<<@waynetowers5828 says : China is a Bully Liar Thief I live in Asia anyone who believes what’s said is a ignorant fool Our Defense Force should have standing permission to respond appropriately to any situation that may arise If the Australian government stood strong instead of hiding under the dresses of the wives , our country would regain our self respect, instead of thinking why have we go these Chinese puppets in Canberra Oh has Danial Andrews taken up residency in Beijing>> <<@batmanlives6456 says : Albo won’t speak against his master … Quite happy to loose our defence personnel… But couldn’t loose face of his boss>> <<@malcolmhector2641 says : China are stupid , you don't use a helicopter to spy , this excuse is to deflect the blame , & know that this Labor government are pathetic & to scared to stand up for Australians interests. Or complain about these attacks on or ADF in international waters .>> <<@baldrick6071 says : Albanese is out of his depth with everything about the top job and has never been the right candidate to lead our nation! He's constantly floundering without conviction and dismisses any challenges with arrogance which isn't representative of this role.>> <<@rickslaven3564 says : Grow some spine Albo , Start with Energy Australia real name China Light and Power . You have allowed the health of Traditional Wiradjuri custodian lands to be sickened. Open your eyes and not your wallet.>> <<@JamesMiller-kr8ct says : Albo is a spineless blood sucking cowardly cockroach of a man, that would sell his own mother for a few votes. This man is a disgrace and traitor to the Australian people he doesn't care about us. And he never will he has failed from day 1, and he should be removed from office.>> <<@Simon-from-oz says : More anger-tainment from Skynews, if it were the liberal party in charge, you would hear nothing. And you guys think that the liberals would have done something else? Do you think Dutton would have launched a missile or something?>> <<@darrenmiller9553 says : Pinocchio albo has to go>> <<@ChrisMcNair-iv5yp says : ALBO GOVERNMENT ARE COWERDS!!!>> <<@googlerskinflavoredpopsuckers says : fuck china. they're inferior products and so called diplomacy has shown they can't care less, and have become expansionists. thank god our army gear has not been supplied by china, cus shit will just fall down. and he can't care less about the people. he's not advocating the stopping of DV, because it's just all about the votes. if he really wanted to fix problems, he'd ask the hard questions, but typically he'd rather be assfucked by a feminist greenie and give them everything they want.>> <<@BigMikeObama-q7y says : LEFTY LABOR GOVERNMENT IS BOUGHT AND PAID FOR BY CCP....WHERE'S WONG WITH THE DONG AT>> <<@BigMikeObama-q7y says : ALBO SLEAZY IS THE WORST PRIME MINISTER IN AUSTRALIAN HISTORY>> <<@MatthewSwift-xc8sn says : Not just our elected officials get rid of the department heads that are back and suggest these anti-AU cultures. Union Department Heads>> <<@MatthewSwift-xc8sn says : Again we are putting all our eggs in the Chinese basket. The world market is bigger than China and should be more aggressive to becoming self resilient not sent to other countries>> <<@befeleme says : Yes, Albo should finally find the strength to concede to the Chinese that we have behaved like a*******s sending our military to their shores to provoke them, and promise we won't do it again. But that would take some guts because it would not please our US colonial masters and some of our insane politicians who believe that triggering unnecessary conflicts with our biggest trading partner and the single most important source of our prosperity is a good idea.>> <<@stephengrocott3917 says : war monger>> <<@rogermckinnon5738 says : Labor is utterly disgusting and gutless. They need to go before they totally destroy Australia.>> <<@lesbrown1710 says : albanese might be a handsome boy, but he is definitely a problem child.>> <<@carbonite1999 says : QUESTION do you the tax payer want your hard earned cash spent on some other buggers war? the labor cartel DO ,, how else do they keep power ? FEAR .. we only need the fortress AUSTRALIA plan , we are not the world police ..>> <<@yiyang9148 says : do business with Chinese, not making troubles woth US. we need trading contracts for aussie families not been robbed by so called ally.>> <<@samuelmoulds1016 says : aaah.... actually.... I don't think you understand! 'ALBOZO' IS A VERY VERY CORRUPT CAREER POLITICIAN! his future wealth depends upon Communist China's prosperity. 'ALONZO' does not want to 'bite the hand' that will feed him. why else would he want to destroy this country with renewables!!?! Communist China sells solar panels and wind turbines; and buys coal at low prices (China's science people and engineers know, renewable energy is the most impractical and expensive way to run industry).>> <<@williamchoi6902 says : Only 3 countries in the world can show off muscle war games play each other are America china Russia. The rest of the countries better don't act like big power step aside. Conditions need. Huge military budget. Own build military weapons aircraft carrier. Destroyer. bomber .fighter jet .hypersonic missile. submarine .nuclear weapons. Huge army .smart military scientists. space stations space technology. own build spy satellite. hatch enemies technology .at least able to ability smart copy and build someone technology. Then you can join the play war party clubs.>> <<@tadeuszmichaelwlodarczyk3120 says : What do you expect from a housing commission peanut>> <<@harisoepangkat6085 says : Aussie is trying to use UN as pretext to spy on Chinese Navy drills. China is a super power sand should clobber arrogant Aussies that meant to serve US hegemony interest.>> <<@traviseastough2675 says : All the members of the defense force must be feeling unappreciated about now, proves his trip to the Kokoda track was nothing but a photo op PR stunt .>> <<@David-d4k9k says : The military should show no respect at all to this jelly backed Socialist.