<<@UATVEnglish says : Subscribe to UATV English https://www.youtube.com/@UATVEnglish>> <<@Dude-zz9om says : Ja het is een zwart gat. In die zin dat ze alleen in het zwarte gat kunnen kijken en niet meer zien wat er zich buiten het zwarte gat bevind. Wordt wakker alstublieft lieve Oekraine. Er zal een aanzienlijke schade zijn, maar hoe eerder het geheel stopt hoe beperkter de schade dan ook misschien zal zijn. Een nieuwe landsgrens langs de frontlinie is eigenlijk de enige enigszins redelijke oplossing op dit moment. Zoek en vind vrede. Het liefst deze week.>> <<@robkafczyk2752 says : If you're Ukrainian, you should know that in my neighborhood in Western Canada, there are dozens of Ukrainian flags flying, and zero Russia flags. We support you. We dont have a huge military, but we support you with what we can. Putin will be remembered here as Hitler 2.0. Let's go Ukraine! Throughout thick and thin, we are with you and recognize your cause!>> <<@cD-vg5go says : since 2014...>> <<@marksasoldier says : The problem from American perspective is horrible low wages, explosive inflation, high taxes and abysmal performance by a Democrat government. Most Americans i.e. 95% are doing worse financially due to the money printer just going brrrrrrrrr. Biden and blinken have no trust from the public at all.>> <<@darwel007 says : Ukraine is winning like crazy!>> <<@norhan_ha says : Remember the accident of old helicopter fall in Russia 😉>> <<@BolshevikCarpetbagger1917 says : So Western media is incorruptible? They're telling the truth when they say U.S/NATO helps Ukraine so Ukrainians can live like people do in Beverly Hills or Palm Beach? That all the money sent to Ukraine is spent responsibly and honestly without disappearing into oligarchs' personal bank accounts?>> <<@SuperMagnum2011 says : Thank you Pavlo . Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦 🇬🇧🇬🇧>> <<@camdenmcandrews says : We in the United States have a stupefyingly powerful military and a mind-boggling national defense budget *because* of the Evil Empire in Russia. The war in Ukraine is exactly why we built all those weapons and why we maintain a million people in arms. Never in history have we had a better chance to defeat this menace; and if we do not defeat them now, we will never have another chance. As for money being spent in Ukraine, it is as near zero as makes no never mind. I spent almost my entire career as a government contractor, working for NASA. Folks then whined about "spending all that money in space." But my salary was paid in US dollars, deposited in US banks, and spent entirely within the United States. US money spent on arms for Ukraine stays right here in the good ol' US of A! Statistically, my job counted as a production job and supported 9 other jobs in support and service industries were folks sold the groceries we all ate and the shoes we all wear. The only real cost to the US economy is some aluminum and steel and sundry other bits that we already have in abundance; and hey, in the event that we ever do run out of any of these things, after this war is over, we will have a friend in eastern Europe who has a LOT of scrap metal! :) Yes, there is also the fact that we aerospace workers are developing spacecraft and weapons instead of designing overpriced track shoes and sweat shirts for the Chinese factories to make,or doing some other thing that increases GDP but not real wealth. Guns vs. butter; but we need the guns, and the butter is rancid. Thank you to the amazing people of Ukraine! We owe you a debt that we can never repay.>> <<@robertezergailis-s7l says : The current tragedy as to Russia's political shuffle, creating a more hard line hawkish regime, is that it is expected that Russia will become even more active in terms of its covert activities. Those meant to influence politics and create other secuerity challenges. Particularly as to those nations that the USSR controlled during its history. In those countries there are significant numbers of Russian loyalists who would restore Moscow power and control if they could. So that means a lot of other nations, beyond Ukraine, are in danger, and at increased risk. That fits very closely with the Patrushev Doctrine as we know it thus far. That is partly based on the belief that