<<@widdywren says : Please explain why any human person would defend the killing and starvation of thousands and thousands of children. What did they do to deserve loosing their life or whole families or legs and arms. When you tuck your children into bed tonite be very thankful nuttyyahoo is not your neighbour.>> <<@rapscallion9333 says : Or just any view outside the voice and net zero.>> <<@hesky68 says : A strong view from this milk sop you must be kidding 😂>> <<@ralphmogridge8364 says : Now ZioNews knows more than the ICC. 🤣🤣🤣>> <<@KurtBoulter says : Albo should recuse himself from being Prime Minister, because he has a conflict of interest against the Australian people!>> <<@angeodeleo says : Albanese has no view or vision.>> <<@djrnfjgjfas says : I see most hatred towards Palestines people after Israel is Australian Ofcourse they are descendants of colonial mindset and do ethical cleansing of local people and tribe in history>>