<<@dimitryrostov6482 says : Iran, Syria, Iraq, Yemen & Lebanon should not be allowed to vote on Palestinian un membership as it makes the voting system unfair>> <<@NathenMarabani says : good there needs to be a palestinian state and they should be made a un member !!>> <<@Shauno777 says : Wong is the devil's advocate>> <<@everypitchcounts4875 says : Biden's administration only came out and said that about Israel after articles of impeachment were filed against Biden for withholding military aid to Israel even though congress had already approved it. This is how Democrats will end up trying to justify Biden withholding military aid.>> <<@everypitchcounts4875 says : Yet France and UK continue to not use their veto powers>> <<@NoOne56488 says : So they're voting in terrorists..ALP everybody!>> <<@bettymarshall2702 says : Are there more middle eastern people living in Sydney now or Chinese?>> <<@DanielS-zq2rr says : Is the Australian government aware of the fact that the vast majority of Palestinians support a Hamas run state? What kind of "Palestine" do they think they are voting for?!?!>> <<@credenza1 says : Palestine exists only as a concept, inextricably identified with the barbaric terrorist groups who control - and frequently sacrifice - the people, but who do not represent them. The UN has granted terrorist organizations, tyrannically suppressing the people they pretend to represent, equality with civilized democratic countries. The UN is a farce.>> <<@bobinindiana says : Australia would not want the Gazans in Australia.>> <<@friskywildthing says : Giving Palestine recognition for being anything other than evil, bloodthirsty murderers is akin to granting recognition to al queda, the taliban, isis, hezbollah, the crips, bloods, ms13, etc, etc...>> <<@awc900 says : Labor's image is worsening on a daily basis.>> <<@realested says : Oops Uncle Sam will not like that>> <<@Whereareyouthen says : Vote for the Palestine state, otherwise the Palestinians refugees will be coming here in their thousands.>> <<@PhenolDanison-dt6rg says : The world has spoken The terrorist state of Israel will soon become a pariah state>> <<@namonymus says : šŸ¤”>> <<@sirstiffpilchard says : Betrayed !!>> <<@daniellebcooper7160 says : Further proof that the U N are little more than pup'pets of the See See Pee.>> <<@edmurks236 says : An interesting informed comment I read recently is below and Wong is giving these Hamas/people money and supporting them. She actually thinks she can tell Hamas they can't be in govt when the majority of Palestinians support them.Wong surely can't be that deluded it must be deliberate stupidity or something worse. "I come from the left (at times, I might even say from the radical left) in Europe, and I used to be blindly pro-Palestinian. I would react strongly to images of dead Palestinian children after Hamasā€™s attacks on Israel, feeling anger toward Israel. For years, I watched these events unfold without once feeling outraged by Hamasā€™s exploitation of Palestinian childrenā€™s lives. However, one day, almost inexplicably, it was literally like an awakening, I felt intense anger toward Hamas for the first time. It was then that I begun a deep and unbiased research into the history of both sides. Before that I was just parroting , reacting to the images and romanticizing Hamas as true rebels for the cause of their people, when in reality they are pure tribalistic savages who make multibillions from their people's exploitation. I discovered that the Arab world harbored a profound hatred for Jews, which nowadays is even intertwined with a MULTIBILLION-DOLLAR Hamas's business. Hamas, does not want Peace! This was even evident in 2005 when Israel evacuated 8000 settles and the whole military. Israel could have gradually relinquished control over the airspace and sea if the other side truly sought peace. As for historical context, Israel did indeed clear out areas in brutal ways during the 1940s. But this came after the massive attacks and attempts from the neighboring Arab countries who joined the Palestinian Arabs, who aimed to eradicate all Jews from the region. The Jewish population fought fiercely for its life and ultimately prevailed, organizing themselves and evolving. HAMA'S LEADERS WEALTH : Abu Marzuk: The deputy chair of the Hamas Political Bureau, Abu Marzuk, is estimated to be worth $3 billion. Khaled Mashal: Another senior leader, Khaled Mashal, boasts a net worth of approximately $4 billion. Ismail Haniyeh: Ismail Haniyeh, also a senior leader, shares a similar net worth of around $4 billion. Their sources of wealth include: Taxes on Smuggled Goods: Hamas leaders benefit from a 20% tax on all smuggled goods passing through the organizationā€™s network of underground tunnels. These tunnels serve as a lifeline for goods entering Gaza, and the resulting tax revenue contributes to their wealth. International Donors, Primarily Qatar: Hamas receives significant financial aid from Qatar, further enhancing their wealth and enabling them to maintain luxurious lifestyles. Investments and Real Estate: Some leaders, like Khaled Mashal, have diversified their wealth through investments in Egyptian banks and real estate projects in Arabian Gulf countries . Additionally, Hamas assets are frequently used to compensate jailed terrorists or their families. These payments range from $400 per month for those serving up to three years to $3,400 per month for those serving 30 years or more. All this occurs in a region where 60% of Palestinians live below the international poverty line of $60 per month. In summary, while Gazans struggle with basic needs, Hamas leaders accumulate immense wealth through various meansā€”taxes, international aid, and investments. Their affluence sharply contrasts with the hardships faced by ordinary Palestinians. Meanwhile, they perpetuate hatred toward Jews in schools, cultivating future militants. They exploit children directly or indirectly, assigning little to no value to their lives. We cannot expect Israel to jeopardize its peopleā€™s safety for Palestinian families who have not yet REBELLED AGAINST HAMAS, especially when their children are being used in such ways. HAMAS DOES NOT WANT PEACE! The Palestinian Arab children suffer primarily due to their own peopleā€™s actions and, subsequently, Israelā€™s responses. My heart goes out to these children">> <<@SaltyBollocks1 says : šŸ‘Ž>> <<@stuartnoble7895 says : DISGRACE>> <<@WritingRebel82 says : It was funny watching the Israeli ambassador.>> <<@libertas5552 says : Israel is the only country in the world where it is illegal for people in that country to do a DNA test, unless it is court ordered. Hmmm, I wonder why. There are a number of YT videos of people of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage, living outside of Israel who have taken a DNA test. Shockingly, many have found that they have no or very minimal genetic connection to the Middle East. So, they are not of Hebrew (Semitic) descent. Can one say that the vast number of Ashkenazi Jews in Israel do not have ethnic historical claim to Israel lands?!? Are they just White settlers (or Khazars) of the Jewish faith? Is that why it is illegal to do a DNA test there? By the way, Ethiopians Jews also have no genetic connection to Israel.>> <<@johncoupland6359 says : Australians havenā€™t voted for the two State solution, Albo and his Parliamentary Muppets were the only ones who voted for this ridiculous idea. The only way that anything will change for Israel to survive, is if they take back their sovereign land that they are calling Palestine, because obviously our stupid uneducated leadership have never opened a History book up to see what happened after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, when Arabs were displaced and needed to find a place to settle, which was on the land that belonged to Israel. This ridiculous idea of a two State solution isnā€™t going to stop the violence and bloodshed, because the Hamas terrorist organisation will continue with their campaign of destruction and they donā€™t care if the people in Palestine or the people in Israel are killed. To stop the violence, you have to eradicate the Hamas terrorist organisation and then you need to have a representative from Palestine and a representative from Israel to work out a peaceful solution on how they should be able to live along side with each other. The problem with any solution, if itā€™s made, will come from the Islamic State in Iran, because their leadership is stuck in the medieval Dark Ages that worship the scriptures of pure evil that are written in their outdated teachings of the Islamic Ideology. I believe that some countries across the Middle East would welcome a solution for Israel and Palestine to coexist in peace, but I would guarantee that the Barbaric warmongering leaders of Iran would do everything in their power to stop any negotiations and send more terrorists to cause further bloodshed on both sides of the Gaza Strip. This isnā€™t a UN problem and the UN is trying to make a solution that wonā€™t work, because as long as thereā€™s a Terrorism threat from Hamas/Iran, unfortunately the bloodshed wonā€™t ever stop. Australians are standing on the side of Israel, because they didnā€™t start this awful conflict and one way or another, they will be the ones who will end this conflict, with the victory they deserve to live in peace.