<<@komradepistoff6584 says : Good old Lindsey: the guy who begged poor GOP voters to give their last "five or ten bucks", and if they didn't even have that, to "just pray".>> <<@Nicklan1961 says : Lindsey Graham the second most corrupt politician in Washington He was paid one million dollars by the Israel lobby last year They pay him with kickback money from the taxpayers money going to Israel.>> <<@ahmedabdulqader8459 says : Lindsey graham should be in the jail with bieden and netanyahu>> <<@invisible-zt8xh says : He has urged the nuclear bombing of Gaza. 1. He has never seen a map. Its inside Israel. 2. Hello there is Russia, Iran, China. Tit for tat.>> <<@jhegre says : Champion pearl clutcher Lindsey "piglet" Graham goes for an Oscar again 🙄>> <<@akmyrattirkeshov4246 says : He says israel should nuke gaza. Wtf is this sky news supporting???????>> <<@mustykingvids says : Forgot the part where he justifies intent to bomb palastine with nuclear weapons... or doesn't that not suit the narrative you're pushing?>> <<@selfishworld139 says : This man has been a threat to America in my 40 years of political life>> <<@frankcoates4609 says : Trump bum kisser rooting for murder, genocide and the election of the ugliest man in the known universe. It's a living I guess.>> <<@yusufbest4475 says : Crazy gennociders getting crazier>> <<@mohammedghander9243 says : Lindsay Graham is the true terrorist>> <<@mauretteeric2806 says : Lindsay Graham is a traitor to his country and a sell-out to the AIPAC and Israeli lobby>> <<@scott83gmail says : Zionism is racist hatred. Racism is a result of inbreeding.>> <<@honahwikeepa2115 says : That same mind that engineered a Holocaust against the Children of God during WW2 is the same mind engineering a Genocide in Gaza and Rapha. 19th Century Zionism is pure unadulterated evil according to Judaism and Christianity because it seeks to do what only Messiah can do. You cannot be more opposed to the God idea than this. Wake up sleepy Joe, I mean Australia.>> <<@franciskclee9501 says : Lindsey Graham is right. Biden administration should not halt delivery of arms to Israel. How else can Netanyahu achieve his primary objective of outright Gaza Genocide without all those bombs supplied by the US. Biden should do as he's told, taking instructions from Netanyahu like an obedient little lapdog.>> <<@melodymatters says : Lindsey Grahamis is a longtime spineless, amoral, crackpot who's never said anything intelligent, so why would....oh, this is Sky News Australia -- never mind.>> <<@tajeshkalia1293 says : If you are a man of God. Your name is not Lindsey>> <<@jamel860 says : LINDSEY DID YOU FORGET ABOUT THE USS LIBERTY? WHICH ISRAEL KILLED 34 USA 🇺🇸 SEAMEN AND WOUNDED 171 … AIPAC OWNS YOUR ASS …>> <<@feliciashea3506 says : Lindsey Graham is endorsing mass genocide.He has come right out and said all palestinian women and children must be Murdered. He said any palestinians are threat to israeli's survival... Lindsey graham watch out what you wish for your race is next for the genocide.. That would be your southern bullshit piece of crap race>> <<@duanekarlen5463 says : Biden and his own crew are biggest bunch of cowards in history !>> <<@Theaddora says : Do you still think Joe Biden is the nicest man you ever met, Lindsey Graham? Just shut your mouth! Nobody believes or trusts a word you say anymore!!>> <<@rezzer7918 says : You're a RAT and we want you finally and for good the hell OUT!>> <<@yesiamarussianbot3076 says : Lindsey Graham is a genocidal warmongering psychopath establishment neocon elitist, I hope he gets voted out of office as soon as possible.>> <<@T_1357_F says : Lindsay Graham is a barking Chihuahua. Lots of noise, not much action>> <<@davidsimkhayev4223 says : Biden number one enemy of Israel, second Albanise .>> <<@kingsinix8570 says : Miss Lindsey has been bought and sold more than once. 😂>> <<@The-Contractor says : Lindsey is a MIC stooge so this isn't surprising in the least. For someone who never even smelled war he sure is a fascist warmonger, and for that ... the MIC thanks him.>> <<@jewel65 says : Dementia Joe pandering again>> <<@senderralock7490 says : Senator Graham, a very smart question and discussion with the Biden administration>> <<@emperordalektardis says : Lindsey Graham is well known for brown nosing Diaper Don and being the butt of Don's nasty comments. And he still sticks his head into the used diapers of the Don. Now that's dedication.