothing in the media. So maybe China could out compete/outpay Google/Facebook and other western advertisement platforms so that it becomes easier to for news websites to actually talk about important topics.>> <<@thndrngest says : The most fundamental core issue is that the collective west, driven by the wrong u s regime, will not come to their common senses , unless they can have the upper hand. they still think in racial differentiation and in imperialistic mentality, they are having great difficulty adapting to the current reality of the world, and the foreseeable future as well.>> <<@michaeltse321 says : Core issue is that China is rich and Europen wants them to be poor and only serve the Europeans with cheap labour and a market to sell their goods into. Not allow to sell high value goods in the European market.>> <<@mejiger says : Europe is used to exploiting others. It is not used to doing business on win win basis>> <<@robertprawendowski2850 says : >> <<@orvilleclisby6748 says : The problem with the West is their art represents centuries of hardship. Westerners need to learn the importance of social harmony, which would make it easier for the rulers.>> <<@JamieMorlok says : Chinese values of patience & perseverance will only bring success. Kudos to Xi, CCP & the Chinese for their efforts.>> <<@kckoay6211 says : “By means of glasses, hotbeds, and hotwalls, very good grapes can be raised in Scotland, and very good wine too can be made of them at about thirty times the expense for which at least equally good can be brought from foreign countries. Would it be a reasonable law to prohibit the importation of all foreign wines, merely to encourage the making of claret and burgundy in Scotland?” This is the question raised by Adam Smith in his famous work, “The Wealth Of Nations” published in 1776. That underlying concept has been quantitatively explained in 1815 by British economist David Ricardo in his widely acclaimed “comparative advantage theory” which suggests that nations can gain an international trade advantage when they focus on producing goods that entails the lowest opportunity costs as compared to other nations. China did just that. Ironically, while China has gained overwhelming comparative advantage over the larger spectrum of the manufacturing sector, the U.S.’s comparative advantage remain stuck in its ability to print money — now over US$3 trillion a year. Inarguably, that is a massive comparative advantage to the U.S. to have the dollar treated as major currency for international trade settlements. The dollar fiat value is very much determined by the FED even though it is not representative of another asset or financial instrument such as gold. That gives the U.S. an extortionate advantage to augment and exploit the hegemony of capital. The printing money via debt issuance ostensibly entail the lowest opportunity cost. Why? That is because to the United States, the cost of capital and labour of other producing countries, China included, is no more than the cost of printing of the greenbacks. So, why should the United States even bother about producing goods when they can just resort to printing the dollar at a fraction of the cost? The hegemony of the dollar had triggered United States shift towards what is to be its post-industrial economy. The paradigm shift is underpinned by the belief that the United States could actually built a successful economy just by being consumers. It can continue incessantly and indefinitely to fund its insatiable consumption by the issuance of debt or deficit spending. But as the country’s economy shifted from an industrial economy to a consumer economy, the labor force engaged in the primary and secondary industries declined, while those employed in the tertiary industries expanded exponentially. Unfortunately, that is a double-edge sword. Today, manufacturing constitutes only around 10 % of the country’s 2023 GDP as compared to almost 70% for private consumption. Whereas for China, the value added of its primary industry, the secondary industry and the tertiary industry were 7.1%, 38.3% and 54.6% respectively. In conclusion, that the U.S. is losing its clout in the manufacturing sector — and will continue to do so — is a manifestation of U.S. expectations and exploitation of the comparative advantage of the dollar as the world reserve currency. The ability to print money to fund its insatiable appetite for consumption and its profligacy for wars is ostensibly addictive. It will continue for as long as the Ponzi scheme lasts. And that is not a coincidence but a poor decision made by choice. Now that China’s industrial might is leaving the United States in the dust, Washington is in the grip of crisis — its national debts continue to pile up; and the confidence in the fiat value of the dollar is slowly but surely falling. Thanks to Washington belligerence. Unfortunately, Washington is running into a dead end, unable to fix its structural problems from within. The next best thing is to use China as the bogey, and coerce its allies to act in concert.>> <<@udayasampath3530 says : China❤❤❤from SriLanka>> <<@leoxing7697 says : Liu Xin got BIG BALLS!!! THEY CAN'T ACCEPT CHINESE SUCCESS!!! DUE TO THEIR RACISM!!!>> <<@vgstb says : Thank you CGNT and Liu Xin for all the interesting conversations! In Europe, the MSM offer almost exclusively hollow, meaningless rhetoric. The EU MSM have always been heavily influenced by colonial thinking. Lately, honest intellectually sane arguments and balanced analysis are almost completely vanished from the EU media landscape..