<<@Genga-x8h says : Shovels and washing machines are dangerous.>> <<@jefrreylewis3076 says : Ukraine is targeting civilians in Russia both the same>> <<@DCresident123 says : The propaganda is getting dumber and dumber huh>> <<@abhimaycry says : War between Russia & Ukrain. NATO is the only responsible if nuk goes hit everywhere. Such a Stupid west>> <<@RorkesDriftVC says : For an accurate assessment of the military situation watch analysis by Dr. Oberst Markus Reisner. His latest post is The Russian Momentum is back.>> <<@pjpreacher5246 says : Russian military has been stopped at the border, Russia 🇷🇺 is using the scorched earth doctrine.>> <<@aburakadabura2 says : Since the invasion, Russia's Putin has never once apologized or expressed regret when confronted with reports of the high number of Ukrainian civilian casualties, whether intentional or accidental. This is probably one of the characteristics of Russia's or Putin's disregard for human life and humanity.>> <<@christopherl4249 says : The Russians are winning and not by wasting ordinance on (purposely) targeting hardware stores. God know you won't see CNN showing the shelling the Belgorod? Or the Donbas since 2014? Something CNN conveniently does not cover. Or how about America's wars of choice and the 29 countries bombed since WWII killing millions of innocent civilians. For hypocrisy and dishonesty Americans take the prize.>> <<@shmosel_ says : Let's hope Ukraine is not disproportionate in their response. Wars are not won by fighting, but by concession.>> <<@UserUser-ww2nj says : That is the Epicentre store in the Saltivka district of Kharkiv . it is avery big store selling all and everything>> <<@AlekKanin says : No one touched Ukraine until 2014, dictator Obama staged a coup in Ukraine and wanted to place NATO bases on Ukrainian territory and nuclear missiles aimed at Russia>> <<@SeemoreDunkan says : Russian Nazis>> <<@Michael-i7w6r says : Ukraine has a nasty habit of storing military equipment, munitions, and personnel within their own civilian areas. They then repeatedly, over and over again, blame Russia for hitting 'civilian areas'. Anyone who's been watching this conflict for awhile has to be aware of this. If they aren't, it means they're getting all their news from CNN or SkyNews. Typical Pro Ukraine propaganda outlets with literal mind-numbing garbage. The Ukrainian military has shown, time and again, that it DOES NOT CARE about it's own civilian populace and does, in fact, care more about making Russia look bad and evil than the lives of it's own people.>> <<@Michael-i7w6r says : maybe ukrainian military shouldnt put military equipment in civilian areas...>> <<@Gehennite says : British got 40 tanks and 4000 propogandists . They are the lapdogs>> <<@bobbybates2614 says : Since when did a hardware stor that sells hammers screws and other item become a military target>> <<@niteshsin786 says : why store military stuff in civilian infrastructure ?>> <<@michaelhowe5369 says : MAGA must be getting back handers from Putin about now>> <<@HaiCu-f1q says : 🇺🇲🇺🇦👍>> <<@Жонглёр says : Вблизи российской границы наращивается активность разведывательной деятельности НАТО, повышается интенсивность мероприятий оперативно-боевой подготовки войск альянса, в ходе которых отрабатываются сценарии ведения боевых действий против Российской Федерации, включая нанесение ядерных ударов по нашей территории. Не верьте, вас обманывают там был склад боеприпасов. Вас специально накачивают злобой, чтобы оправдать ядерный удар по России. Победителей не будет, не выживет никто. 12 мая 2024 в результате прямого попадания Французской авиабомбы в 10 этажный дом в русском городе Белгород обрушился подъезд. Погибло 17 человек, но вам об этом не расскажут, русских не жалко....>> <<@petrasmiles1029 says : Hardware store of what?>> <<@trumpsuckspigbalz2351 says : Lift the US ban on Ukraine's use of US provided munitions behind the Russian border, then wipe the floor with Russian blood. Слава Україні! 🇺🇦🔱💙❤️💛 Смерть Путіну 💀🇷🇺🐽🖤🖕>> <<@annaannan6840 says : If a building is used for military storage, it is no longer classified as civilian infrastructure- No Mather how many mothers are pushing children around in strollers in its immediate vicinity…. That is why the storage of military equipment in civilian buildings is a war crime>> <<@CV_CA says : There were secondary explosions in the video because the Ukrainian army was using the shopping center as munition storage.>> <<@americiumamericium4442 says : CNN saying from Russia is loosing to Russia is winning ? What changed.