<<@UATVEnglish says : Subscribe to UATV English https://www.youtube.com/@UATVEnglish>> <<@GermanConquistador08 says : "What exactly did you expect from your Nation, who wants their Country back? To lay down and obey, nah, come on now - they're not Russians after all." - A perfect Statement. European FREEDOM will prevail!>> <<@chautiendung says : Putin using nuke.πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ«₯>> <<@wesleyhess2380 says : ....you>> <<@456inthemix says : I assure you, Putin unintentionally reminded NATO members: β€œTogether we are strong, divided we fail.”>> <<@Stuart68505 says : Thanks helpful news>> <<@Ravenghoul says : Stop all war now. Stop NATO it is a war machine for Western powers.>> <<@dwightparkman5475 says : Give up you cannot win against Russia.>> <<@brentbeacham9691 says : Putin is playing for time and so is Trump.>> <<@Barnabasanon says : Funny! They are arrested by the worst thieves and corrupt people in Russia!>> <<@robertlussier2944 says : It seems like Europe, much closer to Ukraine, might have stepped up and filled the gap while waiting for the do nothing's in the US Congress to approve the aid. Most European countries have pledged a lot of arms, have all those pledges been met? At least artillery shells could have been easily transferred to Ukraine.>> <<@michaelflaxcombsr9095 says : I THOUGHT THAT BRIBES AND STEALING WAS A PART OF THESE GENERALS SALARY?…….RIGHT?>> <<@johnglover3682 says : Big Change in my Mind. Since my last trip to Ukraine this past January (2024) now every missile or Shahed drone that strikes any city, town or village has taken a completely different feeling than before January. I wondered what it was that before January my empathy for Ukraine's individual missile or drone strikes upon a building or a park or anywhere in Ukraine was not the same? It was bad then but something has changed. Now, I get nervous and terrified. Before it wasn't so personal and I was able to think, Ukraine is a big country and russia doesn't have enough missiles and drones to do real damage. Of course, I have heard the total estimated number of civilian deaths. The russians have targeted the infrastructure more. But this has gone on last winter too. The reason the feeling inside of me is different because I see too many Americans in Wisconsin who really are not connected to what is happening in Ukraine. If I could pinpoint what this feeling is I might be able to understand what I believe is an inadequate empathy for Ukraine by Wisconsinites in USA. I think what it may have been from my last trip that changed thins was actually seeing tracers being fired over Odesa and hearing what must have been a Shahed drone immediately overhead when I was walking down the street New Year's Day around 2:00 a.m. The bursts of yellow explosions of yellow in the black sky over the Black Sea I think had an impact on me. I was able over time to put 2 and 2 together, that is to say I've seen the aftermath of destruction from missiles and Shahed drone, but it wasn't until I actually saw the desperate attempts to shoot down these drones that maybe it connected. I know what it is like to lose a mother and father when they die. But I had not experienced so close the threat of an explosive drone that targeted innocent civilians. I've been to Ukraine two times before since the war started and even travelled to Kramatorsk. I heard the artillery firing from the Ukrainian side. It was music to my ears. I saw the destruction of structures such as the Ria Lounge in Kramatorsk. I've photographed apartment buildings and businesses in Irpin in the Bucha area in May of 2022. I’ve gotten up in the middle of the night and walked down to a bomb shelter. I've met more Ukrainians too who I have spoken to during these difficult times. I have observed their behaviors. Until Wisconsinites and others understand what it feels like to experience every good effort to knock out and down a Shahed drone flying overhead and sent by russia to destroy anything it finally strikes, they cannot really get the feeling I get. Terror and Nervousness. I am leaving for Ukraine next month. I am far more stressed now than I was for my second and third trip to Ukraine.>> <<@richardwarner3705 says : Come on Georgia! Get your country back.πŸ‘>> <<@richardwarner3705 says : All wars are different. And, this is how this one is beng prosicuted. This is a WW 3. And, all the allies need to act like it. They all need to get on a war footing & stay in it untill it's over.>> <<@FirstLast-ii5cp says : Russia is like a psycho ex-boyfriend that wants to punish you, & is angry when you try to leave him. It must be a nightmare living next door to such a neighbor. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ>> <<@Wanbon1 says : Guy seems bored..>> <<@DavidMotion-uv2pu says : The internal dynamic of a gangster model of elites is that there will be constant atruggles for influence and a share of the spoils. If one set are pulled down another are pulled up. However the last yhing Russia needs at the moment is turmoil in the Ministry of Defence. We know they are presiding over a huge disaster. But there are not more competent generals to take over. So many oilgarchs falling out of windows etc is permanently disrupting the gangs of gangsters within the ruling elite. So chaos and disaster are inevitable. If Putin is beginning to find out the truth about how badly the war is going perhaps more generals will be arraigned for corruption. But as they are all corrupt where will it end?>> <<@nataliiateteruk585 says : Russia is barbaric.>> <<@williammccoy7127 says : Well this war will be studied intense because it is a total different war ever fought.th Drone is enter the fields.>> <<@Robert-mls says : I wish this program would lose one camera !! Is it really necessary to turn to different cameras every few sentences?>> <<@SuperMagnum2011 says : Henry your good,very good. Thanks once again for your excellent and passionate reporting. Slava ukraini.πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ The Uk stands by you.πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§>> <<@CSGATI says : Despite Putin's reasons taking land will cost them dearly he was warned before he started. The land will taste so bad they will spit it out.>> <<@Ulvetann says : Hahah. Jens' accent hasn't changed one bit after all these years. It pains my Norwegian ears to hear him pronunciate English.>> <<@nicolasrose3064 says : Two years of "special military operations" to "liberate Russian speaking Ukrainians from Nazism" through the systematic annihilation of thousands of civilians and total destruction of millions of people's lives, under the pretense of Russian reclamation of historical prestige according to Putin's vicious prejudice and sadistic persecution of the Ukrainian people, has not produced a single "Nazi" protest, rally, song, or Flag, no "Nazi's" have crawled out of the ruins of their Towns and Goose-stepped off down the road to the nearest "Nazi" Headquarters. For two years the Ukrainian people have shown that they do not in any way, shape or form subscribe to Putin's demented assertion that Ukraine is Russian Sovereign territory. The Russian people are going to have to come to terms with reality, and instead of just regurgitating Putin's demented rehtoric and accepting his despotic paranoia, they will need to try something a bit more risque and radical, like outright scorn and ridicule...>> <<@henrikarboejensen812 says : God knew Putin is evil. That's where communism comes in handy. The peasants will go 5 ft under for his hand, and they will be told he is good.>> <<@jfb_ventures says : If this is a news service, I want to urge you to keep it professional and leave personal opinions out. Give us the news, and we will form our own opinions about it. We do not need references to comic books, etc.>> <<@mauritsdonga7663 says : I appreciate how Zelenski is telling Nato the truth, they're slowly getting rid of their own old weapons instead of fully supporting Ukraine to win this war.>> <<@judithbradford9130 says : Centuries from now, free people will envy us for being alive at the same time as President Zelenskyy and the heroes of Ukraine>> <<@tdkolton says : πŸ˜€>> <<@rangerider4288 says : _"Crabs in a Barrel"_>> <<@davidhammer7410 says : In 2021, Ukraine was asking to join NATO. By 2025, NATO will be asking to join Ukraine!πŸ˜‚>> <<@NeoCynic1 says : Baby talk from a bird brain. The heavy accents are so funny!!πŸ˜…>> <<@TheLevitatingChin says : Sadly Ukraine will lose. Nato was far too slow.>> <<@lmcsquaredgreendale3223 says : Great report. Perhaps it was my imagination but a few of the people seated at the horse shoe table looked nervous to me. With their ranks being thinned by Ukraine and Putin any member of that club must be nervous because Putin, like all failing dictators, is looking for scapegoats. He has to be hard up for money if he's arresting people for doing what is normal Russian behavior. China won't help financially, Kim Jong un wouldn't party with a penny and Iran is hoping to make money and get back at the US. Thanks Trump you can always be counted on for screwing up a good deal. If it weren't for your stupidity Iran wouldn't be supplying Russia with Shaheed drones.>> <<@natalieturko4808 says : Too bad Russia isn't capable of understanding that NO ONE wants the "Russian world".>> <<@eenigheid3186 says : Bribery a crime in Russia - really. ? Next corruption will be an offense as well . How did the oligrachs obtain their wealth ?>> <<@chrismitchell4622 says : Ukraine has been outgunned due to NATO's failure to adopt a war winning strategy, continuing to engage in childish exercises that have no real war value when they should be ensuring logistics to the front!>> <<@Dave_Cymru says : Ukraine will prevail, for if Ukraine falls, so will most of the west!>> <<@aresivrc1800 says : #SlavaUkraini!>> <<@jimg2850 says : That Georgia law could turn out to be a Trojan horse if passed. Which foreign country has the most influence in Georgia right now after all?>> <<@mirola73 says : Not much has changed in the Kremlin..................Stalin no doubt is looking down on Putin and thinking 'good boy'.>> <<@ianshaw9058 says : Russia's grip on its vassal states is slipping as the war in Ukraine bleeds Putin's victims dry. They smell freedom - and that scares the crap out of Putin as he sees his grip slipping. The robber Barons of Russia are all obedient to Putin because, sooner or later, they will face his obedient legal system. Slava Ukraine!>> <<@TadPrice-ih7iv says : Shoigu needs to stay in his position. His incompetence and stupidity is invaluable.>> <<@frankstella8947 says : Time will tell>> <<@JenGM24 says : Sooner or later the place will turn into the old west.>> <<@gluteusmaximus1657 says : It seems that every time Russia is at it's fullest power, it is rottening on the inside and falls like a deflated balloon. Trying to infest everything around it's borders with war and/or exploitation. The Russian Empire with all it`s bling bling and glory was suffering from starvation and humanitarian crisis but only for the common people. This led to the Bolshevic revolution, wich was bloated and striken by unemployment, poverty and shortage of basic goods at the height of the communist regime and all the occupied countries at the end of the 1980ies. After the resurrection paid with western money and enormous investments of capitalistic enterprices, the russian federation (the remains of former russian empire) got back into the family of nations. Soon back to the old Tsar/Bojars/souls of the fallen empire! The russian carousel starts to turn again! This time with even faster speed.>> <<@mickgatz214 says : Maybe Russia will eventually run out of options, and join NATO?... πŸ˜‚ Then everyone will be happy and there will be no more war. Actually, the only war the whole world has to be concerned about is with MOTHER NATURE, true?...>> <<@modir007 says : Georgia should be liberated from Russia and russian people that live in Georgia pay them by russia government should return to russia at once.>> <<@lifessogood2995 says : How to dodge zelensky mobilization>>