<<@whiskeygamer9402 says : #StaySingle>> <<@IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIII says : ABS stats show domestic violence is actually decreasing. But that doesn't fit the agenda.>> <<@IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIII says : Calling it gender based violence ignores the same sex couple violence that happens more than most ppl think. Misandrist anti-hetero maIe language.>> <<@Wit_Shunter says : Oh well, dear me, looks like all the men in Australia just can't help keeping on getting upset over nothing at all lashing out at their mothers and grandmas and sisters and daughters over nothing for no reason whatrsoever and Zali isn't a Teal, she's an independent woman and all men are liars and that's the truth.>> <<@Phyroxin says : Whenever I see the word gender in relation to any issue I switch off. The majority are aware this is a non issue and is only meant to fill gaps, overt attention from other more important issues and serve as a dividing mechanism>> <<@GFTCNJ says : Stop dating abusers. The government can’t fix a you problem>> <<@kidsoxoxox says : Abortion of the innocent un born is the ultimate DV. Approximately 90,000 per annum in Australian medical clinics & mostly not even when the ChestFeeders life is in danger & at taxpayers expense. Just who is the biggest perpetrators of DV? Every human has the right to be born. An approximate guess would have a grand total holocaust of un born terminations since the 1970s of approximately 4 to 6 million. Multiple that number by 4x or 6x to account for all the above listed terminated that would of have been born and had kids and grand kids of their. No wonder Australia is so messed up, especially ChestFeeders.>> <<@kidsoxoxox says : Your wife is the State's registered domestic parole officer, one phone call and off to court and jail. Your kids are 'Red Pioneer' youth Police informants. Just don't get married or cohabit, none, zero. Way too dangerous now, not the 1960s anymore. The family is finished in the West.>> <<@gjssjg says : Who governs Australia, the Federal Parliament or the Politburo of 'National Cabinet' ? A Government within a Government......you just couldn't make this crap up.>> <<@stephenaustin142 says : They can't even define what a woman is and until they can this is a non-issue .>> <<@YogGroggoth-yv5tt says : this is such a low priority issue>> <<@bestestusername says : They will wait until Federal election then promise the world and deliver nothing. And you lot will vote for the lies>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : This issue ranks very low with all Australians. It's not an election issue !>> <<@Factoverfiction1-mk3rf says : As a left wing teal ‘independent’ may I ask if she supports excluding men (xy chromosome people) from womens bathrooms. Given the mounting incidents of indecent exposure and rapes committed by men ‘identifying as women’ entering such spaces? I wouldn’t be impressed with the answer. Those calling for safety and an end to violence against women can’t be hypocrites. If you care about womens safety, care about it in all circumstances, not just when it’s politically convenient.>> <<@tb7667 says : So it was just performative virtue signalling.>>