<<@emadmohammed3742 says : THERE IS ONLY ONE STATE AND THAT IS PALESTINE.>> <<@tonybennett638 says : Yesssssss and!!!!>> <<@Insertednmatrix says : All Islamists are Muslims, but not all Muslims are Islamists. An Islamists is a Muslim who wants his religion to rule supreme and will use force towards these goals and see victory as the implantation of religious law in a way that kills freedom of religion and worship. This is why Arab nations will not take Palestinian Islamists refugees into their countries. The question becomes, how could there be a 2 State resolution, when Arab nations won't even take in Palestinian refugees? The answer lies within this post about Islamists.>> <<@NoWindNoSunNoPower says : plasticine = hummus hummus = plasticine>> <<@Jason_g_kennedy says : Give a Death Cult an actual State. That makes sence.>> <<@windsong3wong828 says : The Irish, Spain and Norway are bold in their plans. Maybe, it will be the spark for the 2 state solution that will bring long term peace . The current Isreal plans will not bring long term peace. War will reign. If the international community can guarantee the safety of both the Isrealis state and the new Palestinian state …..it will be good. Palestine will boom with peace. Tourist will flock there as it holds a lot of religious sites.>> <<@PS2Sniper says : Palestinians are Israeli going the wrong way>> <<@TheCrossing2271 says : It'll never happen, Israel is about to get their all of their land back from this so called Palestinians. When that happened what these countries gonna do? They better started to looking for some unoccupied islands to relocate these people. Long live Israel. 🇮🇱>> <<@Harien-fs6gn says : OMG! It’s shocking.. wait until one day your lovely peace country gets ruins by the terrorist like in Israel, Afghanistan, part of Africa, some of SE Asia are currently still battling to fight against terrorist influences and brainwashing young generations using religion 😌>> <<@VK6AB- says : So Ottoman Empire colonisers are cool. There has never been a Palestinian state, the Ottoman colonisers had a series of Sanjaks, Vilayets and Mutasarriafates. None of which referred to Palestine. Moreover as Zahir Muhse’in, a member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) Executive Committee, said in an interview with the Amsterdam-based newspaper Trouw (1977). “The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians, and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism.” This a pure construct of the left. Ignorant government.>> <<@peekaboo6622 says : Israel is a sovereign state. International progressive bullies can "recognize" anything they want to.>> <<@colemanfairweather1804 says : So it starts with the stark and barbaric atrocities committed on 7/Oct by a brutal terrorist organisation, and ends with the UN recognising Palestine as a separate state - ie, the terrorists win. Well done, world; this is showing the way to get things done. In the not too distant future, this will be the situation for England, for surely the growing muslim population there are in a sense "enclaved" into particular districts - eventually they will be justified in the eyes of the Islamic world and the "progressive west" as being recognised as a separate state..........then eventually, the only state. And poor old Taiwan once the invasion starts? I can see the activists once again out in streets protesting against Taiwan as they try to defend themselves by retaliating against China when the PRC crosses the sea to "liberate" the people, as they once "liberated" Tibet. And the UN's response? Taiwan is already recognised as part of China, so Taiwan would be the aggressor, and that is how the MSM and Tiktok influencers will paint them. All the rhetoric from the US over the last few years is just noise. sigh......progressive politics, pursued to its ideal heights, is a form of regressionism, ie it seeks to go way backwards from "conservatism", ie to return us to the caves - who would have thought?? LOL.>> <<@sydneychase780 says : When the UN recognized a state of Kaos, well its all wrong and here we are world leaders need to fall on their own swords!😅 All stupid !>> <<@AlexM8384 says : How about the recognition of pharmaceutical genocide? Ass 🤡's>> <<@HoiaPolloia says : What a nightmare. A pathological homicidal society is being honored and empowered. It is ghoulish.>> <<@wtkusakabe says : WTF!!! Disgusting!! After Oct 7, no difference between Hamas & palestinians!!>> <<@duncanferguson7814 says : they are Arabs, nobody wants them......not even other Arabs want to take them.....think about that. The npc response is "but they shouldn't have to" the response to that is......well neither should we>> <<@pittuk6500 says : it's weird that arabs want to name their "state" after the Hellenic philistines>> <<@ETERNITY777 says : 😡😡 BOTH ISRAEL AND PALESTINE ARE ETERNAL TROUBLE MAKERS WITH WAR 😡😡>> <<@Opinionsrnotfacts574 says : While the question of Palestinian autonomy is worthy of consideration, handing political power to Hamas over that Palestinian State is surely out of the question?>> <<@nitdiver5 says : Anyone reading this understand the dividing of Israel (two state solution) is the covenant in Daniel 9:27 that kicks off the tribulation. Still a couple of years away but coming quick.>> <<@PeterA-r8x says : I'm all for Palestinian Statehood only if and when supporters of it stop acting like Nazis and instead make peace with Israel. Otherwise, forget it!>> <<@tatianapetliar6420 says : Это пиз@дец.>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : Cannot happen soon enough>> <<@FreedomvsCommunism says : “For you [Israel] are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession” (Deuteronomy>> <<@PeterA-r8x says : He and the rest on Sky News are too afraid to call the protesters for what they really are; pro-Nazi.>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : Should one think that Israel would give up a portion of its sovereign territory simply because a collection of highly biased and ignorant countries see it as a good idea is absolutely ludicrous!>> <<@noellealissa2206 says : Palestine Statehood! Awesome!❤🎉>>