<<@lindylaroche2797 says : EYGPT HAS DONE NOTHING BUT CAUSE PROBLEMS SINCE THE ONSET. THAT WOMAN IS NOT SAYING HOW EYGPT CLOSED THEIR BORDERS EARLY ON TO STOP GAZANS FLEEING A WAR ZONE. THIS IS A CRIME OF WAR BY EYGPT AT START. NOW ANY FOOD SHORTAGE IS EYGPT PURPOSEFULLY KNOWING WITHHOLDING AIDE MEANT FOR GAZA. THIS IS EYGPT ALONE STARVING ANYONE NOT EVEN HAMAS THIS TIME ON THIS 1. EYGPT HAS COMMITTED MUTIPLE WAR CRIMES ALREADY AND SHOULD STOP IT NOW. THEY HAVE DONE NOTHING TO HELP ZIPPO JUST HINDERED AT EVERY TURN FROM THEIR OWN FEAR. DOES NOT EXCUSE EYGPTS WAR CRIMES WHICH ARE MULTIPLE.>> <<@rinachaniago-hw2zo says : Where The UN Members To Also Not Recognize A Freedom Kosovo State , The Democratic of Taiwan Country & A Kurdistan Authority Government ?? Why To Just Giving The Palestine Exist Because They Want Take-Over A Israel Mother-Land Heritage In Ka'naan Soil of The Abraham Kingdom Legacy !!! Shame For The Islamic-Radical World Especially From A Iran Proxy Alliance ( HAMAS & FRIENDS + SUPPORTER'S ) & The Qatar Government As A Global Terrorist Habitat With The Palestine Donation Campaign On A War-Crimes Money~£audry Financial System , Don't Trust of The Terrorist Country Including Indonesia or Malaysia Government To Always Funding Them Anytime In Every Where 🤐 The ANTI-SEMITISM Is The Also ANTI-CRIST & ANTI-DEMOCRACY Anytime Every-Where Then The Anti Hebrew-Legacy Is Anti-Torah + Anti Bible HollyBook ; 100% Anti God or Anti Humanity In Every-Places Like The Nazi Movement Event History ! 👥👣 Where The Pro Hamas Protestors To Speaking About A Their Palestinian Human-Right Conditions When The Alot Iranian Citizens To Also Persecuted By A Local Government Regime Like *"MASSA AMINI CASE"* To Death From *'Iran Syariah Law Police'* Then Resulting A Massive National Anarchy Chaos In 2023 Past Years Ago Until Now , This Is A Very Hypocrites! Take Alook When The Syrian Regime Leader *"Basyar Al-Assad"* President With Her Ally Friends ( Hezbollah Faction Militias + Iranian Volunteers Batalyon ) To Destroy The Allepo City & Idlib-Town With A Full Damage Inside To Also Including The Civilian Casualties Victims By Assad-Army Attack Since of 2010-18 Past Years Ago __ Where A UN-Council To Making The Cease~Fire Deals In There?? Nothing At All This Is A Very Hypocrites Discrimination Policy !!!🤔🧤 A HAMAS Follower's or ISIS Philosopher's Are The Real Devil Moeslim Radical Believers With The Pure Evil Religious Monster To Just Only One Way Ticket Into A Their Own Heaven Version Like A Pyscopat Behavior Personality Anytime ! 👹☠️😈 A Qatar Government Is The Iran Proxy Alliance To Also Funding Donation Into A Several America College Institute Like The Colombia University New-York & Etch Its A Terrorist Money~£aundry From The Iran Government , CCP-PLA Beijing , Vladimir Putin Administration In Russia & A Pakistan Corruptor Politician's To Will Try Destroying The Freedom Democracy Country Form US Soil In Anytime Every Where Forever ! Why The Global Moeslim Philosopher's To Can't Protest About A Different Islamic Problems Like The Rohingya-Refugees Crisis of A Junta-Military Solution on The Myanmar Conflict or A Uigurs Etnic-Cleansing Genocide In Xinjiang-China By The CCP Regime Policy Since of 1951 Until Now When A Extrimist Palestine-Pro Sympathier To Want Vanishing The Jewish-Hebrew Exist In A Their Ancestor Soil From The Abraham Heritage Legacy By The Massive Hate~Speech Narrative Anything For Them ! 👥🌍 PS : A TU-22M-3 Back-Fire Is The Famous Russian Strategic Bomber Plane Since of A Cold-Wars Era Technology To Facing The US B-1 A Lancer Jet Bomber Threat So Then This The Another Russian Big Plane Type To Shooting Down By A Ukrainian Old-$chool SAM Battery Like S-20 V-300 Bulk Missile 😎✈️🚀 The Israel Nation Exist & A Freedom Ukrainian People's + The Taiwan Democratic Country To Have Self-Defense Right To Again The Olyqarcy Dictator Regime Like A Russian Putin Leadership Tyrant or The Khomeini Teheran Terrorist Ruler + A CCP-China Dictatorship Otoriterian With A Hardest Determination Struggles Effort Anytime Forever Never Surrender For The Truly Liberty Freedom! 