<<@jimmatheson3855 says : Kaitlyn, I feel bad for you. In Canada, the doctors would definitely see this as a medical situation and discuss options.>> <<@TruckGal says : Politicians are not doctors! Practicing medicine without a license, sue!>> <<@janicewolk6492 says : There needs to be an organized system of funding to get women into sane states for non-abusive medical care. This is the rage of the collapsing white male misogynist hierarchy. I would never consider moving with a corporate employer to the American south. And no employer should ask it.>> <<@shirleyhenry-vf5ox says : You say painful, DANGEROUS. She could have become SEPTIC and died.>> <<@richardboyd9670 says : The govt. should be sued for hundreds of millions ..... if the govt. wants control of woman's bodies.... then ...... the govt. must pay , or change the law......>> <<@demikahall8844 says : Doctors can't stop a miscarriage which is probably why they sent her home>> <<@Ep3tzYc says : 😒 Looking for 'Likes', now?! What's w/the clickbait titles?! It's a news channel, not a YouTuber's 🙄❗>> <<@mostlyvoid.partiallystars says : Stop voting for Republicans. Yes The other party sucks too but only one is pulling this crap.>> <<@CKB-vi8nw says : Vote Biden. If you vote Trump this will get worst.>> <<@senselessplace says : They want us to have MORE babies, but also DIE... Louisiana is on the do not travel to / states unsafe for women list now... There was already a delay in care wasn't there?>> <<@donhelphenstine7597 says : I think that if i was a woman i wood move out of louisiana,>> <<@timokk3 says : Abortion drugs are designed to kill.>> <<@Catsfamily3 says : SHE didn’t make appt w/SC first and they won’t rule in favor of anything regardless of woman and baby in danger>> <<@CandiceSeales-El says : At what point does the Hippocratic oath come into place. This is harm on so many levels... Legal actions via lawsuits for pain and suffering.>> <<@prodigalpriest says : Okay, WTF is Louisiana putting contraceptive pillson the list of controlled substances? They're NOT Narcotics.>> <<@girlofanimation says : No exception for victims of rape and incest? So, when 12 year old rape victims end up giving birth, miscarrying, and dying from childbirth & pregnancy complications, will conservatives make any attempt to protect those little girls?>> <<@ethovas663 says : lol. Did she just blame Trump for the abortion ban? What an idiot>> <<@WandaDansby says : I think this is a game the medical community is playing to try to force abortion to be legal. Back before abortion was legalized women having miscarriages were treated - this is BS.>> <<@askronnii7506 says : This is awful!!!! 🤬 I would move out of that God-forsaken state!! That is insane!! A miscarriage, are you kidding me?!!>> <<@donijeffery-harris3056 says : I am so sorry for your experience. Pregnancy is hard, risky, and for too many women, it is extremely dangerous. I survived an obstructed delivery with my first pregnancy and obstetric anaphylaxis with my third and last pregnancy. As a resident of a red state, i am literally condemned to death if I conceive again, unless I travel out of state for an abortion. Even my access to contraception is now being threatened. The appalling lack of empathy, logic, and humility of "pro-life" lawmakers disgusts me.>> <<@Shineynsparkles says : This what you get when you let religious monsters in your healthcare !!! Overturning of Roe v Wade has consequences idgaf !!>> <<@fredachildress3728 says : It isn't just the Southern states that are making abortions illegal, but it is also Northern states too. People who claim to be Christians are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites who had better mind their own business and stay out of everyone else's business.>> <<@SooperFlye says : *What is Prenatal Care?* _Prenatal care is when you get checkups from a doctor, nurse, or midwife throughout your pregnancy. It helps keep you and your future baby healthy._ *Why is Prenatal Care Important?* _Prenatal care is an important part of staying healthy during pregnancy._ _Your doctor, nurse, or midwife will monitor your future baby’s development and do routine testing to help find and prevent possible problems. These regular checkups are also a great time to learn how to ease any discomfort you may be having, and ask any other questions about your pregnancy and the birth of your future baby._ *When Do I Need to Start Having Prenatal Care Appointments?