<<@ScorpionTrail says : Trump literally told the world he could grab women by the p**sy anytime he wanted because he was rich. He then said he could kill someone in Central Park and no one would do anything to him. Apparently it's true. Jean Carroll had to prove in court she was raped by him in order to prove his denial and bullying was really Libel. She did. This means a jury found him guilty of having raped her then publicly shaming her by insults meant to discredit her story. The man is still being allowed to run for President and has an even bigger following than in 2016. Our moral compass is broken in this country. If you just use logic and take a look into his acquaintances, you'll notice a disturbing pattern of notably morally-broken people with no regards for the law. The late Epstein was one of those acquaintances and some of the victims were actually first contacted at Trump Properties. Coincidence? Probably. But then you take into account the many incestuous remarks he's made about Ivanka and you begin to think maybe it's not at all coincidental. The women who were paid to keep silent have in multiple testimonies claimed Trump complimented their beauty and said they reminded him of his daughter Ivanka. The entire Maga base seems to conveniently ignore all this and accept a pig as their nominee and a large part of it is actually publicly questioning the efficacy of democracy while pushing the idea of a monarchy. Let's not forget the man fell in love with tyrants, turned against his own nation's intelligence bureaus while siding with Putin on US soil and was caught saying he'd lik to be President for Life like China's Xing.>> <<@beardedpleasure says : The host in the beginning sounds like that spa Martian in Rock and Morty 😂 clear your throat man>> <<@joelyates2404 says : So Diddy or Diddy not?>> <<@dioghaltasfoirneartach7258 says : And 'Pluto' is definitely a 🪐 Planet 🪐 So, there.>> <<@baulsmahoney says : MeToo only cares when it’s politically convenient to get someone>> <<@rwusa1117 says : It's a culture thing>> <<@James-i5t2j says : Why is CNN ignoring Ashley Biden's "me too" moment? She confirmed the stories of Creepy Joe Biden showering with her.>> <<@جلساتاستغفار-ت8ت says : We have become certain that the President of America is an employee of the President of Israel, that Israel literally occupies America, and that America helps Israel in its crimes because Israel is the one who appoints the American President to his position.>> <<@susicanuk says : This seems to be quite prevalenthe in the black music community>> <<@PeteDiet says : The indianapolis metropolitan police department used the spyware pegasus to harass me over 4 years. They would access my bank account information and intimidate me everytime I had money. The spyware accesses all files on mobile device, uses microphone as listening device and camera as viewing device. This eventually led to my eviction from my apartment. They used the spyware pegasus to try and ruin my life. https://youtu.be/EqXVgamb4TY?si=nNgYrrKEqB4N7zpu>> <<@sharonmassey2923 says : 6:15 "Treating her like an animal," not the best choice of words.>> <<@evolutionistheflyingspaghe2702 says : MeToo wasn’t around when Joe Biden was showering with his 11 year old daughter!🤢🤮>> <<@josephsonora3787 says : MeeToo ended after FjoeB got away with "GR0-P|NG" his daughter during Shower Times together. 😵‍💫🚿>> <<@KaiseruSoze says : Thmbs down Diddy.>> <<@ChronicExcessiveManliness says : Time for the #MenToo movement...to go after all the gold digging, lying, perfidious skanks that ruin men's lives...meaning *most* women. #AmberHeard 😁>> <<@lindamceachern5467 says : It's because most behaved that way at the time and they didn't think abuse was a big deal. Why do you think there's so much push back against this movement. They are still trying to normalize something that isn't normal behavior. There are always going to be "actors" that will pop up and pretend/lie about being victims. Then there are the Real Victims of Domestic Violence. Prosecutors need to do their homework and get everything right prior to entering a court room. But then again, those are just my thoughts.