<<@ronnieraptor says : Collection of people cannot be recognize as state. Many state will come out because of such recognition. A simple collection of people becomes a state hehe....>> <<@user-lm3oq9ed7y says : MAYBE Ireland has forgotten about their terrorist past the innocent civillians that they killed you even have one in their parliment that was in the IRA and her family>> <<@matildecoimbra6268 says : Pela libertação e reconhecimento do País Basco e da Catalunha !!!>> <<@sylvialandman3959 says : Sham on them>> <<@imelda8890 says : As I am told , no moderate muslim , they are all the same in Islam , the moderates financed the radicals... .>> <<@imelda8890 says : Today these three countries succumb to ISLAM , it's not wonder if someday Sharia law was implement in their countries.>> <<@One_eye3 says : Norway should give back the land they stole from Sami people, Spain should recognize Catalonia as an independent state and give back to Marocco the land they took from them and Ireland ... never give them guns! 😂>> <<@pollya6412 says : Skrew Norway,Spain and Ireland. So now we have governments rewarding barbaric islamic terrorists,rapists,murderers? They lost their way. I’m sure majority of their citizens DON’T support a Palestinian state. And where will this state be? Palestinians only want to obliterate Israel,and murder all Jews. Piss on Norway,Spain,Ireland. What? You been taken over by terrorist propaganda. Shame on you.>> <<@aaronwilson4258 says : It's ironic that Spain is recognizing a Palestinian state while still occupying land in Morocco. They should show their sincerity by giving up Ceuta and Melilla.>> <<@robertcunningham1116 says : I'm from Ireland and support Israel 100%>> <<@connortilson7141 says : Slam away Israel is loosing credibility faster than Harvey Winestine did ! As to the English Spokesman, he was laughed out of the UK because of his one sided bigotry!>> <<@SedriqMiers says : How can they recognize a state when its controlled and governed by terrorists and corrupt octogenarians.>> <<@verah619 says : Fact is the PA will not accept Israel's right to exist. Jerusalem is and will remain Israel's biblical capital. There is now a sifting of "goat nations" and "sheep nations". Belgium, Spain, Norway, Ireland, etc, will be among the "goat nations" and be judged by God Almighty accordingly.>> <<@Teamdz2 says : Israel don’t exist>> <<@langleyj8199 says : There is no state.>> <<@oleggold7 says : it's eeary , how history repeats itself ,Ireland always hated Jews, they see IRA in Hamas ,so terrorists like other terrorists , Spain , that evicted its Jewish (sefardi) population is just too much to the left this time , Norway,same as Spain, practically a socialist country,plus got over-run by Muslims in the worst possible sense, to the degree , when they lost their own identity.Very sad , the Europe is rolling down fast to its destruction, only hope is for Central and East Europe, Germany,Austria,Poland ,Hungary and Chech Republic , stand fast for the real Europian values , still...>> <<@j-k-j says : Rewording evil>> <<@Bajablastfreezelifesunsets111 says : Stay safe so Israel doesn’t hurt you!>> <<@user-zq5vi5wf2m says : EU ARE ON FALLEN SWORDS UN SCAPEGOATING FOR CALIFATE NO NOT NOW NOT EVER PLO PLA TERRORITY IS ISRAEL NO MORE SINWARS CALIFATE MASS MURDERS THERE IS NO PALESTINE ONLY PROMISED LAND JEWISH>> <<@lynneuribeross2695 says : It is Israel, there is no Palestine folks!!!!>> <<@BobvanT says : not much has changed in these 3 profoundly racist and anti-semite countries since 1930 ->> <<@----77777 says : All along waiting for an attack on Israel to award Palestine a state ,I can't believe this>> <<@Rhymerjoo says : Time to redraw the borders and remove illegal settlements in Palestine>> <<@johnsonm2499 says : Apple and Google should move out of Ireland.. Spain is never a normal country..>> <<@ricnyc2759 says : Thank you for joining the other 142 countries.>> <<@mrabdi says : I am curious about the headlines. Are they to declare Norway, Spain and Ireland as Isra*l haters as well?>> <<@ian-van-driesche says : Spain, Norway and Ireland should take in Palestinians..I'm sure the lefties will give them shelter, food, a bit of cash, rockets and materials to build tunnels for years to come..>> <<@larryjacob6986 says : In 1999, 2000, and 2008, Israel offered the Palestinians a two-state solution. The Palestinians flatly refused without ever giving a counter-offer. If the Palestinians would openly recognize the legitmacy of the State of Israel, that would be a different matter. But as it stands, blind recognition of a Palestinian state would only encourage Hamas to continue its terrorism, and encourage the PA to continue publicly supporting coexistence with Israel while encouraging the destruction of Israel in their news media and schools.>> <<@nacorcarmonablanco4414 says : Im from Spain and this goberment DOES NOT represent me>> <<@yolandabrinkman2653 says : All those nationals from spain, norway and ireland rejecting their countries' decision to recognise a Palestinian state, start marching, start protesting, start writing to your MPs. You have the power. You have the vote! Or be considered complicit like the German civilians in WWII>> <<@user-ih4nl6dj7p says : Those countries are enemies of Israel. Spain with Santa inquisition. Others are becoming Muslim countries>> <<@witwolf4641 says : please open your embassies in gaza and take them to your country>> <<@zGoodMan187z says : The world recognizes Gay marriage as a marriage, so what. Doesn't make it a marriage. Masons believe satan is god but he isn't.>> <<@Rhymerjoo says : Wonderful news.>>