* _You can start getting prenatal care as soon as you know you’re pregnant._ _It’s actually best to see a doctor BEFORE you get pregnant — this is sometimes called pre-pregnancy care or preconception planning. But if that’s not possible, just begin prenatal visits as soon as you can._ *How often will I have prenatal care visits?* _How often you’ll get prenatal care depends on how far along your pregnancy is and how high your risk is for complications. The typical prenatal care schedule for someone who’s 18-35 years old and healthy is:_ *Every 4 or 6 weeks for the first 32 weeks* *Every 2 or 3 weeks for the 32nd-37th weeks* *Every week from the 37th week until giving birth* Your doctor might ask you to come in for check-ups more often if you have a high-risk pregnancy.>> <<@cherylhaskell9830 says : More to story:>> <<@iloveamerica7978 says : All this 💩 against women, yet VIAGRA available anywhere, anytime, any place! Just makes you wanna 🤮>> <<@GregCortez-mt3js says : God raised up Ron Wyatt to be an archeologists so that he could prove that the Bible is true based on evidence that God preserved including the blood of Christ. ❤JESUS DNA ANALYSIS ❤>> <<@susancregg472 says : When I was pregnant I remember often feeling like my own health was always secondary to that of my fetus. But this just takes the idea that a pregnant woman is no more than an incubator to a brand new level. You are pregnant? Or even you were pregnant and are now experiencing a natural miscarriage (as about 30% of women do at some point during their lifetimes)? And you are potentially dying? Too bad! You just have to stop whining and go home and pray you don't wind up dying in your own bed. Before modern health care (including medically necessary abortions and clearing of fetal remains from the womb after a miscarriage), maternal death was the #1 cause of death among women below 35. The US already has one of the highest maternal death rates in developed countries. Now the Republicans want to add to that number? How exactly is taking away women's healthcare decisions and leaving them to fend for themselves once they become pregnant, making America "great"?>> <<@runuphill says : V O T E B L U E>> <<@nicdpowell says : THESE ARE DISGUSTING DEMONIC MEN who are doing this. Let it be their wife, child, sister and they will make an exception for them.>> <<@tentrickspony8925 says : Abortion pills should absolutely be controlled and should only be obtained by prescription only...>> <<@garypiatt4666 says : How did the anti abortion law prevent her from getting a prenatal visit?>> <<@carbon6669 says : Now I have to deal with this BS with you and your men, thanks alot WW. I am in the mist of wm and ww cross fire.>> <<@omggiiirl2077 says : This country is being run by idiots, and it's going in the trash. It's time to consider a move. This is crazy.>> <<@Lon.BedStuyforLife says : You always hear folks talking about how their state needs to "succeed from the union" - yada-yada. I know it's ridiculous, but I personally and irrationally feel that we need to kick some states out -- or at least their ENTIRE state government, because this ishh is getting so tiresome! These draconian laws are insane!🙄 Some of our states are mentally still living in the 18th or 19th century! What in the hell is going on at the local government!! 🤷🏽‍♀ I'm going to be very frank... Louisianna, you are definitely off my bucket-list of states to finally visit until you get your $hit together! Yes, I'm just one anonymous person and so who cares what I think, I'm just a stupid lefty, right? But, peep this; people should be talking about Mardi Gras, eating Louisianna gumbo, and having the time of their life partying at festivals, but now we are talking how your state government is choosing to control women bodies... I guess Republican woman don't make mistakes, make bad choices, or get raped... My state, New York, is not without its MULTITUDE of flaws and it's an understatement to say that it's a bitch working to survive here if you are not financially well-established or connected, even so; I really feel bad for the reasonable citizens who are stuck with this cray-cray, ancient governing mentality in Louisiana and in other states that seem to refuse to leave behind narrow-minded, irrational, draconian rules... 