>> <<@legalizeorganics251 says : You guys don't know how bunker buster bombs work? First explosion is the kinetic force of the Missile hitting the Building, while the second is the actual Missile detonating. To many uninformed armchair experts now days.>> <<@joni8090 says : Pure CNN PROPAGANDA 🤣 Living in an Alternate Universe 🪐 ! 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡>> <<@stevie-ray2020 says : Is anyone in the West really surprised to hear that this paranoid, corrupt dictator is worried that one of his corrupt cronies is going to stab him in the back (or push him out a window, or down some stairs)?>> <<@sagarlondon1 says : US should let Ukraine use the weapons supplied to be used as they wish … they do too much talking and have stupid restrictions in a do or die war.. very very stupid of present administration and also shameful>> <<@Tavignano says : Ukraine is the most corrupt country in Europe, billions of dollars donated by Joe Biden have disappeared.>> <<@ivannikolicable says : What a blessed country the USA is. There is no corruption, and the houses are made of chocolate, and all the citizens are brothers and sisters...>> <<@vitapavacllp999 says : yoy can hear and see two blasts ..one of the RUSSIAN FAB the other of the UKRAINE'S missiles hidden in the building somewhere>> <<@charrio2 says : Do we want to turn this country like RushA (Trump)>> <<@timjonsson-e8m says : another staged event, trying to demonize the Russians and garner sympathy and outrage, a false flag , nice work by CGI on that video, trying to add explosions after they realized it looked too fake the first time broadcast, the thick black smoke is obviously from a burning petroleum based substance, not something you find in a DIY woodworking store ( barrels of crude) and the reporter alerts us to see hes covering up that fact by adding " its full of paint" in an attempt to cover the deficiencies picked up by other astute viewers, its an obvious fake, the first news clips showed the burning store but no impact, it also showed a guy acting being dead 500 metres from the site, covered by a blanket and surrounded by cones with a war crimes photographer snapping away , hilarious, badly done fake>> <<@justinpoland1137 says : Oh yes, of course it was a military warehouse housing, an untold of number of nail guns and thousands and thousands of rounds of 16 penny ammunition>> <<@RyanBrown-nx8dw says : Preety powerful shovels i reckon eh?>> <<@RyanBrown-nx8dw says : Hahahahhahahahahahahahahah>> <<@faisalfareedqadri8864 says : Your are big hypocrites in this century.... No 1 hypocrisy.... Because you didn't see israil genocide in Gaza.... But if Russia kill small mosquito you will make big lies story..... Shame on you genocidal west media... Shame on you.... From the river to the sea Palestine will be Free>> <<@Mike-Twins-lover-d2h says : The world is up to no good these days! Then again, hasn't it always been that way?>> <<@StreuB1 says : NATO needs to send a multinational peace-keeping coalition to Ukraine to assist the civilians. And this peace-keeping coalition needs to have a multinational military component to protect the coalition workers. That mission needs to focus on the northern and north eastern Ukrainian border with Belarus and Russia.>> <<@txipiron says : Do you not have the subsequent explosions of the stored war material? PROAGANDISTS>> <<@maserotube6044 says : This film produced and arranged by cnn & zelinsky>> <<@ssgen.vondonald8801 says : French troops were hiding there so the strike is legitimate>> <<@waseemullah7473 says : This is just because of NATO nations and west are using Ukraine as cannon powder>> <<@joealonzo536 says : CNN is one of the many untruthful mouthpieces of the corrupt Biden administration. This was ammunition storage; you are not showing all the detonation after it was hit.>> <<@wally353 says : Why are the Antisemitic demonstrators not demonstrating against Russian slaughter of Ukrainians even though Russia kill more in Ukraine than in Gaza? Are they just pro terrorist or paid Protesters? Where are the biased South African lawyers and the president?>> <<@Xerdoz says : It's clearly terrorism. Why isn't the US putting Russia on the terrorist list? That would mean Mars, PepsiCo, Mondelez etc. couldn't support Russia anymore. It would pretty much stop all trade with Russia then. If other countries would want to do business with the US, they couldn't do business with Russia and I think which one they would go with.>> <<@rimila says : Ownly i putin have house car airplanes and more>> <<@PaulusSakaria-yc8vt says : Why do civilians always have to suffer for a war they did not start!!!>> <<@ronaldlasang9593 says : Hi watching now>>