<<@ironmaidens6663 says : 'Just drop this renewables fantasy and go with something reliable. Not that hard is it?>> <<@awc900 says : Renewables are an unreliable dead end.>> <<@stancraigie601 says : I can't believe how mant stupid politicians we have.>> <<@Nathan-ry3yu says : 15 year's away for any nuclear power. But 20 years for a full defence capability while the pacific is in uncertain dangerous times ? This labor government is a joke. Its okay for them to prolong Australian national security and have it at risk. But 15 years is too long for them to get nuclear power, while Australia has plenty alternatives to fill the gap. Can anyone else here see the stupidity in this government excuses?>> <<@ricky6864 says : Andrew a another proven liar>> <<@funfunyo7523 says : Let have a referendum Vote yes to nuclear>> <<@sandorrubane8964 says : Ah, a Labor MP. I knew immediately that he would have suspended his own intellect on this issue and would be kowtowing to the party line.>> <<@buildmotosykletist1987 says : Nuclear power brings down electricity prices by 75% in Finland.>> <<@buildmotosykletist1987 says : Japan’s Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant Unit 6 took only 39 months for completion.>> <<@user-zh5ri2fx8t says : Coal first because it's cheaper and quicker, then nuclear. Otherwise, this nation is well on its way to experiencing blackouts as more old power stations will be closed over the next few years. That alone justifies building new coal-fired power stations IMMEDIATELY, just as many other countries are doing, a total of hundreds of them being built as we speak.>> <<@christophermiller4093 says : Japan has built eight nuclear power stations and each time it took them about 3 and 3 quarter years to build. Each one was approved by the NSSC to go ahead marking that each met safety standards.>> <<@ricky6864 says : We need a referendum on what the people want not politicians with agendas want>> <<@ricky6864 says : If we had politicians working for Australia we would be building new gas, coal and nuclear power stations>> <<@user-zh5ri2fx8t says : The rush to net zero emissions is insane, to say the least. Anyone who believes we can have net zero emissions without baseload power from say coal, gas or nuclear, must be a moron. Since we are led by morons at all levels and are voted in by morons, then Australia has already turned into a moron-based nation. Enjoy the ride to hell suckers!>> <<@mickoz9389 says : ''Nuclear and renewables hybrid system would be a 'big waste of effort''' Correct! Get rid of ruinables.>> <<@killzoneisa says : Like the money wasted on the voice ? yeah no he dead wrong as it means we have a way of making power.>> <<@allegra0 says : Ah what wonder !!! - windmills, solar panels…..and battery cars. Get rid of that gas stove you dirty polluters.>> <<@user-fw6kz1kc4n says : So it's going to take 15 years to charge my electric car then. If we all plug them in, there is no way there will be enough energy for humans to heat and cook with let alone charge their cars! Not with the current power stations online. Solar power on every roof line may help. But they don't even do that in deserts because the arabs would rather use gas and oil.>> <<@Christoph1888 says : Lol trump. Who wants to bet that'll be thrown out there more and more coming up to the election>> <<@PJC005 says : A recent study shows that steam engines are grouse>> <<@BarbaraHambleton says : This tool !!!>> <<@HaydenSpence-bx3zv says : Boo! Down with the renewables! Nuclear is the future for our country!>> <<@daveweiss5647 says : Also... did this CLOWN just bring up TRUMP while talking about the ICC? WTF is wrong with politicians??? It has nothing to do with him, but what, they think they can scare their base into supporting them by bringing up their boogie man- Trump? What kind of low IQ garbage is this?>> <<@daveweiss5647 says : These people are obviously getting paid off and are corrupt... I am American so don't know the specifics of Aussie politics... but Nuclear is THE ONLY carbon neutral electrical power... so called "renewables" like solar amd wind can have their place on a small scale... but are completely wasteful and unreliable on a large scale...Nuke is THE ONLY WAY!!!>> <<@Dismas2503 says : Nuclear won't even make it through the greentape and lawfare.>> <<@rapscallion9333 says : Nothing rivals the waste of effort and money on 1.5 trillion in unreliable renewables only to repeat the insanity every 20 years , burying toxic solar panels, turbines and batteries.>> <<@tadeuszmichaelwlodarczyk3120 says : Andrew get a life. Its 5to 8years!! And nuclear life span 60 to 80 years. Solar every 20 years new panels and turbines. So who's dearer 😂😂😂>> <<@daveo3122 says : Dump renewables, unless for specific circumstances. Go nuclear.>> <<@williamallan7915 says : forget renewables nonsense>> <<@NeverGonaHappen says : Yep, sure would. Renewables have already proven themselves as A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY. 20 years and billions of dollars and "renewables" still don't supply even a quarter of our electricity requirements. 100% of our money and efforts should be into building Reliable Base Load electricity, BOTH Coal and Nuclear.>> <<@shanonhills4995 says : Stephen Conroys son is as dumb as him>> <<@aaronaaron6569 says : Conman Charlton😊>> <<@RULE3O3 says : Feckin eejit>> <<@ianenglish123 says : Who do you believe and Emerits Professor and adviser to both sides of government or the Shadow minister for Energy. Hmm tough one.>> <<@horsefootrot5654 says : Hmmmm does anyone else think hes lying through his teeth? No? Perhaps it's just me!☝🏻😂😂>> <<@feline7777 says : nuclear energy is the future>>