<<@safarkhan8140 says : And where is the evidence>> <<@user-vu5oe3mi1w says : Bull...lol>> <<@simonschulz415 says : Absolute total bs proven no matter how much they need it to be true, sky news as low as you can go>> <<@johnobrien3179 says : My stupid Irish government gave another 20 million to this corrupt agency>> <<@propalestinian-x4p says : Absolute lies!!! It’s been proven that there are no links to Hamas>> <<@rickyclark4870 says : ISRAEL #NEVERAGAIN #STANDWITHISREAL>> <<@thetruth9494 says : Clear links? What clear links? OK Sky Aus, if you are such journalistic luminaries, show us the proof.>> <<@bassamawad1956 says : All accusation against UNRWA based on lies as ever. As UNRWA represents Palestinians refugees that's why trying to bury UNRWA>> <<@hashimmian376 says : Zoinist $$$$$$$$$$$$ speaking. Wasn't it Israel that provided evidence that Iraq had WMDs? Hamas head quarter underneath Shifa hospital? 10 mass graves found after Israel attack on the hospital but no head quarter?>> <<@blackrhino3442 says : Samantha Powers loves Hamas.>> <<@jenzabel says : This is absolutely unbelievable that any government would be funding this obviously corrupted organization!>> <<@englishkenny958 says : The entire UN is corrupt and needs to be disbanded and defunded along with the WEF and WHO. Purge globalism. They have already ended countries in Europe with the EU>> <<@yikee7592 says : Yup! Israel already clearly provided bullet n bombproof evidence! But to whom? Guess must be to this kindhearted Lady since she confirmed it.>> <<@simonchristian5560 says : Israel is yet to show this evidence.>> <<@ExpendableRedshirt says : "Clear links"? Israel has shown no evidence of any kind that Hamas has any membership in UNWRA. But the gullible swallow all the B.S. this channel shovels.>> <<@JoseSanchez-uw2rl says : Hod bless Israel and every Jew>> <<@eunicethecat says : Get the United States OUT of the United Nations.>> <<@ChuckMatley says : I am getting to like the UN less and less. I think it is time to stick with our allies and the UN can move their headquarters someplace else.>> <<@oneazterisk4669 says : We should not be funding anything that has to do with the Muslim religion look up the woman Farkhunda Malikzada And see what happened to her that’s the truth behind Muslim religion>> <<@kenmacleod7225 says : Thanks for the reminder, Sky. I'll get my donation out to UNRWA right away. I've been putting it off.>> <<@moyrml says : Finally, people are talking about the part of UNWRA! Why don't they also mention their children text books teaching hate??>> <<@Helpi-y2b says : No money for terrorists includes the UNRWA>> <<@davidnuttall-y7l says : what the H is UNWRA ??????????????????>> <<@samhayeck5502 says : This is pure Pro-Isreali propaganda, Isreal claims have been disproved, this is another Murdoch tv channel like Fox totally in the tank for Isreal.>> <<@edsmith2189 says : As a Canadian I'm disgusted that we have been paying billions for penthouses in Quatar and missiles from Gaza . Schools we built that train death to Canada. Teachers teaching rape and murder.>> <<@mikeshoemaker1909 says : What about hostages>> <<@samueljohnson5668 says : Don't mess with God's people>> <<@adrianshjadesheehan9991 says : No more money for them disgrace disband them as well as the UN our Michael Martin said it was lies the clown gave them more money>> <<@ianenglish123 says : Israel has never provided evidence according to independent media, the EU foreign ministers and the BBC. Markson and co are lying to you.>> <<@jozette-pierce says : Please tell Netanyahu to stop funding HAMAS. NETANYAHU has paid for Hamas'training in Quatar, plus other funding of HAMAS. Something is rotten in Denmark, (Israel) Get the WHOLE TRUTH out please. No more propaganda . Oct. 7fh was a False Flag, according to Mossad, who were ordered to leave Israel, one day before the Hamas attacks on Oct. 6.... Mossad ordered out of the country by Netanyahu. THIS was all reported on Israeli News Live.>> <<@georgetteghenta says : Do you have any evidence?>> <<@alanvaughan7570 says : I have never trusted the UN. They just fill their own pockets. I never give to any charity connected to the UN. I believe it it time to abolish thevUN now. There's got to be a better way. They interfere to much in other countries.>> <<@Lemoncake34567 says : This has been known since the 90s docs😅>> <<@faghriepatel-rf3gt says : What evidence>> <<@faghriepatel-rf3gt says : 😂😂😂 Rubbish>> <<@billstrasburg384 says : Wow. That woman looks like something out of the Dark Crystal.>> <<@arjunkc3227 says : Show it. Just saying lies 100 times doesnt make it true. Show world the proof>> <<@cnaz8709 says : The world knows, the evidence is there, and yet UNWRA and its demonic partner, UN is not shut down.>> <<@elmalo5851 says : Joe, after learning of this: Who do I make the check out to at UNRWA, and when do I get my 10%?>> <<@MariaMorena11 says : One does not need a magnifying glass to see the evidences.. They are as clear as day yet the spineless politicians are aiding and abetting the terrorist organization, UN, UNWRA, etc.. These 'organizations' need to be dissolved immediately to make room for real legitimate organizations for the betterment of mankind! A NEW WORLD ORDER>> <<@louisemarshall9301 says : Who'd have thought an organisation, as grossly incompetent and politically biased, as the UN could possibly have links to a well established terrorist organisation .. shock horror 🥱>> <<@tiborzkarate1 says : They can't beat Hamas so they trying to beat an unarmed aid organization. LOL>> <<@tiborzkarate1 says : The fact is that they show so much desperation by lying about UNRWA an aid organization that definitely losing the war to Hamas.>> <<@acqueenarkpyanne721 says : UNRWA money is juat to aid hamas aonthey can continue their evil>> <<@user-lp7bq2hs3i says : Penny Woke is funding HAMAS-ISIS, a terror organisation, through UNWRA... As simple as that.>> <<@kimberleyporter985 says : All Western Country governments need to stop funding UNWRA. 😭>> <<@DougThomas-l8o says : Hamas leadership is living like kings in Qatar. Thats what it's all about.>> <<@BaronVonSavage says : The leaders of Hamas live in luxury in Saudi Arabia in mansions but leave their people to struggle to survive and then hide their operations in schools and hospitals.>> <<@Hyoudo says : Unra is another home from the UN production>> <<@Turner1281 says : Does anybody realize that the elementary schools in “Palestine” teach terrorism to kindergarteners? There’s videos online>>