Russia should seek to restore Soviet power and control, ideally and in the long term to recover all of its Soviet era losses and to expand from that recovery. Of course Moscow wants Slovakia back under its control, as much as it wants Ukraine back under its control. Similarly Georgia and many other breakaway states and states where the USSR sought more control, but was thwarted from achieving it. Many nations are at greatly increased risk of Russian inferference, Russian sponsored subversion, Russian sponsored upheaval and civil war, as well as in some cases Russian invasion if Moscow finds a suitable opportunity to step in into a situation that has been sufficiently destabilized.>> <<@golokavrndavana says : हरि हरि>> <<@chrismitchell4622 says : Our Money well spent against the aggression of Putin! Slava Ukraine!>> <<@robertmarks2379 says : Ukraine is the new Afghanistan! An endless black hole that will never be filled no matters how much money and lives get poured into it. We are sick of sending money and watching good men be sent to die while Zelensky hides in bunker ruling under martial law>> <<@A1GA56N says : As an American I wish our foolish government would stop funding the meat grinder started by a comedian dictator in high heels put in power by billionaires to serve the CIA and military industrial complex and instead leverage our power in NATO on peace deals with Russia, but you know we have absolutely no say in where our tax money goes and this comment will probably get deleted as it goes against the narrative.>> <<@mikekostelny5897 says : Excellent commentary on Russian propaganda that lies about Western money received in Ukraine! What I would like to see is a daily repeat in this message, as too many people I know personally have already swallowed 'hook, line, and sinker' all these LIES by Russia! Repetition is the mother in learning, they say! So, PLEASE keep repeating this message over and over again to counter-balance the daily inundation in Russian propaganda! Thanks!>> <<@eskokauppila1327 says : Ukrainehelping is antibottom deepgrave🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈Better flag>better politics>> <<@realkina84 says : I have seen bots attacks in Italy since about 2012-2014. You could see comment sections of newspapers suddenly starting to be filled with messages friendly to russia or accusing NATO and the US out of nowhere, from one day to the next. Already at that time i realized something was fishy.>> <<@PhilippBrandAkatosh says : i just had an idea, not sure if this would work, but perhaps consider it ? Why not train your partially disabled veterans as vehicle crews or even tank crews, for example, if they want to ?>> <<@patrikwihlke4170 says : In addition, most of the money is sent in the form of ammunition, armoured vehicles etc, not in cash.>> <<@lethanhdo9582 says : How many houses in Ukraine installed with solar panals? Increasing it will help uncentralize energy system.>> <<@francisbyron-falconer says : No Ukraine is not a Black Hole. Eventhoe the Kremlin maybe wants Europeans and Ukranines Allies to think this Way....but NO! The People in the Countries which are Allies of Ukraine,know that Ukraine is on its Way to the EU and NATO and the Ukranian State is in the Process of Transformation. And Ukraine has already made extraordinary Steps to fight Corruption and becoming a Transparent Democracy! Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦 Glory to our European Family 🇪🇺>> <<@ruZsiaNa-C says : If the stolen money is "true", then what is stopping going to Kyiv in 3 dsys?>> <<@michealnagy5763 says : This is nothing more than Russian propaganda!>> <<@keithrosenberg5486 says : War is the biggest black hole for money that exists.>> <<@marthaiyengar8322 says : Russia is corrupt and tries to paint everyone with the same brush. Wherever there is election they try to brainwash the citizens to assist dictatorial leaders making them look spotless>> <<@10jpmorgan says : We can thank Donald Trump's MAGA Republicans for that inexcusable delay in U.S. aid to Ukraine. The regular, not-crazy Republicans could have gotten around Speaker Mike Johnson's hold-up, but they didn't have the backbone. In the meantime, precious Ukrainian lives have been lost, and much property destroyed. At least, more supplies are coming now.