<<@Red_Line_Images says : What about a long term view, nuclear will still be running 100 years from now, when renewables will have to be replaced 3 or 4 times. To achieve a zero emissions society we will have to reduce our living standards, no politician will be honest about that>> <<@pookeyhutchison7838 says : Earing Power Station has a capacity of 2880MW per hour . Now times that by 24 and you understand the real capacity it brings to the grid. 69120 MW hours . There is no physical way you can generate that amount with solar or wind 365 days a year whatsoever. Andrew Charlton you sir are as inept as your leader Albo the weak.>> <<@roostercogburn1984 says : lol at Labor>> <<@dorianshadesofgray2981 says : I guarantee you Eraring will remain operational for many years past 2027>> <<@rhyno1740 says : There will be a new Government by then.>> <<@buildmotosykletist1987 says : If we disagree with an institution we must do something about it. The UN is no longer a functioning organisation. It is a left wing propaganda machine.>> <<@buildmotosykletist1987 says : Nuclear power brings down electricity prices by 75% in Finland.>> <<@buildmotosykletist1987 says : Labor's net zero policy is causing the cost of living to skyrocket.>> <<@daniellebcooper7160 says : No matter what Australia does, it wont make one bit of difference to the climate. All going to 'green' renewable is doing, is keeping the rice Panda happy.>> <<@rogermckinnon5738 says : SA is screwed when it closes. Due to labor closing, the majority of our major power plants in this state. Since we now have to import a large portion of our power from Victoria and NSW. Charlton is like Bowen, out with the fairies, SA is evidence, renewables do not work>> <<@shanonhills4995 says : What a muppet, this mfer is only setting himself up for being a lefty politician for life He doesnt care about anyone>> <<@Factoverfiction1-mk3rf says : If according to this liar we can’t even build the nuclear stations in 15 years, Why would you not start building them immediately? Instead of relying on renewables when they actually aren’t a viable alternative? Labor is pandering to the greens here and know they are hypocrites. Notice Australia is the only G20 country not on a path to nuclear? Notice we also have ridiculously high energy prices that just keep rising compared to other nations? Not a coincidence. The Liberals also have a net zero target. Vote one nation first. Coalition second. To save the energy sector and lower energy bills.>> <<@bestestusername says : Labor's net zero energy policy is net zero energy, import everything! I love you ALP😘>>