<<@joshuamccartney1878 says : You think all these problems happened in the last 2 years under labor or are you all forgetting the 10 plus years before that when it was the LNP destroying this country from the inside out>> <<@bheemasena2383 says : I can't trust the words of someone who keeps coining jargon slogans like "bracket creep" like they are selling a set of steak knives. I'm less inclined to believe that it is a legitimate issue, rather than what you have been told to sell.>> <<@rajanvaid880 says : Worst thing is Australians are paying ta for all their life and if they lost their jobs, ATO will not give you a cent back unless you dont apply showing all your financial assets!!!>> <<@bones8961 says : Well said Jane - totally agree with what you say, and the areas you guys would cut $$$$, or not spend $$$ in the first place.>> <<@Kawasaki1-m4l says : Labor, not of the people, not for the people, treasonous & extremely corrupt in my view.>> <<@bones8961 says : Look at NZ - 2 terms of Adern ( Labour ), they devastated the economy, divided our country like never before, and racked up enormous debt. Australia following the same play book.>> <<@bones8961 says : Hey - that's my wallet !>> <<@YTGhostCensorshipCanSuckMe says : They keep talking about bracket creep, when it could be permanently fixed by indexing the tax brackets, in the same way that the government loves to index things that benefit them (alcohol, tobacco, student loans etc...).>> <<@smartuser4112 says : You get what you vote for. So don't complain. Swallow this mess because this is what you want.>> <<@petert24turner71 says : All this current Gov, wants to do is to make the biggest profit of any Gov. just to say, look at how much money we made, Are we not great. 20 cents per litre off fuel would help by reducing farmers costs plus delivery costs making food cheaper. But no they increase fuel tax. What idiots are running the country.>> <<@user-fuckyouall says : Labor, won’t be have a chance to be in a power, if Greens doesn’t give them their preferences . This voting system is a joke.>> <<@momaslilboy1781 says : True, tax tax, and more tax. Just look at the fuel tax, 75% plus 10% gst tax.>> <<@bobbregazzi2925 says : Labor have always spent like a drunken sailor , that's one of the reasons i stopped voting for them years ago ..>> <<@Ernst12 says : What may Labor voters don't seem to understand that inflation also reduces the value of savings, one's wealth and one's enjoyment of life. Especially if the inflation and cost of living is cause entirely by state and federal Labor governments, the working class always will needlessly suffer because of these Labor mistakes. If one looks at the Andrews government lockdowns in Victoria, the deliberate stuff ups have cost the Victorian taxpayer dearly and the Labor party is too coward to even consider a royal commission that would expose the mindboggling incompetence and mismanagement because it couldn't get any worse than what happened. Unfortunately, Australia is being governed by politicians of low standard, incompetence and driving by ideological agendas that focus on the Labor party, the PS, and the rusted on Labor voters. Labor is doing whatever it takes at any cost to just stay in power, support those in the Labor tent but it seems that there is little or no effort made to govern for all people of Australia and in the Australian interest.>> <<@orosalsero says : Australia citizens need to take back their country just like American citizens are getting ready to do in November. Vote against socialism and the woke.>> <<@daveevans4260 says : no 68% are paying the price for 32% of moron sheep that voted traitors into government>> <<@ENDWOKEDEGENERACY says : She butchered the question on what would the coalition cut spending on. Aged care and NDIS? If that’s your answer you’re never getting back into Government. How about have the courage to say cut spending on woke awareness programs and initiatives because they have cost billions.>> <<@richards8718 says : How about lower taxes across the board, what a brilliance idea maybe Albo NOT?>> <<@junyuandu3338 says : When the majority of people can’t afford a normal life on the contrast the government has a huge surplus is the biggest shame>> <<@bryanp4827 says : Albo's promise 1million new and cheaper homes...! Little did gullible Australians realise that they would be tents not houses...>> <<@piersculley6419 says : Budget surplus for the government, continuation of budget hardship for Australian households. Don't believe Grims spin.>> <<@TheBrudow says : The Zionist goal is to remove all Palestinians from Palestine. The in between time is just more bullshit, lies and deception just as has it been for 75 years and more. A slow motion genocide that's had a bit of an up-tick. That's about it. So, if you can sit back and watch tens of thousands of people being massacred and think that that's ok, then I have to remind you of Karma. If it's ok for them it's ok for you, right?