<<@sharonmassey2923 says : Look at all the racists here. As usual, it's the non-men whites.>> <<@dungeonkeeper42 says : "Fiery but mostly peaceful protests" 🤣>> <<@jeremymoore2430 says : I wonder how all the BLM radicals who burned down cities and looted stores and disgraced our historic sites in 2020 feel today, knowing almost no one anymore is ‘saying his name’ and every year more and more people are forgetting about the drug addiction buffoon who died of an overdose>> <<@kgw3636 says : CNN the Communist News Network.>> <<@2x2is22 says : For a news org that loves to push the race narrative, you sure have picked the wrong martyr>> <<@ThieuMaiThaiHong says : Even though he was a criminal he didn't deserve to die and he was already saying "I can't breathe" when 3 police officers were on top of him but the police still didn't stop which is ridiculous.>> <<@JacintaKozeliski says : Even though Floyd has been dead for four years, until now, we have not healed.>> <<@judytaquino6412 says : Police need to stop being so aggressive toward people in general. Police need closer psychological testing before being accepted as a Police person.>> <<@unforgiving266 says : drug addicts die every day from their piss poor life choices....this loser is no different>> <<@thebilboshow168 says : MFer died from an overdose and these Slaver Democrats still lie about it.>> <<@6catalina0 says : Black people .. could .. move to Mars as in that short story “Way Up in the Air” in the science fiction book The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury.>> <<@torrimills1915 says : George Floyd was no hero at all he was a thug why are you praising this man>> <<@shlepmessing8703 says : You black folks sure have some low standards for heroes, don't you? MLK is rolling over in his grave. What a fucking disgrace.>> <<@shlepmessing8703 says : CULTURAL IMPACT: If you're a violent felon, high on half a dozen drugs, that resists arrest for half an hour, you too can get family members, who disowned you, paid well.>> <<@lieutenantcolonelalexander6042 says : So who does it worship Klanh0e; Satan?>> <<@lieutenantcolonelalexander6042 says : The Devil who told it abortion is a sin then to link it demonic beliefs>> <<@lieutenantcolonelalexander6042 says : to its rejection of the evidence of global warming>> <<@lieutenantcolonelalexander6042 says : all around it hideously>> <<@lieutenantcolonelalexander6042 says : genetically inferior>> <<@lieutenantcolonelalexander6042 says : genetically infearior>> <<@lieutenantcolonelalexander6042 says : WASP-skinned body right now?>> <<@icantbreathe3420 says : Scumb@g>> <<@icantbreathe3420 says : racist PIGs are obsolete and too stupid when yer phone can run a robot platform to perform better than a PIG. Using Nvidia AI chips robots that perform all PIG functions at 3,000% lower costs and no 36 million dollar settlements to pay.>> <<@Godless-Being says : Calling fenty Floyd a hero is like saying God is good😂>> <<@modusoperandi8404 says : The universally hated Yid's 3,000 years of WASP-skinned N@zi ethnic cleansing gen0cidal is recorded in its sadistic racist AGW-denying _KKKible_ from cover to cover.>> <<@FredLord-sp4ym says : The BIGGEST Lie ever created and "reported." Shameful.>> <<@modusoperandi8404 says : This is from the syllabus of your 5 unit -Floriduh- Whorida Advanced College Placement course titled _"Critical Race Theory"_ [CRT] Lecture 17: _Ax Handle Saturday_ That explains why QMAGAt-Fascists are so ashamed of and are burning books to whitewash from history; its 401 years of *CRT,* Ku Dunce Qlan, *Democratic-voter-suppressing, WASP-skinned-massacres.*>> <<@modusoperandi8404 says : Lecture 17: _Ax Handle Saturday_ On August 27, 1960 over 200 white rioters armed with baseball bats and ax handles chased, be@t, and threatened Black residents in Jacksonville, Florida. The _Florida Historical Society_ describes the riot: The violent attack was in response to peaceful lunch counter demonstrations organized by the _Jacksonville Youth Council_ of the _National Association for the Advancement of Colored People_ (NAACP). The attack began with white people spitting on the protesters and yelling racial slurs at them. When the young demonstrators held their resolve, they were beaten with wooden handles that had not yet had metal ax heads attached. While the violence was first aimed at the lunch counter demonstrators, it quickly escalated to include any African American in sight of the white mob. Police stood idly by watching the beatings until members of a Black street gang called “The Boomerangs” attempted to protect those being attacked. At that point, police night sticks joined the baseball bats and ax handles. Bloodied and battered victims of the vicious beatings fled to a nearby church where they sought refuge and comfort from prayer and song. Eventually the white mob dispersed.>> <<@j-schnab6338 says : Wasn't this guy just a street rat that had a heart condition and overdosed?>> <<@eddielobos1092 says : Patron saint of false narratives>> <<@kgames1748 says : Whew yall are a sick n sad n a scared people Lord have mercy on your terrible evil souls>> <<@eagle7757 says : Believe means to be persuaded or convinced Salvation To believe in Jesus Christ, is to believe he is the Christ (Messiah) and that he guarantees everlasting life to all that believe in him New King James Version 1 John 5:1 Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves Him who begot also loves him who is begotten of Him John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 6:47 Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life. Once Saved Always Saved John 6:37 All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.>> <<@modusoperandi8404 says : Does it vote AGW-denying insurrectionist pathological election and everything else lying>> <<@modusoperandi8404 says : Ku Qlux RATrumpliKlan;>> <<@modusoperandi8404 says : yes or no anti-abortion Klanimal freak?>> <<@AP02112 says : CNN. Giving a platform to drug addicts and calling them heroes. Oh the pathetic left.>> <<@an.american says : How much $ did BLM steal>> <<@an.american says : Is he still on drugs and breaking the law.>> <<@devenn4605 says : ✝️Christ died for our sins was✝️ buried and rose again John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 🙏❤ repent and believe 😊 remember Jesus loves you❤ no matter what>> <<@n.i.gcode_name_nation3971 says : Crazy how you’d would never see these sick racist in real life.. these cowards really knows how to hide>> <<@rifledepot6067 says : He loved his community so much that he held a knife to a pregnant lady. That’s how much he loved his community.😂>> <<@rifledepot6067 says : The BLM SCAM!>> <<@TEM1 says : Throw his brother in jail.>> <<@artiartibald9431 says : A drug addict and a criminal>> <<@jeffbortz8782 says : Trying to pass counterfeit 20s can you try to make him the victim that's really laughable>> <<@jeffbortz8782 says : You don't commit a crime and obey the commands of the police and do what they say you don't die 🤷>> <<@jeffbortz8782 says : He was a criminal a convicted felon i have no sympathy for him!>> <<@davidmcclure7052 says : Biggest loser ever he robbed a pregnant woman and used drugs he was a loser>> <<@bugsy9007 says : George Floyd, a career criminal, was full of fentanyl and resisted arrest. There’s no evidence Floyd’s treatment had anything to do with his race.>> <<@modusoperandi8404 says : 3,000% better quality of service than racist,>>