<<@ann-nerissaparkes6154 says : You got him!>> <<@susanjoyce8053 says : These thugs are following Trump so closely maybe they can follow him to jail, then they can all sit around and lie to each other all they want>> <<@susanjoyce8053 says : Get rid of Trump and the horse he rode in on>> <<@susanjoyce8053 says : Wait… you’re supposed to be a patriot to be a senator, congressman, defender of the people?? I don’t think the republicans got the memo. If they got the memo they really didn’t understand the assignment>> <<@susanjoyce8053 says : Ted, you are illegitimate… Put out another ad begging for money so you can afford your campaign Give me a break, you are so spineless? Beg for money and turn off the comment section so we can tell you what to do with those donations>> <<@rosemaryrosemaryw8117 says : Finally CNN is coming out of the last 3 years letting Trump get away with wrecking havoc!>> <<@hakeemradaesimmons says : He’s truly just a GRODY person. Like ewww. I just can’t imagine a man accepting insults towards his wife and his father, and would be OK with his integrity being dismantled. CONSISTENTLY. Just gross.>> <<@leejones3431 says : What's the code for holding onto your position>> <<@leejones3431 says : Obviously he will only accept the results if they win if they lose he will not accept the results so he should not be allowed to run search a corrupt ass politician>> <<@khairahcalvente7235 says : cruzela de ville. the only fraud found in the election was committed by the maga clowns. cruzela is a hypocrite and a trump's puppet.>> <<@geoffdouch8179 says : And now Cruz sucks up to that idiot Trump…….PATHETIC !!!>> <<@dohounddohound says : no1 cares... who cares what Van Jones thinks.... fuck him>> <<@Giuseppe-o4w says : CNN and company total BULLSHIT.>> <<@abdoismail1299 says : USA people>> <<@abdoismail1299 says : Thank>> <<@rogergonzalez7386 says : Get off the Democrat plantation.>> <<@rogergonzalez7386 says : LATINOS FOR TRUMP 2024>> <<@factstinder says : Both guess, Democrat and Republican, Amen, Amen and Amen>> <<@diyboatrestoration3448 says : You traitor! You’re a coward and have bowed to a felon and insurrection leader!>> <<@reneangulotrujillo1 says : what a fake man!!>> <<@BEC4life10 says : God bless Kaitlin>> <<@atlaustell says : The problem is with the Republican voters. They like Trump’s racism, xenophobia and derangement and want to take power by force.>> <<@DeborahCrane says : Weasel Ted loves Trump now!>> <<@researchtech4881 says : I am a Republican. I have to vote for Biden. I have to. I have kids and grandkids, and as flawed as our system is, it's still better than virtually all other governments in history. If Trump loses, Cruz and other sycophants will be better prepared with "evidence" of fraud this time, because they care only for power. If Trump wins, he will defy the courts and democracy may end. Democracy is fragile. It depends on the integrity of our values. The current GOP, many State Houses, Congress, and all of the way to the Supreme Court (Alito and Thomas are doing what they think their god wants, not following the Constitution), lack integrity. Trump wants retribution. He plans to retaliate and hurt people. What is so bizarre to me is the number of my friends who realize he is a danger to democracy, but have blinders on... "A president can't overturn our system." "Congress will stop him if he goes nuts." "The courts will keep him under control." I don't believe this. If Trump advocates for Alito's and Thomas's view of a Christian America, they will support him regardless. The Constitution, in their minds, pales in significance to the glory and duty of serving their god. Please don't take a chance with our democracy. Please. I don't like Biden. He's too Woke, and immigration has to be fixed, and we need to focus on what is best for America, not what is best for those coming here illegally. That said, I have to vote for him. We will fix everything when Trump is gone and our democracy is safe from destruction. Trump may be our Hitler. I know, it sounds crazy, but Trump's own words.:"In 2016, I declared 'I am your voice.' Today I add: 'I am your warrior. I am your justice, and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution." Imagine if the mob caught VP Pence on January 6th. Imagine. He would have been killed. Where would we be now? A president focused on REVENGE is a danger to the world. Please don't vote for him. Please. If you can't stomach Joe, then don't vote. Please. If you're GOP too and want to talk, message me. I can convince you it isn't worth the risk. Take care.>> <<@treysharpe904 says : Nobody believed Thank You. 2016 primary fraud claim bc there was nothing to suggest it. In2 020 there was.>> <<@treysharpe904 says : Thee was more than enough fraud to overturn the results. Look again.>> <<@J_Braz_ says : What would one expect a republican politician to say. If they say they'll support the election results in trump loses they will be looking for a new job next election>> <<@ThickBanana says : It's that voter fraud is infinitesimally small. Every Trump sycophant is familiar with infinitesimally small things.>> <<@Wes-y4b says : Why whimper at the question? She's not telling you how to answer. Simply say no coward. Then offer your reasoning like a man. It's the whining for me.>> <<@barbarafaulder9087 says : He was on the side of the insurrectionist and was just as responsible as anyone who attacked the building>> <<@ConstanceIlikannu says : Bad man welcome (Van Jones) since you have been sleeping.>> <<@robertmcintosh8773 says : Of course we must steal the election again. We must stop maga again. Open borders are our friend.>> <<@joannunes653 says : Look what trump tell you.sorry>> <<@markaddison4642 says : A republican with common sense. Morally bankrupted people can't lead forward in either party. Honesty towards the American people problems can't be solved if your in a revisionist his story delusion in real-time. Atonement and reconciliation matters in real-time. Unapologetically, Reparations heals.>> <<@leejones1016 says : The actual fraud was on the retrumplican side😂😂>> <<@downhour1 says : Voter fraud exists in every single election right down to the very first one. It has been inconsequential in every single election. But at the end of the day donald trump is the only one that incited an insurrection to overthrow the government of the united states of america>> <<@violettacuffie9229 says : Ted, remove your brown 👃🏿 from Trump's....>> <<@BubbaWho9770 says : MAN, ALLEGEDLYTHOSE REPULICAN POCKETS ARE FULL WITH DIRTY DICTATOR MONEY>> <<@jjordon6411 says : RIGHT! U PEOPLE ARE BLIND OR JUST CLUELESS>> <<@margerythompson5845 says : Ted is a big mouth do nothing brute period.>> <<@eduardoneil1065 says : Lukewarm Van Jones.>> <<@danielrendon8555 says : Coward Cruz is a ridiculous individual with no dignity,>> <<@phillipharris7285 says : Van stop this weak talk about Ted Cruz patriotism this is WAR and Dems need to act like it!!!!!>> <<@phillipharris7285 says : Quit letting these idiots control the conversation!!>> <<@herochalmers2182 says : Ted are Stupid>> <<@derekhutton7687 says : 2000 mules!!! Both sides cherry-pick moments as well. Reporters are now actors ON BOTH SIDES!!! They not do the work!!>> <<@Davey-TheDJ says : Ted Cruz is an idiot ain't nothing but a whine baby is a little kid with a white beard>> <<@roxannethomas3047 says : Read Project 2025>> <<@samuelpatrick6820 says : I hope trump tells him one more time that his wife is ugly>> <<@herbertross4668 says : Cruz is a 'qualified lawyer ' what a JOKE he should be in JAIL also.>>