>> <<@normanhanna2037 says : Do something talk talk talk no balls all take>> <<@sallycent6598 says : The people should remember that Biden isn’t running the White House the Obama administration is, and we all know Obama gave billions to Iran because he hated Israel and its government.>> <<@ottmarhenry3053 says : So was Mandela , the biggest loser ,no the second biggest . A war monger in our capital. I wonder how much is he getting from AiPAC .>> <<@davidleadford6511 says : New slogan for the Biden campaign. "If you don't vote for me, you ain't Nazi".>> <<@gdog2831 says : Of course he would- bloodthirsty psychopath.>> <<@ray-jg1pc says : Lindsey Graham is playing games, the US and Israil have started working on a new Port facility to transport all the oil and gas from the Gazza, this is real people.>> <<@tammymarks says : Biden should be impeached over this. Prid-pro-quo-Joe must be removed for siding with Hamas and stabbing Israel in the back.>> <<@daz7122 says : After his big mouth failure in Ukraine, who the fark can take this bloke seriously?>> <<@nitdiver5 says : Sure he did. He is just playing his role as a supposed Republican.>> <<@Thisisnolongerajoke says : Graham is disgusting.>> <<@iDeagles says : What? Did he expect his slice of the 95 billion they just stole from us to go his preferred cause? That's why you don't cut a deal with the devil. What a moron. How long has he been a politician again? lol>> <<@gordtron says : woke dei generals just don't work out for a properly functioning US military.>> <<@IRVIBENYEHUDA says : G-D FORGIVES SIN NOT YOUR EXCUSES! 😮 YESHUA SOON RETURN FOR HIS BRIDE WITHOUT SPOT OR WRINKLE IS NEARING! 😮 CHRIST YESHUA SAVES DELIVERS HEALS TRANSFORMS AND CHANGES US! 😮 SHALOM>> <<@massawinomassawino4237 says : Lindsay Graham is truly is a critical person bloodthirsty creatures and world criminal>> <<@serafinodigiampaolo6998 says : Lindsey??? Pedo>> <<@SofieMyer-i3p says : Lindsay gets a lot of money from war and selling arm. That is why he is so furious 🤢🤮🤮>> <<@fightforfreedomZ says : He would’ve been Hitlers right hand man if he were around back then.>> <<@nikkichadsey4712 says : Of course he would. Hes wants war. Biden is a manchurian candidate clown . Lindsay is a evil traitorous rhino Warhawk just like McCain , Kerry and obama who gave billions of dollars in cash on pallets to our enemies. They love war, its what they do. It doesn't matter who as long as there is war there is money to be made for snakes like him. Its the oldest play in the playbook.1. Get two sides pissed at each other by using their media buddies. 2. Create a false flag attack operation in secret by using the intelligence agencies (cia) to make it look like their enemy did it. 3 use that attack to justify retaliation. (Basically start a war 4 them) 4. Sell both sides of the conflict weapons 5.Sit back, kick your shoes off and wait 4 the money to pour in all while acting as tho you have the moral high ground and are the sole arbiters of truth. . Sound like lindsay? I assure you that if you do some research, real research ( without Google) you will see that he is just one of many American politicians who have betrayed our nation and work for the military industrial complex. Flat out. And im saying that not as some wacked out radical woke leftist dem. Im saying this as a patroit and conservative republican. Rhinos are worse than democrats if you ask me because we know what the dems are going to do and stand 4. Its mostly evil. But our guys in office tell us 1 thing and by the time we find its to late. There a disgrace and soooo damaging to the goals and trust of the people. Their like wolves among the sheep. Playing for the other side. They're sabatoshing us from within. Anyways sorry for the rant but I used to look up to grahm and others. Until i grew up and realized how these things worked. Lets drain the swamp and get our country back for hevens sake. For the sake of our children's future. Dont bother replying if you don't agree either. Youll just become another mini lindsay because im on the side of everyone, who wants an honest government . Im 4 Americans and humanity. Do the research first. Ok God bless you all and God bless America 🇺🇸>> <<@prenticefaber9626 says : Yeah because no weapons shipping means no deposits in his bank account and I'm a Christian conservative but not a brain washed one.>> <<@RotiJohn-c3z says : fox-sewage-aussie-land... for the lowIQ-tommy-pommy-brigade... living on stolen land>>