<<@Icanonlyimagn7891 says : Cobb fits perfectly with the corrupt news network! CNN’s ratings are in The potty! Americans aren’t buying your propaganda anymore.>> <<@trwent says : Trump was given MULTIPLE chances to turn over ALL of the documents with NO reprocussions over MANY MONTHS, but he still refused. The absolute arrogance of the SOB is just beyond measure.>> <<@mitchell-uk9up says : What rock did they find Ty Cobb under holy moly!!!>> <<@puppydog6915 says : one thing that is so wild is we now know the "top secret" that is ontop of the documents was from the FBI they layed them on the floor and they put "top secret " on the papers and then took the photo ... thats so wild.>> <<@kingrobthegreat7446 says : Trump is amazingly strong. You have to admire his strength.>> <<@mitcht2717 says : Erin Burnett [May 28, 2024] next time you speak with Ty Cobb, ask him if he speaks out of both sides of his mouth - one side when relating to pro-Prosecution personalities and you (CNN) and the other side with speaking fo rthe DEFENSE [like today with SEMAFOR's Morgan Chalfant] when casting aspersions on Judge Merchan for Jury instructions that demand a guilty verdict.>> <<@NelsonCummings says : I love how they b******* y'all and they use to b******* me. Anything they say. I would highly suggest trust but verify maybe they're telling the truth or maybe they're not so challenge yourself to see what they're saying. Don't believe me. Don't believe them. They liar crapload tons of times. Let's just say I no longer embrace the mantra of vote blue no matter hope and anybody who questions Trump. Yeah arrogant yeah I get it now. People who are interested or just want to see what he's saying well first deplorable then Alma public transphobic that's the list goes on. Yes, we're really stupid. Even us people who used to embrace the Democratic party. I get it, I get it and now we're friggin clowns. Oh, that's right. Didn't they say it don't even know what a computer is? Oh we know how to get IDs. Yeah yeah thank you. Thank you computers and give us pirates map so we can learn how to freaking get ideas pretentious party anymore hell to the no. It's such a. I'm going to go out there on a limb. They're racist. Oh that's right. Asian Asian privilege. Yeah let's not let someone embarrassed and so is everybody but they live in their freaking every Tower and echo chamber. Well I'm so glad people are embracing being Uncle Tom's LOL. If we don't care anymore all the names you call us cuz it's not true no validity or not. Stupid. Just thought I'd give you that memo. We will not let you control us for how dare you if he's so so pretentious okay and that's my question>> <<@NelsonCummings says : I always remember. Let me ask is all the money>> <<@JT-oq5js says : Politics aside. I'm a Democrat. Voted for Biden and honestly Biden has been the worst president ever. And it's unfortunate to see Biden appears to have some metal capacity issues going one and maybe should think about calling it quits and staying home with his family. Biden' has provided no help with the border issue other then welcoming everybody in while laws are being broken, gas prices remain sky high, foreign affairs, etc, etc, etc, the problem list goes on and on. I see nothing positive occurring under the Biden administration, and to be honest I remember quite clearly when Trump was president he did things that prospered the USA and its citizens. The USA was thriving under a Trump presidency and he did a great job for the country. Now I think Trump should clean up a few things, but really don't care to much about that, so as long that Trump makes the country better, and make things better for the citizens. Could care less about some Stormy Danials hooker nonsense nor classified document crap. I also have learned that it is wrong to vote for the democratic candidate just because I am a democrat especially when the democrat is doing nothing and has done nothing. Am changing my voting pattern this year, and voting for Trump in the November election.>> <<@taylorshelp5046 says : How's those ratings CNN???😂😂😂>> <<@dankabat6421 says : This 'case' is not even a case....honest legal American citizens r seeing right thru all this bullshit the Biden clan is trying to pull....>> <<@kb6378 says : Trump supporters are very intelligent>> <<@kb6378 says : Fdjt>> <<@valeriehertz-kusz9575 says : so necessary as DJTTrump is a cry. Our USA law enforcement should be protected.🇺🇸>> <<@bczzar1 says : This outfit still uses the name CNN but it was bought and taken over strictly for political propaganda.>> <<@detroit12870 says : If it's so standard for EVERY single operation bar none why specify it in the first place>> <<@OneEyedJacker says : Why is Trump complaining about a fictitious assassination by a US president when that’s exactly the power he wants for himself. He’s such a hypocrite.>> <<@BoebertsDentist says : Trump tries to draw attention to a fake assassination plot because in that unsealed document, it showed that more top secret classified documents were found IN HIS BEDROOM after the FBI executed they're lawfully obtained search warrant.