<<@UATVEnglish says : Subscribe to UATV English https://www.youtube.com/@UATVEnglish>> <<@natalieturko4808 says : There is safety in numbers. The Russian federation is an enormous territory that is threatening Europe. Democracies must band together and show a determined, unfailing, united front.>> <<@BlaiseLikoy says : Said they whole world will join nato . 45 countries with one russia using shovels and still the can’t push russia back 😂😂😂>> <<@leeofallon9258 says : United we stand ...>> <<@seanlander9321 says : Meanwhile Europe is begging Australia for more AWACS, even though its inflicted a punitive trade embargo on it for generations.>> <<@xavierrodriguez1455 says : They need to pay there fair share also . America does not need to provide nato if they don’t meet the requirements at all.>> <<@RudolphoAqui says : Hopefully Ukraine will join soon, they certainly deserve to be, so change the rules so they can be. Supporting Ukraine’s success is Europe’s best security>> <<@chrisfrancis6101 says : Why push for a world war!!?? This is insane!>> <<@davidalan7815 says : ніяких переговорів, ніколи не здаватися, тільки перемога. слава Україні! 💙💛🙏>> <<@IvaTaiwan-u8z says : NATO is a joke😂😂😂>> <<@IvaTaiwan-u8z says : 😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@Silvius.2 says : Baerbock want making European security strong its nice. European different 🤡 want it? Hungary blocking all and what scholz great german nationalist thinking? European still not able working and doing all for another! Only money politics european able?>> <<@Silvius.2 says : If nato not changing rules like EU must they only on paper something good! If free world accept UN controlled by betrayers dictators EU blocked from hungary or blackmailed paying billions, or Nato article 5 all support so mutch willing ( its written able) means willing! Really thinking last decades acting from west prevent WW? 🤡 only hope? 🤢 after whining? Dictators laughing mutch never before they controll institutions democracies made!>> <<@Silvius.2 says : Nato anyway getting reformed or its useless only in europe? Nato must be reorganised and renamed then ccp playing same game like kremlin! If world not reacting then nato its gone like UN!>> <<@kapitanbomba7190 says : uakakatv you have untill december 2024!If Trump comes out as USA president you are done!!!>> <<@AORD72 says : Sign up all the Pacific and Asian democracies.>> <<@kristieshaw4806 says : Send boot to Ukraine - NOW …. The evil Tyrant that is Putin must be stopped! America. Stands. With. Ukraine.>> <<@DavidEmery-o3p says : NATO WONT BE AROUND MUCH LONGER I THINK !!!!!!>> <<@Lilian-fh2ve says : LORD HELP MORE ALLIES TO JOIN NATO for the LÒRD willl always protect NATO.>> <<@tatjanamikic6877 says : Why would anyone join nato?>> <<@KathyMethven-s9h says : NATO AND THE EU MUST STOP EVIL RUSSIA>> <<@tamasgyorffy1 says : Annalena will be a good Chancellorin!>> <<@celiaowen2444 says : Well uk REJOIN it was madness to leave>> <<@celiaowen2444 says : Ireland is a waste of time and effort. A breath away from a terrorist state in mindset>> <<@paulvarn4712 says : Stop Russia in Ukraine and you'll never see them in your country.>> <<@shaneconnor86 says : Слава Україні 🇺🇦 from 🇦🇺>> <<@RatTerminator says : IRELAND needs 2 joun NATO 🇺🇲>> <<@goenzoy712 says : Austria joining NATO is a big lie Not even 15% of population support such a move>> <<@stevehobbs9015 says : Why bother joining NATO, they're about as useful as the UNITED NATIONS, they do a lot of talking but by the time they do anything , it's too bloody late.Wake up Europe, this is the start of WW2 all over again.>> <<@Hoophey says : Putins greatest political achievement is the rapid expansion of NATO>> <<@TheTruth-vi1nf says : NATO is the aggressor in this war. They are the ones provoking Russia. NATO us not supposed to be an aggressive alliance. It will probably be better if it ceased to exist . Go ahead and add these worthless little countries. They will only serve as a drag on NATO. When Russia wins the win, not even sure if NATO will survive. If I was European, I would start learning Russian.