<<@Openeyesopenheart42 says : Stop with the propaganda>> <<@graham49y says : From Australia murders statistics ..69% are male...>> <<@TheClownCunt says : Well women wanted equal rights. Well they are getting it . Learn to fight back women . Or don’t expect equality>> <<@IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIII says : Anti-family agenda.>> <<@IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIII says : Mention the real causes and they will label you a mysoginist.>> <<@IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIII says : One Nation are the only party that talk about men's issues.>> <<@IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIII says : Men are fed up with being demonized and treated like second class citizens. The misandry must stop. Expect a Trump style electoral backlash soon.>> <<@IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIII says : Male violence, gender based violence. All control language to ignore same sex partner violence which occurs more than most ppl realize. MIsandrist language.>> <<@JustSayin-ur9su says : Says they want g3nder equally, still using gender non inclusive language and on news titles 🤡🤡🤡🤡>> <<@Sparky_D says : How does porn increase violence against women? Women are the reason most watch porn! It's watched for a love of women. These people are just prudes, i mean its women in the porn...>> <<@Wit_Shunter says : Must be an election coming up then.>> <<@lj3276 says : Totally agree with combating domestic violence but not the inference that it is only males committing domestic violence…… I agree mostly men commit physical violence and psychological abuse but there are also women committing domestic abuse and some violence towards there partners so don’t forget to acknowledge that as well>> <<@jasonberry7687 says : Geeze lady any other demands for something the stats don't agree with you on>> <<@GFTCNJ says : The horrendous rise of anti-male BS>> <<@kidsoxoxox says : Your wife is the State's registered domestic parole officer, one phone call and off to court and jail. Your kids are 'Red Pioneer' youth Police informants. Just don't get married or cohabit, none, zero. Way too dangerous now, not the 1960s anymore. The family is finished in the West.>> <<@kidsoxoxox says : Abortion of the innocent un born is the ultimate DV. Approximately 90,000 per annum in Australian medical clinics and mostly not even when the ChestFeeders life is in danger and at taxpayers expense. Just who is the biggest perpetrators of DV. Every human has the right to be born. An approximate guess would have a grand total holocaust of un born terminations since the 1970s of approximately 4 to 6 million. Multiple that number by 4x or 6x to account for all the above listed terminated that would of have been born and had kids and grand kids of their. No wonder Australia is so messed up, especially ChestFeeders.>> <<@YUDNSAY says : Any news on the Cuban currency collapse??>> <<@craigyoung7590 says : How many of these men were young boys from broken homes kept in the Mothers care by default and false accusations, which saw the father removed so they dont know how to be men and then mentally abused by their mothers lets look at the whole pucture take the statistics back to the start...>> <<@krs4395 says : Import the third world, become the third world. We all know who these "males" are...>> <<@raymondparnell439 says : Feminist are like islamists complete lies. In your face lies ....like we have the data. Death's are down dramatically. Fk you sky news for not calling this man hate out .>> <<@raymondparnell439 says : Wtf deaths have gone down dramatically. Wtf are they talking this up for. Distraction from Islam . Muslims have a religious right to bash their multiple wives . Honour killings etc. Oh they aint white !>> <<@whatever-ql5ns says : How can it be a crisis if it’s halved. Red herring>> <<@ThaMassDebater says : All well and good to help the women in need, but if men are the perpetrators, what money is being put towards programmes to help them? If services were more readily available to men, when needed, wouldn't we also see a reduction in poor outcomes? It feels like we're throwing a band aid on after the fact and not looking at prevention. From my understanding, it's difficult for males to access counselling/help in the dv space....>> <<@nav1269 says : National statistics show we have the lowest level of family homicide per capita since records began. Stop the blame game on men for every problem in society.>> <<@Protectiontoisrael says : What’s the numbers for male suicide? Is it riding too?>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : Man hating liars leftists feminazis of sky nazi news, stop this fkn attack & hostility on men & start revealing stats of women's violence against men>> <<@YogGroggoth-yv5tt says : haha what a bullsht title>> <<@leemollison7508 says : This is pure BS. Check John Cadogan's take, including the statistics no less. Naturally these are per hundred thousand-wise, so the number may actually be increased. One wonders if rampant unchecked immigration from countries with less than respectful culture towards women has managed to tip the scale numbers wise. Naturally, the laws will be enacted on us all innocent or not, another government lever on the people, created by a situation caused by the same. 🤡>> <<@zzzzoogal9634 says : 👎 Check your statistics.>>