<<@francoscioli9078 says : Labor party must be abolished at the next election.>> <<@bulletbullet7902 says : Good to see that live sheep export to be banned. Export the meat frozen and create jobs in the industry here AT HOME!>> <<@richardeikelboom8130 says : Give the live sheep trade away to other countries .... That is the Australian way>> <<@vernonwhite4660 says : This Labour government is trashing farmers ,small business ,and just about everything else they touch!>> <<@cnrmcdonnell says : Unalienable rights are fundamental human rights that are inherent to all individuals and cannot be taken away by any government or institution. Life. Liberty. Pursuit of happiness. The importance of farming and providing for yourself and family is an Unalienable right. The right to grow one's own food free from government interference or coercion, this includes what to grow and how to sell or distribute (without government interference!)>> <<@garyjones4001 says : What else can labour destroy>> <<@davidmeier8548 says : The world doesn't work like the losers think . Nice job a lot of people are going hungry for your arrogance .>> <<@suzannecollins8252 says : Littleproud is so creepy>> <<@swarti2036 says : The industry was not reformed very well as long as there are deaths en route, and the Sheer Hell of what the livestock are in for ! Australia is not in Iraq overseeing the brutal slaughter in the back yard . You tell Lies to make money . Shame>> <<@swarti2036 says : Cruel and unnecessary. If must happen ..Ban Live Exports / it is cruel! No contempt, just no longer suited! Sell the flesh locally ! Cruelty is very yesterday>> <<@KarenFuchsbichler says : Using the same bullshit to explain why our export industry needs to stay......>> <<@JoeSmith-bz9to says : I don’t accept the argument from Angus Taylor! If the countries he mentioned do dodge live animal exports the animals will die and they will lose money. This will lead to the death of the live animal export industry or reform to proper standards for transportation. I doubt these countries will enforce proper standards because they will also lose money from reduced shipments! Ultimately, countries that demand live animals will just have to accept pre-slaughtered animals or face hunger!>> <<@whitneyanders5945 says : Never trust a short man with his eyes too close together. David doesn’t care about anyone>> <<@BadgerBreath-rz1np says : Fark these greedy farmers. Salt of the earth my arse. They send 70% of everything overseas for profits. Using our water greedily..ruining soils. They are grubs and Australia needs to drop the " farmers are good people " bullshit. They are as greedy as any multi national company. Littleproud....that about right.>> <<@beepboop205 says : I still remember the damage Labor did when it banned cattle export!>> <<@bellascharfenstein says : australia is a lazy economy. taking stuff out of the ground and selling it to be valued added then returned. same with live sheep & cattle - no value adding. other countries value add to their agricultural products. we are LAZY. get over it.>> <<@KatrinaLove62 says : Is he drunk? Not as soon as we would like, of course, but sooner than NEVER, which is when we would see this heinous trade end under a coalition government. Littleproud fails to understand that other countries already export live sheep - up to 6x the number we do - they will and do export live sheep whether we do or not. Is he suggesting that Spain and Romania DO meet our standards? For Australia to continue exporting live sheep, we are just sending the message that we condone the suffering we are complicit in. It didn't fall "for a couple of years" it's declined from over 6 million in 2001 to under 500k in 2022. It rose a bit again in 2023 because of the re-opened Sausi trade. Over 70% of voters (urban AND rural AND including those in WA) support the end of live sheep exports, so he's not going to achieve any MORE votes by adopting a policy to reinstate a practice that embarrasses Australia.>> <<@southernstarreview says : The government just keeps flogging hard-working Aussies.>> <<@raygiddings2715 says : Anthony Albanese and his Federal Government are absolutely destroying Australia and let's be honest they have destroyed our farming our manufacturing and created such a cost of living crisis in the short time they have been in it is not funny yet they keep bringing in refugees and Migrants into a Country they have put back in time a hundred years which will not be able to support the people we have here now let alone anymore so the sooner we get rid of them out of Government the better so Australia can get back to business as normal.