>> <<@KurtBoulter says : The Australian Labor Party have voted to include a entire people, whose lives are filled with the desire to bring terror to another group of people, into the UN. The Australian government has now become illigitimate.>> <<@WilliamCooper-l6f says : What cowards. I am ashamed for Australia, because of this pathetic person you have as your foreign minister.>> <<@grahamjones5400 says : Its amazing how much the Sky News Tory pensioners are worried about other people's problems 5-6 000 miles away.>> <<@nealkent says : NO...Australia did not vote for this. Those corrupt, incompetent clown in Canberra did. Its time to dissolve the federal parties, they are just public servants to us taxpayers.>> <<@filop says : MAY HAVE!>> <<@KC-sb2sm says : Fear of terrorism breeds more terrorism.>> <<@terrywatson7698 says : Australia has shredded UN charter by voting in favour of Palestinian statešŸ˜¢>> <<@sharont3885 says : Wow ā€¦ Palestine letā€™s Hamas, who are terrorist use them so they can bond together to cross the border to Israel to kill babies as their first initiative šŸ˜ā€¦. And then they do the womenā€¦.. I mean whatā€™s next America going after children and defiling women by not proclaiming them actually women because weā€™re not gonna use the word anymoreā€¦. I donā€™t know letā€™s think about it. Weā€™ll flip the Bible and then we read about maybe Moses, his mom and Jesusā€™s mom because during that time they were targeting Jewish babiesā€¦.. letā€™s celebrate Motherā€™s Day. Whatā€™s Jesus and Moses had to protect them as babies wants to reward them maybe if we get their weā€™ll find out their next mission is to let Iran move into Australia because we donā€™t want them here in America.>> <<@peterwilkin8917 says : I've been a labor voter my whole life. This is the end of that. I can't stomach them any more. I have just been pushed over to the center right and will not be voting left again unless some miracle happens and they remember what basic human decency looks like. It's not likely is it. I can't even believe they got in bed with this evil.>> <<@mazai93 says : Israel Ambassador shreds UN charter so if they donā€™t respect UN then they should be kicked out of the UN. Israel prepare to stand alone in the war based on recent comments from US.>> <<@drwinklepecker9298 says : Australia didn't vote - the Labor Party voted (Labor holds govt by a 2 seat majority - these electorates are majority middle east voters).>> <<@dravidterra3461 says : US needs to change stance to a 1 State solution. Or this will be another failed War>> <<@mazai93 says : Finally Palestinians are getting global recognition.. good on ya Albo. Thank God we got rid of Liberal and shameless corrupt ScoMo who even betrayed his own party and Australians.>> <<@johncook8141 says : Totally DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!>> <<@AnneSchneider-j6y says : Shame on Australia.Voting for terrorists.>> <<@LordlyStatistic says : So wong can have a crack at everyone besides china....>> <<@paultranter3849 says : It is all about winning city votes for the labour/socialist party>> <<@Gungho1a says : Irony, a lesbian supporting homophobes, rapists and murderers.>> <<@jazzysnaps says : No ! Australia did not vote, the 31% minority Labor Government voted. NO Australian voted or were given any say which is typical for this Government.>> <<@David-d4k9k says : Albanese falls over his Socialist riddled body to protect Palestinians. but was too scared to protest to Xi in person when the Chinese endangered the lives of Australian service personnel.>> <<@riderpridem6421 says : Are you fucking kidding? Absolutely retarded.>> <<@lukei6255 says : Is this for the latest genocide against the Palestinian women and children?>> <<@nev707 says : Does Palestine also include most of Jordan that was once a part of the Ottoman and then British Palestine?. What about the Kurds and Armenians?.>> <<@shannona6989 says : How does Palestine or the UN stack up against atrocities? Shhh we dont talk about Oct 7th>> <<@ionbocse846 says : Shame Australiaā€¦the 30% Labour, 9% Greens LOVE Israel>> <<@vivrowe2763 says : People are so stupid why they did this, because the UN are criminals. You will find out soon enough though. Traitors all our Governments.>>