>> <<@jilj1948 says : Russia SMO into Ukraine was & is due to US/NATO provocation That story started several years ago..>> <<@vgstb says : The strategy of China is building alliances with preferred EU partners. This is a step by step process that takes time, but offers a guarantied success. I also see opportunities to further deepen mutual interests with individual EU countries via the BRI. Another positive point is that key positions in the EU political landscape will become vacant after the next EU elections.>> <<@MariaMMCardoso says : I don't even understand what is a wrong consensus. There is a consensus, they all agree, that's the definition of consensus. Now, if they are all wrong or right in their believe, is a different matter. In my opinion, they all believe (consensus) about a fact that is wrong, not real. But that doesn't mean it's a wrong consensus. It's a consensus about a wrong idea>> <<@barrywong4327 says : The views from the American speaker is surprisingly refreshing. Seldom do you hear an American speaker openly admits that the US government is using the European countries as weapons against China, geopolitically and economically speaking. He also put his thumb on the crux of the issue as far as Europe is concerned: where does EU ends and NATO begins. Essentially, countries in Europe: France, Germany, etc. have willingly surrendered their sovereignty to the EU and NATO. Since NATO is controlled by the US, these countries are nothing but vassals of the US; they are no longer sovereign countries. They take orders from the US when it comes to matters of importance: war and peace, trade policies, etc. China cannot do the thinking for these countries. The most practical things China can do is to continue to maximize the good relationships with Hungary and Serbia, let that be examples of win-win cooperation where everyone benefits. Hopefully, other European countries will come along over time. The speaker is absolutely right that the politicians and the ruling elites in the west are, with few exceptions, ignorant, incompetent and void of visions.>> <<@ivannikolicable says : What a professional journalist! Great discussion! Liu Xin Bravo!>> <<@mazimazu8122 says : Europeans will never accept non whites>> <<@elizabethhancock9333 says : Well done Liu Xin for your assertive questioning skill. I still don’t understand the supposedly negative connotation of ‘over capacity’? The US government obviously believe in monetary ‘over capacity’ as part of its fiscal policy. As a planet, if we truly believe in climate emergency, over capacity in green development must be a positive step in mitigating global warming. In the eyes of your guest from the HK university, he probably thinks that everything China does is bad and wrong. I am all for over capacity as long as it helps tackle global warming and is a force for good! Thank you for your show of passion!>> <<@hoanpham8502 says : The core issue of the western people is only when they begins to get rid off the jealousy and the bullying then they be able to act honestly , so we don't have to waste time with them>> <<@danwelterweight4137 says : There is overcapacity these European clowns say. China only exports 15% to 17% of the vehicles it exports. Germany and France exports 85% of all the vehicles they manufacture. These are the same people who said that Climate Change is the biggest threat to humanity. China is the largest polluter in the world. China must do more to fight climate change. Now that China is manufacturing cheap EVs that everyone can afford. They call it overcapacity. Come on, man. Only 13% of cars in the world are EVs. If anything, China needs to crank up more EVs.>> <<@newsubcriber7g says : I love you give me 1 rupee im poor 😢>> <<@kapk says : Wonder who inserted that narrative in Europe re: China as rival - so no mutually beneficial economic cooperation with China, eh? Cui bono?>> <<@QuietJugung says : Under-competitive.>> <<@bobCat-qd8jr says : The core issue is how should China deal with people [countries] that don't deal with reality. The reality is what the US said is "overcapacity" is not a China problem it is a US and Europe problem that both can not compete with China on EV and Green Energy just like there is no genocide going on in Xinjiang.>> <<@JL88 says : Wouldn’t say that President Xi was well received in France….Western Europe is going more and more towards the US sphere…Eastern Europe, specifically the Balkans, will be more friendly to China and it is here that China and its partners there should focus and prove what they will do with the shared values.>> <<@tru_710 says : The word Caucasian itself is disrespectful towards Asians, but we don’t get mad about it the same way the Africans do when they get dissed. Also, the top of the Himalayan mountains was rigged with dynamite and the top was blown off. The Europeans had hired some of the locals who didn’t know what they were setting up. They thought they were getting honest, hard work. This has been erased from white history books.