<<@UATVEnglish says : Subscribe to UATV English https://www.youtube.com/@UATVEnglish>> <<@КалоянЛозанов says : There is no WAR between Ukraine and Russia. Nobody declared war.>> <<@BlaiseLikoy says : Russia is giving nato and USA heavy blow 😂😂😂 they are already in Ukraine since they game is not changing 😂😂😂. They are now in panic 😱 with what they Russia shovels is doing in the battlefield>> <<@BlaiseLikoy says : The US and NATO have got the wrong bear 😂😂😂 55 countries against one Russia 🇷🇺. They thought it was Libya or Iraq 😂😂😂😂😂. They are panicking 😱. How the bear uses it shovels hammering the battlefield 😂😂😂>> <<@Acidfree33 says : No way. Nato would be idiots to fight in ukraine under their countries banner. It means all out war. The west has more to lose than wrecked ukraine. So dream on about your hopes and wants its not ever going to o happen>> <<@nsambacharles5959 says : NATO is coward before Russia by baptizing mercineries, only bold before ;Yugoslavia,Libya so wait until Jesus comes back or will be another Afghanistan or Vietnam>> <<@ishrirampersad8809 says : This is war, commentator. You and your country conspired, encouraged or turned a blind eye when Ukraine was killing and abusing their Russian component. Russia responded while you all encouraged the in humanity. You, yes you and the English like you were ringing your bells at those acts. You've asked for a response. You've got it. I'm happy some one was ruled enough to give an appropriate answer. Ta ke that.>> <<@vitorlopes2064 says : Neocons WANTED this war>> <<@reza310 says : He is old enough to be drafted . Why is he not?>> <<@ernestoglesby5342 says : NATO has been in Ukraine since 2014 and even before.>> <<@ernegregor says : So, then the third world has started, so simple it is, they know, that it is too late to stop the war>> <<@ernegregor says : why does Ukraine hide their weapon where people live? It is a finger pointing tactic>> <<@ernegregor says : nato create war what is their interests in Ukraine zelensky sell his own country>> <<@JamesHGroffSr says : Americans had a song they use to sing with nervous langhter, when Nikita Kruswhev was in power back in the 1960s and it goes like this.?I DONT WANT TO SET THE WORLD ON FIRE, I JUST WANT TO START A FLAME IN YOUR HEART?? WE would look at one another and nervously laugh.HEH HEH HEH ?????>> <<@geoffreygloria118 says : The butcher of Kremlin, Poohtin is flexing muscles in Karkiev but started thinning out right now.>> <<@ppcbernier9945 says : Every non NATO European country NEEDS to join ASAP.>> <<@katuboycn8817 says : American and ​Nato just leave Ukraine let free , a lot of people who died because of your>> <<@normantan7796 says : Feel sorry for Ukraine people. Just get rid of the puppet leaders who call US and Nato their fathers. 1st thing is never put your country in situations where citizens had to suffer for their leader stupidities. It's worse than losing a war, own people tell you to go and die for them not the country.>> <<@vernonquarles1740 says : Blinken sings Rockin in a dictatorship>> <<@bort_zdiot says : Let's start with an international contractor troops, instead...🤔>> <<@KathyMethven-s9h says : NATO MUST STOP EVIL RUSSIA NOW>> <<@teresas8173 says : Far too many ordinary Americans are not very bright and though obvious what a danger Russia is, they don’t get it. There’s a a legit fascist running for President and that says it all imo.>> <<@eplmait3409 says : jing ping did not like the election results ,sook did not get his way acts like a child bully>> <<@migproductions4045 says : Pavlo Shtelmakh, our live wire to the truth in Ukraine! xxx>> <<@louisecorchevolle9241 says : how many civilian in many people Ukraine killed on bombing civilians in Donetsk ans Belgorod at random>> <<@philippeovart3654 says : Very good, help Uktaine friends governments, NATO wins in TWO days,avoiding all these Ukrainian horror, stop this NOW Puck Futin>> <<@spiritualvirus6964 says : Would a limited ban to Russian media stop the war? What if the world would ban news with the war in Ukraine?>> <<@lunkis3233 says : Thank you Pavlo for the daily wrap-up.>> <<@JohnDoe-jd7oc says : Tks. Cda.