<<@JandyElijahYT says : They just ignored and got away with it>> <<@jesbsnrn says : Wow>> <<@phoenixharvesters1373 says : This is also very disturbing because I just read online if it's true or not. Then before James Earl Jones the legendary actor passed away he handed over the rights to his voice for AI technology to reuse his voice>> <<@phoenixharvesters1373 says : I'll be willing to bet that the defense attorney for logo will tell these people sorry but you have no case because AI is considered not to be real that's why it's artificial. Have a good day.>> <<@phoenixharvesters1373 says : I live in Nashville tennessee. I was thinking about a career change. I was going to contact the voiceover classes School here in town. So I woke up this morning thinking. Maybe I should research AI voice over theft before I pay all this money. Now I'm not so sure anymore>> <<@HarrycopOrganpartspolice says : Harry cop , i find missing children y organs part in Ecuador y chile from ruch buyers in indua y europe y dometimes america Harry coo, when inget to Eucudor y chile , they Spanish plata y spanish pesos>> <<@HarrycopOrganpartspolice says : 25 millions from disney, lawsuit>> <<@HarrycopOrganpartspolice says : Clone bodies , clone aid>> <<@HarrycopOrganpartspolice says : So Lorena rocha fake voice y fake voice of Olivia Rodrigo , she wouldn't stop Talking , both ,Lorena rocha y Olivia Rodrigo, I have to sue for 25 million , Y a relationship with Eva zu becks Y Harry Hernandez With daughters So theses voices are fake, fake ai So Mohammed Allah telepathy is ,more powerful then AI fake Olivia Rodrigo Connon grey , Olivia Rodrigo 100 options So Eva zu beck My life is worth more then25 million Plus Fat Joe , no hio hop Plata y pesos In dollars So Ai voices control the Internet , not humans minds So don't listen to AI telepathy voices From celebrity's even if they offer you 25million or sex ????? Or I can't listen resistance movement in America in everyday life ,with computers, YouTube, online websites, Human minds V the final battle movie Entertainment vs entertainment Or Korea y china Y tiean y k break Vs America Shhhh covid 22 Covid 20 Covid 29 Hiv AIDS 80s 90s 2020 2024,2025,2027,2028,2029 2041,2044,2092 So, a Nuevo girl from Disney will be created for me ,Harry Hernandez Y even a Nuevo lady boy ,or normal girl from Costa de Chile Costa de Ecuador, y surf Oregone y Alaska Utah ,Arizona college football So theses people the audience shouldn't listen to celebrities voices Made sense , Hiv , The pill cure y diabetes, beat the bet, diabetes, y cancer , best cancer So diseases , are a common conversation on making 25 million in America with ,Broken toe , broken building, bike. Bruce Lee y connon grey y broken Olivia Rodrigo , palarlisis,paralyzed Olivia Rodrigo Paralyzed Justin bracer , Paralyzed partner, y disease, y paralyzed fidel Castro , y paralyzed El che So sue Al Pacino Al Pacino in jail Comedy Plus dead, grateful dead Paralyzed, America Not Eucudor, not Costa Rica Not Chile , No black people ,KKK Not Panama safe countries , Not Portugal, not Guatemala,>> <<@newbie-r-usquestionsanswer7822 says : That’s why I hate to answer random unknown phone calls , especially the one that’s goes silent with no responds …😮 ( probably recording your voice to clone and hacking your account later )>> <<@DirtCobaine says : This is a shot in the dark but I’ve been curious where Tik Tok gets their AI voice. There’s this particular voice I often hear. ESPECIALLY Dr Squatch commercials that use that ai voice. If anyone knows what I’m talking about can you please tell me where that voice is from lol it’s killing me>> <<@zebduffey5698 says : Boo hoo, join the rest of the other industries>> <<@RM-xr8lq says : do these occidentals realize it is impossible to prevent us from training AI on whatever we want, and that we are going to ignore their oligarch's IP law? automation's effect on labor has been discussed for centuries. statistical learning is not why your housing and access to healthcare is going down the drain pathetic that these luddites have decided to speak up only now that it is encroaching on their personal wealth hoarding, and their main concern is ... ownership of the profits? not even the actual attribution? total cultural brainrot from these people>> <<@Sonic357 says : My thing is this if you can't tell its AI something is wrong.... its ALL OVER YOUTUBE EVERY DAAAYYY!!! and thats just YT. And No it does NOT sound like a human take YOUTUBE ad "thousand Dollar's drone" "this Hundreds Dollar flash light" now whats wrong with those statements .😮 even the videos are using AI vome on people IJS.>> <<@thenormalperson4186 says : Man, this should lead to a lawsuit>> <<@meganann3876 says : Black Mirror- ‘Joan is Awful’ episode 😳>> <<@sharonmassey2923 says : The late polymath and futurist, Terence McKenna, said about AI in an interview 25 years ago, "If it doesn't have the ethics of Buddha, the human race may be down for the count." More specific to this clip, I think it's also worth noting that all this unethical, dishonest behavior originated with males, starting with misrepresenting well-known people in videos. I doubt that much, if anything, has changed regarding "the personnel" who are responsible for this.>> <<@fantasycreed says : Voices, faces, videos, editing, and art… it’s odd that people want to make machines to steal and replicate what makes us human. It’s disgusting, and I hope it crashes and burns. We need protective laws for our very likenesses, voices, and art styles, what will it take for a nation to take action?