>> <<@Krispy1011 says : #MeToo only goes after whites that they feel have no power>> <<@هذةصورةكوكبالمريخ says : مرحباً .. لدي معلومات عن شخصية "باباي" الكارتونية .. هل تعلمون أن شخصية "باباي" شخصية حقيقية .. أن باباي هو أول من زرع محصول السبانخ بأيرلندا ، ولد "باباي" بأيرلندا قبل بدء أعلان المملكة المتحدة ولقد كان أيرلندياً من بتوع "ثقافة الحظ" بينما كان البريطانيين بحارة حدث أن أحد رفاق "باباي" قال لة "أيها الأنجليزي" فأتغاظ باباي وتشاجر معة .. ثم بعد ذلك أعتذارا من "باباي" فلقد غير قصة حياتة وصنع قصة أخري كارتونية جعل نفسة فيها هو "الأنجليزي" البحّار بعد المشاجرة قرر "باباي" تغيير قصة حياتة قليلا بعد أن أصيب بالتقزم العقلي والخلقي فقرر أن يدخل لنفسة في قصة حياتة الجديدة نبات السبانخ ليجرب أن يأكلة لأن نبات السبانخ في ثقافة أخري هو نبتة من أرض العمالقة فعندما وصلت السبانخ وجرّبها "باباي" لأول مرّة اُعجب بها جداً وقال لهم من أين هذا النبات ومن يزرعة ؟ قالوا لة أنة مستورد من بريطانيا فأعجبة جدا وظل يأكلة ويزرعة طيلة عمرة وأصبح باباي يحب الأنجليز وبعد نهاية قصة حياة باباي وأعتذارا على موقف المشاجرة مع صديقةُ وأعتذارا أيضا لنفسة فأنة أعاد تغيير قصة حياتة فصنعها قصة كارتونية لبحّار أنجليزي يحب السبانخ حيث هو الأنجليزي في تلك القصة . ~~~~~ يوجد لدي لكم بصل من القمر ، القمر يحتوي على هواء ويحتوي في وديانة على بعض الأنواع من البصل قيل أن يوما ما كانت دوائر القمر كلها دائرة واحدة كبيرة ثم أنقسمت هذة الدائرة إلي دائرتان خلال الدهور بسبب الحركة التكتونية للقمر ثم مع الزمن أنقسمت هذة الدائرتان وأنقسمت وأنقسمت حتى تحول القمر إلي الشكل المعروف اليوم في الزمن الذي كان القمر يحتوي على دائرة واحدة كبيرة كانت قارة أفريقيا وأمريكا الجنوبية قارة واحدة و لدي لكم طماطم طماطم عجيبة يقال أنها كانت موجودة في زمن القارة الواحدة "باناجيا" ولقد كانت طماطم عملاقة وليست طماطم صغيرة كطماطم عصرنا (كانت طماطم عملاقة بحجم البيت وليس حتى بحجم البطيخ واليقطين) .. وأذا قسمنا حبة الطماطم منها سنجد أنها تحتوي على تجويف واحد وليس 4 أو 5 (الشكل الذي يسمونة ملاك الطماطم ذلك كان في ذلك الدهر غير موجود) بل أن حبة الطماطم كانت تحتوي على تجويف واحد ودائرة واحدة مشابهة للدائرة الواحدة الموجودة على سطح القمر قيمة هذة المعلومات على حسب ما سمعت ، سمعت أنة يوجد أشخاص(علماء من القرن الخامس عشر أظن) عثروا على وسيلة تجعلهم يتذوقون طعم الفاكهة التى كانت موجودة في عصر القارة الواحدة "باناجيا وجندوانا" قبل أنقسامها .. (أظن بآلة الزمن ولكن ليس بها رؤية صورة الأرض بها فقط بل وتذوق الفاكهة التى كانت موجودة في ذلك الدهر من الأرض) يستطيعون كانوا تذوق تلك الفاكهة التى كانت موجودة بذلك الدهر ولكن بشكل خيالي بمعنى أنة لا يوجد شيء من مواد الفاكهة تلك سيسري في الجسد فما هي ألا صورة مجسدة لفاكهة خيالية ولكن آلة الزمن كانت تستطيع أن تصنّع وتقلّد الطعم الصناعي لأي فاكهة كانت موجودة في ذلك الدهر حتى يتذوقوة .>> <<@user-iq42 says : Didn't mention Kat or Justin B or 50 cent or Kim Porter. This was so corporate.>> <<@davidhaynes3126 says : It’s become an excuse to say I’m in therapy or the ace card I’m in rehab, or God. Yeah, for how long ? What amendments have you made ? Piff puff what ever, your lame.>> <<@savageusa8939 says : We see it starting to unravel for some of these celebrities..P Diddy has ties to Epstein through Rachel Chandler. Soon enough, we will all see the pedos get exposed. One leads to another to another and so on...>> <<@beckettman42 says : It was a disaster ladies. Now we can't trust anything you say.>> <<@percys9427 says : Embrace the culture America !>> <<@ernestoybarra7333 says : KFox-14: A Joe Biden illegal from Venezuela is making the most of the opportunities he has been given in the United States thanks to the American taxpayer freebies>> <<@ajvonline says : Hey, CNN- What does Cam'Ron think about this? 😂>> <<@mpalmer7800 says : This Diddy shuttytt just shows that laws are there in place to oppress poor people!!! Name one single poor person who could have gotten away with what Diddy has been doing in plain sight for over 30 years??? Epstein ? Cosby? R Kelly? And these college creeps who are given great powers over ppl children??? Not one!!!! It’s money that allowed them to fly under radar!!! But poor ppl are shot dead by cops shackled!!!! It’s just insanity!!!!>> <<@ericmedeiros5990 says : How did nobody care about diddy beating up his girl!? Was they to busy making up lies about Trump? 😂>> <<@joerogain5025 says : Show me on the Jared and Ivanka tRUMP ''Barbie Dolls'' where Donald tRUMP touched you inappropriately?>> <<@joerogain5025 says : Show me on the Stormy Daniels doll where and how Donald tRUMP touched you?>> <<@fascinatingfaux811 says : FUCK CNN>> <<@ndzi_karl says : We seem to have missed P. Diddy’s down. When did that happen?>> <<@beingantonio says : Diddy ain't fall yet, CNN is a 69 God.>> <<@MyName-s8b says : CNN ខ្ញុំ សុំជេរអាឆ្កួត joe biden មួយ ថា វា រាល់ថ្ងៃ វាបែកថ្នាំរឺវាចាស់វង្វេង ក្រុមអាថោកទាប រដ្ហសភាមួយទៀត វាមិនខ្លាំងជាង កងទ័ព ជើងគោកទេ ហៅ marine អោយ ធ្វើរដ្ឋប្រហារវា ទៅ ពួកអាឆ្កែអត់ប្រយោជន៍ ប្រាប់ marine ថា វាឡោមព័ទ្ធ russia iran របៀប ថោកទាប>> <<@fredgonzalez7136 says : Says that the #MeToo Movement was Democrats' political BS from the first day.