>> <<@ThreenaddiesRexMegistus says : In all fairness, the taxpayer funded virtue-signalling is going just fine! This reminds me of the Helen Clark years in NZ, with massive civil servant bloating and bureaucracy being the only growth sector. These Labour , Teal, and Green politicians are traitors to our Australian values and way of life by pandering to terrorists and religious zealots and destroying our energy self sufficiency.>> <<@GEMelleeMaynopenottoday1133 says : He has failed us for 2 years now in every way possible. I doubt this budget is going to make one iota of difference. It really is time for ANAL to call an election now. The majority of Australians want him gone. I really think ONE NATION will be our only hope to stop Immigration, cost of living rises, homelessness etc. We have to get off this treadmill of ALP, LNP and Preference votes.>> <<@peterbarnhoorn7879 says : The ALP has single handedly destroyed the Aust economy, 11 int rates rises, utilities nearly doubled, what have they done to benefit the average Australian 🙄>> <<@stuartthompson7102 says : Drop the Fuel Tax. Vote One Nation.>> <<@jerrywong5960 says : Too late. 1 billions here to this program. 1 billions to that program. Millions to this country. Millions to that country. Debt and high tax.>> <<@helengormlie966 says : snake chalmers does care nor have any idea. you cant get a more egotistical group of grifters that albanese and his revolting mob of criminals. disgusting %%^^ they should be imprisoned, their assets sold and the money paid back to Australian Tax Payers. albanese and his mob are creepy little dishonest pricks.>> <<@Andrew-mv2qb says : Don’t forget the Rent bracket creep.>> <<@jaskirchner says : Surplus what surplus. We do not have extra money. We have a $1 trillion plus debt. How about stop spending money, get ride of inflation but it is a technical recession. Time to get the budget in the black again not just keeping it in the red.>> <<@MortucusInvictus says : Im tired of hearing about surplus when WE OWE NEARLY 1 TRILLION$ when we pay that off in 100 years we can talk about surplus because only then do we have money in the bank full stop>> <<@lynndonharnell422 says : I don't think that any government can reduce public service. The population of Canberra boomed during the time Malcolm Fraser's razor gang.>> <<@allanhall3749 says : Hume or Gallagher....I know who I trust and choose to manage my finances....Hume. Time to go Albo!>> <<@andrewmckay2118 says : Leftoid,s are out of control making us all poor>> <<@judithjames4522 says : Australians backs are being broken by high energy costs. High energy costs increase the costs of goods and services at every stage of production>> <<@madmad3624 says : The Australian people need to get rid of the trash in our government that means Albosleezy and his group of maggots>> <<@KingsleyThomson-j1w says : I remember last federal election not knowing who to vote for so i looked at Albo and his recycled ministers from the Rudd Gillard fiasco and i knew if they took power they would destroy Australia,,,, and i told everyone then not to do it,,,,i was so right!! Oh i ended up voting Paui Hanson,,,👍😭>> <<@kymcampbell2734 says : How many millions is solar psyco Bowen pouring into his solar farm mates pockets for the guarantee of profit consistently he would have had to sign off on ? and for how long? Those plastic abomination's. At best they produce nothing for more than half of every day.>> <<@info88w11 says : Albonzo in 2022 thought he would follow Bidenomics and import hordes of immigrants to create economic growth but in 2024 this has only induced a long lasting per-capita-Recession in 2024>> <<@aperfectplace says : My Neighbour pays over a thousand dollars a week for rent, that’s so expensive.. Bring rents down too… No wonder so many people have to live in tents and cars, so disgusting to have people living like this…🤬>> <<@Matt123a says : It's not their policies that's the problem, it's their authoritarian socialist ideology that transcends common-sense and basic economics.>> <<@childensstorytime says : The Public Servants are needed but give Pernament and Part and Full time work.>> <<@tanyamiller6275 says : Really good interview>> <<@childensstorytime says : Bring back Aussie Government not this BS allow One Nation to be our PM so we can get to Aussie ways>> <<@cl-he9us says : Australians have already suffered since the previous government was in power. These politicians are good in attacking each other but incompetent in managing the country. Their only goals are to win the election. Cheating and lying skills are more important compared to government management skills to achieve their objectives.>> <<@leighcecil3322 says : 10 billion to Ukraine...& Supplying weapons 🤦>> <<@Whereareyouthen says : Liberals just as bad . Thats why they are the uniparty.>> <<@thepetridish9380 says : Hey! Jane ...you need to give it a rest ...your dialogue is starting dwindel. ...hand the baton over. [Political Advisor for the USRNC] ...>> <<@thepetridish9380 says : ...what pair of "Articles" that was read by both of you? ...give me a break! ...I'n not a fuk'in mind reader.>> <<@nigelmorgan3449 says : Why can’t we sack the labor party>>