🤖🌟😈 NB : Aku Kagum Sama Ibu Monique dari *"Tim Fakta-Israel Ini"* Sangat Tangguh & Sabar Dlm Memberikan Penjelasan Tentang Sejarah Judaisme Juga Kekristenan Serta Timur-Tengah Walaupun Sebagian Umat-Islam Terutama Indonesia Dari Kalangan Pengikut Islam Garis-Keras / Muslim Fanatis Tdk Akan Pernah Mau Ngerti Sejarah Kepercayaan-Keyakinan Abrahamaic Yg Sebenarnya Dari Kitab Perjanjian Lama / Taurat-Torah & Perjanjian-Baru \ Al-Kitab Injil Aku Yakin Suatu Saat Nanti Ibu Monique Akan Jadi Bunda Teressa Berikutnya Berusaha Menciptakan *"Pesan Perdamaian Antara Ibrani-Kristiani-Muslim"* Dulu Saya Muslim-Tulen Namun Kini Lepas Dari Ajaran Nabi-Muhammad & Lebih Percaya Kpd Sang Juru-Selamat Tuhan Yesus Kristus + Mussa ( Mosses ) Adl Salah-$atu Nabi Favorite ku Sejak Lama Ketika Nonton Film Kolosal-Religis Klasik Di Video-Kaset *"THE TEN COMMANDMENTS \ 10 PERINTAH TUHAN "* Aktor-Utama *'Alm.Charles-Heston'* Sbg MOSSES { Prince of Egypt : Animation Film Version } Sulit Di Percaya Kok Muslim2Radikal Ingin Basmi Anak2Cucu Abraham [ Issac-Jacob-Noah-Mosses-Jesus|Jesua ] Padahal Dlm Beberapa Hadist Nabi-Muslim Tertulis Jelas : *Umat Islam Hrs Juga Meng Imani Kitab2Suci Dari Nabi2Terdahulu* Cek Di YouTube Atau Wikipedia Sptnya Dunia-Islam Udah Teracuni Paham2 Ekstrimisme Anti-Semitik , Anti Kristen , Anti Agama2Lainnya [ Hindu , Budha DST ] Bahkan Sesama Muslim Juga Saling Baku-Hatam Walau Beda Mahzab-Aliran Contoh Faktanya Sunni Versus Syiah Atau Ahmadiyah VS Islam2Tradisionalis-Murni DST __ Jika Begini Terus Yakinlah Ajaran Si Muhammed Bakal Sulit Bertahan & Berkembang Terus Jika Hanya Membawa Konflik Kekerasan Belaka Bukan Jalan Perdamaian Hakiki Se Utuhnya😢>> <<@denniswright-kw9bm says : For decades Israel has de humanized the Palestinian population some say so they could achieve a biblical aspiration to control all the holy land, paying Hamas to undermine the pa and every trick in the book to stop Palestinian progress,some call it apartheid,well look what happened, own what you've done,then move on,it's the only way, Muslims don't want radical extremists as much as every decent person in the world, it would be easier to live in peace and fight extremism together,I live in the UK and we don't have a problem living with any religion in fact electing some because they are very good at their job without religion in the mix, most threats are actually flagged up by family or friends resulting in peace for everybody.>> <<@LilibethPabatao says : Go israel GOD with you❤❤❤>> <<@anthonybernstein9698 says : How do we know who is a hamas terrorist. We see a man with his two boys, he could be a terrorist on R&R, having a few days with his kids. Rafah is flooded with hamas terrorists above and below ground.>> <<@rickychan1047 says : *Hamas leaders & hostages have PROBABLY escaped through those Smuggle tunnels into Egypt weeks/months ago! 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️>> <<@mirzamotiurrahman1624 says : I am watching from Bangladesh.>> <<@neondaniels6672 says : Never trust muslim countries>> <<@neondaniels6672 says : Too sad to see Israelis itself is the main danger to Israel,.. Can't u understand u are surrounded by hostile countries around Israel and now even within>> <<@UsmanHutagalung-hc3xn says : Hamas telah melanggar hukum perang Internasional dalam vidio ini. . Kejam dan sadis luar biasa.>> <<@denniswright-kw9bm says : The world can finally see Israel's true colours.>> <<@denniswright-kw9bm says : Shame on Israel accountability will come this time.>> <<@faiqsabri5264 says : Netanyahu should resign>> <<@bonerisms says : Sisi's son is in charge of the area, and gets a cut from smuggling. On 7 Oct, the military was busy in the west bank because Bibi ' s friends the idiotic religious freaks were harassing west bankers into a fight,,,, so what happened ? the women were left to fend for their selves and they didn't have backup>> <<@margasa8548 says : Since 2005 Israel has not controlled Gaza. It's ironic that it's Egypt "blocking" Gaza when the whole time they said it was Israel. And the whole time also, free entrance of missiles through Egypt. And the machine of lies Aljazeera, the alliance with the lefty media traitors, just a distraction.>> <<@hameedm8361 says : No one comes to israel from the region😂😂>> <<@jackzisholtz3151 says : God bless BB God bless Israel. And Egyptian always been behind it directly or IN indirectly involved in the hostages and help in the terrorist Israel Must go All the way. taken over Rafa. And Don't listen to Obama and Biden administration because Because against israel there always Bin against Israel. Israel needs Trump is American President. The best It can happen to Israel mega.Bless joe's people and the israelis.❤❤>> <<@joywanjala622 says : Absolutely heart breaking…>> <<@Chillin-sb3sk says : They used the smuggling tunnels leading from the strip to Egypt, the economic anchor of Hamas. Estimates say that between 10-15% of the terror organization's budget came from taxes on goods that pass through the tunnels in Rafah as well as from issuing licenses, for an annual income of about one billion dollars.>> <<@BobvanT says : The dust devil is pushing to go in for a pint ….>> <<@Ren-nm7mg says : Egypt needs to answer for this as well Completely disgusting and infuriating that anyone empathizes or has support towards these Islam Terrorists Get them gone>> <<@Rapenzel57nowhere says : Egypt been allowing Hamas to build tunnels to smuggle weapons into Gaza>>