>> <<@Kiyoti says : ...if the "supreme court" allows potus to do anything....Biden can do whatever he wishes for real.>> <<@Aspratt86 says : POTUS should sue Fox News>> <<@dugwthree says : choose who you support and ingnore all you dont like . i think that is how people see things>> <<@dugwthree says : i guess that is as silly as what biden supporters are saying .i never here of this in other media. i know CNN.>> <<@thebarn2730 says : Ty Cobb must have been on the Island.>> <<@GeorgePrice-vp6td says : I don't know I saw FBI agents around the front of the house all armed with machine guns and and looking like they were ready for a fight. If they could do this to Donald Trump they can most certainly do it to every American. Are judicial system is broken and it has been for quite a while.>> <<@Fuyual-nv7eu says : I'm glad that I don't need a court house to win just my words are enough>> <<@Fuyual-nv7eu says : Everyone that knows what is going on we all are going to feel good together>> <<@Fuyual-nv7eu says : I'm going to feel good with you>> <<@Fuyual-nv7eu says : Then I hope that it makes you feel real good>> <<@Fuyual-nv7eu says : By doing this dose this make you feel good>> <<@trickzafeeds8196 says : #trump2024💪>> <<@lpluva1 says : These lunatics know this is nonsense, like the DOJ is going to put in writing that they are attempting to kill trump. His idiot minions don't need or want logic, so my take is that he wants his followers to be ready for violence. This is one more absurd lie to dehumanize his opponents so that his minions will find it very easy and even feel justified when they begin their next attempt to overthrow our country and eliminate the "enemies" they have been conditioned to hate for decades by their media. This is panic and desperation and the more unhinged he becomes, the more his zealots will also.>> <<@californiaredd8646 says : Traitors protect traitors. Bet a dollar trump TOLD SOLD OR SHOWED SECRETS TO ENEMIES OF AMERICA>> <<@paullanoue5228 says : Deadly force is always authorized when law enforcement personnel are put at risk. That is how it should be. Trump knows that. He is simply demagoguing to the true believers. The weak media panders to all Trump’s silly claims. I can’t believe anyone watches national media in this country.>> <<@hrvojesvetec3058 says : Haha LUNATICS!!>> <<@williamwhitten7820 says : *Deadly force was infact authorized by Biden's DOJ.* *These talking heads on CNN are spinning this story backward.*>> <<@George.Q.Citizen says : “Most jurors have a triple-digit IQ and that’s not familiar territory for Judge Cannon “ — touché!>> <<@George.Q.Citizen says : Trump’s real goal was to get the focus off the new evidence revealed against Trump and give Trump a precedent to have Biden assassinated>> <<@koolbeans8292 says : Yeah, this guy played baseball so he's important. Phuck. SMH>> <<@lissa4306 says : Trump was in New Jersey during the raid! Lol!>> <<@Rp-nh4tv says : The Court has been advised the PEOPLE are done and will ARREST.>> <<@Petshmah67 says : More like the FIRST CRIME FAMILY>> <<@mimsyborogove3906 says : Trump spreading misinformation again? That's like the sun rising in the East. Absolutely predictable.>> <<@newnewhutchison991 says : Why do you keep spreading trump BS>> <<@donnackk5860 says : Biden needs to charge him with defamation.>> <<@BH-yv6iz says : Furthermore you have some odacity to claim Cannon is incompetent when Trump has been attacked by the other two judges by poor decisions and a family history of Trump hating. Now that is incompetent!>> <<@_VelociDad says : Trump never said assassinate. Stop the gaslighting. “Boilerplate language” authorized the use of deadly force, which is what he said.>> <<@mmusigaba3198 says : If what Trump said something that is standard procedure then doesn't that mean the "standard" procedure is a course for concern if you make so much noise about it? Don't you think your own language is putting the judge at risk by your own support in your very analysis? You CNN are a bunch of Trump deranged lunatics.>> <<@aliverbirduponmychest3055 says : You the American media and citizens of the USA have created this absolute horror of a human being by normalising the behaviour of this disgusting pathological liar! The reputation and standing of the USA has fallen off a cliff edge to the point you are now a laughing stock around the world! The man is a clear and present danger to world peace and economic stability, god help us all if he wins we will enter the most dangerous period in human history!>> <<@stanleyjohnson278 says : I lost all respect for you Mr Cobb! You should keep your nose out of things that you really know nothing about>> <<@stanleyjohnson278 says : So it’s ok for Biden to have classified documents that were not even protected and just about any one had access to them. And Biden as not even President? !>>