<<@axvnHistoricalFigures says : This is truly an inspiring story! The idea of a teen being recognized as the first millennial saint by the Catholic Church is remarkable and shows that holiness and influence are not bound by age. It’s especially powerful to see someone so young, relatable, and from the digital age being celebrated for their faith and positive impact. As a "God’s influencer," this teen reminds us that modern tools like social media can be used for spreading goodness and spirituality, connecting faith with the everyday lives of young people today. This recognition also highlights how sainthood is accessible and relevant to everyone, even in our fast-paced, tech-driven world. It’s a beautiful example of how faith transcends time and continues to inspire new generations!>> <<@celesefernal2490 says : Hmm I wouldn't call any child acutis...>> <<@juanaorona5790 says : Ayuda alias aser un profesonista>> <<@juanaorona5790 says : También te pido por María que le quites esa asidad depresión desesperación visión del al col mariguana sigamos eletronicos>> <<@juanaorona5790 says : Carlos te pido te imploro por mi salud que desde niña e sufrido ya no puedo más y que me pueda poner blusas de diferentes colores y que no se me vaya el pelo más juana>> <<@praveenliverpool says : Saint Carlo Acutis,pray for us 🙏❤️>> <<@theworshipsinger says : Are you people nuts? Read your Bible. Miracles are NOT attributed to a human being. They are attributed to GOD. This pope is a poser. He’s disgusting. Great the boy was a nice guy. Great the boy talked about God. So have many, but they never became saints. This is just wrong on so many levels.>> <<@Voicegoblin says : Did he just say gyattified???>> <<@ludovicoc7046 says : How do they know that Carlo is in heaven and not in purgatory?>> <<@kentjones6813 says : Their are NO YOUNG BELIEVERS, they all have been indoctrinated to hate Christianity in the schools! It boggles my mind the last old believers sit here without a care in the world for our country? We should supporting Trump and passing all news why!!! If Trump loses, the criminals will blossom, the wars will explode, ISRAEL will be demolished. Harris/Waltz hate Christianity, they will change this country into Marxist Nazis.>> <<@FVStageII-hg3dp says : LMFAO>> <<@patmcd2583 says : Looks like the RCC is trying to remain cool and relevant lol maybe he was a good kid or something but shares no qualities to saints of the past.>> <<@patmcd2583 says : Canonizations are supposed to take decades if not centuries. This canonization was fast tracked. Even if the kid have evidence of being a saint, which he doesn't, it still isn't prudent and completely against tradition to do it this fast. Saints who outclass him on every level were never fast-tracked. So heck, I can come in a sock, and as long as I claim that I saw a mystical light emanating from the sock, that sock has more claim to being canonized than this kid. How far the RCC has fallen, yikes.>> <<@Ourseason132 says : A lot of you are frowning at this so-called useless matter, but God is looking down pleasingly at his obediant, humble, gentle servant if his, a boy who said yes to the cross in a world of alluring pleasures of sin. He did as The gosples say. We are not to judge and blame as the Pharises did--this is sacred homage to a saint of Christ, NOT, and I mean indded NOT worshipping, or putting before and above Christ. 15 Verses 18 to 20. [18] "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. Jesus wants us to rejoice in his servants that made it to Heaven--for it is in the small things done with great love, that matter, not the extraordinarily things done with none. Sorry about all the confusion with this new saint youth; he is a in the process of Canonization not to be worshiped, prayed to and honnored above God Himself, but to be our Heavenly friend we can call put to in prayer, through Jedus Christ, when in time of need, because Jesus saw the love in this kid. That is why he wilked his miracles of his living body, flesh, and blood, (The Eaucharist) to be done through Carlo's intersessipn, willed by Thou, Our Lord.>> <<@samtingwong8627 says : Saints are followers of Jesus. We dont pray them. We ask them to pray for us.>> <<@P.oliver380 says : His miracles only became miracles once it was convenient for the church to make them into miracles in an effort to attract other teenage boys to the church. We all know how much catholic priests like their teenage boys.>> <<@stanbimi says : Biden is Catholic. If Biden win over Trump in the 2024 election it will be a clear miracle. Biden also spoke to and shake hand with multiple invisible people on stage. He could be canonized as a saint.>> <<@DJ-Clify says : Here is a kid who fascinated with saints built websites years before he became ill, in my opinion as a small sacrifice by god to create messages like this that this life and money matters little,doing good for people and god Jesus is everything. He became a Saint himself. A Miracle.