>> <<@flygulfstreamg650 says : Australia 🇦🇺 simply doesn’t have any quality leadership left because the communist government education system is simply useless at producing quality free minded strong emotionally sound capable Leadership you simply can’t make chicken salad out of chicken shit 💩 and from the start of the 70s Sydney Universitys have been infiltrated by radical leftists who truly believe that they know everything about anything but in reality all there so called superior communist system our complete bloody disaster they cost millions of lives untold environmental damage and in reality is like a living nightmare to live in a communist control country with no personal freedoms and one standard for all race to the bottom of the barrel to be the dumbest Cunt in the room great good job wankers>> <<@flygulfstreamg650 says : Get real Australia 🇦🇺 remember only 30% of this country voted 🗳️ for the champagne socialist want to be communist clown to be back it power so guess what what happens now everything and everyone is going to be worse off than ever before and we will lose our democracy to communist and globalist as this puppet clown 🤡 floods the country year after year with more immigrants who are from countries that hate or way of life and demand more political power so they can start right up laws to legally suppress any vocal opposition to their agenda.>> <<@johnschuring5726 says : For fuck sake Australia..find your spine!>> <<@info88w11 says : Piss Weak Albonzo crapped his daks fear rather than phone Xi Jinping>> <<@paulchilds9137 says : Get rid of mcgauran, a rotten Liberal. Not appropriate to give him the opportunity to crit icise albo when he is a political opponenent. A biased jerk.>> <<@bethrooke5523 says : China is more dependent on the rest of the world than any trade partner is on China. Why those trade partners haven't formed a coalition of fair trade partnership that outdoes China's bullying, is plain idiocy. It's in the interest of the Chinese slave workers... From whom the likes of Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos & many more, make their billions, off the back of a workforce they couldn't afford in their own country. And that's what China's Xi Jinping relies upon... Trade hypocrisy.>> <<@binbi8177 says : When you say this, think about it, your military strength is hundreds of times worse than China's.>> <<@davegoldspink5354 says : Albo like so many of our politicians today is simply a gutless fool and has no place as the leader of this country when he can’t even stand up for service personnel operating in international waters from foreign aggression. The Chinese are little more than bullies and it’s about time this country stopped seeing the CCP as our betters or friends. They are the enemy and should be treated as such.>> <<@St.Thomas-er9iu says : Fuck off sky news media maggots... St.Thomas>> <<@KenApo-k9r says : If Australia complains too much. China will stop buying lobster and wine. So. China say to Australia to shud up. Ok.>> <<@navajojohn9448 says : Pooped in his pants China Biden has reasons for going easy on China since he made millions from them. What is Albo's excuse?>> <<@willemdehaan4103 says : China laughs at you and has no respect for your weak and cowardly Albanese and Wong. In fact, with all your kowtowing to the Hamas terrorists and Palestinian warmongers by voting for them in the UN, even more thinking people have lost all respect. Clearly you are a bunch of ignorant weak people. You should stick to managing kangaroos and Aboriginals of which you have many and much experience!>> <<@aerotuc says : Police ,military chiefs please Override albaneses watered down excuses for being a pussy.Just make your statements that the pm should with guts.we have a bunch of sissy pants whose leftist turds running our country into the ground,Young Wokies realise this you will have to fight to the death Albo will conscript you in the 11th hour to go to war like it or not,>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : Australia is a rogue shithole puppet & this is not the first time that it's been lying, China is absolutely right>> <<@stephenpercy4643 says : Albanese's DNA was curated from the wrong side of every fight he ever ran from...out back of his mum's Marrickville abode -- He obviously lost every argument too🦋 -- so how would he even know how to dress down bully boy China? It's above his pay grade and out of his depth!>> <<@rogueelement8831 says : We are in Australasia, whether people like it or not. Our only operational jurisdictions are in the oceanic territories. We have absolutely no business being in the yellow sea, or south china sea.>> <<@stenkarasin2091 says : What precisely do you expect the governmentt to do beyond what it has done? Declare war?>> <<@harryevans5577 says : Albonese wonders why people don’t respect him ,When he doesn’t respect the military personnel that protect the nation, He’s pathetic and weak,>> <<@DOWNUNDER. says : Ease off on Albo, he cant help it , it's impossible for him to complain when his mouth is full gobbling off pooh bear. Goble goble 🦃🦃🦃🦃>> <<@erikawindt529 says : Of course China was spying. To think anything else would be ludicrous. Albopussweak blew it. There is no excuse. They are overstepping snd Australian MUST take steps to protect our borders. This is crucial for our safety. Snd yet Albo and his minions missed the boat. …. AGAIN…. How pathetic excuse for a leader he is🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬>> <<@navajojohn9448 says : Just replace the speech being said with a race/ethnicity/religion other than Jewish or white Christians and see if histrionically it was acceptable.>> <<@ramondrongonui1024 says : When you're 300 miles from Beijing in a Australian military Helicopter and 8000 miles from Australia your lucky it wasn't firing bullets furthermore the yellow sea is not international waters...>> <<@Genesis-007 says : We get stuck with missed opportunities at every federal election, VOTE ONE NATION 🇦🇺 PROBLEM SOLVED 👍>> <<@navajojohn9448 says : China is a bully.>>