<<@richirichjam says : no there is no moral equivalence, what Israel has done is 10 times worse than Hamas.>> <<@danielberman2773 says : Ever since Oct 7 attacks, Jewish people have been ethnic cleansed from both Northen borders (28 villages have been forced to leave on Lebanon border) and Southern borders (21 communities, including Be'eri, Kfar Aza, Nir Oz, Netiv Haasara, and Alumim.), Biden, Clinton, Obama, John Kerry has taken Israel to 1947 border lines! Both Biden and Benjarmin Netanyahu has betrayed Israel and ever since Oct 7 attacks, Biden & Netanyahu taken Israel to The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine, UN General Assembly Resolution 181." The areas Jewish people have been ethnic cleansed is 1947 border lines. The USA has used Palestinians terrorist groups, Lebanese Hezbollah, Yemen Houthi, Iranian forces as well as IRA Provisionals, ANC terrorist, ETA terrorist as proxy army against Israel to force Israel into 2 state solution to create a terrorist puppet state called Palestine! The Biden Clinton administration has weaponized ICJ, ICC, UN, EU, (Europol) European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation, (Interpol) The International Criminal Police Organization against Israeli leaders to terrorize and force into submission to create a puppet state based on 1947 border lines called "Palestine"! Benjarmin Netanyahu has betrayed Israel to save himself so he can stay in power and continue living his lifestyle off Israeli tax money! The US since 1979 Sinai Peninsula withdrawal has been ethnic cleansing Jewish people from Sinai Peninsula, Golan Heights, West Bank, Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem. 1978 UNSC Resolution 425 / Camp David Accords 1979 UNSC Resolution 446 / Egypt–Israel peace treaty Palestinian autonomy talks / UNSC Resolution 452 1979 Sinai Peninsula withdrawal 1980 UNSC Resolution 478 The Madrid Conference of 1991 1993 Oslo 1 accords 1994 Gaza–Jericho Agreement / Israel–Jordan peace treaty 1994, Oslo 2 accords 1995 Beilin–Abu Mazen agreement 1998 Wye River Memorandum 1999 Sharm El Sheikh Memorandum 2000 Camp David Summit / Clinton Parameters 2000 Isratin 2001 Taba Summit 2002 Beirut Summit and peace initiative / Road map 2003 Geneva Initiative 2004 UNSC Resolution 1559 / UNSC Resolution 1566 2005 UNSC Resolution 1583 / Sharm El Sheikh Summit / Israeli disengagement from Gaza / Agreement on Movement and Access 2005 Gaza Strip withdrawal 2006 UNSC Resolution 1850 / Quartet Principles2006 UNSC Resolution 1701 2007 Annapolis Conference 2010 Israeli–Palestinian peace talks 2013 Israeli–Palestinian peace talks 2016 John Kerry Parameters Security Council resolution 2334 (2016) This is treason!>> <<@emadmohammed3742 says : As if the WEST has any moral grounds!!!!>> <<@brianp6955 says : The rape killing and of babies have been debunked so why keep the lie up . Israel should not be doing what they have been doing since 1948 think what if that was here we would all be fighting hamas no matter what the do are only there because of israel. The bible is man made thats more then obvious>> <<@alrosano5786 says : Withdrawal from the ICC ? No Australian 🇦🇺 wants that , sorry Israel 🇮🇱, keep being an ostrich okay 👌 and don’t complain? Well that’s is impossible for a victim I understand!>> <<@alrosano5786 says : No way , Hamas is responsible for all the children’s kill apparently 😇>> <<@tigersforever4577 says : And Germany has declared it will arrest Netanyahu?! Germany arresting a jew based on false, baseless and defamatory evidence?! Wow, nothing has changed apparently.>> <<@joblogs1072 says : This cretin is blind to genocide and a justified armed resistance to illegal occupation another Zionist war criminal advocate.>> <<@McCraeMotto says : Not a word on the atrocities being committed by Israel. The hypocrisy of the liberal party is to be expected. But the silence of the labour party on condemning Israel for Its Gaza invasion as well as the murdering going on on the West Bank is deafening. The lack of support for the ICC and the ICJ by both parties. But to speak against the court decision shows racism. Where the Jewish and Zionists are above the law. Shame on both parties. Crippled palestinians in wheel chairs and on crutches women and children were targets when Palestinians staged an unarmed peaceful walk to the wall protest How many Palestinians were killed during the March of Return? As a result, 214 Palestinians, including 46 children, were killed, and over 36,100, including nearly 8,800 children have been injured. One in five of those injured (over 8,000) were hit by live ammunition.15 Apr 2020>> <<@rimbaudrules says : Israel is MORE guilty than Hamas. Israel stole Palestine. Israel committed atrocities on an industrial scale since it was born.>> <<@Salman-sc8gr says : That's right blondie, your heroes are committing genocide while the concentration camp revolted to decades of blockade and aerial bombings.>> <<@stpetepiper says : Yea, Israel's crimes are way worse than Hamas>> <<@老外-o7k says : Netanyahu supported Hamas for 14 years>> <<@johnwoodrow8769 says : The logic that no moral equivalence exists because one sides leadership is elected verses the other side self appointed completely lacks any merit. All that counts is what each side does. And both sides have set out to kill as many of the other as they can get away with. About the only point of difference is who started this latest phase.>> <<@never2hard2startfresh says : The only "moral equivalency" to Netanyahu is Jeffrey Dahmer, the serial killer (and cannibal), or Jeffrey Epstein, the devious pedophile and blackmailer. Hamas is the legitimate government of Palestinians under occupation in Gaza, who have the legal and moral right to resist, even by force of arms; whereas Netanyahu is illegitimate within his own government, and if the war were to end, would probably be facing prison time.