>> <<@DJ-Clify says : God bless him in heaven where he is now 100%>> <<@LNDMajorr247 says : Jesus is the only gateway>> <<@LNDMajorr247 says : The only way thru heaven and mediator is Jesus Christ. Repent for the kingdom is at hand.>> <<@cynthiajones4332 says : Good news, I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word (Jesus) and believes Him who sent Me (God) has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life. John 5:24 Jesus died for you, all you have to do is believe & repent.>> <<@armandolopez1817 says : This is stupid>> <<@thomasmoroney1079 says : Christians 🤡>> <<@HarHah says : HOCUS POCUS>> <<@user-zs9ek1bx5z says : Reality.. the mighty dragon's image is weakening ... but it remains powerful and wealthy... dangerous 💡>> <<@sweettooth9397 says : So now gamers won't go to hell? Or maybe church just realize how much profitable the gamer industry really is...😒>> <<@rahelclaudiahartmann6485 says : Pope is a false religious figure and is pure evil ...turn to christ now and repent>> <<@lisabloom303 says : Interesting since there are still no African-American saints recognized by the Catholic Church in its 247 years of U.S. history, while there are 11 White American saints.>> <<@deriantorres9271 says : If there is a god then why is there no justice? Why is Netanyahu and Biden ans anyone whos complicit in war crimes held accountable for the eradication of innocent children men and women of gaza? If there was a god surely a miracle would've happened by now>> <<@YeahNo.-pm4ih says : It’s funny to me that anyone can look at this and not see pandering from an organization that is withering and dying because they cannot connect with the youth of the world. Though I suppose when Trump becomes president again(God save us all) The Cult of Christianity will have a resurgence. This is pandering This is propaganda This is pathetic>> <<@paullebon323 says : ... and I'm officially done with the Catholic Church.>> <<@beadoll8025 says : Catholicism is not Christianity. This very group worked diligently to eliminate and persecute true followers of Christ. It is The Adversary 😈 Greatest Deception. So know these weirdos will pray to this boy? The Bible says to pray to God. Jesus the Lord is our only intercessor. Praying anyone else for help or petition is a form of worship, which is idolatry..>> <<@faraboverubieskerry says : Yea... that's in the Bible..smh. Does anyone remember that part about you shall have no idols before me? Inevitably that's what happens when people travel for miles to go see and pray to a saint. Please read the Bible for yourselves. While I understand they may want to recognize him and his efforts this is not the way to do it as it is not Biblical. You know...that which everything is supposed to be based on according to Christianity.>> <<@ngillette80 says : Also for the miracles that are contributed to him My question is why did those people pray to him in the first place He hasn't even become a saint yet and these people were praying to him isn't that kind of false idol worship>> <<@CurtisBenjaminIsrael4453 says : I swear, people will believe ANYTHING!!! So sad the young man died, but Catholivs have NO power to name ANYONE a "Saint." That term is reserved ONLY for the descendants of Jacob(Israel, Genesis 35:10), and ONLY they the Bible calls "Saints."(See Psalms 50:5, Psalms 148:14, Revelation 13:10), it was referring to the descendants of Jacob ONLY.>> <<@puredust5797 says : So blasphemous.. the Catholic Church is a mockery to God's word. Exodus 20 You shall have no other gods before me. You shall NOT make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.>> <<@Dopedude44 says : Holiness comes from the lord tho .. this is wierd>> <<@Dopedude44 says : Why are you praying to poor child of God and not to God and Jesus.. doesn't make sense to me but hey if the message of the Lord>> <<@wanderingdaze7018 says : What a joke that religion is>> <<@yl9698 says : how desperate can you get!?>> <<@DavidMartinez-ck6jp says : There is only one that God has given authority over things in heaven and over earth, that is his Son, Jesus. All this Catholic nonsense just makes no sense. Not even scriptural.>> <<@russellestes1764 says : The Bible says there is only one mediator between God and man.The man christ jesus freak and lie>> <<@russellestes1764 says : Where in the bible does it talk about this?>> <<@SDub5050 says : 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this is to funny omg 😂😂😂😂>> <<@troyzieman7177 says : I nominate Jeff Spicoli from Fast times at Ridgemont High for sainthood. " All I need is tasty waves and a cool buzz , and I'll be just fine">> <<@jpd9415 says : CARLOS ACUTIS, PRAY FOR US SINNERS! Amen!>> <<@antoniofiammelli1792 says : True Saint also was Billy Graham brought millions to jesus ,what a big preacher he was and still is 😊>> <<@georgeperson5822 says : Carlo may be a sign of the end times......>> <<@TravelForFoods says : Catholics are Necromancers! Which is talking to the dead! ⚰️🤪>>