>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : GLOBALIST'S WAR ON NATURAL FOOD SUPPLIES. GATES' TEST TUBE B!0 MEAT IS WAITING FOR YOU. YOU CAN ALSO EAT INSECTS & WEEDS .. DRINK SEWAGE.. SO THE JET SETTING WEF CROOKS CAN HAVE MORE LOBSTER & CHAMPAGNE FOR THEMSELVES>> <<@Eric-jo8uh says : Labor doesn’t want anything exported only imports….of illegals.>> <<@drmarine1771 says : Export corrupt governments.>> <<@gemini2261 says : Labor, the great wrecking ball 💩>> <<@billygoat6267 says : I’m amazed at the stupidity of people that are against of live transport because of animal cruelty,but I’ve never heard anyone complaining about birds of all types kept in a 2foot cages ,chickens made to stand side by side snakes ,fish kept in small tanks and I could go on and on,where’s the ban on that.There’s an agenda at play here and it’s not for the welfare of the sheep,never has been.LEAVE the FARMERS ALONE>> <<@Wombat-y7t says : senator Murray Watt is an absolute disgrace and a traitor to Australian farmers…..>> <<@rogermckinnon5738 says : 😂 when has the labor government ever cared about the Australian people, especially in rural areas.>> <<@disco1446 says : The sheep get slaughtered horribly over there so youre animal welfare argument said is a crock>> <<@errolmitchell6339 says : Strange death of Australia 😢🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🍺👍>> <<@JohnWilliams-iw6oq says : Normally I wouldn't give this bloke the time of day but he's nailed Labor hides to the shed wall with this one. Two faced, destructive and power crazed are just a few of the words I use to describe Labor. If only we had an opposition that was a conservative opposition.>> <<@elkpaz560 says : I'm on the side of the sheep.>> <<@shaneburns4349 says : Live exports is shocking. Banning Australian abattoirs is a slight on Australian workers. yes exports of processed meat will drop for a while, but it will regather because Australian meat is better. Leaving the slaughter of animals to foreign entities is disgraceful. We should set the standard, not compete on standards based on 3rd world standards., That is not the Australian way.>> <<@thewildwoodlandgarden.420 says : That's alright for you to say, you and the farmers are not on the live export ships! An advanced ape comes out of gatherer hunter scavenger society, and one of the consequences is the international trade in live animal exports. How did something so below the belt become so normal and for some people even defenceable? It's disgusting.>> <<@drmatarkin2100 says : It's an attack on the very heart of Australia!>> <<@stephengrocott3917 says : yes contempt is fully justified>> <<@simoneb208 says : Government hate farmers>> <<@pickledturnip-weseeu says : More meat you demented , starving vegetarians.>> <<@pickledturnip-weseeu says : More meat you demented, starving vegetarians.>> <<@paulgraham5790 says : Labor are a bunch of back stabbers, all smiles and friendly to your face and then stab you in the back with their policies.>> <<@ztwntyn8 says : There is clearly a global movement to screw up the way we live make us all poor and dependent.>> <<@ricky6864 says : Woke imbeciles never stop their stupidity>> <<@infectedfreedom9560 says : So sad every department of this Goverment is a failure. What a joke they are.>> <<@diverdeep6348 says : Vote Labor enjoy hard Labour.>> <<@ivansultanoff6719 says : All about planned distruction of all possible>> <<@salex5997 says : Live exports are nothing but cruelty and suffering.>> <<@bretloyd8097 says : FO littleproud . . . You are a dribbling grub.>> <<@patrickwakefield2297 says : so much to be reversed when this hopeless government gets the boot. vote them out. they stuff up everything.>> <<@Simon-from-oz says : Exporting live sheep shows utter contempt for Australian abattoir workers. Not to mention the cruel conditions these animals are subject to.>> <<@garywright8846 says : Not often I agree with Labor, but this is right, there is no need to send live animals just to satisfy the blood lust of a backward barbaric mob.>> <<@sjoshuan says : Typical Labour government listening to the few do gooders…. Absolutely disgusting, do they realise how many Farmers already take their lives let alone crippling an industry. Wake up you bunch of left green retards.>> <<@aoca3817 says : Bullcrap. Just another Liberal\National corrupt polititian having a winge because now they have to value add with employee'zs @ abotwah'zs and packaging 4 export. + Increaseing le Wool trade. & le Coalalition don't like it.>>