>> <<@markusleitner8313 says : There is no difference between terrorists and state terrorism. Crime is crime is crime.>> <<@1954-e8x says : blinkered birmingham, this did not start on 7/10, do your home work. forexample, ifyouwerecontinuallypunchedinthehead, at some point you will respond. i suppose it's about 'funding'. hamas is an elected government too.>> <<@garyclark6727 says : yes all 5 have to go to the hague, and yes all will be found guilty! why..if you commit a heinous crime even on camera it quite often won't attract a max sentence, why.. because we can't get into someone's mind to know their motivation therefore a max sentence avoided ie "presumed fear for life" BUT..if OJ simpson had declared on camera "when i see my wife next & her boyfriend im going to do this and that" and then this and that suddenly happened..OJ would have been found guilty, intent is the hardest thing to prove.>> <<@rikimackey7984 says : ICC is way more legitimate than this nobody and Scott Morrison will ever be>> <<@basem23 says : Yes no comparison. Hamas(similar to the french resistanve) is resisting a terrorist state. Isreal is like the Nazis who has occupied their land and put them i to Gettos and is trying to exterminate them. Every thing he said is a lie, Isreal propaganda. SKY NEWS is not real journalists, just reading scripts from Hollywood.>> <<@fanmael1 says : Netanyahu used starvation as a tool of war which is illegally a war crime. Pretty cut and dry to me!>> <<@MultiToni1956 says : AUSTRALIA SHOULD STOP ALL VISA AND PASSPORTS OF EVERYONE FROM THE ICC THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A SPEAKING OF DOING THIS>> <<@mdmustafizurrahman2932 says : I agree, one side are land owners (Palestians), others are occupiers(Isreili)>> <<@jacobmiles1886 says : The evidence of genocide is so overwhelming. It's a fascinating spectacle to watch the weak and corrupt - both within the Zionist controlled media and these dying western political systems - as they dance around it and twist themselves into pathetic looking pretzels.>> <<@cl-he9us says : Few against the majority of the world population>> <<@DavidEssendon says : Albo is weak and timid and soft.>> <<@Salman-sc8gr says : 76 bloody years of inhumanity and land theft by the Israelis and sky still putting lipstick on the pig.>> <<@DisgustedAussie says : China doesn't listen to mice,! We are toothless. China, Russia, Iran, North Korea etc etc don't care about their people or what the west has to say! We are out numbered and out gunned. For civilised people we are really stupid 😢>> <<@MrMcnamex says : yas to one world order. they are progressing really really well>> <<@turnyourbacktoit says : Crazy, absolutely nutz crazy.... Morrison was the best PM we have had since Howard. Australians voted poorly last election and need to rectify that.>> <<@captainmission says : Scott is right.>> <<@St.Thomas-er9iu says : Serbian ex president got prosecuted in Hague being framed for something he never done. As you see here Satanist Protecting Israeli Criminal President who actually ordered the killing of civilians and new Bourne babies. AU Satanist publicly defending their alliance in joint crimes... St.Thomas>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : Exactly right. The Israelis have killed 20 civilians for every Israeli killed by hamas>> <<@Didigetitwrong says : Ask Scomo what the risks are to China! America can't defend Ukraine or Israel.>> <<@Didigetitwrong says : When will LNP stop these failed ex PM from making fools of their party they are not helping. Their terms failed. Scott Morrison failed many OHS standars for workplaces and freely admits he did.>> <<@Didigetitwrong says : There is no moral equivalence we don't expect morals from terrorists they don't say they are democratic.>> <<@8innings says : I hope the ICC will include the Australian media who openly support violent Zionist txrrorists war crimes>> <<@sicosico3426 says : I agree, one side are land owners, others are occupiers>> <<@RaneMAJ-r8w says : ICC is a court of wild-pigs in Europe, it is a threats to sovereign, democratic, and independent - "piggy prosecutors" in ICC cannot even identify the differences between a democratic nation and a terrorist group>> <<@Kelly-wf5ie says : Morrison 😂😂😂😂 dead “ man “ dribbling>> <<@rainegoldberg9376 says : Albo has to go!! He DOES NOT REPRESENT ME!!>> <<@KnaveChild says : SkY - zionist propaganda outlet.>> <<@KnaveChild says : Hamas was created by Israel - it was a stand down operation so israel could justify ethnically cleansing the land in preparation for the rebuild of luxury areas financed in league with black rock.>> <<@raymusic5840 says : POWERFUL — MUST WATCH: The Globalist System Is Collapsing In Real Time, Warns Bilderberg Expert Daniel Estulin>> <<@CrustyAbsconder says : The fact is God has no morals>> <<@VK6AB- says : Khan has raised himself into the pantheon of show trial prosecutors such as Freisler and Ulrikh. A remarkable achievement. The ICC and IJC are meritless supranational organisations that should not be funded.>> <<@PeterA-r8x says : If the ICC were to be ever open and honest, it would have slapped arrest warrants on many American Presidents over the past few decades, especially Bush Jr, Obama and Biden.>> <<@RP-le1fp says : Those that back the ICC on this are like Bernie Sanders, getting old and stupid. But Bernie was always stupid.>> <<@Dont_Gnaw_on_the_Kitty_1 says : Certainly no equivalence, 107 to 34 000.>> <<@JidaHussen says : A democratic electede Leader makes worre crimes.>>