<<@Harien-fs6gn says : A lot of parents are enabling their children with buy their kids under 14 mobile phones 😌>> <<@ApexAL says : Feminism is the main problem with social media - it's destroying society>> <<@Tmhjr_Baskar says : Irony: Back in the 80s the computer craze was considered a fad. In the 90s had messengers (chat rooms included) The beginnings of social media. We'd chat, exchange photos, chili out and all that fun stuff. Did anyone take notice? Nope. In the mid 90s a group of us started voice our concerns about where things were going with the Internet. Even though the majority of us were under 20, we saw the signs of what was coming and tried to be vocal about it. Know what we got? Scorn and harassment. We got out of chat rooms and just focussed on email, snail mail, and the occasional message board. Trying to warn of what was coming in our own way. Then came the 2010's and everything we tried to be vocal about came to pass. More things change, more they stay the same More we learn, the less we listen. Turnabout, that's what I call it...the nice version anyway.>> <<@lj3276 says : We have to be sure this good intention is not the Segway for insidious censorship.>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : Ueas especially fear and lies driven by the media.>> <<@niram4107 says : What is not being addressed is bad parenting and a massive decline in societal moral and ethical behaviour. Fix those crucial elements. Restricting social media is a akin to putting a bandaid on a wound that requires sutures.>> <<@eb2505 says : Nah, Albo is just upset people make funny memes of him.>> <<@RULE3O3 says : It screen time in general. Social media is only part of the BAD PARRNTING behaviours>> <<@goodlookingman4489 says : Stop children accessing the internet until 16 without age verification which impacts on every other user and you’ll get support>> <<@TSpackman says : BS, it's the governments way of slipping in digital ID's on the public under the guise of "save the children".>> <<@oldnutta7611 says : A N a l is violent, have you told that to the alphabet community 😆😅🤣😂>> <<@ShirleyYAJOKIN-cx3ro says : Fluoride is bad for children's brain development, but you think they'll ban fluoride from your drinking water? Or organise public relations campaigns to convince you of the dangers of fluoride to your child's brain development? Yeah nah, good for their teeth, safe and effective.>>