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The main argument I would put against the introduction of nuclear powere generation into Australia, is the LNP's Luddite mindset.
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When you have people of influence like Rod Sims saying that products like steel that are made using fossil fuel power are more environmentally damaging than products made using renewables, you know this nation is heading to the abyss quickly. People with even a small amount of intelligence and knowledge know that renewables are more environmentally dangerous, from the manufacture of wind turbines and solar panels to their disposal. Enjoy the ride to hell suckers of Australia!
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Not going to happen - electricity price keep rising. Haven't seen my $275.00 yet.
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Most Australians don't know digital ID and fuel emission standards that don't suit this country have passed today. The government is dodgy and not fit to be government.
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Albo is selling off one and possibly the first of one of his rental properties , is this before they sneakily get rid of negative gearing and up capital gains tax. Just thinking out loud .
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Albo is the best Prime Minister in history. Albo forever as Prime Minister.
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You will have to buy $20,000 of solar panels, solar controller inverter and batteries and then you will have cheap power until the next big hail storm or lightening strike or ten years time when you will have to replace the batteries then in another 10 years you will have to replace everything. Cheap? No.
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Come on, Australia! It's a crime against humanity to imprison an innocent person for speaking the truth. David McBride
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