😤🤦🏽‍♀😢 This is a seriously dumb law and I'm very suspicious of its intention. You only have a small window of time to take an abortion pill for it to have the needed effect. Why in the hell will anyone have a "prescription" for abortion medication on hand? How many females can see a doctor and get a prescription for the abortion pill within hours? Within a day? AGAIN, what should a woman/girl do if she is raped?? STUPID...>> <<@catherinekoch3735 says : Why are politicians making medical decisions. Im surprised they didn't do the same for birth control pills.>> <<@RebeccaKennedy-y9s says : How dangerous for her not to get treated at the hospital. I'd be so dam mad. This B.S. has to change for the safety of these living women. Why do they have to be in a lengthy trimestor before they are allowed to get an abortion? If I heard that right. --(?). It's worse for the fetus to be a few months old & developed enough to feel the death part of it & maybe the it's worse on the pregnant women too. Anyway, my prayers are with her either way. It's so unfortunate & very sad, too. She may have a legal case of her own here to get started with against the hospital. I sure hope that the EMT's we're caring enough if she went by ambulance 🚑. 🙏😇 It's a very fragile & sensitive time in a woman's life to be pregnant anyway.>> <<@jeanneferguson7124 says : It's never been about saving lives only controlling and subjugating women to push us back into acceptable roles that don't threaten or challenge the patriarchy. We must UNITE to FIGHT the zealotry and extremism of the gop before more women suffer more medical horrors, they are breaking their physicians oaths to do no harm, letting women suffer both physically and emotionally. Vote blue all the way through to stop this insanity.>> <<@JaniceThomas-vg1lz says : People’s just get out and vote 💙💙💙💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸President Joe Biden>> <<@CookieHughes says : This is why we need our own hospitals, doctors and dentists.. Without them stealing or burning down our facilities.>> <<@linebrunelle1004 says : what the hell is wrong with her voice>> <<@lynneburroughs1599 says : ok. in the 2 1/2 minutes, this is a pack of lies. "have my miscarriage with dignity" after being sent home. all miscarriages need to go as natural as possible. get a spine girl. how many women have died from taking the abortion pills? why doesn't CNN do a story on that. she has a bs story and walah!! she's working for biden's campaign. parents, husbands, boyfriends, siblings coming home and finding women dead on their bathroom floors...anyone care? these abortion pills are experimental, not approved, and dozens of women are dying from it. these women hemorrage to death, which is an incredibly painful death. women's lives are not at risk from a natural miscarriage unless there's complications. this woman had none. 1 in 4 pregnancies end in natural miscarriage. CNN should be ashamed of this false reporting.>> <<@BishopEddie5443 says : They went from giving Black women hysterectomies without anesthesia to denying Black women any medical attention at all?>> <<@NighDarke says : It is no longer safe to get pregnant. Get your tubes tied ladies, protect yourself because no one else will.>> <<@33ladyRAM says : Stupid is and stupid does!>> <<@kimchin2232 says : Is This Really America 🇺🇸 ??? That’s Crazy… An Let Me Also Guess… They Turned Her Away Also because She Was Black…. Secretly They Will Definitely Take Care Of The Whites,Jews Etc. But Blacks Will Forever Be Treated Unfairly.. So Yes ,I’m Pulling The Race Card, Because Some Of Us Are Still Blind To See What’s Really Happening Around Us As Black Women/People Or Should I Say “People Of Color”. #SoSad>> <<@CalvinGeorgeSisyphus says : White women elected Trump in 2016, I wonder if they will make the same mistake in 2024.>> <<@odea8505 says : Women needs to leave all the red state and move on.!!!!>> <<@lindacaswell9650 says : America is NOT the land of the free!>> <<@computernerdtechman says : Right wing fascist Republicans. VOTE BLUE up and down the ticket in 2024. Let freedom ring!>> <<@Passion535 says : Listen Women!! When Men tell you what to do with your female bodies, just do it!! They know more than you do about female issues!! Just look how perfect they got this country right now?>>