>> <<@dioghaltasfoirneartach7258 says : Ukraine 🇺🇦 Moldova 🇲🇩 malta 🇲🇹 Cyprus 🇨🇾 Armenia 🇦🇲 Mongolia 🇲🇳 The following countries need to drop ruzzia and join NATO... Kazakhstan 🇰🇿 Uzbekistan 🇺🇿 Turkmenistan 🇹🇲 Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬 Tajikistan 🇹🇯 Belarus 🇧🇾 (if 'we' help the people topple the dictatorship, and immediately become a Free and pluralistic society. Then, ruzzia will never again be a threat to it's neighbors.>> <<@chrismitchell4622 says : Great news Start with Australia NATO needs to grow globally not just EU!>> <<@soewin9784 says : God's Master Plan is to make Stronger & Wider NATO, Ukraine, US, the civilized World; and to change New World Map without Evil-Axis of Russia, Iran, North Korea, India and other vassal states of dictators, fascists, terrorists. God bless Ukraine, Europe, NATO, US, the civilized World. 🎉🎉🎉>> <<@unsalbulent says : Let Ukrainians have fun in other countries, ask for money and weapons, and now ask for soldiers from NATO. Before 2010, Ukraine asked Russia for money and weapons. Ukraine never had its own guns or money. All they do is have fun, travel and say protect us and give us money.>> <<@unsalbulent says : Have the countries that want Ukraine to become a NATO member spent money on NATO in the last ten years? Only America spent money on NATO. If Ukraine becomes a NATO member, will it spend money for NATO? Why did Ukraine not strengthen its military from 2014 to 2022? Why does NATO have to protect a country that has no money?>> <<@Linn630 says : NATO 👍💯>> <<@SteveXNYC says : UTAN must send it armies to NATO population control.>> <<@theanimalsshow2605 says : If so putler now is triple doomed. A few more years NATO can face three entrance.>> <<@williewonka6694 says : How about Georgia, Moldova, Armenia, Ukraine, and even someday Belarus?>> <<@eddastrohmayer251 says : Interesting new geography: NORTH ATLANTIC will "soon" reach Central Asia, with only 2 small happy islands Austria and Switzerland. 🙂>> <<@everypitchcounts4875 says : Ukraine should never be allowed to join NATO. Ukraine is too corrupt>> <<@deanfirnatine7814 says : Expanded NATO great, expanded EU ehhh not so much, do not trust the EU bureaucrats, look at how they have tried to crush the farmers there. The EU is not some organization where everyone gets a equal say, its basically Germany telling everyone else what to do. The EU needs to go back to being what it was supposed to be when it was founded, a free trade zone, not the fourth German reich ordering every aspect of other countries policies from agriculture to immigration to economics to environment etc.>> <<@Horatiuy says : 2025 would be different from 2024, much different, you will see.>> <<@hmq31415 says : Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia? Ukraine should have tons of experience working with NATO militarily after this war.>> <<@Siranoxz says : Likely Japan and South Korea as well.>> <<@cloudstrife206 says : Ukraine , Georgia will be in NATO very soon too ❤>> <<@jimharmon1509 says : Я дуже сумніваюся, що Швейцарія та Австрія приєднаються до НАТО. Щодо Мальти, то багато країн НАТО виступатимуть проти, бо скажуть: «Що Мальта може дати НАТО». Саме так було сказано про Чорногорію. Так, Чорногорія зрештою змогла приєднатися, але це було важко.>> <<@StephenMarshall-e2h says : The power of numbers ! You are with us or against us to ! As we prepare for war defense and fuel spending will be in the trillions. the evil ones are now isolated. Who does not support Ukraine ? Israel has given nothing ! And with all the American tax dollars the zelenskyy administration is steeling from Ukraine and sending to Israel why would they ! So is zelenskyy a traitor ? Absolutely ! He is showing off some of the stolen money buy expensive realestates 1 million dollars in diamonds from Africa. He's a international kinda guy. And can hide out in Israel when the axe comes through the door.>> <<@alberthenriette8976 says : They all might joined the circus club, but Ukraine will never be part of it officially 🤪>>