>> <<@J.Ryuzaki says : https://youtu.be/p0eINtHOX08?si=lwSlyBWTvlkTodgb (Developing NEWS RIGHT HERE)😊>> <<@ipawilzon says : so they are just now figuring this out?? the dumb part is that it's already possible to just create "new" voices out of mixing sampling from thousands.... so their particular voices wont be an issue anymore. maybe just come to the realization that their "profession" is phasing out... pivot, adapt, and find a new job. that's how it's always worked. every time humanity comes out with world changing tech, there will always be job loses / issues. has been this was for thousands of years (automobiles, computers, the internet, etc)... we wont stop innovation just because a lazy job got filled. if they didnt see this coming YEARS ago and prepare for this, then that seems like a personal problem imho... but this short period where people have their voices "stolen" wont be a thing within a few weeks due to the pace of ai progression. so i guess they should be glad they got their 5 mins of fame in during this super cringe podcast or whatever.>> <<@cococonlin170 says : America has no idea what "consent" means.>> <<@onlyyoucanstopevil9024 says : I am only use random people in internet soo>> <<@jimloth6091 says : Science fiction predicted all of this, and where it leads...>> <<@kikijuju4809 says : Griffters who want money from AI because they know their Job is finnish, it will have more and more people like this>> <<@janflewelling6277 says : A new version of 1984 has arrived. The theft of a person's voice and livelihood is just the tip of the iceberg. Manipulation of a voice, coupled with manipulation of an image can (and perhaps already does) open a Pandora's box of false communications involving advertisements, endorsements, "news stories", political statements - the economic and political implications go far beyond what most of us can comprehend. We need legislative guardrails in place immediately to protect individuals as well as the public at large from being duped by power brokers gaslighting us for their own ends.>> <<@Christopherjames-h2r says : maybe they could learn to code ?>> <<@kt2816 says : Time to get a real job>> <<@---qp4yp says : Artificial intelligence is needed for those who lack natural intelligence.>> <<@sevenfights says : Capitalism will destroy us if we don't regulate it.>> <<@Dstonephoto says : This is peak first world problems>> <<@zod6250 says : Sue for copyright infringement.>> <<@grahamjones5400 says : Soon the cops and prosecutors will be using AI Deep Fakes to send innocent people to prison.>> <<@HmmmYeahRiiiiiight says : The Wachowskis warned us decades ago>> <<@terrylarry5149 says : But there are good sides to it. AI translates languages in similar persons voice. Random: but adult hitler speech in English sounded pretty cool.>> <<@HellInternAKACandyMD says : Why the fvck should I attempt voice acting at home as a career now? With my mental disorders, it would have been beneficial as fvck. And I wouldn't be expected to be fired or quit from abuse and discrimination in less than 2 years. Whoever thought this was a good idea? I hope you all get heavily fined, destroyed in court, and all profits go to the specific actor, per project/contract for an ad, that you used their specific voice for, as they would have if not for the voice program. Your generalized contract didn't cover this, or any expansion on a definition you believe is a blanket for you. It is also considered to be a plot to scheme in order to profit off of others by making them sign something you did not, in fact, fully disclose 100%. Jerks. Or figure out a way to guarantee that the actor gets a good fvcking royalty fee(Not some lame ass attempt to save money for the company so you look like the "good boy" for your "clever company") whenever their voice is literally used. And variations of variations, so no, you cannot create an AI voice from the AI voice you used from a humans, however multiple generations of forms you think you can go to slip past that stipulation? You'll be fined however many generations you went down when found out.>> <<@gK-ih2ct says : Scary. Unethical>> <<@gibbygoddamngibsonofficial says : Just wait til SkyNet goes online...>> <<@8XSaintX8 says : Be ready for all those russian bots and the Biden clips that will suddenly appear near the election in November.>> <<@jaimealfaro200 says : This is a very serious act of violation of the most elemental human rights. These companies are stealing your very voice. This needs to stop, or there will be very serious and hedious consequences.>> <<@stevenhoule1866 says : We no longer have control of the use of AI. It's completely over taking my industry of photography and graphic design.>> <<@blazeroranger says : That’s how you guys stolen our elections>> <<@MrPhoenix1800 says : I get that they are trying to make money, but the reason why a lot of companies are switching to Ai is cause actors want ridiculous amounts of money and also singers. Athletes,singers,actors need to come back to the real world and understand that they don’t need to make millions of dollars to survive and live a good life.>> <<@t.r.campbell6585 says : We have to remember that this is all happening under the Biden administration.>> <<@davincidreams832 says : Anyone else remember when this was introduced to the masses in tv show 24? And it seemed so mind blowing. Now its just a normal thing. Incredible example of just becauss you CAN do a thing doesnt mean you SHOULD do it. This is a huge can of worms>> <<@danielequintini says : Calling it. AI software will allow you to “build your own voice” and people will just use whatever they want for the training. Making this near impossible to prosecute (think early days of internet piracy)>> <<@AL-ym2hv says : I'm not sure you "own" how you sound, as long as no one is misrepresenting the voice as you. Are celebrity impersonators thieves?>> <<@JohnnyBravo-jr5uj says : Im still not voting for Biden>> <<@whitekuk4679 says : You don't own a recreation of your voice. The idea of that is insanity. Sorry losers.>> <<@pawacoteng says : It sounds like (pun unintended) that VA are soon going to go extinct with an exception for a few niche areas. Anything voice related will probably soon die off and the market will narrow to just new content or live content for humans to do.>> <<@timb350 says : This is why I cancelled my plans to pursue a career in voice acting. The industry no longer exists.>>