>> <<@wesleyclayton1168 says : China should decouple from Europe and make amends to USA>> <<@erwienhindarto6058 says : Do you know why I don't want to marry a Chinese person here or an Indonesian person and choose to marry someone outside Indonesia like Taiwan? Do you know how magic works? When someone is affected by magic, sometimes they don't realize it and are unable to fight back, I don't want harmony in my household. in the hands of other people, other people can control my household to become disharmonious, make my wife tempted to cheat, make my wife sick and even die, besides that I show Indonesian people that I will never want to get involved in politics, by marrying foreigners have shown my steps in life, in the world of politics here, it is almost impossible to accept the existence of foreigners, I plan that if I get married and my wife is pregnant I will tell her to go home to give birth in her country and leave my baby with my in-laws to be cared for, raised and taught. Buddhism, after being spiritually mature enough, I then attracted it to Indonesia, that is what the Indonesian people don't want, they know that I know all their rottenness, if the Indonesian people are good people they should realize that their government is making them stupid so they can easily be exploited, I did a lot of good things but instead I was harmed,demon country>> <<@erwienhindarto6058 says : In the South Kalimantan area in Indonesia there is an area that is predominantly inhabited by people of Chinese descent, in the cities of Pontianak and Singkawang, I think you can start sending people there to educate them to become midwives and baby nurses, later it looks like you will have to invest in building a hospital specifically for childbirth for people of Chinese descent here, so that later when they give birth it will be handled by midwives and nurses of Chinese descent, you can build it in the provincial capital in Indonesia, later when families of Chinese descent are rich they usually hire nurses to look after their babies, you can hire a baby nurse of Chinese descent. Chinese, it will really help prevent Indonesians from inflicting plagues on Chinese descendants in Indonesia, maybe now you don't see the change, but believe me in the future the impact will be extraordinary>> <<@stevenliew2507 says : Sebastian is definitely anti-China critic and pro-US & EU Colonistic Entitlement 😂😂>> <<@freeneasy5906 says : Just business,, don't take it seriously on EU>> <<@paultsjan6047 says : Europe allowed themselves to be screw by the US as they are slaves to the US interest and the US foreign policy. Europe are buddies of the big bully and the big bully maintains the system that they benefit from the carefully crafted US “so-called” US rule based international order that they want to keep the system in place in order to make sure that the various privilege that they have in the world economy are not taken away or threatened their privilege position. The US and the Western powers position themselves as the world’s moral arbiters, championing human rights, democracy and the rule of law on the global stage. The world is tied to the US dollar and the western control Swift monetary system for transaction and trade. The US and the West impose rules and values on other countries and expect less powerful developing countries to observe these norms. The cornerstone of the West’s current political dogma is this idea of the “so-called” US rules based international order written exclusively for the interest of the West is that the US and the West insisted the Global South to follow a set or rules or principles that govern their behaviour and interactions. The “so-called” US rules based international order is not the same as the principle of the rules based order of the United Nation charter signed by all countries. However the US and the West do not observe the principle of the rules based on the United Nation Charter. The “so-called” US rules based international order is to maintain economic and political leverage over the world to its economic and strategic advantages by preserving this system of economic, financial and political control. The hallmark of western value and the “so-called” democracy is put in place of colonialism to enforce a new World Order with the US and the West at the top and the rest of the world subservient to them. The Wolfowitz Doctrine announces the US's status as the world's only remaining superpower following the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of the Cold War and proclaims its main objective to be retaining that status. The number one objective of the US is to prevent the emergence of a rival superpower. The first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival like Russia and China. This is a dominant consideration underlying the new regional defense strategy and requires US attention to prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources would, under consolidated control, be sufficient to generate global power. These regions include Western Europe, East Asia, the territory of the former Soviet Union, and Southwest Asia. The US must show US supremacy to enforce US foreign policy by forcing other countries to submits totally to the US interests. In the non-defense areas, the US will discourage other countries from challenging the US leadership or seeking to overturn the established political and economic order. The US must maintain the mechanisms for deterring potential competitors in other countries from even aspiring to a larger regional or global role. The major US objective should be to safeguard US interests and promote American values. The US will not tolerate any objection that threatens US hegemony regarding US interests and US foreign policy.>> <<@stephenlock7236 says : Those European countries that Prez Xi did not visit must be envious of those that he did visit. First and foremost, did those countries he didn't visit invited him to?>> <<@yuiophjkl0808 says : Volume sound is so bad, I can’t hear clearly, could you adjust?>> <<@zatoichiable says : No core issue except that Europe obeys only US dictate when it comes to EU relations with China...>> <<@michaelmarchal4004 says : China just too good>>