<<@subrahmanyamgudipati268 says : It is plan and desire of US and EU. In defusing the plan Chin's shrewd diplomacy to be seen.>> <<@PravdaSeed. says : 💚🐉🇨🇳🐉💚 🧞 Over Capacity Of: Egoism mm + jealousy yy + G👀d old dd Vanity yy = WAR.RRR... .To + 3 = 5. 🧞 Lack of Capacity for understanding OtherS (OS) to Recognize + appreciate and RESPECTING Their Legitimate Views. OS .&C...>> <<@handyman7259 says : Chinese fighting Chinese …Don’t fall for the trap of the west>> <<@DiskartengMama says : CHINA IS THE LARGEST COVID FACTORY OF THE WORLD>> <<@majorkaios says : I think it is better not to go for the US/NATO military directly, but if China can prove to the NATO Military Industrial Complex that they can destroy that complex infrastructure first, by kinetic means, those capitalists will only care about the Benjamins and will predictably resort to the Ukraine treaty policy just to buy time.>> <<@upalitube says : Zhou Bo your analysis is excellent. I believe China cannot be deceived by any outside power>> <<@raymondlee2317 says : In the eighties .. when China carried out military exercise .. it was then US sent aircraft carriers to support Taiwan .. China eventually back down But TODAY .. if US still think they can scare off China .. they are dead wrong .. China today is Not the same as China decades ago.>> <<@len2063 says : China getting stronger and building up their army but thier population is shrinking.>> <<@mobilariorayos8067 says : Chinesse Sepertist are already declaring indepedence, they dont believe they are part of China, nor One China two systems.>> <<@mobilariorayos8067 says : Wow on Aljazeera the panelist sepertist just declared war on China and says they reject the One China two system .>> <<@thndrngest says : CMG do not delete good-valued comments hastily. You know, the collective west can easily put out a totally fake report on Xinjiang and China has to fight hard for the past 5 years. But they framed their people’s mindset already, yes, systemic brainwashing. The world is a jungle, social media is very important, do not restrict yourself so much.>> <<@XxLIVRAxX says : 🇹🇼✌>> <<@dan61131 says : The Chinese & Russians should learn how India, Vietnam & other countries built partnership among countries without threat, provocations, or thieveries. Friendship is earned & partnership requires respect on each other territories according to international law!>> <<@learkingofalbion8520 says : Greetings from Quincy, Massachusetts!! I listened carefully to Senior Colonel Zhou.>> <<@marcolietti6466 says : Freedom to Taiwan, where real Chinese culture has been preserved for decades>> <<@JamieMorlok says : America & China will never have peace because American leaders have a mind-set which refuses to understand, accept, respect, co-operate or co-exist either with China or any country on this planet. Nevertheless, many weak, incompetent & insecure leaders allow their countries to become proxies for American wars, conflicts, divide & rule strategies.>> <<@yarndy says : "Peace Comes From Military Strength" - Bullying and threatening nations will not win you respect or praise, only the coerced, bribed and weak nations will or could put up China's constant rhetoric, propaganda and chest pumping. - Does China only want to deteriorate global democracy, peace and human rights? ~PEACE & FREEDOM FOR ALL PEOPLE & NATIONS~>> <<@zeniehudson7098 says : Why are the Chinese coast guards buliding a reclamation project in the the shoals of Philippines, grinding the corals as foundations ,less than 2 kms from the Philippine beach ! You are deflecting issues of China's greed and bullying behaviour to locals to leave with am bition to own Philippine backyards rich in minerals,oil and gas! The world knows you are deepfakes. ,caught redhanded! We have freedom of speech,press,..>> <<@rainieresguerra6519 says : Most likely. China never stops bullying and harrassing Taiwan.>> <<@hengng4414 says : Sorry Taiwan. No troops from USA QUAD SQUAD are coming. Taiwan will be the next Ukraine Georgia Afghanistan Libya Yugoslavia. If Taipei has USD100 billion for weapons, the USA is interested. After that, goodbye Taiwan and Philippines. 