>> <<@henryruizmeeden says : Rock On Pavlo!! Only idiots believe russian propraganda.>> <<@miceinoz1181 says : Well, putler invaded the best agricutural and industrial areas of Ukraine. He actively is preventing Ukraine from selling its produce to try and break them and prevent them funding their own defence. He wants the whole seabord along the black sea to make Ukraine a landlocked country. Ukraine needs the money to run the country, so the west and EEC need to keep supporting them till putler is dead or russia loses. Putler was smart when he took the east coast where the industrial centres are located (and lets not forget the largest nuclear electric plant in europe).>> <<@drleo6409 says : How many would have died if Ukraine had simply allowed Russia to govern them.?>> <<@ronaldradecki says : If Ukraine can continue to get the military aid they need, it will only be a Black Hole for the Russians.>> <<@alvaroc.g.gemignani says : A Ucrânia é um grande e valoroso país.>> <<@meso8848 says : To the US military industry.. from the last 60B$ only 1/4 went to Ukraine.. 3/4 is for US… they are using Ukrainians in everything and at the end there will be no Ukraine>> <<@hannisateur says : Anyone noticed that ruzzia is again blaming what it does itself on Ukraine. Despite that ruzz propaganda corruption is a real problem to be tackled by Ukraines authorities.>> <<@tonyv8925 says : The propagandists here in the US keep claiming that billions in cash have disappeared in Ukraine with no explanation. FACT: The US has never sent a single dollar to Ukraine. All funds approved for Ukraine support have been SPENT in the US to pay for supplies and material that is sent to Ukraine, in the form of combat systems, munitions, medical supplies, etc. I hate liars that actually support a communist regime that is waging a war of genocide against Ukraine. Slava Ukraini! Heroyam Slava!>> <<@vickysawaan2156 says : We believe in you guys,SLAVA UKRAINE 🇺🇦🙏💙💛💪>> <<@BensonBenji says : A black hole where people lose control>> <<@margaretbellefountaine9472 says : I never doubt that my money goes for the right cause in Ukraine👍🇺🇦>> <<@lawrencealger3812 says : Pavlo, not my feeling our dollars mean a Europe that will be peaceful once again. Thanks for the news!>> <<@johnje4285 says : Slava Ukraini #staywithukraine 🇺🇦 ♥ from 🇬🇧 and thanks to 🇺🇸>> <<@marybrusilovska says : Cool 🎉>> <<@ollowainlink3184 says : i'm proud to pay taxes in GER. Slava Ukraini.>> <<@NEUBRANDGUNTHER-py2sq says : Great report Pavel ❤Slava ukraina 💙 💛 ✌ 💯>> <<@janicejohnston6508 says : Ukraine is fighting for it's very existence against an enemy several times it's size and military capacity. Because Putin wants to out do Hitler in sheer evil. There is no sane reason for this war. God bless Ukraine.>> <<@jeffsiegwart says : We are at war with Russia. Of course, it's a money black hole. War is extremely expensive and it's a horrible loss of life.>> <<@NightRider2023-f1j says : Ukraine is country with highest level of corruption in Europe.And now when war started once is everything ok,no more corruption in Ukraine?Heo know where all that money end.>> <<@matthew-jy5jp says : No real American believes that money being sent as aid and defense is used in any other way that it's meant. #SlavaUkraine>> <<@Anashadk says : It annoys me somewhat that when people talk about money to Ukraine, they "forget" to mention that it is actually cheaper to send this ammo to Ukraine, than to pay for it´s destruction. In other words it often doesn´t cost money, it saves money for costs of storage and destruction. It also saves us soldiers lives, soldiers we would have to send if Ukraine didn´t have the ammo to remove the russian threat. Perhaps instead of Ukraine having to beg us for our leftovers, they should offer the service of weapons destruction for a price that the West cannot refuse. This way of looking at it would negate all the negative comments about sending money (that was actually spent back in the 70´s and 80´s and has no relevance today) to Ukraine, surely it is easier to decide to send arms for destruction than to send them as a help package?>> <<@shannonnewman3091 says : There is a lot of good done with the Money.>> <<@DS-zr8pw says : Shame on the West.>>