<<@shellyannhan8279 says : Sounds a wee bit nefarious>> <<@indica8510 says : Who consented you them accessing medical records to obtain MRI scan information. That is for a more sinister type of future plan. It’s reverse mapping of the buffotine model. It’s a waste of money for a piss sample. So all the money was for harassing public hospitals obtain data for a picture. Can these people just fuck off it’s like nasa and it’s artistic representation of space.>> <<@Super_Mario128 says : Like the Safe and effective? 💉>> <<@moistfarts351 says : Biden needs it pronto to cure his pedo ways and his corruption and treason>> <<@Jammies944 says : Slow news day huh?>> <<@TheMSS1977 says : Cause and effect.>> <<@dysturbedone3395 says : Governments would never use it to make those of us not propagandised, conform to their narrative>> <<@NoWindNoSunNoPower says : They must be mad.>> <<@RogueElementMkII says : Depression helps you see the world for what it is. If you're happy with the way the world is, you're living in la la land.>> <<@leemollison7508 says : Like a refined lobotomy then.....>> <<@Fire.4Effect says : Ridiculous>> <<@Iygfdsvnkyf says : Very scary...so glad I never had children so government can pretend they're helping people...but in reality destroying people...>> <<@rune_rosen says : It’s all fun and games until the AI does something on purpose, the thoughts come back, a tumor is pre-existing and they fuck up, or malpractice happens>> <<@WitchDoctor-m9s says : Alzheimers Dementia and Depression are not MENTAL ILLNESSES. That is quite Derogatory to Aged and Others. Says a lot about the Mind set of this new company.>> <<@kandymich4861 says : Nope>> <<@AAAA-vu7fp says : Robot takeover is coming>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Move on we are human not a AI machine>>