😢>> <<@yarndy says : What percentage of votes did Xi Jinping get from the citizens of China in the last democratic election... Guess?>> <<@vengeancerecovery5535 says : Any americans/whoite & (abc/abj/abk/abv/abp/abt/abm/abi....) who is student/retiree/no mad digital & investors and their host nations connection in any Asia Major, EurAsia (Slavic only) SEA & GlobalSouth will be "BLACKMAIL" on certain grounds or "PAID UNDER TABLE WT DOOLAR" by the american & brit agencies coz they love money, it will happen sooner or later.....that is why any "Regime Change","Coup","Color Revolution","Human Rights NGO" & "Rule Based Order" are guaranteed nowadays.....😠...it including all color, races & religions as along they originated from WHOITE PEOPLES 53y3$ nations...😊..... only PRIVET NIHAO Salam from Malaysia>> <<@TacticalMayo says : I HOPE YOU LIKE FALLOUT 4 ☢️>> <<@daveh5947 says : PPP is what matters....GDP is just numbers! There is the G7, but who would be the PPP7 ??>> <<@penglim224 says : Block third party interference and there will be peace in everywhere in the world.>> <<@harbinger6562 says : They swear they can stop Supernatural with comforting each other with their lies❤️🇨🇳🇹🇼🦾😇>> <<@OperaRotas-ik2xz says : Zhou Bo 👍👍👍>> <<@harbinger6562 says : Good morning ❤️🇨🇳🦾😇👋>> <<@kckoay6211 says : While the reunification of Taiwan with its Mother Land by military force remains Beijing’s last resort; but a military intervention in such event is no more a feasible option for the Washington. The days where the U.S. may win a war against China at the latter’s doorstep is in fact a distance past. In their article “The War That Never Was?” published in the August 2020 issue of Proceedings, former vice chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral James Winnefeld and former CIA acting director Michael Morrell envisage a scenario in which Beijing could unite Taiwan by force in just three days. “China has the capability to deliver a fait accompli to Taiwan before Washington would be able to decide how to respond,” they wrote. In fact, anyone who thinks that the United States will come to defend Taiwan in an all out hot war, is delusional. Today, China’s military capability matches the U.S. in nearly every domain — air, sea, land, space, and cyber. Should a war broke out over Taiwan, the U.S. military assets, including its air and naval bases in Asia Pacific will become sitting targets of the PLA. The price of a war with China is, to put it bluntly, a war that the United States can ill afford!>> <<@jJustPlayingNZ says : Some hope for peace then? I find it difficult to believe that the US will behave peacefully, they never do.>> <<@yc-tai says : wisdom, one of the 5 constants, Zhou Bo! With wisdom, there will be no panic, plenty of elegance and patience...... Keep the dialogue with US, to ease US anxiety......>> <<@koklintan1300 says : The issue at hand is the US reading of Chinese Leader as not prepared to pay the price of Taiwan invasion. All China can do is No Action Talk only.>> <<@simon4780 says : 只要經濟封鎖台島一個月!統一問題就解決了!>> <<@ntokozolugogo4762 says : It'll become a battlefield as long as it is still governed by Japanese descendents>> <<@ericteng7725 says : Zhou Bo,remember the name!! A super star on the rise. Already, he has a diehard fan!>> <<@lindagonzalez5513 says : Zhou is too optimistic. The US regards China as an enemy and wants to destroy China ! He needs to face this reality it will not change ! Also because tine is on China’s side the US wants to attack China now before it grows stronger so China has no more time and must be ready right now ! Stop thinking that the US doesn’t regard China as their number 1 enemy plus the host keep calling it a competition between the US and China but the correct word is the US oppression of China ! Chinese media should use the correct verbiage instead of echoing what the US says !>> <<@laxmiphombo3173 says : He is a very wise man>> <<@themrturtletech says : Zhou Bo is a smart guy>> <<@aslamali8801 says : "Not shocking, but surprised." I don't believe that anyone is surprised of what was said by the new leader. Taiwan has been politically captured by the West for a long time now. No use of China playing defense, it doesn't make sense.>>