>> <<@mou.phan565 says : All countries, if they are afraid of death or WWIII, must hand over their country to Russia, but if they want to live, they must oppose and unite to defeat Russia. In 1991, the Soviet Union lost its military superiority, and the United States agreed to dissolve and grant independence.>> <<@WestOfEarth says : It's pretty certain that troops who hail from NATO countries are in Ukraine already. That's different than saying NATO troops are in Ukraine.>> <<@kuenganamgay6410 says : PLZ help to ukirane>> <<@kuenganamgay6410 says : 😭😭😭😭>> <<@samsondavid3595 says : I don't believe it but NATO should of been in Ukraine since day one>> <<@briankromer5863 says : I’m from USA, I wanna play too!!>> <<@ELLOGANT says : Very informative Pavlo, thank you!>> <<@AstroGremlinAmerican says : Joe Biden blurted out "No boots on the ground!" without prompting. His staff didn't "walk back" his comment as they so often have to do. It was unsolicited aid and comfort to the invaders.>> <<@operator9858 says : Almost 3 years on and still the same sorry script. Keep it up! 😂>> <<@almitrahopkins1873 says : “Party to the conflict” is the phrase everyone needs to remember. Any NATO member who is a party to the conflict isn’t protected by Article Five. A NATO member who is not party to the conflict has to be attacked or its territory violated in order to draw all of NATO into the conflict. Kalas needs to shut the hell up. NATO will not protect Estonia if she does what she wants to do, because that’s in the rules of NATO. Macron is one of the only ones who can send troops into Ukraine in a combat role. To attack France, Russia has to violate the territory of at least one other NATO ally. That little Frenchman knows what he is doing. He needs Estonia to not be a party to the conflict, however. The NATO allies along the Russian border have to stay out of Ukraine. They can’t be a party to the conflict or Macron’s plan gets shot to hell. Kalas is risking that plan. Just saying publicly that she wants to send troops into Ukraine is enough justification to exempt Estonia from Article Five protection. Poland is a twenty minute drive from Lviv. A joint NATO training base in Poland puts it in a place Russia can’t touch without triggering Article Five. Ukrainian troops can be brought in by bus, trained and equipped, then sent back across the border with the equipment to fight. It’s a smarter move building the Ukrainian army up outside of Russia’s ability to target them. That also puts a huge logistical hub just outside of Russia’s reach. It sucks, but you have to let Putin bring the stupid to this war. If we bring the stupid, Ukraine gets screwed by it.>> <<@bigolboomerbelly4348 says : NATO isn't something you are, it something you do.>> <<@lance8080 says : NATO Stay out of the Ukraine unless you want a nuclear war, spend your taxes on your own countries.>> <<@shaneconnor86 says : Слава Україні 🇺🇦 from 🇦🇺>> <<@danielraymadden says : Putin has exposed the Russian Kremlin Orthodox Terrorist 100 years of terror and wars...>> <<@Freesquirrel says : Good video Pavlo , it is hypocritical coming from a country that has the same president for over 20 years to talk about legitimate leaders. Arrogance beyond belief.>> <<@stanadams5541 says : The world must be ready for tyrants like Putin he lives in the past and only older Russians support him,the,younger generation are victims of his tyranny and are prohibited from expressing thier views.>> <<@lawrencealger3812 says : It shouldn't Pavlo, Ukraine may need NATO and Russia may attack NATO anyway! The Warsaw Pact and imperialism are long forgotten! Awesome report!>> <<@ps_ninja_9993 says : Why you call Russians Troll? I believe you speak same language with them so you are brothers. Anyway take the money from US and don't spend time to comment. Your country need you You need to support your country. Just listen to your leaders>> <<@farenheit1100 says : Good segments Pavlo. Glory to Ukraine!>> <<@virtual2152 says : Nothing Lavrov says is worth listening to.>> <<@ElectroCurmudgeon says : thank you Pavlo good useful important vital information. Bless Ukraine and Bless the AFU My heart is breaking for the peaceful people of Ukraine. May Ukraine have all defense systems to protect itself possible May Ukraine retake all its land saint javelin #CrimeaIsUkraine saint Himars #WhatWeAreFightingfor #Ukraine #War #Ctrl_Z>>