>> <<@raywhitehead730 says : Cnn, lowest ratings in 33 years.>> <<@gathrightcrystal says : Jenn can come show Biden's little Russian hoax where the constitution says she is owned by Hillarys global music club>> <<@Just-Fauna says : Oh brother. Cnn perpetually beating the dead horse... Need a hug Cooper?>> <<@napoleonsmith7793 says : It says nothing to indoctrinate your audience to blindly accept their word. Diddy was fbi from the beginning. Why was he able to get away with this for 6 years? Fbi is crooked.>> <<@macpony2571780 says : Between Diddy, Harry Weinstein, Epstein, and all of these democrat supporter celebrities winding up in prison it looks like the DNC are gonna get their butts handed to them on election night.>> <<@RemoteViewer1 says : The Biden Administration are having to pay people to show up at Trump rallies to BOO... 😂 Thats their strategy.>> <<@justinkey3181 says : This is so Sarah Jessica Parker, last Tuesday, that I wish I was Wednesday from the Addams Family.>> <<@RichardTClark396 says : They are coming out of the woodwork now they see $$$$ signs everyone is jumping on the wagon now!😂😂😂 bye bye diddie>> <<@RemoteViewer1 says : The ENTIRE WORLD'S thinking the same thing... "FJB"!>> <<@RemoteViewer1 says : CNN and their Jussie Smollet story was the downfall of "me too".>> <<@robertthebruce7885 says : Tara Reade: #ibelieveher #metoo>> <<@BRancourt says : ATTENTION!!! Masks cause horrendous pollution that hurts our environment very much. Google :Face mask litter increased almost 9000 percent!>> <<@TheNewsInASL says : Oh, I get it. Now that we're not talking about Joe Biden slamming a woman against a wall or sniffing women's hair, the left suddenly cares about "MeToo" again.>> <<@danielkingery2894 says : "Me Too" lost all its momentum when it didn't attack Joe Biden for his dalliances...when Me Too didn't have anything to say about Dylan Mulvaney, Me Too REALLY lost any sense of reality....talk about Men taking away all women's dignity and power....eff all you pathetic Progressives and your duplicitous contradictions.>> <<@Ms.Federally.Official-Matthews says : I have said previously that the industry is compliscent in Diddy's 3 plus decades of nefarious, treacherous, and deviant behavior. The idea that celebrities are surprised is an outright lie. The same way Harvey Wiesten yielded power in Hollywood and those who stood by and said nothing are as compliscent with Harvey weinstein as with Diddy. All one has to do is Google Diddy and check Superior court records one who has knowledge of Diddy's misdeeds. Celebrities can post all day every day about nonsense, foolishness, thuggery, online threats, mobs, trolls, brag a docious lifestyle, and various other things. But, yet fail to recognize that one " diddy" was associated with an arrogant, egomaniac, meaning, narcissist, arrested development, ignorant and undiagnosed mental health issues is completely odd and doesn't align with FACTS. People in power yield a lot of clout and its unfortunate that one felt threatened to be compliscent for their own self-preservation and livihood. But, when you connect the dots you understand the truth that people associate with those who are in kind. When Diddy did an interview with Ellen he failed to condemn DV with Rihanna ( because he was basically participating in Freak offs/ BBC/ emotional, mental, physical, intimate, financial, and spiritual abuse allegedly of the various women and men I'm his life) so, to condemn Chris would be, to acknowledge that his own behavior was wrong. I never doubted Cassie and her story. I also, never felt that her civil suit was a money grab. Civil suits are filed everyday and are not money grabs. If the narrative is such then isn't what Ben Crump doing by suing police dept all over the county essentially a money grab aka ambulance chaser. We must be careful of our wording. One thing I learned, is that you don't get a choice when rules apply. Either they apply to everyone or no one. Food for thought( consider affirmative action and the fact now people who census as other than black are now using the same law to claim discrimination. Once yiu learn the game you play it well to your advantage. Alan Blakely a white man used affirmative action to get admitted to UC Berkeley as he said he was being discriminated against for age and race. This man one his case and was admitted). Be careful how one chooses to apply narratives, they will come back and bite you in the azz everytime.>> <<@tonchanthol5329 says : ❤❤❤>>