<<@dirkaminimo4836 says : When a man craves attention more than common sense. He knew there was no evidence, because there wasn’t any, but he wanted a new job and camera time so he jumped in with trump. He is ranting just like his other broke bankrupt buddy! Good riddance!>> <<@DariusShannon-c2s says : Mute0 tjese long winded liyer.>> <<@kevinlamartina8208 says : You go Rudy… America is behind you my friend! 👍💕🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@BillyRice-kg7nk says : Mr.mayor is 100% correct!>> <<@Karen-mi3yz says : He is a member of Trump's Butt Kissing Squad. mike johnson, mt greene, steve bannon, tim scott, jd vance, doug burgum, k noem, m rubio.... All eager to prostrate themselves for their orange Jesus. I do think that guilani is the only one of them (so far) who actually needs to be under a conservatorship. He has totally lost his mind, prob dementia.>> <<@melodiephillips3514 says : He is just like DJT he can’t help himself, he lies wherever his mouth is flapping.>> <<@sferris33 says : If he just accepted the election results, none of this would be happening>> <<@NormanSilver says : CAUGHT!! Now trying to lie his way out of this mess.>> <<@richanddebshawaiiadventure4340 says : satan called rudy - your room is ready>> <<@richanddebshawaiiadventure4340 says : two choices rudy - die in prison or suicide ->> <<@patriot4826 says : The world knows the 2020 election was stolen by government agencies colluding with the Democrat party>> <<@patriot4826 says : Rudy was a hero and an icon , a corrupted government weaponized by the dimentia patient stole Rudys wealth, Democrats are the worst thhing about this country>> <<@TimothyMullikin says : Rudy 2024 prison's chubbyfatass>> <<@frankwithrow377 says : WHAAAAAA WHAAAAAA WHAAAAAA WHAAAAAA WHAAAAAA WHAAAAAA WHAAAAAA>> <<@siriusgd4753 says : 0:27 "I've shown no tendency not to comply". Yet the clown was hiding from being served and mocked the court. Guess what Rudy? YOU'RE GOING TO PRISON FOR tRUMP.>> <<@amramjose says : Rudy turns to s__t like all who work for 💩 trump...>> <<@kennyrichard2971 says : CNN and all their naïve followers will have their day after 2024 CNN best enjoy lying to Americans while they can🤣 can’t fix stupid 🤷>> <<@Nalianna says : Doesn't Rudy have some kind of legal training? How did he NEVER learn "don't talk over a judge"?>> <<@rursus8354 says : A mouth diarrhea of lies won't save him from the indictment.>> <<@miguelcruz4349 says : He better hopes he doesn’t go too jail all people he railroaded no where to RUN nowhere too HIDE ! KARMA COMING!>> <<@sally-sp8ee says : The Gargoyle is in trouble again>> <<@reasonablearticalo says : Vote Blue.>> <<@ShionWinkler says : He tried to dodge being served and even bragged about it.. he needs to be locked up till trial.>> <<@PhilRichards-o4h says : Lock Rudy up. He is a part of Trumps slime trail>> <<@divak9026 says : Rudy is a complete embarrassment to the USA. From Hero to Zero!>> <<@johnmyers8415 says : 😮Rudy got caught thats what they dont like.😊>> <<@annettewamboldt says : Creepy old man.>> <<@SouthernRotors says : With all of the televised and physical evidence Rudy is going to jail in the near future...>> <<@MisterMan7516 says : Get this pig into prison already.>> <<@rhh3582 says : Rudy you lied for the donald - and you want people to believe that you don't lie - be serious - you are a serial liar.>> <<@SpaceRaven835 says : Sympathy to the neighbor(s) who has to listen to Rudy sing.>> <<@cocochanelthesharpei3167 says : Poor little traitor>> <<@polarbearsrus6980 says : Mute the MUTHER!!!>> <<@Steve30x says : He claims to not be a flight risk yet he was hiding from the law so that he wouldn't get handed an indictment 😂. He even boasted on twitter that if the dojo didn't indict him they would have to drop the case and that they would have to agree that they can't count votes.>> <<@Toodmyrick says : This is that stupid disrespect the GOP shows towards the justice system when they don't get their way Then the GOP has bought the judges from lower courts up to the supreme court ( those clowns have lost all respect ) thank little donny CON>> <<@enjolras76 says : magats are fake patriots. their sworn allegiance is to trump, NOT America or the constitution. #magats>> <<@rickrobinson4321 says : HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN DENIED BAIL AND HELD TILL HIS TRIAL.....PERIOD...........>> <<@billsmith5109 says : He publicly acknowledged he’d been indicted and was avoiding being served. Is being a fugitive from Justice a separate crime?>> <<@arthurneddysmith says : If it's just a "completely political case," then you should have no problem establishing your lack of guilt.>> <<@JupiterSlim says : The entitlement of the rich is on another level>> <<@bh1326 says : Throw away the key!!>> <<@johson6963 says : Giuliani is being exposed for who he is. Proverbs 26:24-26 "Enemies disguise themselves with their lips, but in their hearts they harbor deceit. Though their speech is charming, do not believe them, for seven abominations fill their hearts. Their malice may be concealed by deception, but their wickedness will be exposed in the assembly" Jeremiah 11:18 and 19 "God says I'm exposing them because I want you to move forward. He has the power to expose them. This is what God is doing. It's your season. And this season you are going to move forward by fire"   Bible Study Tools Job 27:7-17 - "Let my enemy be exposed as wicked! Let my adversa... 7 "Let my enemy be exposed as wicked! ... 8 What hope do people without God have when life is cut short? ... 9 Do you think God will listen to their cry for help when disaster hits? 10 What interest have they ever shown in the Almighty? ... 11 "I've given you a clear account of God in action, suppressed nothing regarding God Almighty. 12 The evidence is right before you. ... 13 "I'll quote your own words back to you: "'This is how God treats the wicked, this is what evil people can expect from God Almighty: 14 Their children - all of them - will die violent deaths; they'll never have enough bread to put on the table. >> <<@1slyboy says : He is a flight risk and should be in jail>> <<@savitmascarenhas5658 says : Give these scumbags some Kool aid.>> <<@Izettmikel says : May he enjoy his prison time>> <<@lovetheobscurities says : Rudy's circus act. Sickening. Sad. Vote blue, America!!>> <<@JamesAllmond says : Don't do the crimes if you can't do the time. Can't stand the heat, stay out of Georgia and Arizona...two Red states. for now....really more purple...>> <<@BigMeanie says : Rudy looking like Simon Bar Sinister. Evil like him too.>> <<@Bobwilliams-tj2ou2024 says : Giulliany took the "Ride" got to pay the orice>> <<@janetmcclellen733 says : That whole group just think they can throw fits because Trump does>>